A Dangerous Game Of Submissio...

Oleh Yoonkeeri

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"I won't fucking submit to you," Yoongi spat. "And I certainly don't need to justify myself to someone like y... Lebih Banyak

Title and Cover :


496 48 219
Oleh Yoonkeeri

Yoongi's voice slightly trembled as he continued. "My parents... they were from the mafia line," he began. "They were known to be cold-hearted, feared by everyone in the underworld. But to me and Jimin, they were different. They raised us with love, with a softness that only I knew."

"They wanted me...to be different. They didn't want me to be like them, cold-hearted and despised by everyone. They didn't want me to have the instincts of the mafia, because then, I will be seen like them."

He sighed. "But their wish... it went to waste," he admitted. "Because I... I'm just like them. I have their instincts, their tendencies. If only I wasn't like that, maybe they could've been happier."

"And no one wanted to befriend me," he said. "I was always seen as the mafia's son, someone to be feared and avoided. So, I grew up alone."

"It was a lonely existence," he confessed softly, his gaze on the floor. "But it was the only life I knew."

"My parents found Jimin as a newborn baby," he began. "He was abandoned, left in a garbage bag like he meant nothing."

Jin's eyes widened, his expression reflecting his disbelief. "Does that mean Jimin was..." he trailed off.

Yoongi nodded. "Yes," he replied softly. "He was adopted. We're not brothers by blood."

"And when he was 2 years old, we found out he had heart problems," he recounted. "His heart was weak, and he would struggle to breathe at times. There were moments when his heart would seize in pain, and he would faint."

"We all cared for him deeply, doing everything we could to keep him healthy. But when he started attending school at the age of 6, some students began to tease and bully him because of his condition. They mocked him for being weak and unable to participate in sports like other kids."

Yoongi's hands clenched into fists as he recalled the pain Jimin endured. "One day, he came home in tears, broken by the cruelty of those bullies," he continued. "I don't know what came over me, but I just..saw red. Without a second thought, I went to the park where those boys were playing and..." He trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.

Tears gathered in his eyes. "I... I killed those kids," he admitted. "I didn't even know how or why I did it, but... but I did. And there was no turning back after that."

"Then, my parents found out," he confessed. "That was why they locked me up in a room and punished me."

"It was cruel," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper, "but what I did to those kids was more cruel."

"They then tried to defend me, hiding the fact that I was the killer," he explained, his voice filled with bitterness. "But the police investigated, and after a week, they found out that I was the murderer."

The revelation brought him a sense of guilt and shame. "They didn't want me to be seen like that. I was only 9 years at that time," he said. "They knew I didn't do it intentionally. So, they made a sacrifice."

"They said goodbye and went in my place to jail as murderers."

"They were sentenced to 30 years in prison," he murmured. The reality of their situation was a constant burden on his heart, a reminder of the lengths they had gone to protect him.

"I remember the day they were taken away," he continued. "I stood there, watching helplessly as they were led away, knowing that they were suffering because of me."

"I blamed myself for what happened," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I couldn't shake the feeling that I was responsible for their suffering."

"But even in prison, they never stopped caring for me," he said, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "They sent me letters, reassuring me that everything would be okay."

"Their sacrifice will always weigh heavily on my heart," he said softly. "But I will never forget the love they showed me, even in the darkest of times."

Yoongi wiped away his tears, trying to compose himself as he spoke. "Jimin doesn't know any of this," he confessed softly. "I was told by my parents to lie to him that they had died instead of telling him they went to the prison. He doesn't even know they were alive... And he doesn't remember anything about them because he was a child back then."

"And I couldn't bear to tell him either," Yoongi admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I couldn't bear to see him hurt any more than he already has been. And my parents always hid the fact that he was adopted and no one even knew that he was living with us. Till now, no one does. He is only seen as an ordinary kid, not as a mafia's son. I am just so glad about that."

"Also, when I was ten years old, a new boy befriended me," he said as he sniffled. "His name was Hoseok. He was an orphan."

He spoke of Hoseok with a mix of nostalgia and sadness, recalling the warmth and light that Hoseok had brought into his life during those dark and lonely years. He had been a ray of sunshine in Yoongi's world of shadows.

"We were inseparable," he murmured as he smiled, tears still flowing down.

