Apex Predator

By angle99999

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Superhero universe of 'Invincible' with Ayanokouji as the main character. More

Prologue: In a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Chapter 1: Guardians of the Globe
Chapter 3: Flaxans (2)
Chapter 4: Tryouts
Chapter 5: The Scourge of Twin Galaxies
Chapter 6: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 7: What Can Humanity Bring to the Table?
Chapter 8: The Apex Predator
Chapter 9: Recovery

Chapter 2: The Flaxans (1)

1.1K 97 149
By angle99999

Kiyo sighed.

Kiyo: Am I really going to be staring at lumps of flesh the whole night? The evidence all points to Omniman, Cecil. The friction marks, the majority of the blood on him being from the Guardians themselves, the blunt-force bruises across his face and eye from Warwoman's mace, and the bits of Martian Man lingering on his uniform... and if that wasn't enough, he's the only survivor-

Cecil: I KNOW!

The hero remained silent and waited for Cecil's clarification.

Cecil: I know the shithole we're in is deep. Why do you think I put so much effort in Project: Predator?

Kiyo: Obviously because I'm the contingency plan. But judging from his power, I don't think I can take him on in a fight yet. His motivations are completely unclear too. Although we share the same blood, I have no inkling just what Viltrumites are even tasked to do only that they wouldn't be understanding of a half-ling like me.

Cecil: I've narrowed down that one.

Kiyo: Hm?

Cecil: Killing the Guardians of the Globe, now of all times...it makes no sense. If he wanted to turn this planet into a hellscape, he would have done it the moment he touched down 20 years ago. But instead, he agreed to accompany me back to our old Headquarters and answer some questions. Being an alien from who the fuck knows, I needed to take any precaution I could.

He pulled out a video file and it played on a hologram in front of Kiyo. Omniman, in all white, sat down with Cecil inside a room only having a glass panel from the back.

Cecil: One way glass panel so we could see inside but he couldn't see out. Back then, our technology was incredibly shit, so we relied on a single superhero for interrogations, Mr. Lie. He wasn't much of a fighter but tell a lie in front of him and his hair glowed red. Tell a truth, and it was green.

Immediately, Cecil asked questions such as where he came from, and what was his purpose. At that point, Nolan answered.

Nolan: I come from a planet called Viltrum. It's a cool, blue oasis alone in a solar system much like yours. When Viltrumites come of age, we leave Viltrum and venture out into the galaxy, using our abilities to help lesser-developed worlds. That is the sole reason I've been sent here, to be the planet Earth's sole protector.

From the back of the glass panel, Kiyo saw the hero's hair turn red.

Kiyo: Since the beginning-

Cecil: I knew he wasn't who he said he was. But what was I going to do, shoot him with a 9mm and watch him decimate the planet? That's why I played it cool and assembled different contingency plans should he step outta line. Now, we're of the same mind. As far as who Viltrumites truly are, we're both out of the loop.

 Kiyo thought about it for a bit and then came to a conclusion after remembering the scene earlier in the morning. 

Kiyo: The Guardians of the Globe and Omniman have known each other for 20 years and he chose now of all times to kill them himself. If i was going to draw towards a motivation, it might have to do with Mark. 

Cecil: You mean when Mark awakened his powers. 

Kiyo: He would have definitely learned about it today whether it was through the school or Mark telling them. And then there's the case of the rushed job. There was very little premeditation into it. You asked me to check on the security systems and I was able to grap some of his fingerprints on the control room. 

Cecil: He shut off the power and then...

Kiyo: Picked them off in an ambush. They fought back and he decided to feign ignorance by playing dead. He must have underestimated their power. It could be viltrumites are conquerors rather than protectors. I mean, why target the Guardians if that wasn't the goal?

Cecil sighed. 

Cecil: This conversation doesn't leave this room... not until we have a plan in place. You're not to act until I figure out with absolute certainty why he killed the Guardians. Until he recovers, however, you're going to be taking on his workload.  

Kiyo: (I'd kill him now that he's in a temporary coma, but it's not my call to make. I'll put some faith in you, Cecil.) Great, thank you.       


Next Morning


Kiyo: Here you go, Yogurt. 

Giving his dog a sirloin bone treat, he adored and devoured it while looking adorable as always. Kiyo sat down and just observed him. 

Kiyo: It does smell good so I can see the appeal. 

He gently held his hand out and scratched Yogurt's head. 

