Keep you safe ~(Carl Grimes x...

By funsorcery

43.7K 1.5K 705

"All of a sudden, you hear a loud noise. Carl quickly takes your hand and brings you to the back of a nearby... More

The Boy with the Chocolate Pudding
The Dept
It was a squirrel
New Life
Don't scream
The culprit

It's Official

2.9K 105 21
By funsorcery

It's been a week since the incident and, other than the avoidance between you and Enid, things have been going back to normal. You decided that it would be best not to tell Deanna or Rick about Enid since nothing good would come of it. Also, you don't know what Carl did, but it definitely taught Enid a lesson; she barely even makes eye contact with you anymore, let alone those awful glares she used to give you.
Today, you have school, as usual, and Ms. Greene is teaching the class about historical figures, such as Abraham Lincoln. You already learned most of it from your parents who always answered your questions, so you're pretty bored five minutes in. You look over to Carl who is acting a bit weird at the moment. He has tense shoulders and is wiping sweat from his hands onto his pants. "Carl," you whisper, keeping an eye on the teacher, "you good?"
Carl looks at you and back at the teacher and then takes out a piece of paper. He starts writing on it and then folds it. He passes it to you and you take it, confused. You open it and it says:
Yeah, I'm good. I need to ask you something.
You look over to Carl with a confused face and he stares at his desk, still acting all weird.

Carl's POV
This is it Carl, you're gonna do it. Why are you nervous?? You're so nervous you can't even say what you wanna say to her face... Carl mentally prepares himself and closes his eyes and exhales slowly. (Y/n) passes the note back to him and it says:
Okay... Carl you're scaring me...
He starts to write, hoping that this effort will be worth it.

Your POV
What is he writing??? The suspense is killing me; I'm starting to sweat... Carl gives you the note and you open it up faster than you should. It says:
Would you... like to be my girlfriend?
Your heart starts to beat extremely fast and you grin from ear to ear. Is this a dream?! No?? I don't even care, you turn to Carl and say "yes!!" a bit louder than you should... Well, "a bit" would be an understatement. Your excitement dies down when you realize the teacher and everyone else in the class is staring at you. You look down in embarrassment and blush hard as Carl starts to chuckle a little. You would feel irritated if not for that cute little smile on his face and his head resting on his desk.
You calm down and quickly write on the note:
Where are we having our first date?
He writes back:
The flower garden, duh.
You look at what he wrote and giggle girlishly.
After class, you and Carl run to the garden, holding hands and laughing. "Wait, close your eyes," Carl stops you before you enter the garden.
"Okay," you shut them, trying to hold back your excitement.
Carl brings you inside and says, "you can open them now."
You open your eyes and gasp, "Carl!!!" You see a cute bunny hopping around and chewing on flowers. Before you go nuts and kiss the bunny a bunch of times, you squeeze Carl tight and give him a peck on the lips. "How did you get a bunny??"
"He's Jimmy's – he let me borrow his pet bunny," Carl smiles, "the cutie's the closest to a dog I could get for you."
Carl always knows exactly how to make you happy. You laugh and sit down, letting the bunny come to you. He comes and you pick him up to hold him in your arms.
"What's his name?" You ask.
"Cupcake," Carl replies.
Your heart breaks at the sound of the name, "Cupcake..."

Carl's POV
(Y/n) starts to hold Cupcake really close and... She's... crying? Carl immediately sits down next to her, "(y/n), what's wrong?"
She wipes her tears away and says, "Cupcake was my dog's name." Shit, what do I do? Carl thinks hard, while his girlfriend is breaking down with tears of sadness? Joy? He doesn't know what.
Carl takes Cupcake away from her and holds him so he's facing (y/n). "Don't cry, (y/n)!" Carl says in a cute voice, pretending like Cupcake was saying that, not him. 'Cupcake' wipes her tear away with his paw. (Y/n) laughs and pets the bunny. Carl smiles, relieved, I can't believe that actually worked.
"That's the (y/n) I know," Carl says, giving Cupcake back to her.

Your POV
You sit with Carl, taking turns holding the bunny, who seems to be very okay with its situation. You talk about your dogs and exchange stories with Carl about when you were children. After a while, you feel Cupcake pushing against your arm, "what's wrong Cupcake?"
He runs off and you and Carl run after him. You see from far away that he's in his owner's arms, so you and Carl sigh in relief. "Thank you!!" You yell to Jimmy, who yells back, "no problem!"
You look over to Carl, "so, what now, boyfriend?"
Carl chuckles, "the forest maybe?"
You and Carl exit the gates of Alexandria and enter the forest for the first time since you were tied to a tree and left there to die. You shake the thought away and squeeze Carl's hand, "let's climb this tree."
"Alright," he says, "ladies first."
You begin to climb up the tree and you think back to the days when you were little. You always wanted a treehouse so you could go to a high place whenever you wanted to and feel safe. And you also remember you have a fear of heights – and that you can't climb trees.
You lose your grip and fall, expecting a hard landing, but instead feeling a soft one. "Wow, that went better than - oh my gosh!! Carl are you okay?!" You landed on Carl!! You idiot!! You think to yourself. You are sitting on his stomach and he is lying down on the ground.
"Haha, I'm good," Carl says getting up.
"Are you sure," you rub some dirt off his face, with a worried expression and he smiles, embarrassed.
"How about this time, I help you up," he says.
"That's a good idea." You climb a bit of the tree and Carl supports you, holding your feet for the rest of the trunk. You rest on one of the larger branches and Carl gets up and does the same. The two of you lie there for a while, talking about random stuff that comes up.
"Who knew that young love could still exist in a world like this..." you say, immediately regretting it when you do, "oh my gosh, that sounded so stupid, I didn't mean that –"
Carl starts to laugh and you cover your face, blushing hard. Why did I say that?? Now I seem clingy...
"Nah," Carl starts to say, adjusting his position, "I think it's cute." He stares at you with his hypnotizing blue eyes and irresistible smirk.
You look up at the sky, smiling, and there is silence for a couple of minutes. And just when you think you're having a relaxing day in the woods, they come back into the picture.
You hear moaning, supposedly from a couple meters away – no, below you. Your reflexes cause you to roll off the tree, holding on with only one hand, "Carl!!"
Carl grasps your other hand, trying to pull you up, but the walker is too close. You know that it's about to take a bite out of your leg so you start kicking. "Stay still!" Carl says.
"Trust me!!" You stop moving, no matter what makes sense to do, because you trust Carl. You shut your eyes, holding onto his hand as hard as you can and hear a gunshot. The moans stop and you open your eyes. Carl takes your hands and pulls you up with all his strength. The fast pull brings you to land on Carl, facing down. You relax, trying to catch your breath and bury your face in his chest, "thanks."
"Anytime," Carl wraps his arms around you, also breathing heavily.
"Hey, promise me something."
"Sure, anything."
"Promise me that one day we'll have a treehouse here?"
You smile and lift your head so you can see Carl's face. You stare into each others' eyes and close them as you ease into a dream-like kiss. 

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