In the end (Detective Conan F...

By TessaRossa

70.6K 1.7K 435

The Black Organization is still after Kudo Shinichi and they get more and more information about his whereabo... More

The beginning of the end
The shocking truth
Deal with the B.O.
Impossible conditions
Search for the Black Organization
The seventh day
Kudou Shinichi returns
Plans of the Organization
Showdown with the Black Organization - Part 1
Showdown with the Black Organization - Part 2
Unexpected help
Back to where it all began
At the point of no return
Danger awaits
The final countdown
Towards the end


2K 74 27
By TessaRossa

Hi guys :)

The promised next part is here. Thanks for all the comments, votes and other kinds of supportings. I'm really glad that so many people like this story.

This part is not as good as i expected so bear with it, please. :)

And just to let you know this fanfic is really close to the end so stay tuned ;)

Let's start :)


Ran's POV

"Aren't you supposed to meet him at three?" - Sonoko asked me as we were walking towards the entance of Tropical Land.

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Because you still have fifteen minutes until three. You came here early."

"Yes because i wanted to talk to you before the meeting. You know...maybe if you have some advice..." - I smiled at her.

She looked at me, scanned my face for a long time and then she laughed at me loudly.

"What's wrong?" - I asked, not even having the slightest idea about what was going on with her.

"You really are desperate. You're asking for advice?" - She asked, not looking away from my face.

"Is that bad?"

"Really..really bad."

I looked to the ground as we continued to walk. She noticed this and began immediately:

"Ran..I know that you're nervous. I know that you think that Shinichi would find a better companion in Shiho but that's not true."

"But..the way they were talking in the car..."

"That doesn't matter..Who was he asking yesterday to stay there with him? Who is he going to go to Tropical Land with?" - She stopped walking and turned to me:

"Yes Ran. That's you. I think he can feel that you mean more to him."

I remained quiet as i stopped as well. My face still looked towards the ground. She tapped my shoulder and i looked up to her:

"Here's my advice: Just be yourself. Who knows? Maybe you will be the one who will make him remember."

"That would be amazing." - I replied and she smiled at me.

We started walking again when she spoke up:

"Looks like you weren't the only nervous one here."

"What do you mean?" - I asked as i looked at her.

She didn't reply she just pointed at something in the distance. I looked that way and spotted Shinchi standing at the entrance alone.

"Ooh..." - Was the only thing i could say.

Sonoko came behind me and started to push me towards him, saying:

"Go..don't make him wait." - She pushed me hard and shouted after me:

"And Ran... - I turned round to face her - just be yourself, okay?"

I nodded and made my way to him. When i arrived at the entrance he showed his back to me so i took a deep breath and tapped his shoulder:

"Shinichi." - He turned round and looked surprised:

" came early."

"So do you."

"Yeah..I was just.. I..bought the tickets." - He showed me the tickets in his hand.

"Okay. Let's go." - I grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside.

Once we got in we sat down onto a bench for a few minutes to talk. Then i asked him where he wanted to start.

"Just like on that day. Take me everywhere we had been the last time." - He replied with a smile. I looked at my watch.

Five minutes till' three.

"I know a great place. That could be an amazing start of our trip."

"Then let's get going. Show me the way."

We got to the fountain which was activated in every two hours. There were still some minutes left and i told him to come with me to the middle.

"What's this place?" - He asked.

"You'll see." - As i said that the fountain activated.

"Oh..This is great." - He said as looked at me.

After a few moments i could see in the corner of my eye that he was still staring at me so i turned to him:

"Is something wrong?" - I asked but he kept staring at me with a serious look on his face...that look which was always on his face when he was thinking about the solution of a case.

"What happened here?" - He asked finally.

"Well..a lot of things i guess." - I replied, trying to play dumb.

"With the two of us. I can see it on your face..that it's a memorable place"

I didn't reply so he added:

"Why were we here?"

"I've already told you that yesterday..because i won the karate..."

"Yeah...yeah. Okay." - He looked away.

"You don't believe me or what?" - The way he spoke didn't let me finish this topic.

"Were we on a date?" - He asked, not looking at me.

"No...what? No..or.."