Kiyo: That bone isn't the only thing that smells good... but I have some self-control. 

His TV was on Fox News, showcasing a reporter discussing the event from the day prior regarding the Mauler Twins. 

Kiyo: Not a single word on the Guardians' deaths. I guess it'll take longer for it to leak to the press.  

The previous night's events played in the young man's mind. All those dead bodies with their heads caved in... and brain matter specks all over the floor...covered the only survivor and culprit, Omni Man. 

Kiyo: (I've never seen Cecil so angry. I thought he'd get an aneurysm and die with how red he got... like a big juicy plump tomato. Ah... I'm getting hungry. Haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday. What do I want today?)


Yogurt limped over to Kiyo's leg and held his paws out, wanting to be picked up. 

Kiyo: Dogs need alot of coddling. 

He picked him up and gently put him on top of his lap. 

Kiyo: (It's almost time for school... I have to take a shower, change, get food...)



Eve: Kiyo, open up. It's me. 

Kiyo: (Hm, what's she doing here?) Give me a second. 

He moved Yogurt onto his sofa and stood up, stretching his body which was all complacent with his slacking. 


Kiyo opened his front door to see Eve dressed casually in a denim jacket and jeans. She was holding a bag of Mcdonalds.  

Eve: Jesus, you look like a mess. Did you forget we got school today?

Kiyo: I woke up feeling sluggish today. Come in. 

Eve entered his apartment as Yogurt leapt off the couch and limped over to Eve. 

She smiled. 

Eve: Hey, Yogurt. Who's a good boy?

She rubbed his belly as the dog felt great pleasure.

Kiyo: I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but what are you doing here? 

Eve sighed. She pulled out her phone and showed him the message she received late at night. 

Eve: After you shrugged me off last night, you texted me an hour later to swing by and bring food before class. 

Kiyo scanned the text message and didn't remember sending it at all...which is because he didn't. He facepalmed. 

Kiyo: (Cecil must have sent it while I spent the night analyzing the crime scene and possible theories.) My bad, I forgot. And I'm not in the mood for fast food. Can't you change that up into a Sirloin steak? 

Eve giggled. 

Eve: You're so ungrateful. 

The pair sat down at his dining table where she changed the molecules of the Mcdonalds into a large cut of sirloin steak cooked medium rare. 

Eve: Have at it, I'll do your clothes. 

Kiyo: Oh, right. I Just remembered you can do that. 

She held her hand out again as his large sweatshirt and pants became shorts and a tank top. 

 Kiyo: Why this?

Eve: Don't you know? It's all the craze right now. 

Kiyo: Oh, ok. 

Eve held back another one of her giggles while Kiyo finished his breakfast.


Both Kiyo's and Eve's phones rang at the same time and the call came from the same person... Robot. Kiyo let Eve answer. 

Eve: What's wrong, Robot?

Robot: Alien invasion in downtown Chicago, hundreds of casualties already. Dupli-Kate, Rex Splode, and I are already mobilizing to minimize the casualties. Join up quick. 

Eve: We'll be there in five minutes!


Kiyo: This beats school.

Eve transformed their clothes into their respective superhero suits and immediately left the apartment.

Kiyo refused her request to transport him in one of her molecular spheres. He would just run really, really fast.

Kiyo's earpiece soon came alive, with Cecil's orders. 

Cecil: Kid, there's an alien-

Kiyo: I got the gist of it from Robot They're already going to the scene. I'll be there soon.

Cecil: They're using some sort of portal to bring their forces through like teleportation. All of their tech is pretty advanced but comparable to ours.

Kiyo: Thanks for the heads up.

Cecil: Mark and Debbie have been notified of Nolan's state and Debbie stayed back to take care of him. He might be unconscious for another day or two, but we can't be sure. Be careful, for the sake of the planet. You're not...




Thousands of Green-skinned aliens marched through a circular portal. They were each armed with laser blasters and some wielded high artillery plasma rifles. A total of five tanks exited the portal, each fitted with a 10ft laser barrel fixated on the civilians around. Innocent humans ran away from the assault only to be torn through and eviscerated by the fire. Their body parts and blood covered the streets of Chicago.  

Dozens of Police cars formed a barrier, with officers opening fire on these aliens but to no avail. Their bullets couldn't even penetrate their skin. A single blast from a tank turned five cops along with their patrol cars into a red mush. 

