The Way We Burn

By daisydanielle33

1.9K 253 71

The sparks are instant. A night, a look and a dozen flirty words. I think I've met my match... Until I learn... More

One: Sully
Two: Gigi
Three: Sully
Four: Gigi
Five: Sully
Six: Gigi
Seven: Sully
Eight: Gigi
Nine: Sully
Ten: Gigi
Eleven: Sully
Twelve: Gigi
Fourteen: Gigi
Fifteen: Sully
Sixteen: Sully
Seventeen: Gigi
Eighteen: Gigi
Nineteen: Sully
Twenty: Sully
Twenty-One: Gigi
Twenty-Two: Sully

Thirteen: Sully

75 11 0
By daisydanielle33

This girl was going to be the death of me.

We'd been at Kindling a little over an hour and I still hadn't made it through the pint glass in my hand. I was too busy watching her.

Craving her.

Needing her.

I'd somehow managed to make it through the last week without my self control crumbling, though it had been no easy task. Snow seemed intent to push me to my absolute limits. Even sitting at a table in the middle of her packed bar, it was like she was taunting me, daring me to leap over the edge. And honestly? It was fucking working.

"That girl is something else."

I shook off my lust-filled haze and looked at Finn, settled into the chair next to me. "Who are you..."

"You know damn well who," Finn snickered. "You can't take your eyes off her any better than any man in this place."

He wasn't wrong. The entire bar was eating out of the palm of Gigi's hand. Every pair of eyes watched as she sauntered back and forth in her painted on jeans, stared when she leaned over the bar and gave some lucky schmuck a wink, counted the seconds until it would be their turn to garner her attention. Another man might've been jealous, but me? I knew who this show was for, and it wasn't for anyone but me.

I turned my gaze back to Galena, licking my lips like I was the wolf that had just spotted ol' Red. "She's something alright."

"You gonna do something about it?" Finn asked.

I lifted my pint glass to my lips and one shoulder in a shrug. "What should I be doing about it?"

"Come on, Cap," Finn scoffed. "You two have been undressing each other with your eyes since the first night she was here. You wouldn't even have to work at it!"

"Watch yourself," I almost snarled.

"You know who she is, right?" Jamal jumped in, nursing the long neck in his hand.

"Who?" Finn questioned. He had to be the only one oblivious to her being the Chief's daughter. Every fucker in here knew exactly who Galena Castellanos was, though it wasn't stopping them from leering evidently.

"That's Chief Castellanos's kid," Jamal answered as I went back to my pint.

"No shit," Finn retorted, his gaze turning back to Galena. "You think he knows what she's doing?"

"What exactly is she doing?" I asked. "Looks to me like she's doing her job."

"Come on," Finn responded with a chuckle. "Look at her. She's doing a little more than her job if you ask me. Half the dudes in here are ready to propose."

I shrugged as I took a sip. "Seems to me she's just good at what she does. She can't help it if these douchebags are drooling after her. She's a gorgeous girl, not really her fault."

"What's your excuse?" Finn snickered.

"Excuse me?"

"Come on, man!" Finn exclaimed. "You're drooling harder than anyone in here and yet you refuse to do anything about it!"

"What would you have me do?" I responded, already annoyed with his Labrador antics. "We're in her place of business, moron. You think just because a waitress is nice, that means she's flirting with you?"

"I mean, have you seen me?" Finn smirked. "They usually are."

I rolled my eyes. "Beside the point. Even if I wanted to, I ain't doing anything that makes her life harder. This place is swamped, the last thing she needs is some idiot thinking a smile is an invitation."

"But what if a smile is an invitation?"

I rolled my eyes and finally polished off my beer. "You're an idiot," I retorted as I rose from my seat. "You truly are."

"Is Cap finally making a move?!" Finn exclaimed as I took a few steps away.

"Yeah, to the fuckin' can," I answered. "Get another pitcher while I'm gone. You ain't running up my tab tonight."

