My Hazzy 2

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Sequel for My Hazzy. Xem Thêm

My Hazzy 2
To you, who may comment
Part 1: Tears of joy
Part 3: Good parent, bad parent
Part 4: We just stay the same
Part 5: Are you Horan, too
Part 6: Presents and old memories
Part 7: Shut up, Greg
Part 8: Harry's mine this year

Part 2: Hear the wedding bells

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Bởi nannea

When the wedding day is less than two weeks away, Bobby and Maura are both nervous, but excited.

Everything is ready now, Maura's dress was fitted last week and it was perfect. Bridesmaids' dresses are bought as well as Bobby, Niall, Harry and Greg's suits.

The weekend before the wedding, the waiting is becoming nerve-wrecking. Even Harry and Niall stress, mainly because they ordered Aisling's dress online and it still hasn't arrived.

They are both beyond excited though, Niall happy because his best friend Louis was invited and he'll arrive in a few days. Harry's mum is also coming, managing to take a day off of work so she can travel to Dublin. Unfortunately, his step dad couldn't make it but Harry is happy enough to have his mother there. He can't wait to introduce her to Niall's parents.

Originally, Niall and Harry planned that both Harry's mum and Louis could stay at Niall's. Louis insisted he might as well stay with Aisling's aunt Amina though, since Niall only has one guest room.

- -

Two days before the wedding, Harry is at the airport picking Louis up.

It's Thursday afternoon and Aisling stayed at the after school daycare, Harry picking her up once Louis has arrived. Niall is still working and wasn't able to get his best friend from the airport so Harry volunteered and it worked out for everyone.

"Harry," Louis is smiling widely when he spots the curly haired boy, waiting for him.

"Hi Louis," Harry greets him, pulling him in for a hug.

"Aisling's not with you?"

"No, her class didn't end until two and Niall didn't want her to miss a class, so she'll stay at the after school daycare until we get there," Harry quickly explains.

"You're still getting her from school every day?" Louis asks as they begin to walk outside the airport building.

"Yeah. I was supposed to continue uni on January but it didn't work out, so I'll go back next September. Works out quite well this way, so I can still get Aisling from school and stuff," Harry explains.

"You're like a parent of the year," Louis comments and Harry blushes heavily.

"Niall's lucky to have you. I would try and steal you if I was gay," he then jokes and Harry bursts out a laugh.

"Will you keep me company at the church since Amina's at the altar?" Louis asks as Harry starts his car.

"Didn't Niall tell you?" Harry asks, feeling surprised.

"Tell me what?"

"Bobby asked me to be at the altar."

"Seriously?" Louis sounds taken aback.

"Yeah," Harry admits, a small smile creeping on his face.

"Bloody hell Harry, that's something."

"You can sit with my mum, she doesn't know anyone," Harry finds a good solution and Louis nods, saying that works out.

"Bobby really asked you to be at the altar?"

"He did," Harry chuckles.

"You might as well change your last name to Horan then," Louis jokes.

Harry goes quiet and blushes the tiniest, focusing on the road. Louis continues teasing him and Harry ends up groaning and telling him to shut up, or he'll stop the car.

- -

The next evening, the night before the wedding, everyone's gathered at Niall's house.

Louis is there with Amina, as are Harry's mother and Greg with his family. Niall and Harry cooked dinner to everyone and the mood is relaxed and happy.

At first, Harry was worried how his mother would get along with everyone, especially at the upcoming wedding, but it seems like Anne has already found some company in Denise. They've had a conversation going on for ages and Harry feels himself relaxing a little, knowing he doesn't need to worry so much.

"Hazzy," Aisling is poking his arm to try and get his attention.

"I need more food," she is now pointing at her empty plate, pouting her lower lip in a ridiculous way.

"Sure thing. What would you like to have, the casserole?" Harry starts asking about the foods, Aisling nodding every time he guesses right.

"Sit with you," she informs once her plate is filled again.

"Okay," Harry decides to give in since he has already finished eating. He lifts Aisling to sit on his lap, meeting Niall's eyes across the table and watching his boyfriend smiling.

"You're not doing that tomorrow," Niall's then saying in a playful way, causing Harry to chuckle.

"No, we're going to behave tomorrow. Aren't we, Aisling?"

"Yes," the little girl informs and focuses back on her food.

"There you go," Harry tells Niall who grins happily, eyes crinkling from the corners.

- -

Harry is slightly nervous.

He's standing at the altar already with Niall and Greg, waiting for the wedding to start. It's any minute now, Harry thinks, taking a quick look at his boyfriend.

Niall looks so happy, a smile glued to his face. He notices Harry's stare, eyes locking with Harry's, smile widening. They keep staring at each other for a while until music starts playing and Harry realises it's time.

