
By KayleighRodriguez

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"Cora..." I say with an annoyed tone. I throw her arms off my waist, and grab a hold of Claire's hand. She gi... More

Characters Page!
Prologue: Xylon
Chapter 1: Awakening
Chapter 2: Lingering Questions
Chapter 3: Birthday
Chapter 4: The Mark
Chapter 5: Delusionally Secure
Chapter 6: Only Day
Chapter 7: Disaster Date
Chapter 8: White Russian
Chapter 9: Vampire Schedule
Chapter 10: Gone
Chapter 11: Underworld
Chapter 12: Just a Question
Chapter 13: Claire's Pregnancy
Chapter 14: Baby Names
Chapter 15: How Many Blood Bags?
Chapter 16: False Hope
Chapter 17: Baby
Chapter 18: A Plan
Chapter 19: Escape
Chapter 20: You Have A Beautiful Baby..
Chapter 21: Strange
Chapter 22: All I See Is Red
Chapter 23: Jealous?
Chapter 24: The Ball
Epilogue: Claire
Authors Note

Chapter 25: Xylo

18 3 0
By KayleighRodriguez

Xylon's P.O.V

I knew asking Claire too early would of been cheesy. She was expecting it, especially after that woman yelled it out to me. I didn't want to catch her on guard, oh no that wouldn't do. So, I let her drink more than needed. She had three glasses of champagne, and two shots of vodka. She hasn't had much sleep in the past few days. Something had been causing her to wake up in the middle of the night. So her drinking will let her fall asleep easily.

Claire's P.O.V

"I know it is early for us to become married, so, keep that as a promise of my love. When you're ready to marry, let me know."

"But don't we have to marry right away?"

"I worked something out with Kai, so just, relax."

"Is the party over?"

I ask almost without hope I'm my voice.


"God, I need sleep."

"I'll take you once the guests have all left."

I sigh, knowing that this'll take forever till we leave.

"A woman.."


I look up and see a young man in front of me. He's a little younger than me, I suspect, so I sit up straight and wait for him to reply.

"A woman is following you, who is she to you?"

"I don't know what you are talking about.."

"She says you know now. Are you bringing in threats to the Kingdom?"

"No, I'm not, what does this woman look like?"

"I have to go. Have a good night fair lady."

"Uh, yes. Goodnight."

Feeling defeated, Xylon came jogging back over to me.

"Let's go."

He carried me and my bushy dress all the way over to the room. My legs weren't feeling the need to walk, seeing that I spent most of my time sitting.
I didn't want to drink, but I thought it would take my mind off of this woman.
It makes a lot more sense now, what Sage had told me, Xylon's previous marriage. His ex-fiancé.
For the past few days I had been waking up to a strange figure blurring my vision, and thinking of that young man was saying and Sage's information..

"You're all ready to change your clothes."

Xylon says untying that last of the dress. I feel a weight lift off of me, as darkness falls over me.


My eyes open back up, as if they were only closed for a minute. I was laying in a blanket, more like wrapped up like a taco.


"You passed out for a few minutes. I guess you're really tired."

"Yeah, I just need some sleep."

I get up from Xylons lap and walk over to the dresser. I grab a pair of black spandex sliders and a black tank top. Seeing that I don't need to go to another room to change, I slide on my clothes. I like how warm my clothes make me, causing me to stand in the middle of the room like an idiot.
Not wanting to stand any longer, I slide into bed and close my eyes. Xylon said he was going to take a shower, by the time he would be done, I'm sure I'll be asleep.

"Claire, I swear if you fall asleep!"

"I won't!"

I scream to him. My arm finds a pillow and brings it close. Snuggling in, I breathe out and open my eyes.

"Oh, shit.."

I whisper. It's the dark figure..

"Who- who are you?"

The dark figures' hand reaches down and pulls out a bottle. There is a crystal blue liquid in the bottle, causing me to be skeptical on the situation.


The figure runs over to me and stands by my side, silencing my voice. A chill goes up my arm and down my spine. I'm completely frozen in time, scaring me shitless.

"Don't kill me.."

The figure lays the bottle down on my nightstand and backs up slowly.

"Wait... What is this?"

The figure stands before me, not moving.

If you do not drink it, I will kill Xylon.

The figure speaks inside my head.

"What is it?"

Drink it!

Taking the bottle off the nightstand, I hold it in my hand, hesitating. I have no idea what is inside the bottle, it could be poison, maybe she's trying to kill me. What did I do to her? The figure begins to walk up to me, forcing me to open up the bottle. Shaking at this point, I slowly raise the bottle to my lips. The smell is almost inviting, a sweet, but tangy smell.
Thankfully, Xylon walks around the corner, looking at me confused. Causing the figure to disappear, while I'm able to move.

"Claire where'd you get that?"

