Shyland's family

By Jewels5566

4.7K 123 31

Ryland has hid a big secret from his friends for his whole life. He is afraid that they will think he is a fr... More

Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter one

587 12 5
By Jewels5566


I was just sitting on my bed with a picture in my hand. It consisted of the one person I loved, Shane Dawson. He was just so amazing, I really wanted to be with him. And yet I just couldn't, he had lisa. And because of one other thing. I was born with two genders. So yes that means I have both genitalia. The doctors say that its a miracle I just say its a pain in the ass. I mean I get periods so girls I get it. I just want to lay in bed and eat all day but I don't because I need to be in shape. Anyways I was just sitting there quietly and all of a sudden my phone went off, I really hope its shane. I went to look at who it was, too bad it wasn't shane. It was Lily.

L: hey it's Lily

R:Whats up gurl

L:I'm having a party tonight and I was hoping you would come

R:Sure when is it

L:At about 9

R:See ya


So I hung up and got up to take a shower.


I was sitting at my desk working when a pissed Lisa storms in "PICK UP YOUR SHIT LAZY ASSHOLE" she yells in my face "Lisa thats not my mess its your's" I say trying to stay calm "how do you know" she asks "for one I dont own wine glasses and for two I DONT DRINK" I say getting angry. "Whatever I am going out with friends" she says grabbing her purse "what think drinking will solve your problems" I ask "as a matter of fact I do Shane"she says then left in a hurry and slammed the door behind her. "God why cant this be easier" I say putting my head in my hands. Me and lisa have been fighting like this since I told her that i was bisexual. It had been about a month since she started going out with her 'friends' and getting drunk before coming home and asking for forgiveness. I always said yes and gave in but I hate it. Then my phone buzzed I hope it's from ryland. Sure I maybe had a crush on my best friend. But I have every right to I mean look at him his perfect teeth, hair, skin, fashion, and personality. I love him but I was afraid he would reject me. And I did not want that to happen. I looked at my phone it was from lily. I was kind of dissapointed but oh well.

L:Hey hey hey it is the one the only lily

S:Hey Whats going down

L:Im having a party I was hoping you would come over

S:Aww that's sweet what time

L:Around nine and by the way ryland will be there

S:Ok haha be there

And with that I got up and changed my clothes and got on nice shoes who am I kidding I sat on the couch with a freaking Twinkie and check Twitter.

So I hope you guys liked the change in people. I know it's a step but I just don't ship shoey anymore and I love Ryland and shane.

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