"I do," Maura breaths out and with that, it's settled.

With shiny new rings on their fingers, they lean in to share their first kiss as husband and wife, the crowd clapping and cheering in the background.

Niall watches his parents, eyes filled with tears. He feels someone reaching for his hand, knowing it's his boyfriend, tangling his fingers to Harry's. He looks at his left, seeing Harry there with a familiar, soft smile on his face.

'Love you', Harry mouths, blowing him a small kiss. Niall mimics his actions, a smile finally growing on his face as he quickly wipes tears off from the corners of his eyes. He thinks it's normal to feel emotional, after all who wouldn't at their parents wedding. Besides, Harry is there to share all this with him, which makes it even more sentimental.

He takes a quick look at where Aisling is, seeing his daughter sitting next to Niall's grandmother. He tries to get Aisling's attention, waving at her. It's his grandmother Margaret who notices him, leaning in to say something to Aisling who finally looks up.

Niall motions her to come over which she does, hopping down from the bench and rushing to him. He doesn't waste any time picking her up, holding her tightly and pressing a kiss on her cheek.

"Daddy are gammy and Bobs married now?" Aisling asks, taking a hold of his collar.

"Yeah, they are darling," Niall answers to her.

- -

In the after party, Niall learns his parents have planned the seats perfectly.

Maura and Bobby have their own small table, and on both sides of their table are bigger tables. Around one are seats for Niall, Harry, Aisling, Harry's mother, Amina and Louis. In the other one is Greg with his family, their grandma Margaret and Niall's aunt.

Niall thinks it works wonderfully, smiling at Louis who returns the smile, grinning happily.

"Come here darling," Niall calls Aisling, holding his hands out for her. He easily lifts her up, sitting down on his seat and pulling her on his lap.

"Daddy I want my own seat," Aisling tells him, trying to squirm around to look at him.

"Too bad, you're sitting there now," Niall teases her, pressing a kiss on her forehead. She giggles and stays on her place, much to Niall's surprise.

Soon enough, the party is on. People are enjoying the food, Niall wondering how his father managed to pick such a good menu.

Everyone seems happy, the room filled with people talking. Niall looks around, spotting familiar people everywhere, waving at some of his relatives he hasn't had a chance to say hello to yet.

"Daddy, why does Loueh have a mark?" Aisling is suddenly asking. She sounds confused, looking at Niall with her blue eyes widened.

"What mark?" Niall feels genuinely confused by the question, not understanding what his daughter is saying.

"On his neck, big red mark," Aisling informs with a serious tone.

"Aunt Ammy has one too, look," she then says, pointing at Amina who is bright red from her face. She is sitting on the opposite side of the table, Louis' currently empty seat next to her.

"Oh," Niall manages to say when he notices an obvious lovebite on Amina's neck, somewhat covered underneath a layer of makeup so it doesn't show unless you pay attention to it.

"Oh," Niall says after his eyes have wandered to where Louis is pouring himself more coffee.

"Oh," he breaths out, third time now, as realisation hits him.

"Don't tell me you did," he turns to talk to Amina, raising his eyebrows in a questioning way.

"Shut up," Amina mutters to him, which Niall reacts to by pointing at Aisling who luckily hasn't heard the words her aunt just said.

"You and Louis," Niall says, testing it out, thinking it sounds strange.

"You and Louis," he tries again, knitting his brows.

"What about her and Louis?" Harry is back, handing Niall his third plate of food, pressing a quick kiss on his cheek.

"They've, you know," Niall murmurs, quiet enough for Aisling not to hear.

"Oh," Harry breaths out, his reaction the exact same than Niall's.

"Oh," he says then, eyes widening.

"Cool," he starts grinning, raising his thumbs at Amina who keeps blushing, whimpering something inaudible and hiding her face.

"What's happening here?" Louis is back, just at the perfect time. Niall begins to tease him, chuckling as he watches his best friend's face turning red. Harry joins in too, causing Louis' blush to grow redder.

The teasing continues until Amina has enough. She stands up and before anyone can realise, she has yanked Louis up with her, dragging him to the dance floor. Niall scrunches his nose, turning to look at Harry, raising his eyebrows.

"Hmm," Harry hums, looking like he's wondering about something.

"Interesting," he then says and Niall nods his head, thinking interesting indeed.

"Daddy? Can I go dance?" Aisling is poking Niall's arm to get his attention.

"Of course. Ammy and Louis are there, go dance with them," Niall tells her, watching her running to the dance floor, shrieking Louis' name as she goes.

"Where's my mum?" Harry suddenly wonders out loud, realising his mother has been gone for quite some time.

