7 doctor brothers |BTS FF| ✔

By Insane_adolfa

174K 7.6K 3.3K

This story is about seven doctor brothers, and their 13-year-old sister Y/n. Y/n is intelligent and stubborn... More

Dedication and Copyright
A Special Family Introduction
Chapter1.1: A peaceful day in Bangtan family (Edited)
Chapter 1.2: Spending family time together (Edited)
Chapter 1.3: Jimin's Whereabouts (Edited)
Chapter 1.4: Day of incident (Edited)
Chapter 1.5 Y/n's concern
Chapter 1.6 Late night drive (Edited)
Chapter 1.7: Sibling's bickering (Edited)
Chapter 1.8: New Day and Morning Breakfast.
Chapter 1.9: Off To School
Chapter 2.0: New Faces.
Chapter 2.1: Real friend or fake friend?
Chapter 2.2: Jimin's discharge
Chapter 2.3: Scolding because of Skateboard. (Edited)
Chapter 2.4: Family night.
School character Intro
Chapter 2.5: Exams or Summer camp
Chapter 2.6: Exam Stress
Chapter 2.7: Group Study
Chapter 2.8: Let's start with the challenging topics first.
Chapter 2.9: Let's go to library.
Chapter 3.0: It's time to relax a bit.
Chapter 3.1: You are that popular girl, aren't you?
Chapter 3.2: Long time no see, Y/n. (Edited)
Chapter 3.3: Who dared to do this to you?
Chapter 3.4:Sweetie, where were you?
Chapter 3.5: Anything for you, little troublemaker.
Chapter 3.6: Y/n's Injury (Edited)
Chapter 3.7: Brothers Scolding and Hospital scene (Edited)
Chapter 3.8: Worsen Injury (Edited)
Chapter 3.9: Injection Dilemma (Edited)
Chapter 4.0: Siblings Negotiations (Edited)
Chapter 4.1: Jungkook's apology (Edited)
Chapter 4.2: Friends' Visit
Chapter 4.3: Unpredicted turn
Chapter 4.4: Childhood Promise
Chapter 4.5: You promised you wouldn't throw any tantrums
Chapter 4.6: You guys are impossible!
Chapter 4.7: Movie Night
Chapter 4.8: A Painful Ordeal
Chapter 4.9: Today it was really off limits
Chapter 5.0: Don't call my baby a devil
Chapter 5.1: How about we go for shopping
Chapter 5.2: Frozen Bottle Café
Chapter 5.3: We should all have a sleepover tonight.
Appreciation post
Chapter 5.4: Time to sort unsolved things
Chapter 5.5: Am I not allowed to sit here?
Chapter 5.6: It's hard to see her struggle.
Chapter 5.7: Are you sure it's safe?
Chapter 5.8: Wait, is that a drop-out letter?
Chapter 5.9: Did he read my mind again?
Chapter 6.0: Please, just leave me alone.
Chapter 6.1: You already messed up a lot lately.
Chapter 6.2: You both are so cruel.
Chapter 6.3: You think you're so clever, don't you?
Chapter 6.4: Her actions are inexcusable and have serious consequences.
Chapter 6.5: Karma's a... well, you know.
Chapter 6.6: I'll eat after this episode. I promise.
Chapter 6.7: You stayed up late again, didn't you?
Chapter 6.8: Are you feeling better now?
Chapter 6.9: W....what d...did you do? Why did you push her?
Chapter 7.0: Focus on your match.
Author's Request:
Chapter 7.1: Y/n's Critical Condition
Chapter 7.2: Surgery?
Chapter 7.3: Is this end of the book?
Chapter 7.4: New character?
Chapter 7.5: Y/n gains consciousness
Chapter 7.6: Leave her, Rose. Don't hurt her.
Chapter 7.7: Don't you understand in one go, Y/n?
Chapter 7.9: I am going home? Really?
Chapter 8.0: Promise? What promise?
Chapter 8.1: Do you have any idea what you've put my sister through?
Chapter 8.2: The parents will be here shortly.
Chapter 8.3: Haven't we made a deal?
Chapter 8.4: This is where it ends, Principal. Goodbye.
Chapter 8.5: Hey you both stob it.
Chapter 8.6: No matter what, we always had each other's backs
Chapter 8.7: Waterpark Adventure
Chapter 8.8: Y/n, stay in the car! Don't come near!
Chapter 8.9: But what if they don't make it?
Chapter 9.0 : No! I don't need any injection!
Chapter 9.1: Well, well, Jungkook. Care to explain?
Chapter 9.2: I'm not eating that disgusting soup. I want something else!
Here's to the future, and to the never-ending adventure that is life.
Epilogue: 2 Months Later
Author's Final Note:
Intubation Oneshot

Chapter 7.8: Are you sure you don't want to meet her, Hyung?

