Discontinued: To Be A Queen (...

By senddowntheangels

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Squeal to The Time I Became Queen. (Please read that first or you'll be lost the entire story) Sayuri Mika M... More

To Be A Hated Kingdom
To Be Changed
To Be A Son
To Be A Secret
To Be A King: The Last Cigarette
To Be The Light
To Be A...
To Be Helpless: Cold
To Be Apart Of Kage
Preview: To Be An Alliance Leader
For To Be A Bachelor
To Be An Alliance Leader And A Truth Is Revealed!
Bachelors Part One
Bachelors Part Two
Bachelor Part Three
Bachelor Part Four
To Be A Must Read!
To Be A Prince: The Beginning of the Cursed Eye
To Be A Prince's Light
To Be Invited
To Be An Update
On Hold
To Be A Princess: The Nightmare
To Be Exhausted: Preview
Not a Promise
To Be Exhausted: The Kiss With A Cut
To Be A Flower
To Be Haji
To Be Haji: Fail
To Be Caught-To Be Betrayed
To Be Rin Images
To Be A Knight:Preview
To Be A Knight: Unwanted Hero
Introduction: Enter Haru Bert'Haven !
To Be A Watcher
To Be Revealed: The Betrayer
To Be Ill
To Be The New
The Time I Became Queen

Prologue: One year Later

2.7K 86 13
By senddowntheangels

Hello! This is the sequel to The Time I Became Queen, if for some reason you didn't know that. 

Picture on the top is the cover photo, ask questions if you need an explanation for what's going on in the drawing. (The picture for some reason wont show here so if you had not seen it yet it's back on the The Time I Became Queen Epilogue: Ibiki chapter.)

Prologue dedicated to ImANuko for the Title idea!

 It was a cool misty night. The stars in the sky shined bright like small gems in the dark sky. Everyone was either already sound asleep or just about there (excluding the night guards). 

Sayuri roamed the halls heading to her bed chambers with a tiny yawn. Opening her door after saying a goodnight to the two guards who patrolled this hall and stood posted at her doors. Changing out of her light purple dress into an oversize blue t-shirt and brushing her teeth she flopped face first into her pillow. Lazily, after a few moments she got under her covers and shut her eyes falling into darkness.

At Sayuri's balcony doors an invisible figure crept, unlocking the double doors causing the curtains to lift up from the chilled breeze. The invisible figure turned into a looming shadow as it stuck closer to the sleeping Queen. Sayuri slept on her stomach tiny snores escaping her lips. The shadow grinned raising its hands to perform a justu and whispering, "Ninja Art: Sairento Soutei," meaning silent binding. Once those words left the shadows hiss ink like snakes slithered up to Sayuri, slowly and gently lifting her body up so they could wrap around her.

Sayuri's eyes fluttered open confused before she register what was happening one of the snakes covered her mouth leaving her screams to be muffled sounds. She struggled again the bonds when, "Is it lovely seeing you again little Sayuri?" a voice hissed. Her eyes widened. She wasn't able to turn her head so the intruder turned her around to face them.


Rie stood in front of Sayuri with a smirk gracing her pretty and aging yet ugly face. The woman laughed at Sayuri's shocked expression. 

"It's been a while since we could play," she tilted her head, "Hasn't it?" Chuckling she stepped closer to Sayuri with a strange knife in her hand. Sayuri's breathing picked as she glared with watchful eyes on Rie. Rie made her snakes move Sayuri's right arm closer to so she could inspect it, "Such pretty hands." Rie smiled and stabbed the hand, Sayuri not once flinching. "Ah, I see you're a little brat now aren't you?" She pouted her lip out.

 "We'll have to change that wont we?"

Before Sayuri could realize what Rie meant an agonizing, hot pain started in her upper bicep. She screamed but it wasn't audible. A thin line of Sayuri's blood circled around her arm, slowly and painfully Rie was cutting her arm off with wire. Muffled scream rose in Sayuri's throat as tears raced down her cheeks. Soon enough the slow pain stopped somewhat and a thud was heard. Sayuri looked over, sweat on her brow, her eyes held a horrified gaze. Her arm was gone, it lye in a heap of blood below her feet.

