twisted // tyler seguin

By defendamalie

247K 3.6K 350

When Savannah Whitfield is dragged by her sister to a Dallas Stars game against her will on her birthday, her... More

twenty one
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forty one
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fifty one
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part two
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eighty one
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eighty five

forty four

2.2K 35 5
By defendamalie


We needed to get home. Fast. And by home, I meant Dallas. But that wasn't happening for another good four days. It was Friday, and we weren't leaving until Tuesday. I was stuck with Savannah for four days, and after what went I down, I don't think I could do it.

She was good for nothing but an attitude. She obviously had way too much to drink, and she reeked of weed too. I called her out on this, but I simply got a curse word infested insult that really wasn't a response to my own statement.

Savannah was jiggling her leg up and down like she was when we first got there and her face was twisted into disgust. I didn't bother to look at her, I refused. She would curse me out because of that, and I wasn't in the mood to hear it.

But of course, knowing her, I got it anyways. "How far did you guys go?" She spat out.

I sighed, blinking hard. "What are you talking about?" My voice was monotonic.

"You and Amy, that's what I'm talking about. Don't play stupid now." Savannah whipped her heads towards me, and I didn't bother to look.

She was obviously looking for reasons to yell by now, and I couldn't allow it. I couldn't ignore her either since she would yell at me for doing that. Nothing was pleasing her.

"I didn't lay a finger on any female but you tonight, Savannah." Surprisingly, for once, she couldn't say the same about her.

"Look me in the eyes when you say that Tyler."

"I'm driving Savannah. I mean, I am the only one who can do it as of right now." I couldn't help but get a spiteful statement in, since that's all she was spouting ever since we got in the car.

She scoffed, banging her head against the seat. "Exactly, just goes to show that you're lying."

I pulled to a red light, which had to be a sign that God was feeling bad for me. I turned towards Savannah and looked into her bloodshot, green eyes. She looked exhausted and full of anger. "I didn't lay one finger on any female but you tonight. Happy?"

Savannah rolled her eyes. That's when she unleashed the evil inside of her. "Let me tell you something, you piece of horse shit. You're the fucking worst boyfriend I ever had. And I only had two. Guess who the other one was? But I'm sure you already know that, since you know everything. Right Tyler?"

I shrugged and exhaled. "No, I don't know everything Savannah. I never said that I did-"

"You didn't have to say it. You just show off so fucking bad constantly, and you never care about anyone but yourself. Whether you know it or not, you're not that great. You're a horrible boyfriend, you have trust issues, you fucking suck at everything: Hockey. Driving. Flirting. Having sex. Cooking. And sure as hell, making me comfortable."

I knew they hockey part was a fucking lie, and having sex was too because the way she screamed my name out all night last night would've proved otherwise. "Savannah, you have no clue or understanding of what you're saying right now. Just please-"

"No, Tyler. I won't 'just please'. I hate you. You suck, and you've freaked me out ever since I met you. You think I really care about you? No, I don't. You're a BITCH. I only moved in with you so I could get over Ryan. You know he wanted to have sex with me? But I denied it, only because I was, one," Savannah stuck her arm up and lifted her index finger. "On my menstrual, and two," She lifted her middle finger up. "Thinking about you. But I go outside, and what do I see? I see you hitting on some girl, a girl that doesn't even like me. She didn't want you. She wanted your dick and your reputation, just like every other bitch who comes your way.

"And you thought I was different didn't you? You'd probably thought, 'Oh, well she's seems pretty chill. Maybe I could settle down with her, since she's not pouncing on my cock like every other dumb bitch'. Yeah well, truth be told, I don't care about your reputation. I wanted you to get Ryan out of my head. I used you, Tyler. I don't fucking like you. I hate you. I never loved you. And now that Tyler," She hiccuped. "Whoops, I mean Ryan, wants me back, I'm leaving you. So have fun, with your two dogs, and your beautiful memories of me. Sucks doesn't it?"

I kept my mouth shut. The raving anger within me was rushing through each end of my body. She's wasted, I kept thinking to myself. She's wasted, she doesn't mean any of this. It would be absurd if she did. Savannah still loves me. It was the alcohol speaking.

But if it was, why was there still truth to what she was saying?

I did like her because she didn't pounce on me, like every other girl would. I've said it before, that it really meant a lot to me. But did she really use me to get over Ryan? After all we did together- ride around in my car in the early summer, watch Netflix on the couch, eating at iHop then having a second breakfast at Dunkin... none of that mattered to her?

Jeez. Wow, I really got myself into something I shouldn't have. We pulled into the driveway of her house, and she was still mumbling on and on about hating me. She had trouble walking, so I wrapped her arm around my neck which, quote on quote, "made her want to throw up more than the alcohol did". What could I say?

It was little before midnight when we got into her house, and Savannah's parents were downstairs. When she saw them, a grin appeared on her face. "Mom, Dad, I'm leaving Tyler. Right asshole?" Her hand went to my face and caressed it. "He's a wicked son of a selfish bitch, and I hate him." Her voice was slurring and her parents were simply staring at her. Their eyes went to mine, looking for some type of explanation.

"She's drunk." I muttered, unwrapping her arm around mine. She punched me in my chest, which sent a small wave of discomfort throughout me.

"I'm not drunk, you fucking asshole." Savannah went to go walk up the steps, but tripped and landed on her face.

"Oh goodness," Erin muttered. "Honey, I'll help you go upstairs." She looked towards me with caring eyes. "Thanks for driving her home, Tyler."

"Don't thank him, he cheated on me tonight." She yelled out.

Alex watched as his wife took his daughter up the steps. He looked at me shaking his head. "You look like you had a rough night."

I shrugged. "Other than my girlfriend, well, probably ex now, saying that she never loved me and only used me to get over her ex-boyfriend, things are great. How was your night?"

Alex furrowed his eyebrows. "She said she never loved you? Like, never ever?"

I nodded. I wanted to break down into tears, right then and there. "I mean, I know she's drunk, but something's telling me she means it."

Alex shook his head, and told me to sit down with him in the living room. "Tell me what happened, tell me everything. And when you're finished, get some PJ's from upstairs, because you're sleeping down here tonight."

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