Patient B-2

By wisteriaroselyn

143K 6.9K 1.3K

Avalyn has always been good at running; it's what she does best. But when fate offers her a chance to break f... More

- read me!!
Chapter One: Avalyn
Chapter Two: Avalyn
Chapter Three: Avalyn
Chapter Four: Cierien
Chapter Five: Cierien
Chapter Six: Avalyn
Chapter Seven: Cierien
Chapter Eight: Idalia
Chapter Nine: Wrath
Chapter Ten: Cierien
Chapter Eleven: Avalyn
Chapter Twelve: Wrath
Chapter Thirteen: Avalyn
Chapter Fourteen: Cierien
Chapter Fifteen: Idalia
Chapter Sixteen: Avalyn
Chapter Seventeen: Avalyn
Chapter Eighteen: Avalyn
Chapter Nineteen: Wrath
Chapter Twenty: Avalyn
Chapter Twenty-One: Aren
Chapter Twenty-Two: Avalyn
Chapter Twenty-Three: Avalyn
Chapter Twenty-Four: Avalyn
Chapter Twenty-Five: Aren
Chapter Twenty-Six: Idalia
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Idalia
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Avalyn
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Aren
Chapter Thirty: Avalyn
Chapter Thirty-One: Wrath
Chapter Thirty-Two: Sophie
Chapter Thirty-Three: Avalyn
Chapter Thirty-Four: Avalyn
Chapter Thirty-Five: Aren
Chapter Thirty-Six: Cierien
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Idalia
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Avalyn
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Avalyn
Chapter Forty: Wrath
Chapter Forty-Two: Idalia
Chapter Forty-Three: Avalyn
Chapter Forty-Four: Avalyn
Chapter Forty-Five: Avalyn
Chapter Forty-Six: Avalyn
Chapter Forty-Seven: Avalyn
Chapter Forty-Eight: Wrath
Chapter Forty-Nine: Avalyn
Chapter Fifty: Aren
Chapter Fifty-One: Avalyn
Chapter Fifty-Two: Avalyn
Chapter Fifty-Three: Avalyn
Chapter Fifty-Four: Wrath
Chapter Fifty-Five: Avalyn
Chapter Fifty-Six: Idalia
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Wrath
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Avalyn
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Idalia
Chapter Sixty: Avalyn
Chapter Sixty-One: Avalyn
Chapter Sixty-Two: Wrath
Chapter Sixty-Three: Avalyn
Chapter Sixty-Four: Avalyn
Chapter Sixty-Five: Avalyn
Chapter Sixty-Six: Avalyn
Chapter Sixty-Seven: Avalyn
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Avalyn
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Wrath
Chapter Seventy: Avalyn
Chapter Seventy-One: Avalyn
Chapter Seventy-Two: Avalyn
Chapter Seventy-Three: Avalyn
-Authors Note/ AYW?

Chapter Forty-One: Cierien

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By wisteriaroselyn

The days have drifted by, yet Avalyn remains steadfast in her silence towards us. Her demeanor softens in Sophie's presence, holding a glimmer of anticipation that Sophie might speak to her. However, in our company, her expression transforms into one of simmering hostility, as though she harbors a readiness to unleash her fury.

There's something distinctly different about her. It's not a negative change, just... different. She exudes a quiet confidence now, shedding the cloak of timidity and anxiety that once enveloped her. At least, that's how it seems from the outside looking in. But oh, the mysteries that must be swirling within her mind. I find myself yearning for her to open up to us, to break the silence and share the thoughts she guards so closely. I would give anything to hear her voice, to understand what she's truly thinking.

However, I was foolish to entertain any other outcome. I painted an illusion in my mind, imagining she would greet us with joy, that we would liberate her from that cell and pledge to shield her forever. But reality shattered those fantasies. She doesn't crave our protection, nor does she require our salvation. She stands strong on her own, independent and resilient. She never needed us- that much has become painfully clear.

I'm a fool. Utterly foolish to have imagined she'd willingly return to us. I crafted a fairy tale of our love story, but reality is far from enchanted. Fairy tales don't exist, and what we have can scarcely be labeled a love story. There will be no rainbows or sunshine in our future. When she gazes upon us, all she'll see is the pain we caused, the scars we left behind. That truth will forever overshadow any glimmer of warmth between us.