Unable to speak any words, I drop the bottle and move away from the bed. My body sinks to the floor, while my hands hold onto my knees. Soft sobs escape my mouth, while Xylon tries to ask me a bunch of questions.
I can't understand what had just happened, considering I don't even know what had just happened.

"Claire, please talk to me.."

"It was nothing."

I manage to say. I don't want him to worry about it, I just want this to blow over. Hopefully it's just a figment of my imagination. That the ghost of Xylons ex-fiancé isn't coming to haunt me, or kill me..

"What? You just had a bottle of what ever it was, and you stepped away to cry, for it to be just nothing?"

"Yes, it was nothing. Can we drop it?"

"Yeah. We can drop it."

"Thank you."

I walk over to a couch, that Xylon had asked to place in the room, and I lay my body down. Xylon lays beside me, keeping me warm in the overly cold room, by wrapping his arms around me. His bare chest presses against my side, so I turn my body over and finally shut my eyes.


"Claire, I'm going to the office, I'll see you later."

Xylon says shutting his phone, before leaving the kitchen.

"Bye. I love you!"

"I love you too."

And with that, I was left in the kitchen alone. I have had my breakfast, so that gives me time to spend with my son.
Kai was to meet me in the hallway leading down to the kitchen. I wanted to take Xylo around the castle with me. I hadn't seen him in a week, I was almost begging Kai to see him.


Was the first word out of Xylo's mouth.
My mouth dropped in shock, seeing that he was just born. Well not just born, but pretty recently.

"Come here."

Kai says taking my hand. We walked to the garden of the castle, where the flowers were in full bloom, and Kai was taking a seat, on a bench, next to a pond.
Xylo placed his head on my shoulder as I carried him over to where Kai was.

"As you can see he is growing at a faster rate."

"Yea, how?"

"Vampires. The Vampire in him is helping his age growth. In two years he should be five. When you were born, you were only a Demon, so you grew up at a regular rate."

"What age will he grow up to?"

"The age you were turned."


It sucks knowing that my son will not grow up past my age. Literally making my son and I the same age. Well, in a couple of years he'll be close to my age.
I bounce Xylo on my leg, making him giggle. I laugh at his giggles, causing Kai to smirk.

"It just sucks that I won't be able to see him fully grow up."

"You would just need to constantly be with him."

"Doesn't he need to go through school?"

"A certain kind of school. One where he won't really be with others."

"Will he be allowed to go to high school?"

"Only when he reaches his 18th birthday."

"Seems fair. It'll only be in a few years."

Our conversation came to an end and I had to give Kai, Xylo. He said that I would be able to see him later today. Xylo needs more check ups. His body is changing rapidly, and since Kai is part Witch, I trust him more than I think I should.
I met with Xylon in his quarters, only to stumble into a meeting with a bunch of men.
They were all young, making me wonder if any of them, are Vampires.

"Ah, Claire. Everyone, this is my fiancé. I was almost done love."

"It's okay, I'll pretend I'm not even here."

I walk over to the bookshelves, only to see if I can keep myself busy.

"Under no circumstances will we be seeking anything in the shadowed area."

"But sir, there are lands untouched, we must see if-"


He silences them. Looking over my shoulder, I see his hand raised. He is growing impatient, but I know that my presence is helping him. It's controlling the darkness within him. Or I hope.

"Is there anything else that we need to cover? Jericho, you said you needed a favor?"

"Not a favor, more of a paper. I have to keep the civilians up to date, and I would like to ask you a few questions."

Everyone left, leaving Jericho and Xylon to talk. I busied myself in a book, it was about the same thing every story had created. A boy and girl want to find love, they have a fallout. I'm only skimming this and I can tell I would like it. But then anger catches my attention.

"I did not say that! I said that... You know what get out. I'm sorry, I can't have any more questions till the next meeting."

"A-alright sir. King, sir. I, I'll leave."

He fumbles for his note pad, grabbed his bag and pen, then left the room in a hurry. I left myself to read, seeing that I really wanted to read this book. It was a Demonic love story, making my eyes become more glued to the book.

"I'm all yours."

"Hm? Oh, yeah."

I close the book and make my way over to Xylon.

"How's our baby boy?"

"He's healthy."

"Anything else?"

"In about eight years he'll be my age."

His mouth forms an 'O', yet no voice follows after it.
He reaches to grab a hold of my hands, when I see this, my body suddenly turns directions. I don't know what came over me, I want to go to Xylon.
I stop my body, knowing I have control over my body. But what the hell was that?

"Are you okay?"

Xylon asks touching my back.

"Yeah, I-I don't know what that was. I can't explain it to you."

I say turning around to finally face him. I take in his strong features. He wore a suit today, black and blue threads from head to toe.

"Thank you for being here today."

"You're welcome."

