Give Me Courage (BWWM)

By KassandraVivu

366K 18.4K 2K

Give Me Courage is about a young African-American Woman finding out she has cancer? the shock almost leads h... More

Give Me Courage Intro
Chapter 1 The Nightmare
Chapter 2 Why Me?
Chapter 3 (Hitter POV)
Chapter 4 Open your eyes
Chapter 5 The third day
Chapter 6 You must fight
Chapter 7 Maybe
Chapter 8 My world
Chapter 9 Let Me In
Chapter 10 I'll Understand
Chapter 11 She needs Me
Chapter 12 For Better or worse
Chapter 13 understanding myself
Chapter 14 he wants in
Chapter 15 I want her
Chapter 16 I'll be here
Chapter 17 Can I do this?
Chapter 19 I can do it
Chapter 20 Can't stand this
Chapter 21 Please LEAVE!!!
Chapter 22 I want in
Chapter 23 He's perfect
Chapter 24 I'm keeping you
Chapter 25 It's Time
Hello, Read Me
Chapter 26 our past
Chapter 27 I hope so
Chapter 28 For better or for Worse
Ch. 30 My story to you
Ch. 31 This gets interesting
CH. 32 All Of Me
CH. 33 You're all Mine
CH.34 You and I
Ch. 35 Just Us
SO here's the STITCH
Ch. 36 It Doesn't Matter
CH. 37 This Case
Ch.38 How did she survive
CH.39 Reasons why I love her
Ch. 40 There's nothing you can't tell me
The next chapter is private
Ch. 41 Wanting you more
Ch. 42 You're my one and only
Ch. 43 She's my heart
CH. 44 I trust him
CH.45 She's got this
CH. 46 This is Right
CH.47 Forever Baby
CH. 48 It's still up
CH. 49 Mama's Called
CH. 50 What was said
CH. 51 Time to start
CH. 52 The memories are here
CH. 53 Can I get closure?
CH.54 No, you're going to listen
CH. 55 Be Strong my Queen
CH. 56 Disgusted
CH. 57 Is she going to be alright?
CH. 58 No, he said tried.
CH. 59 What is she thinking
CH. 60 Thanks for being here for me
CH. 61 What is right?
Watty Award
CH. 62 Determination
CH. 63 We are going
CH. 64 Face to face with her
CH. 65 All for what?
CH. 66 I love you both
CH. 67 He is scary mad
CH. 68 Mercy & Nightmares
CH. 69 We'll go on
CH. 70 Closure & Hope
CH. 71 Pathetic Patient
CH. 72 Hurtful Words
CH. 73 Does she need to know?
CH. 74 I'm What?
CH. 75 We are Parents
CH. 76 Of course
CH. 77 All for you
CH. 78 "I can't believe it"
CH. 79 I love you forever

Chapter 18 She's Strong

5.1K 304 5
By KassandraVivu

Chapter 18
She's Strong

Jake Pov

I headed towards the cafeteria to get Live food.I knew she was nervous, I saw it in her eyes.How can something so horrible happen to some one so beautiful and kind hearted?I over heard her in the shower, I didn't understand what she meant by that. I acted like I didn't hear her when I saw the frighten look on her face when she thought she was caught in her thoughts. I had my poker face on, a man in my line fo work is good with the poker face.But when she hugged me I almost lost it, I knew that I really wanted her from then.The way her body felt in my arms when she hugged me. I felt everything, I was almost to scared to touch her back. It felt so right the way her body felt with me, that's where she belongs with me. "Hey sugar, can I help you with anything? It looks like your deep in thoughts?" I look up to find a nice old lady looking at me with a smile on her face. I nodded my head and told her I would like a sandwich with a soft fruit punch and a bag of hot fries please and thank you Ma'am" I told her smiling. She smiled back and made her way to the fridge to get me the food I asked for. She pulled a bag of hot fries from the rack and grabbed a bottle of soft drink. She handed me the stuff and I gave her 50 dollars. She look at me with wide eyes and was about ot decline it, but I shook my head and smiled. "Thank you" I said. "Thank you sweet heart. Thank you." I nodded and started walking to my destinitation. I admit I'm worried about how Live will go through this, I was scared for her. I know she can be strong. I had faith in her, Live is more stronger then she thinks she is. She can make it through. I took the Elevator and reach the next lever of the hospital, I made it into the lobby where I left Live to find her talking to the teenage boy. Laughing about something funny I assumed, I smiled. Glad that Live found a friend while I was gone. I made my way towards her and that seem to catch her attention. That seem to catch her attention as she smiled up at me as I sat next to her handing her food. "Jake this is my new friend Xavier, Xavier this is Jake... My boyfriend." I felt my heart beat un controble when she said that. But you can bet your ass that I shook Xavier hand agreeing to everyone she said. Xavier smiled at me and looked up when some one called his name. Live and I look up to see a teenage boy rush to Xavier. "I'm sorry I'm late." Xavier smiled and his face turned beat red. I was confused at first but Live didn't seem to let it phase her. Xavier smiled at him as the boy sat next to him asking if he was okay. "I'm okay and it's okay the Good thing is that you're here now. Bryan this is Olivia and Jake. Oliva and Jake this is my boyfriend Bryan." I shook Bryan hand and told him it was nice too meet him."It's good to have our boyfriends here isn't it Xavier?" Live asked smiling holding my hands.Bryan grabbed Xavier hand and brought it up his lips. Xavier smiled and looked back at Live we all need someone by our side. As we all sat there having a great conversation.Dr Nilla came out and looked directly at Live."Live, shall we start?"********Kassandra Speaks*********Heyy guy's! I just wanted to say that I will have a great scene in the next chapter but it will be put on PRIVATE! That means you have to be a follower to read the next chapter. *Sips Tea* My sister and I noticed that we have been getting many reads on "Kisses down Low" and "Give me courage" But where our followers at? Exactly Lol.My followers will be able to see what happen in the NEXT CHAPTER. The next chapter is a IMPORTANT CHAPTER GUYS. a Lot of things happen, but of course Jake will be there for Live no matter what.Like I said you will have to follow me to see the next chapter. I just had to tell you so you don't start to wonder where's the missing chapter Anyways who's on team #JAYLIVE?I am  Bye dolls. Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Follow for more chapters.Suscribe to my youtube.

channel videos coming your way. Thanks for reading my stories see you on the next chapter. Xoxoxo –Kassandra Vivu

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