What's even more painful is the presence of someone new: Aren Wellington. I wish I could summon hatred for him, but he's always been a gentle soul. Though, I guess he's not the boy I once knew. He's only three years younger than me, and he's matured into a man. Yet, that same giddy smile remains unchanged. His eyes still twinkle at the corners, and his words still flow endlessly. The only noticeable alteration is his white eye, an imperfection that, I begrudgingly admit, adds to his beauty.

It's almost infuriating how effortlessly good he is. I find myself resenting his goodness because, selfishly, I want Avalyn for myself- for both Wrath and me. He clings to her as though she's his possession. Wherever she goes, he's not far behind. There's never a chance for me to have a moment alone with her, even if she were willing. He's become so ingrained in her life, almost like an extension of her being. Sometimes, I wish Idalia would intervene, make a scene to separate them. But deep down, I know it would be futile. Even she seems to be starting to understand the impossibility of tearing them apart.

Avalyn has reclaimed her own space, displacing us from her room and leaving us resigned to the couch. She extended the offer to Sophie, but Sophie remains entrenched in her anger, despite their recent reconciliation and mutual understanding.

Every night, I witness Aren emerging from Idalia's room, making his way to join Avalyn in hers. I find myself straining to eavesdrop, listening intently, but all I hear is the hum of Avalyn's large fan, drowning out any discernible noise. I try not to dwell on what might be happening behind those closed doors, though logic tells me it's probably nothing, especially with everyone else in such close proximity.

Envy gnaws at me relentlessly. I'm consumed by it- consumed by the ache of longing. It should be me in there every night, embracing her, with Wrath by my side. We should have her nestled between us now. Instead, she's confined to her room with a man who is neither Wrath nor me.

I should kill him.

The thought has crossed my mind more times than I care to admit. I've entertained the idea, contemplating the methods and weighing the consequences. But the truth is, there's no way to execute such an act without inflicting pain upon Avalyn. Any attempt would only lead to her anguish or retaliation from either her or Idalia.

Wrath shares my seething anger, I'm certain of it. He's likely concocting his own strategies to rid us of this interloper. But we dare not speak of it. Vocalizing such thoughts solidifies their reality, and in our world, there can be no reality where Avalyn forsakes us for another. For now, I cling to the hope that we still stand a chance of winning her back. Aren is merely a temporary distraction. She'll cast him aside and sever ties once she recognizes the depth of our love- once she realizes it's worth fighting for.

Witnessing Wrath's deteriorating state is deeply troubling. His incessant picking at his hands, his sleepless nights- it's all symptomatic of his inner turmoil. The revelation of his mother's survival has sent him spiraling into uncharted territory. He's lost, utterly adrift, grappling with emotions he can't begin to comprehend, let alone confront. His silence is deafening, almost more scary than if he were to lash out. I ache to reach out to him, to bridge the chasm that's formed between us, but I know I can't force him to open up. All I can do is stand by, offering silent support, hoping he'll find his way back to us.

Like clockwork, the new couple emerges from their room, the man trailing obediently behind Avalyn like a dog. Wrath's gaze flickers over the cushions, his eyes narrowed as he observes the scene unfolding before us. The man prattles on incessantly about nothing in particular, while Avalyn nods along with a patient smile, seemingly content to indulge him. It's a sight that twists the knife of jealousy deeper into Wrath's and mines wounded pride.

"I'd really love to see it one day, especially if it's yours. Sounds much nicer than this place- bigger," he remarks, prompting me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"It is- much bigger. Doesn't hold a lot of good memories though. And it's not exactly mine anymore," Avalyn replies, her gaze meeting Sophie's as she enters the kitchen.

Her parent's house- her house. That's what they're speaking of.

I wonder if it was her parents or us who prevented the house from holding the good memories she speaks of. It's likely both. I hate that we contributed to that.

It's even more painful to realize that all my cherished memories are tied to that house, with all the negativity overshadowed by her and her overwhelming love.

"You're planning to move back to California?" Sophie asks, her tone carrying an unreadable edge. "Back into the house?"

Avalyn sits at the counter, her gaze drifting towards the fridge where Aren hurries to prepare her breakfast. Once again, he's like a dog- a mindless dog, attentive and eager to please.