However, there was one hero that not only arrived first to the scene but had the capabilities to stop them...a new hero known solely as Invincible, (aka Mark).


Getting his powers days prior at his part time job, he overheard his mother reiterating her frustrations of Mark just wanting to be a normal human. This started an intensive argument between his parents and because of this, he chose not to say anything. 

Fast forward to his beatdown of a bully, Nolan and Debbie learn of his powers, to which Nolan was overjoyed. He immediately had a suit prepared for him by Paul and he comes up with a superhero name, Invincible. All of this was vehemently shunned upon by Debbie. But Nolan didn't care and quickly went to work training Mark until he had to respond to urgent business late in the night. 

 And now, he's currently in a hospital bed, overlooked by the world's best doctors. While tending to his father with an infuriated Debbie, he overheard Cecil and Donald talking about an alien invasion in downtown Chicago. 

This would be his chance... his debut...


Mark: (Ok, everything's ok. This is it. With dad and the Guardians out, it's up to you.)

Invincible flew through the city and landed right in front of the invading Aliens. 

Civilians ran across him from all angles as he proclaimed at the top of his lungs. 

Mark: Stop! Get away from those people-

Mark: Wha-


Getting hit by a laser bolt right in the stomach, it knocked the wind right out of Invincible and sent him flying into a car containing a young child who had seen her parents killed before her eyes. 


The innocent youth's innards churned on the ground from the steel car acting as a flattener. 

Invincible was unharmed and rose to his feet, seeing exactly what was happening. The alien forces ignored him and continued firing, slaughtering dozens of innocents. 

A ringing sensation befell Invincible... this much blood and devastation are different from reading it in a comic book. He touched his cheek, and his hand was covered in crimson blood. Panic and Anxiety ran rampant. A man was set ablaze and then exploding into a bloody mess.  

Invincible: (I need to get it together...)

Real life hits hard.  

An old woman, with one of her legs cut off from shrapnel was bleeding out. One of the aliens walked up and charged up his laser gun to fire. 

Invincible: No! 

He rushed forward and punched the alien in the face, flying through a car. 

Invincible: I got you. 

His eyes widened. In his furious charge, he plastered through the old woman. Her head was all that remained. 

The ringing continued as the taste of blood crept into Invincible's mouth. Conflicting thoughts of eradication and genocide followed by his ideal look at a hero fought with one another. And in this confusion, the leader entered one of his tanks and fired a laser cannon shot right into his head. 

Invincible landed in a crater as the army of aliens swept through the masses.

The only enemy he hit lead the charge as his wound was that of a deep scar. He readied another energy bolt from the position of his tank. 


Invincible watched as a red light consumed his entire vision.

???: Leave it to us.

Extending his claws, Apex Predator deflected the laser into a nearby building, destroying it completely. 

Invincible: Apex Predator!

Apex Predator: We're here now. Stick to evacuation. 

The fire now centered around Kiyo as Atom Eve materialized a pink spear and threw it through 10 aliens encircling. She hovered around Apex Predator. 

Rex, Dupli-Kate, and Robot jumped off their hover bike as it crashed into a tank. They all landed near Invincible, shocking these aliens. 

Rex Splode: We're so dead. Why the hell are there so many?!

Dupli-Kate: I can just match their numbers. 

Robot: Apex Predator, deal with the tanks. Atom Eve, prioritize erecting barriers to separate civilians and aliens. Rex and Dupli-Kate, deal with the foot soldiers. 

Everyone: Right!

Invincible: No way... it's the Teen Team. I follow you guys on Instagram-

Apex Predator: You want to help, right? Start with evacuation, please. 

Invincible fumbled with his words but nodded. 

Invincible: Leave it to me!

He flew, trying to escort any survivors. 

Robot: Teen Team... mobilize!




Tanks exploded left and right as they were severed into dozens of pieces from Apex Predator's claws. Aliens attacking in close combat imploded upon direct impact with his body. One tank was ready to fire but lost sight of the hero. He emerged from behind and pulled out the canon from its axile and started firing rounds into army like an RPG. 

Hundreds of civilians still alive rushed to safety thanks to Invincible. He caught a glimpse of Atom Eve creating 50-feet tall around the distance of the main street. 

Rex Splode pulled out small, metal disks that, with a small touch, turned yellow and exploded on impact with several aliens. A couple came around from behind as he backflipped and unleashed a couple more energy-based bombs that cleared the way for Dupli-Kate to multiply and deal hands. 

