Mess of a Fantasy (Darise Eve...

By zoeyswiftie13

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Daring Charming, my best friend: the hottest guy in school, the heir to the Charming throne and the one who... More

Chapter 1: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 2: Doesn't He Slay Dragons or Something?
Chapter 3: Someone Else
Chapter 4: Sparkly!
Chapter 5: PS I'm Shedding
Chapter 6: Seventy-Two Athletic Elephants
Chapter 7: Messy, Malicious Masterpiece
Chapter 8: Throw Caution to the Wind... Or Scream in A Pillow
Chapter 9: 'I Love You', Liar
Chapter 10: Playing Cards
Chapter 11: Don't You Love the Smell of Awkward in the Morning?
Chapter 12: I Think Love is Fearless
Chapter 13: The Dizzy, Dizzie Truth Unfolds
Chapter 14: I Wish I Was Still an Antisocial Lump
Chapter 15: Trust No One
Chapter 16: Oh Where Oh Where Has My Little Wolf Gone
Chapter 18: Appleson DiLaurwhiteis
Chapter 19: It's A Revolution
Quick A/N, Please Read
Chapter 20: Burnt Pizza, Sour Apple
Final Chapter Information
Chapter 21: Envy is a Witch.
Book 2?
Thank You
More Darise!

Chapter 17: 1-800-Canadian-Tacos

2.1K 91 69
By zoeyswiftie13

I ran into the middle of the woods until I couldn't see the edge anymore. I wasn't sure what I would do now, but I didn't know how to get home from here, and I couldn't show my face back at the party- or around any of my classmates- ever again. Not when any of them could turn me in or laugh at me for hiding this kind of secret.

I should trust Raven to fix it all for me, but what if it's too late? I can't take that chance.

I don't know why I ever trusted Daring in the first place. I tried to tell him something important and he didn't even have the attention span to let me finish. Then when things got serious, he made me promise something he knew I couldn't promise. With Daring there's just no getting what you want if he doesn't get what he wants in return.

I thought I knew how to play the cards right. A queen couldn't beat a king like Lizzie couldn't win against Daring. Only an ace can beat a king. I thought it wouldn't be necessary to bring in the ace- that being me declining his offer to date after he breaks up with Lizzie. It ended up being necessary, because I didn't know everything Daring wasn't telling me.

The sun was almost all the way down and it was starting to get cold. I wrapped my hood around my shoulders and pulled it tight, sat on the ground and closed my eyes for a while.


{Dexter and Raven approached the gate at the back of the property where Daring and Darling were waiting.

"Where do we look first?" Dexter asked. "Oh, and by the way, Daring, you're an idiot."

"I know- hey, wait, who told him the story?" Daring shouted.

Raven raised a hand. "Guilty."

Daring groaned and punched the gate.

"Dude, chill," Darling said, though she was actually laughing at Daring's little surge of rage.

"Okay now let's be serious," Raven said, crossing her arms over her chest.

She glanced around them. The sky was dark now and the party was still going on. Everyone was still dressed up in their party attire, and it would be kind of suspicious if the Charmings left their own party.

"Let's check the castle and the yard... If we still don't find her... I don't know what else we can do. You guys can't just leave your own party and I can't look for her on my own. We can't tell anyone else... We're the only four people who know her secret," Raven exclaimed.

"What about her parents?" Dexter asked. "They might know where else to look for her."

"They're on vacation," Darling sighed.

"Well I guess we should start looking. I'll look around the castle. Dexter can too. You girls take the yard. Meet back here after," Daring explained the plan.

The boys took off toward the house and the girls split up to look through both halves of the yard quicker.

In about 15 minutes, the gang was already regrouping by the back gate, and Cerise was not with any of them.

"Now what?" Daring growled.

"Calm down, tough guy. Hey, did anyone try calling her mirrorphone? Maybe she'll at least tell us that she's okay, and if or when she is coming back?" Darling said, waving her own mirrorphone in the air.

"Might as well try it," Raven sighed, slumping down on the grass against the shiny gold gate.

Darling picked Cerise's number in her contacts, and her phone dialed. A few rings later, Cerise's answer machine picked up.

"Hey, this is Cerise, if you're looking for me I'm out getting tacos... In Canada... You can leave a message but I might not answer it because I should really focus on the Canadian tacos.... Bye," Cerise's voice said when she didn't pick up.

"CERISE WHERE ARE YOU WE ARE REEEALLYYY WORRIED!" Darling shouted after the beep.

"I fixed everything for you! You can come back now!" Raven added.

"You fixed nothing, I wasn't actually going to tell anyone!" Daring yelled at Raven. "Cerise.... I'm really sorry. I messed up. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I just wanted you to know I never planned on telling the secret... I'm sorry I'm such an idiot..."

"Agreed... Cerise come back!" Dexter finished the message, and Darling pressed the end button.

Raven sighed again and put her right hand to her forehead tiredly. "Now we just have to hope she gets it and responds to us."

Maybe the Charmings and Raven should have focused more on where they were and what they were saying, though, because Cerise's answer machine wasn't the only one recording what they were saying.

Apple White hid behind a nearby bush, her skin, hair, and dress still looking flawless. She clutched her mirrorphone in her hand. One hand daintily stretched out to press the end button on the voice memo recording app. Then Apple White smiled a wicked smile, closed the app, stood and brushed off her dress, and turned back toward the party.}

I woke up a few hours later in the dead of night. I was freezing and sitting on the dirty ground. The screen of my phone, sticking out of my boot, glowed. I pulled it out and looked at the screen. One missed call, and one new voicemail. I double checked to make sure the volume was on the lowest possible setting, then held the phone up to my ear.

A message from Daring, Darling, Dexter and Raven tinkled through the speaker. I hadn't realized how much I missed them all. Daring's apology made me cry, laugh, and want to playfully punch him in the arm. Darling's cheerful expression even in the most negative of times made me smile. Raven had pulled through for me and proved once again that she had my back. The fact that Dexter cared enough to even look for me and cared whether or not I came back was also touching.

I missed my friends, but I can't go back. It's what's best for me, for them, and for everyone.

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