TicciMask (incomplete and aba...

By hudnall-senpai

61.3K 1.8K 996

TicciMask is the only ship in this. It's kind of serious. A lot of fluff. Warning: Mature content and if you... More

Im Sorry...
The Date
More Jealousy and Seduction
Poor Tim
"i love you Timothy"
Good morning
Jeff is an asshole
The Cheesecake Factory
Only Authors Note
Hunting for the Slut
Sorry Guys!
Finding Toby
The answer
Tim (backstory)
Toby (backstory)
That Kid (update)
Toby part 2

Cuts and Sobs

1.8K 67 27
By hudnall-senpai

Toby's POV

The last few weeks have been horrible.

Ever since I killed the stupid slut, I've been hiding. Jeff is seriously trying to kill me and EJ won't talk to me. I shut poor Tim out and I know he hides it, but I can hear him crying in the bathroom every night, wishing for his old Toby back.

Hes gone.

He made a mistake and now he's gone.

Im sorry Tim.

I walked over to the bathroom door and heard silent sobs from the other side. Just hearing him cry broke my heart. I slowly opened the door and stepped inside.

The sight I saw was horrifying.

Tim's arm was covered in blood and he held a dripping red razor in the other. I looked closer at the cuts and realized they spelled something.


My heart sank and I started tearing up. Tim looked at me and cried harder. I kneeled down and held him in my arms begging for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so so sorry!!" I said fast squeezing him tighter. "I forgive you Toby." he said and smiled.

I can never forgive myself for what I have done.

(sorry guys. Short chapter. Thanks to @Sydney_Skellington for this. And im sorry if I spelled that wrong.)

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