Keep you safe ~(Carl Grimes x...

By funsorcery

43.7K 1.5K 705

"All of a sudden, you hear a loud noise. Carl quickly takes your hand and brings you to the back of a nearby... More

The Boy with the Chocolate Pudding
The Dept
It was a squirrel
New Life
Don't scream
The culprit
It's Official


3K 112 54
By funsorcery

It's been a couple of weeks and you're really starting to like this place. You've gotten to know the people in your new family better and people you just met at Alexandria. You have so many new friends, and Deanna is such an awesome mom! You even called her the 'M' word once... it was awkward but brought you guys closer together. There have been so many changes in this short period of time but you know that one thing still hasn't changed. Carl. You are closer to him as ever and Alexandria has really strengthened your friendship with him... and feelings for him. Everyday you find another thing to love about him and you feel like his company is intoxicating (in the best way possible). You and him have a routine of going out into the woods, early in the morning so no one knows, where you talk and take care of a couple walkers if you need to. Other than the fact that you feel uneasy that things have been going a bit too well for you, your life is the most amazing its ever been since you were six years old.

Today, you are attending the dinner party Deanna is hosting for everyone in Alexandria to come to. You sit, patiently, greeting people as they enter the house, in hopes that the next person will be Carl. The amount of people in your house starts to fill up the whole first floor and it smells of amazingly baked lasagna made by Carol and the others helping out in the kitchen. You get worried that Carl isn't gonna show up. Then you see a brown sheriff hat through the crowd of people. You push your way past people, apologizing quietly, when you reach the spot that Carl should be, but he's not there. You look all around you and start to think it was your imagination. I guess he's not here... And again, you see the same hat and you start to chase again, and this time you can see his face. He notices you and, instead of coming over to you, he smirks at you and disappears again. For God's sake Carl stop disappearing! You think to yourself.
You end up in the part of the hallway that no one is in and you wonder why you saw Carl come here. You feel someone grab your hand and pull you into the closet next to you. You start to scream and someone stifles the loud noise. "Shh, (y/n), it's me," Carl says in a whisper. You calm down and lay back against Carl. Your eyes widen when you realize you're basically sitting in his lap in a dark closet.
"You scared the absolute crap out me... Why did you make me come here??"
"I didn't... you just chose to follow me," Carl chuckles.
"Oh my gosh... Sometimes you really-"
"I'm not a fan of crowds," Carl interrupts you to answer your question properly.
"Yeah..." That's all you can say because your heart is about to beat out of your chest! You're literally lying down on Carl right now... Am I crushing him??
"Ummm... Carl?"
"Do we have to sit like this?"
"O-oh," Carl stutters and quickly gets up. You make the mistake of copying him and you bump your head really hard against his.
"Ow.. Oh my god; I'm sorry are you okay??" You ask, about to panic.
"Yeah.. Sorry that was my bad," the two of you start to laugh.
You hear Deanna voice, "I think we should go listen to Deanna speech."
"Yeah." You and Carl walk over to the kitchen to hear what Deanna has to say. I probably look like a mess, you think about how messed up your hair probably looks and how red your cheeks are.
"-we've come so far and all of our hard work has definitely paid off. To Alexandria!" She raises a glass and so do the others in the room, "To Alexandria," they cheer in unison.

You and Carl get plates and help your selves to food on the table along with the rest of the families attending. The two of you join the end of a large table along with many others.
After a while of eating some amazing lasagna, Carl whispers your name. "Yeah?" you wonder what he wants
He signals to look under the table. You look under and see that he is trying to pass you a paper and a pen. You reach under and take it. You look around and see that Rick is at a nearby table so you're assuming that Carl doesn't want him to hear what he wants to say. You read Carl's semi-neat writing that says:
Dinner at the garden 6:30 tomorrow?
You smile and bite your lip, trying to contain your excitement. You look at him and smile as he takes a spoonful of his food with an innocent expression that makes you laugh. You quickly write a reply:
I don't know... might have to check my schedule
You pass back the note to Carl who looks at the note and laughs. He looks at you, still smiling while shaking his head and then writes a reply. Carl hands the note to you and his hand brushes yours as you take it from him. You look at his reply that says:
Pretty please?
You laugh and look at him as he gives you puppydog eyes and pouts his lower lip in a joking manner. You write:
You pass it back and he writes:
Yay. Wanna get out of here?
You look up at him, nodding and tuck the note away into your pocket. You leave your half-finished plate of lasagna and sneak out the back door with Carl. "Where to?" you ask.
"Let's go to my house."
You follow Carl to his house where he leads you to his backyard and sits down. The two of you lie down on the grass next to each other, gazing at the stars.
"Oh, how romantic. Stargazing," you joke. Carl laughs.
"When I thought I lost you, I came here, wondering if you were looking at the same stars I was," Carl says. You chuckle.
"What's so funny?"
"Oh nothing... It's just that I did the same thing when it happened."
The two of you talk for a while and you feel like telling him something that's been on your mind for a while now... "You know," you turn over onto your side to look over at Carl and hesitantly reach over to gently fiddle with a strand of his hair. He looks at you with those beautiful eyes that shine in the moonlight. "Sometimes I wonder if we would have ever met if this didn't happen." He doesn't reply and you smile and rest your arm on the ground, turning back to face the stars.
Time passes as the two of you talk about whatever comes up and share a couple of laughs. You realize that it must be really late and you should leave because you don't want to worry Deanna. "I think I should go now," you get up and brush dirt off your back.
"Wait," Carl gets up as you're about to leave and takes your hand, turning you around. He looks straight into your eyes and takes a step towards you, putting his hands on your waist. Carl leans down and kisses you passionately. Your eyes widen from surprise, and then close as you ease into the kiss. It's your first kiss, but it feels so natural, despite your heart beating like it's about to explode. When the two of you pull away, your eyelashes flutter and he giggles, shyly, at your expression. "Let me walk you home," he says.
On the way back, you feel really confused by the kiss. We just fricking kissed... What does this mean?? Is he my boyfriend? Should I ask? Ugh! You think to yourself. "You know you could have said that without the kiss right?" you say, staring at his empty hand, wanting to take it.
"Are you saying you didn't like it?" he asks teasingly.
"Of course not! I-I mean... ugh never mind," you blush hard. Why is he acting so cocky today?? You walk in silence until you reach the house.
"Good night, (y/n)," Carl says.
"Good night," you turn around to open the door and stop, quickly changing your mind. You turn back, wanting another kiss. You grab some of Carl's hoodie, pulling him to you and kiss him hard. He is quite surprised by your bold action, and with that, you beam at him and enter your house.

Enid's POV
Are you serious?? They kissed? Enid complains in her head as she watches Carl and (y/n), from the bushes, sharing an intimate moment together. Enid sheds a tear, disappointed that she is not the one kissing the only guy who understands her. After all I've been through... Can't something good just happen to me? I deserve him... I need him... And I'll do what it takes. I need to. No matter the cost.

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