"Ugh," Rie looked at a drop of blood that landed on her hand with a disgusted looked before wiping it off, "You have such disgusting blood just like your pathetic mother." Sayuri still stared at her but turned to glare at Rie when she mentioned her mother. She smirked at the worn out Sayuri not having enough strength to use her blood to burn Rie, "Let's play som-" she glanced at the door hearing footsteps. "Hm..." she frowned, "Looks like your stupid guards are down patrolling the hall." Rie looked back at the girl, "I guess I can't enjoy killing you now so I'll have to come back another time." Smirking Rie walked around the bed towards the balcony, "The snakes wont leave until I'm far from the kingdom. Oh and I've left you a little present for when I leave... Farewell." Than Rie was gone.

Sayuri still floated slightly above her bed looking around with eyes in a glare. Her breathing shallow, blood dripping from her arm. That's when the unbearable pain began. 

She gasped and cried as she struggled to get the snakes off of her. The pain in her arm was as if it were on fire, thousands of swords and needles embedding themselves into numbed arm and back. Nine minutes passed when the snakes all of a sudden puffed away. Sayuri fell onto her bed crying so hard no noise escaped her mouth. She huffed to catch her breathe as her left hand shakily grasped onto her bleed shoulder where her arm should have been, black vein like marks cracked onto her shoulder and back inching closer to her neck. "Gah..." coughing up blood she screamed an ear drum shattering scream causing the Palace to wake up and several other homes that scattered closer to the castle. 

"What's going-" the guards busted through the door staring shocked at the Queens state.

"I got her!" One of them said, "Go tell Lord Osamu I'll take her to the infirmary!" the two jumped into action as the one who spoke picked Sayuri up along with her arm and dashed off, blood spilling from her wound. Her hand clenched the soldier shoulder as she bite her arm to stop her screams. 

Dozens of pairs of feet pounded to the Queens bedroom to see all of the blood.

"Sayuri! Where are you?!" A desperate Batya shouted.

"Lord Osamu!" said man turned to see the soldier that was sent to find him.

"What's happening? Where's the Queen?!"

"She's-" before he could respond further the same scream sliced through the air. They all followed it.

"Hold her down!"

"What kind of sealing is this?"

"We need Lord Mamoru, he knows seals better than us!" one nurse went to go look for Mamoru only to run into Nobuo the others behind him. She spotted Mamoru and grabbed him, "Quickly!" she dragged him into the room everyone else on their tail.

Once in the room they stared in horror at the sight. Blood painted the room. The doctors, nurses and a few soldiers tried to restrain Sayuri but she kept screaming out and moving.

"My Queen! Please, you must stop moving!"

Mamoru ran to Sayuri's side his eyes wide when he saw her face. The black cracks in her skin was now past her neck and getting closer to her right eye. One cracked to the edge of her eye causing not only for it turn that part of the eye black but for her to scream again.

"Mamoru do something!" Riko shouted.

"What's going on?!" Haruo yelled Kazu, Mari and Akio right behind him.

Mamoru got to work in trying to get rid of the marks but nothing worked. Sayuri's eye was now halfway black and blood gushed out from it, the cracks covering half her face. Mamoru growled, "Nothing's working!"

Everyone desperately read through books looking and trying justus and spells in hope's it would do something to help. Two nurses performed medical ninjustu on Sayuri to try and ease the pain. Batya holding Sayuri's good hand and whispering soothing words to her while smoothing out the girls long hair that swam on the floor, blood drenching it.

Sayuri huffed through her nose to try and stay calm while gathering as much strength and chakra she could, even taking small amounts from Batya. Sayuri shot up gripping her non existing arm cause everyone to stop what they were doing. Gasping, "Sumire Himitsu me," her eyes zooms out their focus past the walls and into the mountains. There Rie was climbing, going back to wherever she came from before. With one last huff Sayuri performed, "Ninja Art: Forbidden Release of Curses Summoner Rie Hoshi. Dismember!" Riko's eyes widened, Rie fell forward in pain as Sayuri fell back with a scream.

Soon the pain stopped Sayrui's arm that had been cut off and lied to the side rotted into a dark purple color, no longer usable. Sayuri sat up on her knees breathing heavily as she stared at her dead arm than looked to Riko who was in tears and a expression of terror. They had spent looking for Rie believing she was dead.

"G-gomenasai Lady Riko, Rie came back but without the intent of returning home." Sayuri than blacked out.

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