I sigh, rubbing at my eyes. My own bitterness is palpable. I'm being needlessly cruel. In truth, I'm consumed by jealousy. I long to be the one rushing to make her breakfast, to be the one she turns to with that same warmth and gratitude.

We've pieced together that Avalyn still retains human DNA, which likely explains her peculiar dietary habits as a hybrid- half vampire, half human. Despite our efforts to understand, she hasn't provided a full explanation, leaving us to draw conclusions from what we observe.

"Don't know," Avalyn replies, her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she ponders. "There's still much to do, so I haven't given it much thought. But, it's yours now, so really, it would be up to you."

"Speaking of much to do," Idalia interjects, barging out of her room and into the conversation. "Shall we begin the search for Wrath's estranged- though not actually estranged- mother?"

Everyone casts Idalia a skeptical glance, taken aback by her sudden willingness to involve herself. Well, everyone except Aren, whose face lights up with joy at his sister's decision to join us. "We shall," he declares, reaching over to affectionately pat her head before placing a plate of fruit in front of Avalyn.

Idalia's gaze fixates on the plate, her smile faltering as she inhales deeply, visibly collecting herself. "Avalyn, my brother is not your servant," she asserts, her tone firm yet laced with a smile. "If I catch him serving you again, I'll be tempted to find creative uses for that plate- perhaps, shoving it in places it shouldn't be," she adds, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Idalia, please," Aren chides gently, moving to stand behind Avalyn. He places his hands on her shoulders, massaging them with a tender touch.

Wrath's curses slip beneath his breath as he sits up, shooting a cold, sharp glare in Aren's direction. The fact that Aren, Avalyn's new... whatever he is, seems to have a closer bond with his mother than Wrath does, compounded by the perceived theft of his lover, fuels an unrelenting anger within him. It stirs a similar rage within me, despite the fact that it's not even my mother in question. Yet, Aren remains oblivious to Wrath's dark mood, addressing him directly.

"She's going to be real excited to see you- your mother," Aren remarks, resting his chin atop Avalyn's head and flashing a smile that feels far too saccharine to be genuine.

The thought nags at me that he might be deliberately provoking Wrath, yet I recall firsthand just how genuinely kind he can be. He once endangered himself to ensure I wouldn't suffer loneliness in that cell. However, the mystery remains regarding why he ceased his visits. I can only assume now that it was because he was handed over for experimentation at that point. I could inquire to confirm, but the idea of engaging in conversation with him feels strangely awkward.

"Why would you want to help find my mother?" Wrath directs his question at Idalia, but Aren mistakenly believes he's the one being addressed.

How unfortunate for him.

"Jeannie's like a mother to me- I love her like one. We spent years together. She was my lifeline; of course, I want to find her," Aren explains, his expression tinged with solemnity.

As Wrath rises to his feet, Idalia steps forward, poised for whatever Wrath has in store. "Jeannie?" Wrath echoes, a wry chuckle escaping his lips. "Like a mother to you, huh?"

Aren remains blissfully unaware of the looming threat, a carefree smile adorning his lips as his hands drop from Avalyn's shoulders to wrap around her. "Mhm," he hums in agreement, nodding his head while it still rests atop Avalyn's.

"Go on, tell me more about my mother, while you touch my girl," Wrath grits out, his voice sharp with anger.

"Wrath..." Avalyn's voice trails off, a warning in her tone, urging him to back down.

"Jeannie's your mother, I'm not trying to take her from you," Aren responds, his head tilting in confusion. "But Avalyn, on the other hand, is most definitely mine, not yours."

His voice dips to a menacing growl, his eyes flashing crimson with a sudden intensity. The abrupt change startles everyone except Avalyn, who remains composed. Without hesitation, Wrath launches himself at Aren, knocking Idalia aside in the process. His fist connects with Aren's jaw in a swift blur of motion. In the chaos, Idalia swiftly retaliates, grappling with Wrath, while Avalyn pulls Aren away from the fray, seeking refuge on the other side of the counter.

I rush forward to intercept Wrath, stepping between him and Idalia before she decides to delete him from existence. With a forceful shove, I push him behind me, uttering curses of disapproval under my breath. I know that resorting to violence won't win Avalyn back; if anything, it will only push her further away. Giving Wrath a pointed look, I see the anger in his eyes diminish, replaced by a dawning sense of regret as he comes to the same realization.