1.7K 110 23
By Insane_adolfa

Jay show everyone the video of Y/n getting bullied.

Jay: "I am sorry, Hyung and Y/n. We posted this video without your consent, but we believed it was necessary. However, if you are against it, we can take it down now itself."

Y/n look at her brothers to know their reaction. Jungkook smiled and came ahead,

Jungkook: (calm) "It's okay now, the video is posted, and we can't easily take it down. I think this is the best punishment anyone could get. Right, Namjoon Hyung?"

Namjoon: (nodding) "Yes, I agree. Let's leave it as it is. They need to learn from their mistakes. I am glad that you maintained Y/n's privacy yet revealed Hyejin's actions, but don't do it next time because it's not ethical to release anyone's video without their permission. Understood?"

Jay and Jake nod in agreement, understanding Namjoon's point. They look at Y/n apologetically.

Y/n: (smiles reassuringly) "It's okay, guys. Don't be disappointed. I know you just wanted to help, and knowing you both, I already knew this might happen in the future if that phone gets in your hand."

Taehyung Pov:

As the room settled into a calm environment after the intense conversation, my thoughts were still consumed by what Y/n had endured. I remained silent but my gaze was fixed on her whole, trying to understand the pain she kept hidden so well.

With a deep breath, I decided to break the silence and walked towards Y/n. With each step towards her, my heart raced. I wanted to convey my feelings, to let her know that I was there for her. But a part of me was also angry at her for keeping this from me.

End of Pov.

Taehyung: (low voice) "Y/N, why didn't you tell me you were hurt?"

Y/n: (guilty) "I didn't want to worry you".

Namjoon: (scoffs) "You think if you don't tell us we wouldn't worry about you?"

Taehyung: (worried) "You're the most important person in my life. If you're hurt, I want to know."

Y/n: (looks down) "I'm sorry for making you mad; I really didn't want to stress you all"

Jimin: (sighs) "we're not mad at you, we're just... worried. I don't like to think of you being hurt."

Jhope reaches out and takes your hand in his.

Jhope: (worried) "Promise me that you'll tell us next time you're hurt. No matter how small it is."

Y/n: (nods) "I promise, Oppa"

Everyone smiles.

Suga: "Alright, let's get you some rest."

Y/n: "Oppa, when will Jin Oppa visit?"

The room fell into a moment of silence as everyone exchanged concerned glances.

Jungkook: (smiling) "He's busy at the moment, but he promised to visit you later."

Namjoon: (changing the topic) "Yes, for now, let's focus on resting. You have to go to the X-ray room in a few hours to check your fractured hand."

Y/n: (sparkling eyes) "So, will they remove the cast?"

J-Hope: (smiling) "Hopefully, yes. But we're still not certain. If, because of yesterday's event, your hand is also injured, we may need to keep the cast on for a few more days."

Y/n: (angry pout) "I'm tired of this thing."

Taehyung: (patting her head) "Don't worry, we checked your hand yesterday, and it seemed fine from the outside. Today, we'll check if it's injured on the inside or if it's healed."

Jimin was still feeling bad for scolding Y/n, finally after debating with himself he went near her bed and cupped her cheeks. But Y/n was still angry on him because he raised voice on her.

Jimin: (guilty) "I'm sorry, baby. I shouldn't have scolded you. I won't do this again."

Y/n turned her face away,

Jimin: (soft) "Princess, please look at me. I know I messed up, and I feel awful about it. I just want you to know that I care about you, and I only scolded you because I was worried. Can you forgive me?"

Y/n: (sarcastically) (sulking) "It's okay, oppa. But I think you should spend less time with Jungkook Oppa and Suga Oppa. You're starting to sound like them."

Jimin: (smile) "Alright, I'll try to be less like them. But seriously, please don't do this again."

Suga: (offended) "Hey, what's that supposed to mean? Are you saying we're too strict?"

