TSOF: Revelation

By AluraJNyx

6K 282 29

The aftermath of everyone finding out Anselma is Loki's daughter. More

Getting To Know Each Other
Family Outing (Disaster)
Pointing Fingers
Author's Note
Odin and Tony
Frigga and Anselma
Questions & Doubts
All Together Again
The Judgement
The Case
221 B Baker Street
The Search
Godfather, God Father, and Father
Cold Fury
Author's Note
The third story


153 6 0
By AluraJNyx

It took both Sherlock and Jim two weeks to find Anselma. It took them fourteen minutes to get to the building Magnussen was holding her. John set off dispatch the two guards in front of the door. Sebastian headed to the next building to set up his sniper rifle. Jim and Sherlock followed Myceoft's men inside while Greg and Mycroft stayed outside to view the cameras Mycroft had hacked into.

"Is everyone in position?" Mycroft asked into a communicator. "Team One in position sir." A gruff voice answered. "Team Two in position." Another voice said. "Yes. Yes. We're all ready." Sherlock said snidely at the exact time everyone heard Sebastian growl angrily. "What's going on?" John asked in concern. "This fucker is trying to rape her." He snarled. Everyone froze. "Kill-" Sebastian cut Jim off. "Already done." A gunshot rang out to confirm his statement. A minute later John, Jim and Sherlock rushed into her room."Anselma." Sherlock breathed as she looked at him.

Tears blurred her vision but Anselma would recognize those eyes anywhere. "Sherlock." She said softly. John hurried to untie her wrists. The moment Anselma was free she clung to him, only letting go when Jim was in reach. Throwing herself into Jim's arms she began to sob. Jim stroked her hair and murmured soft nothings in her ear. "It's alright, darling. You're safe now. It's alright. He can't hurt you anymore." A crackle in the men's ears alerted them to an incoming message. "The building has been cleared. Magnussen is in custody. It's clear." They all relaxed and turned their full attention to the terrified teen in Jim's arms. With one swift move Jim had lifted Anselma into his arms bridal style. Anselma wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face into his chest. Jim cooed to her and made his way outside with John and Sherlock following behind.

An hour later they were all settled down at 221 B Baker Street. Jim discreetly texted Toby and let him what had happened. Anselma was none the wiser. Sherlock though shot him a grateful look when Anselma was in the shower. Jim just nodded back.

Three hours later they were spread out in the living room doing their own things when they arrived.
Tony was fixing a dent in his Iron Man armour when a small ding let him know he had a message. Ignoring it for the moment he ordered JARVIS to save where he was at before heading upstairs to join the others for lunch. Loki had threatened to stop sleeping with him if he kept working nonstop. Needless to say,Tony was seen outside the lab a lot more.

Smiling at everyone he sat and flicked on his phone as Steve set a plate of food in front of him. Noticing the message was from an unknown number he frowned. He opened the message and read it through twice before it registered in his mind. It read:
Mr. Stark,
Anselma was kidnapped. She was rescued an hour ago. She is currently at 221 B Baker Street. Please hurry. She needs her father.

Tony wasn't sure what noise he made but it caught everyone's attention. "What's wrong?" Bruce asked. Tony opened his mouth but nothing came out. Loki leaned towards him and grabbed his phone. Once he finished reading he cursed and stood so fast his chair flew back. "We have to go to London now." He barked as he hurried to the roof where Tony's new helicopter sat. Everyone rushed to follow, Natasha dragging Tony who was still shocked. "Why?" Clint asked as he prepped the machine. "Anselma." Was the only response they needed. Everyone strapped down and the flight was made in silence.

Once they arrived in London Tony received another message from a different number than the first. This one let him know where they could land at and that a car would be waiting to take them to their destination. Clint followed instructions and landed where directed. They all got out and climbed into waiting car.

Twenty minutes later they pulled up in front of a building. Climbing out Tony made his way up the steps and knocked. A few moments later an older lady opened the door.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Hudson. May I help you?" She asked politely. Tony smiled at her. "Hello, my name is Tony Stark, I'm-" Mrs. Hudson beamed and grabbed his face between her palms. "Oh, so you're Anselma's father! Oh she told me so much about you!" She exclaimed and gestured for them all to come in while tugging Tony's arm. Everyone followed her slowly up the stairs as she rambled. "You must be so proud of her." She told Tony. "Graduating so early like she did." Tony tensed so slightly that only the team saw it. "Oh yes." He smiled at her. "Very proud." Mrs. Hudson chuckled and stopped in front of a closed door. "Well, here we are Deary." She said before smiling at them all before disappearing down the stairs.

Tony took a deep breath and opened the door quietly. Everyone shifted so they could see inside. They were surprised at what they saw.

Jim and Sherlock were snarking at each while Anselma watched with a small smile. John was arm wrestling Sebastian while Mycroft and Lestrade bet on who would win.

"So tell me Sherlock," Jim drawled as he tweaked the scowling detectives nose. "How long did it take before you realized you needed me?" Sherlock's scowl deepened. "Needed my help?" Jim pressed. Anselma nudged Jim with her foot causing him to smile at her and move to sit next to her. Sherlock moved to sit across from them, his eyes never leaving the Consulting Criminal. "Tell me Jim," Sherlock said snidely. "When did you discover you would never be able to burn the heart out of me as you once promised?" Jim straightened and met Sherlock's eyes. "The day I met your goddaughter." He stated calmly. John glanced at his flatmate's face and groaned as Sebastian seized his chance and won. Lestrade celebrated his win and collected the twenty pounds from Mycroft. Anselma stood and plopped down on Sherlock's lap. Sherlock smiled down at her then looked up and met Tony's eyes. "You might as well and come in." He said causing Anselma to jerk back and look up. She froze when her eyes landed on her family. "Uh," she said quietly. "Hi."

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