Robot took rounds to his suit, but they didn't do much. He returned fire and shredded a section of alien soldiers. Opening his core up, he fired a concentrated blast that cut through aliens surrounding a pregnant woman. 

Apex Predator: Eve, change this into a minigun. I'll need it quickly. 

He whacked a section of aliens into a building as they turned into a green mush. With that same gun, he held it out to Atom Eve. 

Atom Eve: You know complicated designs take a bit more time. 

Apex Predator: Please? 

Her eyes turned pinker as her powers streamed out and encompassed the cannon. It turned into a large minigun. 

Apex Predator: Thanks. 

After laying waste to all of the tanks, he marched forward with the minigun, unleashing hell. 

The tangible portal in front of them continued spewing aliens as they also continued getting completely shredded. 

However, while the numbers weren't a problem for Apex Predator, Dupli-Kate, Robot, and Rex Splode were getting overrun. 

Robot: Apex Predator, assist Rex and Dupli-Kate. Their numbers are endless. In approximately 2 minutes, they're going to pass through our defenses. 

Apex Predator: Works for me. 

Yeeting the minigun with his full strength, it crashed through a line of alien soldiers leading up to the portal. 

Dupli-Kate: They're killing me faster than I can split-


A battering ram from a line of soldiers collided with Kate and knocked her down. 

Dupli-Kate: Fuck!


20 aliens fell apart and splattered as Apex Predator diced them one-by-one. 

Apex Predator: You ok?

Dupli-Kate smiled and multiplied again. 

Dupli-Kate: I'm great now. 

Atom Eve glanced over at Invincible leading the civilians away as she rained down pink blasts through the chaos on the alien forces. 

Rex was running low on material for bombs and jumped into a destroyed car to take cover. 10 alien soldiers fired onto the car. 

Rex: Ah fuck, I'm surrounded! A little help?!

In that moment, he saw out from the car's broken window Apex Predator lifting something off the ground. 

Rex: Huh? What are you tryna do?!

Apex Predator: Shut up...

His muscles tensed as he stretched his arms to better grip both sides of the street where the car was on. 


The concrete slabs of street were forcibly lifted off the ground like someone closing a book. 

Apex Predator: You better run. 

Rex: Oh, just fucking great!

He slid out from the back and landed near Apex Predator's feet. 


The alien soldiers splattered like insects from the floor literally closing on them from both sides. 

Apex Predator released his grip as the section of the street fell over and killed another bundle of enemies. 

But despite it all, the forces kept coming. They were infinite. 

Atom Eve: They just won't stop coming!

Apex Predator: I'll have to cut it to the source. I'm going to see where this portal leads to. 

Rex: You have a death wish?!

Atom Eve: That's a stupid idea. What if you can't even breathe there?!

Robot: Your proposal, although admirable, is not necessary. We caught a lucky break. 

Everyone turned around to see the alien Robot was strangling started aging rapidly until it died of old age. 

Apex Predator: (Accelerated aging. Maybe they have a different stream of time in their world. Awesome. It saves me a trip.) 

One-by-one they all fell down to the ground, dying. The leader with the fresh scar took one glance over to Apex Predator and spoke in gibberish. 

Apex Predator: (Alien lingual. It doesn't seem to be related to anything human-made. Guess I'll have Robot deal with that.)

It and all the rest of those aliens fled through the portal, closing along with their departure. 

Apex Predator stretched his body as Atom Eve, Robot, Dupli-Kate and Rex joined up. 

Rex: I don't know what just happened, but I think I speak for everyone here when I say I never want it to happen ever again!

A very old alien soldier moved his head off a car inches away from Rex and reached out its hand. 


Rex followed that up with a clean straight, knocking the alien unconscious. 

Rex: Un-fucking believable. 

Robot: Indeed. 

Apex Predator retracted his claws and dusted off the inconceivable amounts of alien blood and guts off his costume. 

Apex Predator: Disgusting. 


Later that Day...


Surprisingly, Mark, Eve, and Kiyo attended classes, or what was left of them since their morning was preoccupied with an alien invasion. While Eve and Kiyo exchanged notes regarding their shared AP Biology class afterschool, he noticed Mark lashing out on his friend. He wasn't in a healthy mindset regarding his performance, especially considering it was his debut.

Eve whispered in Kiyo's ear. 

Eve: Mark seems kinda down. 