"Ouch," Aren murmurs, catching my attention as he rubs at his cheek.

Avalyn instinctively shields Aren, her hands gentle as they dote on him, soothing him with gentle touches and rubs. Idalia swiftly joins her, attempting to intervene, but Avalyn remains steadfast, refusing to yield, which earns Idalia a scowl in return. "You alright?" Avalyn's voice is soft as she checks on Aren, gently moving his hand to inspect the irritated skin.

"No, it hurts really badly," Aren mutters, prompting a chuckle from Sophie, who stands nearby, observing the scene unfold.

"You're a vampire, suck it up," Sophie quips with a playful smirk.

Idalia ignores Sophie's remark but turns her attention to the man behind me. "You're not welcome here. You'll find your own place," she declares firmly, before directing her gaze to Avalyn. "And so will you."

"Excuse me?" Avalyn's voice is laced with disbelief, her expression mirroring her incredulity.

Aren, seemingly forgetting about his sore cheek, swiftly moves to stand in front of Avalyn, shielding her protectively. "No, she will not," he asserts firmly. "This is her place as much as it is yours."

"Oh, you've got to be joking," Idalia bursts out in frustration, her hands gripping at her hair. "She doesn't care about you, Aren. She's still in love with two others, and she's using you to try and ease the pain of caring for men who hurt her."

"That's not true," Avalyn retorts, shaking her head in frustration. "You can kick Cierien and Wrath out, but Sophie and I stay."


Sophie snickers. "If they leave, so do I."

"We're not leaving!" Wrath asserts, his tone firm, and I nod in agreement, standing by his side.

They'd have to drag us out. And even if they could manage that, we'd just sit outside the door.

"Avalyn isn't leaving, Idalia. It's fine. Let's just focus on getting Jeannie back," Aren interjects with a sigh.

I sense Wrath on the verge of a retort, likely triggered by the mention of his mother from the man he's growing to despise. I quickly reach for him, squeezing his arm tightly to silence him. He clenches his jaw, restraining whatever words he has poised on his tongue, but the tension in his frame signals an impending eruption.

"If you can't control your anger, then you need to remove yourself from the situation," I whisper sternly, locking eyes with him. His jaw remains clenched, and he nods in acknowledgment of my words, but he doesn't make any move to leave.

"Fine?" Idalia repeats, her tone laced with a steely resolve. "No one is going to hit my brother and go unpunished," she declares, her gaze flickering to Avalyn. "You should be thankful I'm not ripping any hearts from chests. I'm giving you the option to leave. Say thank you, and get the fuck out!"

"I'm not helpless," Aren snaps, his tone firm and resolute. "I can fight my own battles. I appreciate the time you spent looking for me, but you don't get to choose how I live my life. Avalyn is staying right here in her home, and if that bothers you so much, then you can be the one to leave."

Her eyes widen, mouth agape, as she takes a step back, disbelief evident on her face. "I should leave?"

Aren closes his eyes, seemingly calming himself before speaking. "No one should leave unless Avalyn decides it's best. There are more important things we should be dealing with. We need to find Jeannie," he asserts.

"Unless... Avalyn decides it's best?" she repeats incredulously. "What the fuck? What the actual fuck?"

And then she starts to laugh. Gripping her hair, she tugs at it as she walks away. "Oh, that's fucking crazy," she mutters under her breath as she passes us by. "That's so fucking crazy." Her laughter echoes through the room, tinged with a mixture of incredulity and frustration.

She continues to mutter to herself all the way to her room, slamming the door shut behind her. "You should go speak to her," Avalyn suggests, chewing on her lip nervously. "I think she's losing it."

Aren chuckles softly, turning to look at her. "She'll be fine. No worries."

Avalyn nods, exhaling deeply. "Start later?" she asks, referring to the search for Wrath's mother and addressing us directly.

I find myself nodding enthusiastically, perhaps a bit too eager at the prospect of her addressing me directly. Avalyn raises her eyebrows in response, but says nothing more, pulling Aren along with her as they both disappear into her room.