Or i don't know. Were we? No, Ran..finish this already.

"Or?" - He asked excatly at the same the as the fountain was deactivated so i grabbed his hand and pulled him to the Mystery Coaster.

We stood at the end of the queue when a woman pushed me from behind. I turned round automatically.

"Sorry." - She said and i nodded but i noticed something interesting on her upper-arm.

Her T-shirt was covering the half of it but i could see that it was a tattoo.

"Ran..everything's alright?" - Shinichi asked me from behind.

I didn't say a word, just kept staring at the arm of that woman.

"Ran!" - Shinichi tapped my shoulder and i suddenly faced him.


"Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost or something." - He said with a worried expression on his face.

"Ghost? Does a detective believe in ghosts?" - I joked and he laughed.

"I don't know." - I smiled at him.

" said that i solved a mystery here. What was it about?" - He asked.

I looked at him and i could see the upper-arm of that woman in the corner of my eye. That was when her phone rang and the words of Kid came into my mind:

"He's gonna be in danger. So...just be careful with the dragonfly."

The tattoo on her arm formed a dragonfly. I quickly turned my head away from the sight.

"'re starting to worry me, you know?" - Shinichi told me but i couldn't reply, I was to busy with my own thoughts.

Calm down Ran...that means nothing. Anybody can have that kind of tattoo.

"Hai..I'll call you after the buisness is finished." - I heard the woman say into the phone and she hung up. Then she looked straight forward..waiting for her turn.

"Ran!!" - Shinichi exclaimed and turned to me.

"I'm so sorry. I was thinking about the details of that case you asked about." - I lied but that didn't assured him.

"Eight.." - I heard the woman behind me.

Eight? Who is she talking to?

"So?" - Shinichi tried to return to the main topic.

"Well..we were sitting at the mystery coaster when somebody.."

"Seven.." - I heard the woman again and i stopped with what i wanted to say and i turned round.

She was alone, there was nobody to whom she could have said those words.

Then..what was that?

"When somebody?" - Shinichi repeated my words.

"When somebody died." - I said as i looked at him again.

"And what happened then?" - He asked while he was scanning my face for any sign.

"You started to investigate and of course you came up with the..."

"Six.." - I heard the woman again.

"Solution.." - I finished my sentence and then i remained quiet for a while.

"Shinichi..he is also here right?" - I asked and he looked at me confused.


"Yeah...Miwako-san's fiancé, you know."


"Yes, he i but i didn't know that.." - I cut him off:

"Then let's find him. I have never got the chance to congratulate to him. Come on.." - I said as i pulled him out of the queue.

As we left the place of the mystery coaster i turned my head round and i saw the woman who now was facing me. I couldn't hear what she said but i could read it from her mouth:


I quickened my pace and we were soon at the entrance where Takagi and Chiba-kun were waiting.

"Takagi-kun..i didn't know about it. Congratulations for your engagement." - Shinichi told him as we got there.

"Engagement?" - Takagi-san asked and he looked at me.

"With Miwako-san." - Shinichi added while i was looking behind me. I scanned the crowd for the sight of that woman.

But she wasn't at the mystery coaster and not anywhere else.

"Takagi...I didn't know it neither. So you finally gathered courage to ask her." - Chiba-kun also added.

"But i tell you i didn't.." - Takagi-san protested.

"We haven't got time for this. We have to go home. NOW!" - I said and i pulled Shinichi to the car.

Chiba and Takagi-san also arrived and both looked at me with suspicion in their eyes but we departed.

So...she really wanted Shinichi.

Ten minutes later we arrived at the Kudou residence. Nobody dared to ask or say anything during our journey. Like they could sense that something was wrong.

We went straight into the living room and i asked Shinichi to look for his father.

"Why?" - He asked. He was suspecting me.

"I want totalk to him. Please." - He wasn't delighted with that answer but he went away to look for him.

"Ran-san..What happened?" - Takagi-san asked as soon as Shinichi was out of sight.

"There was a woman. She counted down..from ten i guess." - They were listening to me carefully.

"I think that woman wanted to kill Shinichi." - I finally said it.

"Just because she counted down?" - Chiba-kun asked me with disbelief.