"It all felt so nice having someone around my age, as a friend who cared for me. He was like a breath of fresh air and whenever I was around him, at those moments, I felt like a normal kid."

"But then something terrible happened," he continued. "The parents of the kids I killed- they didn't like how my parents just went to prison. They wanted more, they wanted me, the only child of them to suffer. They wanted to take revenge."

"They found out about Hoseok, the normal, ordinary boy being friends with me," he said bitterly. "And they took their revenge by killing him. They took the life of an innocent child who only wanted to be friends with a mafia's son."

"I couldn't protect him," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I couldn't save him, no matter how much I wanted to."

He took a shaky breath, trying to compose himself. "After that, I vowed to never let anyone get close to me again. I couldn't bear the thought of losing someone else because of who I am."

"And that's why I sent Jimin to study abroad," he confessed. "I couldn't bear the thought of anyone else getting hurt because of me. If anyone found out he was my brother, they might come after him too."

He paused, a pained expression crossing his face. "It was hard, for both of us," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I knew it was for the best. I couldn't risk putting him in danger. I didn't want him to have a burden of being my brother."

"With the mafia's throne and power passed down to me, and my parents gone to prison, I had no choice but to live up to that title," he explained. "I had to become the next in line, to uphold my family's legacy and protect the pride and power they built."

"I accepted that title and became the top mafia while also studying in school and then attending college," Yoongi revealed. "I trained myself in defenses and weapons, balancing my studies to gain knowledge. It was tough, but I was determined to excel at both."

He stammered, his voice cracking as he struggled not to cry. "A-All I've ever wanted was someone to like me, care for me, and love me," he confessed. "But..But is loving someone like me too much to ask for? I just want to feel it... someone actually loving me. But I know it wouldn't happen."

"I've longed for someone to care for me when I'm hurt, to hug me when I want to cry, to say that they're proud of me when I need to hear it. Do I not deserve these things?"

A tear slipped down his cheek. Jin exhaled softly as he motioned for him to come closer.

Yoongi hesitated for a moment but eventually, he sniffled and went closer to Jin. Without hesitation, the elder enveloped him in a warm embrace, and Yoongi couldn't hold back his tears any longer. He buried his face into his chest, letting his tears flow freely.

Jin kissed him gently on the top of his head, his voice soft and comforting as he spoke. "You've been strong for too long," he murmured. "Let me take care of you for a while." He continued.

"No one prepared you for what you've been through. There was no way you could have been ready for it all. But you've handled it all so wisely. You've done your best."

"You survived a hundred percent of your worst days," Jin said gently, his voice filled with sincerity as he carded his fingers through Yoongi's hair. "And after all of those, you are still here, being strong, refusing to give up."

"And I'm so proud of you," he added, his words heartfelt.

He could feel the weight of Yoongi's sobs against his chest, the sound of his cries echoing in the quietness of the bar. With a soft exhale, he gently patted the younger's head.

As time passed, Yoongi's cries gradually subsided into sniffles. With a shaky breath, he released himself from Jin's embrace, wiping away the tears that glistened on his cheeks.

But now, he couldn't help but feel something different in Jin's presence. It was a sensation he couldn't quite put into words. He couldn't pinpoint exactly what this feeling was.

But he loved it.

He loved how it kind of felt like he was being taken care of. It was a feeling he hadn't experienced often. And no one was like that with him.

But then his heart raced as the pieces fell into place, and he began to understand what this emotion might be.

As the realization dawned on him, more tears welled up in his eyes once again. He hurriedly wiped them away.

"Hey, let these out. That's alright." Jin said softly.

"N-No, I'm fine now," Yoongi insisted, his voice wavering slightly as he struggled to maintain his composure. Despite his words, he couldn't shake the overwhelming emotions washing over him.

'No. It can't be. I can't possibly fall in-'

"Everything's okay now, right?" Jin asked, interrupting his thoughts.

Yoongi nodded. "Y-Yeah, I'm feeling fine," he replied.

Jin nodded as he started, "Since everything's settled, let's address the main issue," he stated, his tone becoming a bit serious.

Yoongi furrowed his brow in confusion, uncertain of what he was referring to.

"I hope you haven't forgotten the fact that you did break a rule today, my dear sub."

Yoongi realised what he meant as he let out a light groan. He knew exactly what Jin was talking about and he braced himself for the consequences. "I am not a Sub!" He said as he tried to change the topic.