I rock back and forth on my heels for a good minute, standing in stunned silence. Then, a laugh bubbles up from within me, and a giddy smile spreads across my lips. "She spoke to us," I whisper in amazement, playfully punching Wrath in the arm before turning to Sophie and enveloping her in a tight hug. "Like directly to us," I sing, my voice filled with excitement as I ruffle her hair.

"Oh, stand up," Sophie groans, pushing me off and leaving Wrath and me alone in the kitchen.

"But... I am standing?" I murmur, puzzled, glancing to Wrath for clarification.

He doesn't offer an explanation, instead emitting a groan that mirrors Sophie's before following her out of the kitchen.

Hours pass before Idalia eventually emerges from her room, making her way to Avalyn's. We observe her hesitating outside the door, her hand poised to knock. With a frustrated sigh, she ultimately decides against it, pushing the door open without announcement and letting herself in.

"I don't like whatever... this is," Idalia's voice filters through the door. "But I'm not losing my brother over it."

"You'd never lose me, Idalia- not again. I don't see why we can't just get along," Aren responds, his voice groggy as if he's just been woken up.

Avalyn remains silent, but soon they all return to the living room. Rubbing at her eyes, Avalyn comes into view, likely just waking up from a nap as well. She takes a seat before the coffee table, with Aren and Idalia flanking her on each side.

"Ready to strategize?" Idalia asks, her tone tinged with irritation, likely still harboring resentment towards Wrath.

She does not want to be doing this. All she had planned was to save her brother and live the rest of her life peacefully. But she never suspected her brother would have other plans- plans that involve WWA yet again.

"Yeah, of course," I respond, sitting up.

Sophie sits leaned against the arm of the couch, half-conscious, but she straightens up alongside me. Meanwhile, Wrath remains motionless, his eyes fixed on Aren's every movement, observing as his fingers trace over Avalyn's knees.

"We had plans to attend the next auction, but we encountered... problems," Idalia explains. "Then, as you know, they found us before we could even devise a proper plan."

"What problems exactly?" Avalyn inquires.

Idalia rolls her eyes, picking at her nails. "The headman, yet again," she mutters in frustration.

"Again?" I ask, confused.

Avalyn nods, her eyes finding mine. "We encountered the head of the entire organization at the first party we attended. He's the one who caught me and placed me in the facility."

Despite the somber nature of her words, they ignite a spark of excitement within me. For the second time today, she's speaking directly to me. She's actually looking at me- into my eyes. I'm looking at her. We're looking at each other. I could do a fucking cartwheel right now.

"Wait, which party?" Wrath asks, sitting up. "I attended a party as well.

"Yeah, we were there too," Idalia confirms, but my attention is drawn solely to Avalyn as she shifts uncomfortably.

"You were there?" Wrath asks once more, directing his gaze at Avalyn.

"Mhm," she hums in confirmation, meeting his eyes with a satisfied smirk curling onto her lips. "Did you enjoy my little song?"

I glance between them, feeling perplexed by their conversation. I suppose we never really did put together that Avalyn was taken at the same event Wrath was in attendance of. However, Wrath would have surely mentioned seeing Avalyn; I simply don't understand. What song is she referring to?

"Hated it," he grits out, leaning forward with tension radiating from him, his body wound tight. "You played beautifully, sweetheart."

"Good," she smiles smugly, but her nervousness betrays her as she picks at her fingers. "And thank you. I'm glad to know how deeply my performance affected you."

"Still a fan of the apple shit, hm?" he remarks, his gaze steady as he runs his tongue across his bottom lip.

"Always," she retorts, tilting her head slightly as her eyes follow the movement of his tongue.

"Cut it out, now!" Idalia scolds, breaking them from their tense little staring contest. I release a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding because, for some reason, I'm now feeling hot and bothered by the intensity of their eye contact. I even feel a twinge of jealousy toward my best friend for getting to gaze into her eyes for so long. I swiftly grab for a decorative pillow, placing it over my lap.

"Where exactly is this facility?" Idalia asks, effectively breaking whatever tension had been building up between us- well, mainly between Wrath and Avalyn, but I can't help needing to insert myself, feeling caught up in it too.

"If you handed me a map, I could probably try to pinpoint it. We ran through the woods for what felt like hours before finally reaching the city, and then it took a bit of a drive to get back here. Can't be too far though," Avalyn says.