The bathroom was down the same hall as Gigi's office and as I stepped to move past the bar, we made eye contact. It was as fucking charged as it had been the instant I'd walked into Kindling, maybe even more so considering I'd just spent the last sixty minutes watching her flirt with a few dozen of my coworkers. Without even a second thought, I gave my head a quick jerk toward the darkened hallway, hoping she caught my drift without me having to say the words.

Judging by the grin that curled her lips, she did.

I bypassed the bathroom, instead heading the few steps further to her office, but before I could even get my hand on the doorknob, I felt her behind me.

"You lost, Captain?" her husky voice whispered against my neck. Goosebumps immediately erupted over every inch of me and that last little shred of self control finally evaporated into thin fucking air.

"Not by a long shot." I turned, looping my index finger through one of her belt loops, dragging her through the door with me, our mouths crashing together in a fury of pent-up tension. It was a fiery mix of tongues and teeth, the door slamming behind us with a kick from my boot.

"Fuck," I groaned against her mouth as we stumbled together further into the office.. "You trying to turn me into a caveman out there?"

"Is it working?" Gigi grinned, pushing herself to sit on the corner of her well worn desk and tugging me against her, the bulge in my jeans immediately pressing against her heat.

"You know it is," I responded, nipping at her lower lip as I stationed myself between her denim clad thighs. One hand braced on the desk top, the other wove into the raven locks on the back of her skull, tugging her head back and pulling a low moan out of the beauty before me. "Flirting with everyone in the damn room," I mumbled against her jawline before my mouth moved to the delicate snow-white skin of her neck. "It's like you're pushing me on purpose."

"Maybe I am," Gigi hummed in appreciation as I nipped at her pulse point before bathing it with my tongue. "Go-o-od."

"How worked up do you think I can get you before I send you back out to work, you little tease?"

Gigi gasped as I pressed my pelvis against her, my mouth continuing it's trek over every inch of skin I could find. "I-I... I don't know..."

"Maybe we should find out," I taunted, giving her earlobe a flick of her tongue and causing her to arch against me. "I bet you're already wet for me, aren't you, Snow?"

"I don't... I don't know..."

"Should I check, baby?" I asked lowly as my mouth moved to the delicious curve where her neck met her shoulder. "Is that what you want?"

"Fuck yes,"' Gigi moaned as my mouth moved to her exposed collarbone. Thank fuck for her tiny strapped tank top. Much more skin for my tongue to taste. "Fucking please."

"Impatient," I chuckled as she ground herself against me. "Impatient girl."

"I've been on edge for fucking months when it comes to you," Gigi hissed, her fingers digging into the small of my back. "I've been more than fucking patient."

I grinned against the supple skin at the top of her breast. "How long before Ella comes looking for you?"

"No idea, but I wouldn't push it."

"You're bossy when you're horny."

"You've got no fucking idea, Cap."

"Mm. Can't wait to find out." I moved my lips back to hers, my tongue immediately sliding in between and meeting the velvet of hers. As our tongues dueled, my fingers drifted to the button at the front of her jeans, making quick work of it and the zipper. There wasn't time for niceties, or a sensual losing of clothes, I needed to feel her come apart. I needed it more than I needed air.

Gigi shifted, her plump backside barely on the edge of the desk, but making my hand sliding into her black panties much easier. I hadn't even made it to her slit before she let out her first moan into my mouth.

My hand slid lower, finding her seam already drenched and hot for me. I groaned against her mouth. "So fucking wet."

Gigi whimpered as my middle finger barely brushed against her hardened clit. "I'm always wet around you."

"Lucky fucking me," I responded as I pressed harder.

Her back immediately arched. "Fuck. Sully."

"Easy, girl," I commanded with a dark chuckle. "Make me work for a it a bit."

"You-you're evil," Gigi gasped as I began working her bud under the tip of my finger."

"No. If I was evil, I'd bring you to the edge and send you back out there."

Gigi's eyes went wide as she pulled back from me. "You better fucking not."

I laughed and took her mouth, my hand sliding lower until I felt her opening. "Relax, Snow. We ain't leaving her til you cum all over my fingers."

Gigi groaned as I slid my middle finger inside, the heel of my palm working her clit. "Fu-u-uk."