Kiyo: Rookies need adjusting into the hero occupation. He's a man. Let him figure it out himself. 


A playful hit to his shoulder later, and Kiyo scratched his head, walking over to Mark.

Kiyo: Mark, do you need a shoulder to cry on?

Eve facepalmed.

Mark: Huh, what the fuck are you talking about? 

Kiyo rearranged his words. 

Kiyo: What I meant to say was: What's bugging you? You look awful. 

Mark: It's none of your business. Leave me alone. 

Kiyo shrugged his shoulders, glancing over at Eve and mouthing this:

Kiyo: [I did all I could.]

She responded with the following: 

Eve: [Reveal your identity.]

Kiyo: [Seriously?]

Mark: You know I can see exactly what you two are doing. Now will someone tell me what's going on?

Eve: Well, I gotta get home. I'll text you later, Kiyo. Bye, bye!

Kiyo: (I'll get her back for this.) They keep the door leading to the rooftop unlocked. We can talk there. 

Mark: About what? You don't even know what's wrong with me-

From his bag, he took out his mask followed by slightly elongating his claws on his right hand. 

Mark was stunned. 

Mark: Are you kidding me-


Kiyo covered his mouth and retracted his claws. 

Kiyo: That's why I recommended the roof.

Mark agreed and the two went up the stairs and talked with one another privately. 

Kiyo: I know you're Invincible.

Mark: I can't believe I go to the same school as Apex Predator!

Kiyo: There's also Atom Eve. 

It clicked for Mark. 

Mark: Wait, Eve Wilkins is Atom Eve? I'm going to school with two superheroes. But how come I haven't noticed it before? I mean I get it for you because you cover your whole face, but Atom Eve doesn't wear a mask. 

Kiyo: It's a psychological thing. You would never think a classmate would be a superhero so your brain will set aside any information that doesn't follow your predetermined outlook on a perspective.

Mark: Two of my classmates are a part of the World's second-best team. You guys even outpace the Guardians in traction from time-to-time.

Kiyo: It's all thanks to a well-balanced team. 

After a few seconds of an awkward silence, Mark broke it.   

Mark: Could I touch your claws? I heard they can cut through anything. 

Kiyo: From what I've cut so far, yes but there are certainly tougher materials around the universe than just here. But here, knock yourself out. 

He reached forward as Kiyo elongated his claws. They were razor sharp. Just from a single poke to Mark's skin, it cut through a small layer of skin. 

Mark: Cool...

Kiyo sighed.

Kiyo: You unlocked your powers recently and started as a hero, right? 

Mark: Yeah... just got them and that was my first big fight. Wasn't the best showing, right?

Kiyo: I've seen worse from a rookie. At least you followed your role. When you're in a team, you essentially are a kog. I'm the team's 'heavy hitter' so I take and deal the brunt of the damage. Atom Eve is the perfect support whether it's for evac, cover fire or defense. Her atomic abilities are incredibly versatile. Robot is the leader and the person responsible for the chemistry and well-being of us all. His plans and how we execute them are the bulk of our strength. And Dupli-Kate and Rex Splode act as foot soldiers and distractions. Everyone has a role. Yours was evac and you saved lives. 

Mark: But I didn't give it to the bad guys. Sure, I saved a couple people but if I didn't freeze up, I could've stopped their leader. 

Kiyo: You're looking at it from the wrong perspective. 10 percent of a hero's role is to neutralize the enemy. The other 90 percent is towards the safety of those around you. Let's say you killed their leader... by the time you incapacitate him, another hundred or so lives perish. It isn't like your comic books. This is real life with real life consequences. Remember that. 

He stretched as Mark continued feeling down on himself.

Kiyo: Why don't you meet the Teen Team?

Mark: Hm? Really?

Kiyo: I don't see why not. It's In Chicago so not far from here. Tomorrow after class work? I'm occupied this afternoon. 

Mark: That's fine! 

Kiyo: I'll ask Eve to show you the way. Since I can't fly, it'd be hard for you to keep up with me running there. 

Kiyo left Mark there and went about his business. 


Same Time in Chicago


In ground zero, where the alien invasion began, Cecil spoke with the leader of the Teen Team, Robot. 

Cecil read article after article plastering the images of the Teen Titans' victory and the mysterious disappearance of the Guardians.

Cecil: You kids did well, Robot. 

Robot: Thank you, Cecil. It's an honor to assist the Global Defense Agency in this victory. Though your use of the term, kids, can construed as condescending.