Idalia immediately grabs for her phone, thrusting it into Avalyn's hands where she starts to get to work on attempting to retrace her steps virtually. "They might have relocated her already, but it's worth checking this place first," Idalia murmurs, more to herself than us. Turning her attention to the group, she adds, "Is there any crucial information we're missing?"

Aren speaks up, his voice carrying the weight of his experience. "Jeannie wasn't around when we left. They'd occasionally take her, but never for auctions, at least as far as I know," he shares, his words hinting at a deeper understanding of their situation. He continues, "She never mentioned where they'd take her, but we can rule out the larger auctions entirely. Jeannie never attended those."

"Larger auctions?" the group echoes in unison, our curiosity piqued.

"Oh... right," Avalyn murmurs softly, her gaze briefly meeting Aren's, silently urging him to explain what he means.

"Larger auctions, the ones I presume you've been attending, primarily involve humans, as you must be aware by now," Aren explains, his tone matter-of-fact. "Only a few vampires, typically just me and maybe two others, would ever show up at those events."

My heart sinks into my stomach, a heavy weight settling in as I grasp the reality of Aren's past. I had known about the horrors of the facility, having endured them myself, but the realization that he had been one of those auctioned off hits me like a freight train.

Despite my initial resentment towards him, I find it increasingly difficult to harbor any hatred. He has lived a life of relentless suffering, yet he found solace in Avalyn, a beacon of light amidst the darkness, just as she is for me. As much as I want to resent him for being with her, the unimaginable horrors he's faced evoke a sense of empathy within me. I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude that he found someone as wonderful as Avalyn to navigate the darkness with him. My anger begins to wane, replaced by a newfound understanding.

Aren continues, his tone steady. "There are smaller auctions, exclusive to members of WWA and their affiliates. These auctions exclusively involve the sale of vampires, with humans as the buyers. Jeannie would be present at those. She's only ever attended those," he explains, imparting this crucial piece of information to the group.

Sophie's question cuts through the tension, prompting us to confront the logistical challenge ahead. "How do we gain access to these smaller auctions? Or even locate them?" she inquires, her determination palpable.

Aren offers a sheepish shrug, a testament to the limitations of his own knowledge. "I was always blindfolded during transport," he admits. "But I do know it's invite-only. If gaining entry to the larger auctions was challenging, this will be nearly impossible. It's a much smaller pool of attendees, barely even a hundred."

"What else can you tell us?" Wrath presses, his frustration evident. "What did the interior look like? Were there windows? Anything that might give us a clue as to where these auctions were held?"

Aren's brow furrows in contemplation as he reflects on his past experiences. "They would occasionally switch locations, but none of them ever had windows," he recalls. "Always large rooms- ballrooms, private spaces for the buyers, sometimes even a bar. They resembled the parties WWA hosts, but with less chaos. Instead, it was all about networking and business transactions out in the open, while most of the assault occurred behind closed doors."

Aren's voice takes on a somber tone as he continues, adding another layer to the grim reality of these auctions. "It's highly structured," he explains. "Bidding occurs at the outset, followed by each buyer being allocated a private room for the duration of the event. Vampires who aren't purchased are relegated to serving as entertainment for the attendees- like slaves. However, Jeannette has never been involved in the bidding process or served at these parties. I never saw where she was taken, but it wasn't with me. Despite being transported together, they always separated us upon arrival."

"Why would they do that?" I voice the question, struggling to comprehend the rationale behind excluding one individual from the auction process.

Once more, Aren offers a shrug, his expression conveying a mixture of uncertainty and determination. "We'll have to ask her when we find her," he replies softly, his voice laced with a glimmer of hope.

"Found it," Avalyn abruptly blurts out. "Well, at least a general area of where it may be. There's a lot of woods, but it's these woods."

She flips the phone, showing the group. Idalia wastes no time, seizing the phone and quickly scanning the information before rising to her feet with determination evident in her stride. "Nice, be back soon," she declares, heading towards the front door.

Avalyn's concern is palpable as she rises to her feet, followed closely by Aren. "You're going alone?" she questions, her worry evident in her voice.

Idalia responds with a confident smile. "Of course I am. Don't wait up."

With that, she heads out the door.

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