"With Denise, over there," Niall points at where Denise is sitting, looking like having a conversation with Harry's mother.

"She's making friends fast," Harry chuckles.

"Do you think we should dance too?" Niall changes the subject, giving Harry a hopeful look.

"If you want to."

"Yeah, come on," Niall gets up and holds his hands out for Harry.

There's one of Kodaline's songs playing, Bobby's favourite from them, Niall knows. He pulls Harry closer, arms snaking around his neck, eyes getting lost in Harry's green ones.

As they begin to dance along the slow song, Harry leans in and brushes his lips against Niall's. For the rest of the song, they dance with foreheads pressed together, noses touching, lips brushing against each other from time to time.

"Boys," Bobby taps Niall's shoulder when the song is ending.

"Should've been you who got married," he casually comments before walking away, guffawing as he goes. Niall groans, looking at Harry who lets out an accidental chuckle, thinking Bobby is being hilarious.

"Don't laugh, he's not funny," Niall says.

"He is," Harry protests, tone gentle.

"Maybe a little," Niall sighs, tightening his hold around Harry's neck.

"Another song?" Harry asks and Niall nods, remembering to look at where Aisling is. He spots her sitting on Louis' lap around their table, looking happy so he relaxes, focusing back on his boyfriend.

- -

When it's time to cut the wedding cake, Niall is in tears again.

He thought he had it under control but apparently, he doesn't. His parents look so happy, trying to cut the cake and laughing when they don't succeed at the first try. They share a quick kiss after cutting the piece, people snapping pictures of them.

Soon comes the moment he has feared the most. The speeches. He knows he has to give one, he promised Greg he would. He hasn't really planned anything special, thinking about saying a few nice words and that's all.

"Everyone," Bobby is starting his speech, getting everyone's attention.

He starts by thanking everyone for coming, then rambling for a minute, somehow ending up telling a joke. He carries on, changing the topic to Maura, praising her for good two minutes until Maura cuts him off, chuckling.

Maura is next, saying a few words, mainly thanking everyone for coming to the wedding. Niall's palms get sweaty as it's Greg's turn. He really, really hates giving speeches and he swifts uncomfortably in his seat.

"Love," Harry whispers to his ear, getting his attention immediately.

"You'll be okay," Harry murmurs, giving Niall a gentle look, nodding his head tiniest.

Niall gulps before searching for Harry's hand, taking it in his. He ends up resting his head on Harry's shoulder, breathing in his familiar sent, hoping it would calm him down. He feels Harry's lips brushing against his forehead, rubbing his cheek on Harry's shoulder as a sign of thank you.

"Your turn," Harry then murmurs and Niall realises his boyfriend is right.

"Fuck," he murmurs.

"Hi everyone," he decides to start with, awkwardly clearing his throat. He turns to look at his parents, smiling at them before continuing.

"When my parents told me they were getting married, I first thought it was a joke. I remember even wondering if it was April Fools' day," he starts the speech.

"Daddy," he then hears, feeling Aisling poking his hip.

"Not now darling, daddy's trying to give a speech," he murmurs to her but she's not having it. She lifts her arms up, wanting to be hold. Niall can't possibly say no to her, he never really can, so he lifts her up, holding her tightly.

"Do you want to say something Aisling?" Niall decides to ask her.

"Yes," she immediately answers.

"Talk loudly then," Niall tells her.

"Love Bobs and Gammy so much. Happy they got married," Aisling happily informs and Niall hears people cooing. He watches his mother's expression, noticing she looks like she's about to cry.

Niall continues with his speech, mainly praising his parents, sharing some good memories he has. To his surprise, he doesn't feel nervous anymore, guessing it might be because he has Aisling with him.

"Lastly I want to thank both of you," Niall is getting to the end of his speech.

"Ma, thank you for always being there for me. I don't know where I'd be without your help. I'll be forever thankful for everything you've done for me, and for Aisling. And Dad, thank you for bringing light to my darkest days. I don't know where I'd be without you, either. I love you both," he finishes the speech.

Everyone's clapping then, Greg whistling. It causes Niall to start smiling widely, realising his speech wasn't bad at all. In fact, every word he said came straight from the heart and he knows he nailed it when he sees his parents' expressions.

Niall puts Aisling down at her seat, rushing to his parents. He is being pulled into a tight hug by both of his parents, squeezed between the two. He tries hugging them back the best he can, pressing a kiss on his mother's cheek.

"Thank you," Maura simply says after pulling away from the hug, wiping a tear drop off of her cheek.

"I love you," she adds, smiling at Niall.

"I love you both," Niall answers, patting his father's shoulder.


Here is the second part! Let me know your thoughts and whether you ship Maura and Bobby or not haha

Ps. Should've it been Narry who got married?

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