"Yesterday night..Kaito Kid came to my home and warned me to be careful with the dragonfly. Well..there was a tattoo dragonfly on her upper-arm and she was suspicious with the counting. That's why i thought.."

"You did the best when you took Kudou-kun from there. The Organization can be anywhere." - Takagi-san told me.

"But why would she count down?" - I asked.

They looked at each other and shrugged.

"Anyways, what did she look like?" - Chiba asked.

"She had long black hair. She had average height. To tell the truth she didn't have any special particulars." - I replied.

"That doesn't sound good. Then...I'll report it to Megure keibu. Don't worry Ran-san. Go and get ready for the party tonight." - Chiba-kun told me and i nodded.

I made my way to Shinichi's room when Yuusaku-san came towards me.

"Ran-kun. What did you want to talk to me about? - He asked.

"Oh..that was. Takagi-san will tell you. He's downstairs." - I replied.

"Alright." - He said and he left.

I went into Shinichi's room and found him lying on his bed.

"What are you doing here? I thought you would.."

"I got it. I wasn't allowed to hear the topic." - He said, not even looking at me. I went to his bed.

"You were in danger." - I told him as i sat down onto his bed.

"You should have said that earlier." - He said, sitting up.

"I couldn't." - He remained quiet.


"I want to remember..more than ever." -He said.

"I's hard to..."

"It's hard to know that you're also in danger as long as i don't remember. You could have been injured or something, Ran."

There was a knock on the door.

"Shinichi.. - it was his mother - i brought you the suit for tonight." - She said.

Shinichi stood up, went to the door and he took the suit, put in onto his desk and then returned to the bed.

"Tell me something. Tell me something that can make me remember." - He told me.

"The doctor said.."

"I don't care what he said. I have to remember." - Now he was angry.

I stood up from his bed and went towards the door.

"Ran!!" - He called me but i didn't stop.

I opened the door and i said before i left, turning my head towards him:

"You're a really troublesome and tough case..." - And i closed the door behind me.

I went downstairs and made my way home to get ready.

Megure's POV
Two hours later

Time passed so slowly whenever we had not even a small line where we could have start investigating. Jodie-san and Camel-san was interrogating Gin but i guess with no success.

"Megure keibu. What will we do about the woman?" - Takagi asked me.

The door opened and Jodie-san came in with Camel.

"Any news?" - I asked.

"None." - Camel replied.

"As i guessed."

They sat down onto the chairs in front of me when my phone rang. It was an unknown call.

"Moshi moshi?"

"Megure Yuuzo?" - A voice asked me. It wasn't clear, and it was obvious that the person was disuising his or her voice.

"Yes. Who's speaking?" - Everybody in the room looked at me with curious faces.

"That doesn't matter. Just wanted to warn you about the Dragonfly."

"The dragonfly?" - I asked, looking at Takagi.

"What's the dragonfly?" - I asked.

"They're everywhere. They made a deal with the deadly organization. They are planing to make their move tonight."

"Where?" - I asked angrily.

"Where he will be." - Then they hung up.

"Keibu...- Satou bursted into the room - i found an old file about an Organization called Dragonfly. They were a huge group of rich people who reckoned with their enemies but they hadn't been acting for the last four years."

"Who can be included in this organization?" - I asked.

"I found a name. It was...Masashiro Kenjou." -She replied.

"Where have i heard this name before?" - Chiba asked.

"Suzuki Jirokichi..when we checked the place of the party today he gave us a list with the names of the guests, right?"

Camel checked the list and that name was on it.

"So..Kudou-kun is at Beika Plaza attending that party. And according to the caller the Dragonfly made a deal with the Organization." - I started.

"So anybody who is attending the party can be a member of the Dragonfly which, now cooperating with the Black Organization, is trying to kill Kudou-kun?" - Shiratori asked.

"I'm aware of that." - I replied.

"They made a trap. We're fighting against an other organization whose members we don't even know a thing about."

"We have to get to Beika Plaza. Let's go." - I ordered and we left the HQ.


This is the end :D Or at least for now :D

Wait for the next part ;)

Vote, comment, share, follow..anything you want to do :*

Bye guys :)

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