Prime in a New Earth - Book 1...

By TruthAndPeace

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Optimus Prime finds himself in a strange new world. More

The Beginning
Waking Up
The Drive
At The Doctors
Using A Quirk
Entrance Exam
First Day
Quirk Assessment
Combat Training (Start)
Combat Training (Deku VS Bakugo)
Combat Training (Optimus & Koda)
USJ Pt.1
USJ Pt. 2
USJ Pt. 3
Coming Back
Sports Festival
Choosing Names
Meeting Torino
New Art & Apologies
Final Exam
Special Episode!!!
Swimming Problems
Welcome to Camp
Camp Attack
Escape Attempt
All For One

First Day Back

415 16 64
By TruthAndPeace

Sorry it took a while to post this next chapter. I got sick, and I still am sick. I'm okay.


Optimus is sitting at his desk in class 1-A. He'd returned from the internship with Gran Torino shortly after the fight with Stain. Iida and Midoriya stands at his desk, talking. Though he stays quiet, not having anything to say. The other students start talking to them, about The Hero Killer.

"Now, if you wanna talk about the ones who really changed, it was those three," Kaminari mentions while talking to Mineta.

"Oh, yeah! The Hero Killer!" Seriously shouts out while being dragged around by Bakugo.

"Glad you guys made it back alive. Seriously," Karishma says while also being dragged.

"I worried about you too," Yaoyorozu states.

"You were lucky Endeavor showed up and saved you guys," Sato says.

"So cool," Hagakure speaks up, "Just what I'd expect from the number two hero!"

Optimus thinks about it for a moment, "Yes. He saved us."

Optimus understands that no one can know that a bunch of kids beat the Hero Killer. Especially kids without a hero license.

Ojiro speaks up, "Did you guys hear the news about the Hero Killer? Everyone's been saying that he was somehow connected to the League of Villains. Can you imagine how frightening it would've been if that creep had been there when they attacked the USJ?"

"He's scary, yeah," Kaminari shrugs, "but did you see him in that weird video? It's all over the internet."

These two comments caught Optimus' attention. *A connection to the League is unlikely. He seems like someone who wouldn't want anything to do with them. But what is this video Kaminari mentioned?*

"I didn't even know there was a video of him," Ojiro states.

"Yeah. Stain's a pretty evil villain, but, like, super tenacious. He's almost kinda cool, dontcha guys think?" Kaminari asks.

"Kaminari," Optimus' voice sounds almost like a disappointed adult, "Stain may of had a good reason behind what he was doing, but that does not make what he did right. And he certainly isn't cool."

"Uh... Oh! Dude!" He covers his mouth.

"No, it's okay. You're fine," Iida reassures him, "Though what Orion said is correct."

And then it was time for class to start. Everyone sat down and things got started.


They were at some kind of training grounds made of many pipes. All Might stood at the ready to yeah the class.

"Today it's Hero Basic Training," All Might states, "Feels like I haven't seen you in a while. Welcome back. Now then. Listen carefully for what's in store. We're going to be conducting a little race. Take everything you've learned from your internships and apply it to this rescue training."

Iida raises his hand, "If it's rescue trait, then shouldn't we be at the USJ instead?"

All Might answers, "Ah, that facility specializes in disasters. As I said earlier, this is a race. So prepare. You're about to step into Field Gamma! Inside, is an area full of factories that form an intricate labyrinth, so good luck finding your way around. You'll be competing in groups of five. Each person starts from a different location on the outskirts of the model city. I'll send a distress signal, and you do what you must to rescue the captive. Whoever finds them first wins! But try to keep the property damage to a bare minimum, please."

Optimus tilts his head, "All Might, there are 21 of us. That can't be evenly put in groups of five."

All Might chuckles, "That is correct Young Orion, and you will be the captive."

"What? Why me!?" Optimus looks surprised.

"Because I drew names earlier and yours was the one I drew," All Might states, All right. First group, get to your places."

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