"You're wound tight, aren't you, baby?" I hummed against her throat as I continued to work her slick pussy. "God, you're so fucking wet."

"For you," Gigi said breathlessly. "Only for you."

"Good girl," I responded as my hand picked up it's pace. I added my index finger to my middle, sliding them in and out of her at a rapid tempo. Gigi's head tipped back on her shoulders as she moaned, bracing her hands on either side of her hips.

"There ya go, baby," I crooned as her hips began to work against my hand. "Ride my fucking fingers. Take what you need, greedy girl."

"Fuck. I'm so fucking close," Gigi responded, eyes clenched tightly as she continued to roll her hips and I continued to fuck her with my fingers. "Holy shit."

"You better do it, baby," I commanded, leaning forward and taking her earlobe between my teeth. "You better come before someone comes looking for you."

Gigi moaned lowly and there was absolutely no way someone didn't hear, but we were both too blissed out to care. "Did... did you..."

"Did I what, Galena?" I asked, lining kisses along her jaw as my fingers fucked her harder.

"Did... did you lock the door?"

"Mm. Do you think I did?" I retorted. I honestly couldn't remember if I had, but odds were high that anyone could walk through at any given moment. It sure hadn't been the first thing on my mind.

"Oh fuck!" Gigi groaned as I felt her walls beginning to flutter around me. "Fuck!"

"Does that make you hot, baby girl? Knowing someone could walk in here at any second and see you coming apart for me?"

"Yes! Fuck!"

"Oh, you are a dirty girl, aren't you?" I growled. "You like the idea of getting caught."

"Yes!" Gigi shrieked. One of her hands flew up from the desk and wrapped around my wrist. "I can't... oh my god... I can't..."

"You can, baby," I insisted, kissing the tip of her nose. "Just let go, Galena. You're almost there. I can feel you, sweetheart. Just let it go."

I slowed my motions a bit. Some of the tension melted from her body, but I could still feel her walls getting tighter. "There ya go, sweetheart," I purred as i nuzzled my nose along hers. "Relax and let it happen."

"I'm so..."

"Shh, I know, baby, just let go." I twisted my wrist, now using my thumb to apply a more direct pressure to her clit as my fingers continued sliding in and out.

"There! Yes!" Gigi exclaimed as both of her hands came to my shoulders. "Yes! Yes!"

I groaned as I felt a rush of heat and her walls clamp down. Gigi's mouth immediately found mine, her moans muffled as our tongues worked around each other. I slowed my motions, coaxing her down from her climax until she melted against my chest, both of our breaths heaving.

"Good girl," I whispered into the crown of her head before pressing my lips to the same place. "You're so pretty when you come."

Gigi let out a breathless laugh, leaning back to meet my eyes, her all glazed and happy. "You're crazy."

"About you," I challenged before pressing my lips to hers. "Come on. We better get cleaned up and get you back out there."

"If you think I'm done with you..."

I chuckled as I pulled my hands from her pants and took a step back. "I'm nowhere near done with you, sweetheart, but... the rest can wait until there isn't fifty people within earshot."

Gigi beamed, sliding off the desk and to her feet as she wriggled and tugged her clothing back into place. "Lucky my mom Isn't here tonight. She loves bursting in without knocking."

I narrowed my eyes. "Maybe we should go to my place tonight then."

Gigi giggled as she pushed onto her toes, pressing her lips to mine. "I like the sound of that."

"Good," I stated before kissing her again and then ushering her to the door with a playful slap on the ass. "Better get to work then so we can get out of here."

Gigi glanced down to where I was still swollen behind my jeans. "Might wanna step outside. Cool air might do you good."

"Get outta here, you heathen."

Gigi giggled again and then blew me a kiss, pulling the door shut behind her with a wink.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to bring myself back to earth. That... that had been close to the worst idea I'd ever had. Rational Sully knew that if even one person in that bar found out just who was doing what to our Chief's daughter in the next room, our cover would be blown to smithereens.

But Rational Sully was nowhere to be found when Galena Castellanos was around, and now in the aftermath, I was too fucking high on her moans to care.

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