"Oh, yes, you are! Now, get to the point. You have something to tell me, don't you?" Jin asked with a raised eyebrow.

Yoongi let out a frustrated groan, turning his head away from him, avoiding the conversation as he sniffled, his tears gathering again.

Jin shook his head and made the younger sit by facing him. "Now, stop crying. I am not letting you go off the hook that easily this time."

Yoongi's voice was laden with apology as he hesitated, "..I am sorry."

Jin arched his eyebrow again. "For what?"

With a hint of hesitation, Yoongi replied, "For hanging up on you... when you called me so many times."

Jin shook his head slightly. "Not that one, try again."

Yoongi hesitated, his gaze dropping to his lap as he admitted, "..I messed up."


Yoongi's voice wavered slightly as he confessed, "My anger got the best of me. And I broke the rule."

Jin listened attentively, nodding slightly before prompting, "And then?" He then noticed the younger's cold hands and gently took them in his, leaving tender kisses to warm them.

Yoongi's cheeks flushed at that, but he continued to confess, "I... I left the bus earlier."

Jin, while still kissing Yoongi's hand, softly asked, "Then?"

Yoongi, feeling the warmth of Jin's lips against his skin, hesitated before admitting, "I made you come find me...all the way here from the mansion."

"And so?"

Yoongi groaned again, "I won't do it anymore..."

Jin's tone turns serious as he let go of Yoongi's hand and says, "You know that I can't let you slide off this time. You'll be punished for sure."

Yoongi fidgets with his fingers as he said, "I'm sorry..."

"Well, what's done is done. We will discu-"

"Not for that." Yoongi interrupted, still avoiding his gaze.

"Then for what?" Jin asked.

'For being stubborn and acting like I wasn't.'

'For ignoring you.'

'For being rude to you.'

'For causing you trouble.'

'And despite all this, hiding the fact that I have fallen for you.'

Yoongi thought to himself as his tears fell on his hands. He couldn't help but feel bad for Jin. "I-I know I shouldn't do this to you." He murmured.

The elder sighed softly and pulled him closer, cupping his cheek tenderly. With their lips mere inches apart, he said, "I told you to stop crying. You really don't listen, do you?"

(I did that drawing. So, don't even try to use them without me knowing. Also, Jin and Yoongi's outfits are the exact same.)

He then kissed him gently, with tenderness and affection.

Yoongi didn't pull away or resist. Instead, he allowed Jin to kiss him.

While they had shared kisses before, they had mostly been playful and were for a dare. However,

..this time, it was different - it was only filled with pure love.


New thing unlocked :

Yoongi's secret : He killed some kids and his parents went to prison in his place.


Did you all like it?

Did I miss something?

The drawing was the suprise I was talking about with some readers yesterday. And...

Omo, I see someone getting excited for the punishment part in next chapter 👀 do you guys know who it is? 👀 I think I know👀

Also, the key letters meant :

K - Kiss
D - Drawing
P - Punishment
H - Heart problem.


You all asked for their kissing moment and was whining when I said it has a long way for it but then when I gave the key words, no one thought of what the K might be?


The drawing is mine lol. I did a rough sketch for the scene because I didn't have that much time and I also feel like I could have done better than that. It was originally from a bl comic. It's quite spicy. So, I am not saying the title of it here. And the scene from Jin asking Yoongi, "You have something to tell me, don't you?" is also inspired from that comic.

Some people have been asking about my good grammar in my books. I use the 'Grammarly' app to check my  and punctuation. It helps me a lot, pointing out errors and suggesting replacements to improve my writing.

I want to tell you all that there is nothing wrong with using learning apps or websites. English is a foreign language for many, and not everyone is naturally good at it. There’s no shame in struggling with it and practice always makes perfect, just as it has for me.

I have been studying English privately for over five years, using many apps and websites to improve my writing. I reiterate, there is nothing wrong with using any app for suggestions or recommendations to improve your grammar or writing style.

What matters is how you use these tools. They are beneficial as long as you don’t overuse them and become overly reliant on them without making an effort to improve yourself.

Alright then, I am exhausted from all the updates 😵 and I have two major exams tomorrow. So, I’m going to go study!

Don’t forget to tell me how the chapter was!


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