Jungkook: (acting hurt) "Yeah, we just care about you, Baby. It's not like we enjoy scolding you."

Suga: (mock serious) "Well, if you think we're too strict, maybe we should just let you do whatever you want, hmm?"

Jungkook: (pretending to agree) "Yeah, maybe we should just stop caring about your well-being."

Y/n: (sarcastic) "Oh no, please don't do that! I can't imagine a life without your constant nagging and scolding."

Namjoon: (chuckling) "Okay, my Drama Queen, but remember, if this happens again, no one will be worse than me."

Y/n: (in mind) "Oh, how sweet. How can oppa threaten me while smiling like that?"

Namjoon: (pinching her nose) "I mean it. I might smile, but I'm dead serious about it so I'm warning you, Y/n. If this happens again, I won't be as lenient."

Now it's normal for Y/n, so it's not surprising anymore that her brother read her mind again.

Y/n: (mumbling) "As if you're ever lenient at other times."

Namjoon: (raising an eyebrow) "I heard that, you know."

Y/n: (nervously chuckling) "Ehehe, I-I am sleepy now. You all should go back to work."

Jungkook: (chuckle) "Okay, I think everyone should go back now cause visiting hours are already over. Tomorrow we will shift Y/n out of ICU so you can visit her then"

Your friends nodded and waved goodbye. Once they left, Suga helped you lie down in bed, tucking you in. He kissed your forehead and then whispered in your ear,

Suga: (soft) "I love you."

Y/n: (smiles) "I love you too"

Once Y/n was asleep, everyone came out of the room, and Tae closed the door. Despite understanding that Y/n was just trying not to worry them, everyone was still angry and disappointed. They couldn't believe that Y/n hadn't told them she was hurt. Tae, in particular, felt hurt and betrayed.

Suga: "I think we should head back to our departments then, and it's almost lunch time so make sure you all eat"

Everyone nodded and made their way to their respective departments. While Suga went to Jin's Cabin.

In Jin's Cabin,

Jin pov:

I was engrossed in checking the files, my mind occupied with other thoughts, just then I heard a knock on the door which slightly startled me.

"Come in," I said, and the door opened, revealing Suga.

He entered and sat on the chair in front of me. I leaned back, running my hands over my face and slapping my cheeks lightly to snap back to reality. I focused on Suga, waiting for him to speak.

Suga: (sigh) "Are you sure you don't want to meet her, Hyung? Y/n was about you."

"Yes, Yoongi. I don't." I gave cold reply that surprised even Suga.

Suga ran a hand through his hair. He understood my frustration. Y/n, had a habit of pushing boundaries. This time, though, things were different.

"Hyung, I think you should hear her out. Maybe she realized the impact of her actions..."

My jaw clenched "It doesn't matter if she's changed. What she did... it's not something that can be erased or forgiven with a simple apology."

Suga nodded, then hesitated before continuing. "Hyung, her friends told us what happened in her school before her vacations."

I felt a pang of concern prick at me, but I still tried to control my emotions "What happened?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

Suga sighed heavily, "She was bullied (explains everything)"

My heart sank at the revelation I was anger and sad at the same time. I was angry that Y/n had been facing so much, and I hadn't even known. The thought of her going through all that pain without me there to help her tore me apart.

My eyes flickered in concern for a moment; but it disappeared as soon as I remembered yesterday event. The way Y/n was covered with blood and fighting with life and death just because she wasn't careful and skipped dinner after promising to eat properly.

"She needs to learn, Actions have consequences," I said coldly opening my file to ignore eye contact with Suga,

Suga sighed again, a heavier sigh this time. He knew after Mom Dad's death as eldest I have taken care of everyone especially Y/n like mom. But right now, my anger overshadowed my protectiveness.

"Hyung, she's getting bullied. This isn't about skipping dinner anymore." Suga insisted,

I remained Silent, My fingers tapped a restless rhythm on the table. Finally, I spoke,

"Maybe you're right," I sighed in defeat "But ignoring her... it just feels..."

"Necessary?" Suga finished for me, but more like questioned.

I let out a shaky breath. "Maybe... for now. Not talking to her might be the best punishment. I'm already in a bad mood, so if I try to talk to her, I might end up scolding her. Perhaps this way, she'll realize the consequences of her actions."