"You really did calm my nerves."

"Glad I could help."

I sit down in the chair that was prompted behind me, as Xylon did the same.

"So what was the meeting about?"

"The banks have been shutting down, due to money loss. I know a few ways to raise money for those banks, to have them stop shutting down."

"You can throw a charity ball."

"That's a good idea. I can invite very important people that love to help out..."

His words fall out at the end, as he switches his gaze from me, to the floor, then back to me in an instant.


I ask, causing his dark side to smirk.

"You get to meet people from my past."

"Is that a good thing? Or a bad thing?"

"You'll be fine, love, you have me with you. If any one of them try anything... I will kill them."

I pause. Taking his words in, I fix my gaze back to his sweet, dark and lovely eyes.

"Then do you want to invite them?"

"Of course, they are still very good friends of mine. Some of which I grew up with as a child. Some of them will act as if they were meant to be your friend, and in some cases it's true. When the time comes, I'll let you know who is a good to have as a friend."


I say, hesitantly. Xylon shifts his body forward, towards mine. His hand reaches up my face, pulling my chin towards his face. He gently kisses me on the lips, combing his fingers through my hair. My hands reach us his neck, only holding them in that place. His hands take a fistful of my hair, and tugs back in a very hot manner. His lips trace down my chin, onto my neck, and smack dab onto my barely exposed, cleavage.


I say, grabbing a hold of his shoulders. He lets go of my hair, and looks at me with a questioning look.


The door opens and Kai stands in the doorway.

"Uh, you guys need to come see this. We thought that he was going to be four in a year, but.."

"He's growing up faster than expected."

I whisper, holding my hand over my lips.
Xylon and I walked with Kai, to a room just down the hall.

"Daddy! Mommy!"

Xylo says at the sight of seeing us. Xylon is quick to grab him. They both look like each other.

"How fast of a rate is he growing?"

Xylon asks swinging him around.

"At this point, I don't know. We're going to have to monitor him, but that's why we made his room right down the halls rom your work quarters. There's also a tunnel that leads from your room to Xylo's bedroom. Easy to get to. Besides, the royals are to be secluded, from the whole castle. And that's what you guys are. Secluded."

"You and your sisters are going to teach him magic right?"

"That's if he even has powers."

Kai leads us all out, to be served some blood. Xylo has to learn how to drink it, he doesn't quite like to drink from the blood bag, so we had to place it in juice box.

"Ready to eat?"

I ask Xylo, who is giggling in his fathers arms.
Xylo looks at me and starts to tear up.

"No, no, no, no, no.. Why are you crying?"

"Guess he doesn't want to eat."

Xylon says. But I just lightly smack him on the head.

"He needs to eat."

"I know."


Kai yells from the opposite side of the room. He is carrying a plate of food, I think for himself, as he walks over to us.

"Let him try this.."

He says handing me the plate of food. I look at him, almost as if this idea of his will not work. But I can't not see, can my son eat actual food?
I pick up a piece of chicken and I place it Xylo's open mouth.
He stops crying to realize what has been placed in his mouth. Accepting it, he begins to chew on it. Becoming excited, I pick up another piece of chicken, and make airplane noises. He starts to clap his hands in approval and opens his mouth for the chicken.
Xylon grabs a piece of chicken and coos Xylo into eating.
He ate everything that was on his plate! Broccoli, chicken, mashed potatoes, and a little portion of macaroni and cheese.
After he was fed, I held him in my arms as he fell asleep. We were wrapped in conversations, in the dining hall. Since Xylon and I were hungry, we decided to meet everyone there and finish feeding Xylo. Xylon and I sat at the head of the table, I rested nicely in my chair, almost falling asleep to the sound of Xylo sleeping. Xylon rubbed my thigh slowly, causing me to feel relaxed.

"Remember the time when Sage ran off the roof of the house!"

Xavier laughed loudly amongst the room.

"Because she was about to become ash! If only you stayed in the house to watch the sunrise.."

"You're acting like I'm the stupid one. You went into our neighbors backyard, when we were younger, and dove into their pool naked! The looks on their faces when they saw you.."

"Yeah, mom and dad had your head! We weren't allowed over Drach's house for a year."

Xylon says patting my thigh.
Xylo shifts in my arm, causing me to shift in my chair and Xylon to get jumpy.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea, Xylo shifted and so did I."

"Want me to hold him?"

"Do you want to?"

He nods his head and so I get up to give Xylo to him. When he has him, I feel my arms relax and my body become numb.
Xylo is a heavy baby boy. Being four years old already has done something to him, and his weight. He becomes different in personality everyday.
I feel myself fall asleep. Darkness, everywhere. But since my body was numb, I didn't feel the need do anything about it. I hadn't been disturbed by the shadowed figure in a while. So I let myself drift off into the much needed sleep.

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