Suga offered a small smile. It wasn't a perfect solution, but it was a start. I just needed some time to process my own conflicting emotions. 

"As you wish, Hyung. Now, how about we go to have lunch? I want to eat Ramyeon today."

I cracked a faint smile. "Sounds good, Yoongi. Extra kimchi, though."

End of Pov.

They made their way to the cafeteria, the clinking of cutlery and murmur of voices filling the air. After Lunch Jhope brought Y/n's lunch and made sure she ate properly.

Once they finished, J-Hope gently helped Y/n to her feet, and together, they went to the X-ray room.

Y/n felt relief and excitement as the Jhope carefully cut through the layers of the cast. As the last piece came off, Y/n flexed her fingers, feeling the freedom of movement she had missed for so long.

The technician carefully positioned Y/n's hand under the X-ray machine,

After reviewing the X-ray images, Jhope turned to Y/n.

Jhope: (smile) " Congratulations, your hand has healed nicely. you're officially cast-free."

Y/n: (excited) "Ahh, really? I'm so happy! Finally, I can do whatever I want."

J-Hope: (scoffs) "As if you weren't doing that when your hand was in a cast. Just remember to take it easy for a bit as your hand gets used to moving again."

Y/n nodded,

Time Skips to night.

In Jin's Cabin,

Jin thought about Suga's words the whole day. He was still angry, so he decided to take a long walk to clear his head. Jin walked until he felt aches in his legs and his anger had faded away.

In Y/n's ward,

Time: 12:00 am,

He entered Y/n's ward and found her asleep in bed. Sitting down next to her, he watched her sleep for a while. Despite still feeling a little angry, his eyes were still adoring her.

Y/n is the most important person in his life, and he would do anything to protect her. He knew she loved him too and would never intentionally hurt him.

He took deep breath and gently patted her head,

Jin: (soft) "Baby, I am sorry I didn't knew you were getting bullied at school and I know you're strong, but seeing you hurt like this... it's hard. I don't ever want to see you in pain again. Seeing you fight for your life yesterday was the scariest moment of my life. I can't imagine a world without you in it. You mean everything to me, and I promise to always be by your side, no matter what."

He leans over and kisses Y/N's forehead. "I love you," he whispers.

Then he gets up and turned to leave but stopped when he heard something.

Y/n: (soft) " I'm so sorry, oppa."

Jin, surprised to hear her voice, turns to look at her.

Jin: (surprised) "Y/n, you're awake?"

Y/n reaches out and gently holds his hand.

Y/n: "Oppa, I'm so sorry for making you worry. I didn't mean to cause you any pain."

Jin: (comforting) "It's okay, Y/n. Don't apologize."

Y/n: (tearfully) "I was so scared, oppa."

Jin's heart ached at her words. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as if he never wants to let go.

Jin: (whispering) "I know, Y/n. I was scared too. But you're safe now, and that's all that matters."

Y/n's eyes welled up with tears as she curled into Jin's embrace, feeling the warmth and comfort of his presence. Jungkook enter with a tray and see's Y/n and Jin which brings smile on his face

After a long hug, when he felt Y/n had calmed down, he cupped her face and asked,

Jin: "How are you feeling, Princess?"

Y/n: (smile) "Better now that you're here. Where were you?"

Jin: "I was taking some rest, but I'm here now. Missed me?"

Y/n: "Of course, I did. Who else would annoy me with their dad jokes?"

Jin: (laughs) "Hey, my jokes are top-notch. Isn't that right, Kookie?"

Jungkook: (chuckles) "Sure, Jin Hyung. Top-notch in their own special way."

Jin: (curious) "But Kookie, what brings you here late at night?"

Jungkook got nervous and subtly gestured towards the tray, showing the syringe. Jin understood the situation and gulped, realizing that this time Y/n's hand back to normal and it would be tough for them to handle her alone.




To be continued.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading. Take care of yourself, and remember to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. 💗

I am having Exam on 10 May hopefully my last Viva of this Sem so probably next chapter will be delayed a bit cause after exam I get blank 🥲



As always (sigh) people who still haven't followed me do follow me on Instagram for edits on this book and other bts related reels. (Id: adolfa_writes)

Also if you like this book then do give a try to my other books like

1. Secretory of Cold CEO (JJK ff)

2. Undestined fate: Kriyra (Doctor desi novel)

3. Clandestine Vow (KTH mafia ff) 

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