Cecil: As good of a job you did here, it's no victory. Do you know how many people lost their lives?

Robot remained silent. 

Cecil: 338... 338... and it only stopped there because whoever those assholes were, ran away.  

Robot: The Flaxans. 

Cecil: What? 

Robot: They call themselves the Flaxans. I reverse-engineered their language using recordings from the battle. 

Cecil: Any idea why they left the moment they were kicking our asses? 

Robot: I have six prevailing theories-


A crane, trying to fish out the remains of some Flaxan tank only for it to be corroded and rust. 

Robot: But I believe that narrows it down to one. 

He picked up a single scrap of metal from the tank and scanned it. 

Robot: Oxidized and corroded. For an alloy like this, that should take years. 

Cecil: Time runs faster wherever they're from. They were running because they were-

Robot: ...dying of old age!

Cecil shrugged off the discovery. 

Cecil: Well, if they come back, maybe I'll just evacuate the area and wait till they get cancer. So, how did the new kid do?

Robot: Who, Invincible? He has promise but he seems ill-prepared for the more realistic aspects of super-herodom.

Cecil: Well, he better toughen up. We could use all the help we can muster. 

Robot: Why? 

Acting like a prick, Cecil immediately teleported away without answering. He returned to Guardian headquarters to continue collecting evidence from the crime scene. 


The Next Day...


After school, Cecil sent another incident along Kiyo's way. This one... might be the weirdest one he's come across so far. 

Kiyo: Eve, you can handle giving Invincible the full tour right?

Eve: First the Mauler twins, then those Flaxans, and now you have to go to Los Angeles to fight some cannibal chef with an army of flesh noodle dumpling soldiers?! We should go as a team. Who knows if you'll need backup? 

Kiyo: With the chance of a follow-up invasion by the Flaxans imminent, it's better if you all stay near Chicago. Robot was telling me of a machine he whipped up that can tell us their arrival minutes in advance. Cecil, for the time being also gave us the green light for all emergencies. 

Eve: Just when we need the Guardians to pick up some slack, they're MIA.  

Kiyo: It'll be fine. See. 

He showed her the metal bracelet on his wrist.

Kiyo: Cecil gave it to me. I have access to his teleportation channels. Traveling back and forth now is going to be a breeze.  

Eve smiled. 

Eve: Then I won't stop you from giving the business to a couple of dumplings. Break a leg. 

Kiyo: Take care of yourself. 

The two glanced into each other's eyes slightly as they stopped when Mark came bulldozing through, all in anticipation for his tour of the Teen Team HQ. 

Mark: Sorry, Amber showed up at my locker for no reason, so I had to buzz her off. Let's go.

 Kiyo: I have to bounce. Eve will take you there. 

Turning on his earpiece, he gave the Ok for Cecil to teleport him to Los Angeles. 


And just like that, Kiyo was gone. 

Mark: Not trying to pry or anything, but are you two... a thing or something? For just a couple friends, you guys are awfully close.  

Eve was taken aback by this, but she responded with composure. 

Eve: No, just friends. He's too busy being Cecil's overworked lapdog to want anything like that. Anyway, let's go. 

She burst into the sky as did Mark after changing into their suits. She happily twirled her hair as they cut through the sky and towards Teen Team HQ. 


Los Angeles


From one of his many steakhouses, Gordon Ramsay was taken prisoner and incubated inside a dumpling monstrosity by a super villain known solely as... Noodle. 

Cecil: Born in the Philippines, given a culinary chance through Gordon Ramsay but failed miserably with her signature dish of 'noodle dumplings', she sought revenge. How she got her powers is unknown, but it was probably from a curse caused by her cannibalistic tendencies. The point is, she gets stronger the more human meat she consumes and can use that same meat to create independent dumpling soldiers. 

Apex Predator: You must be joking. 

Cecil: I wish I was, kid. Don't take her lightly. The last time she went berserk, she took out the superhero team Fight Force single-handedly and we had to do extensive PR to explain that one away. And now, she has a hostage, Gordon Fucking Ramsay no less. With the Guardians out of commission indefinitely, we need the public to get a couple wins and this will be one of them.  

Apex Predator: How strong are her 'dumpling' soldiers?

Cecil: They're almost 5ft in height but sport large mouths they use to eat up civilians. The more human meat is consumed, the bigger they get. Largest one I've seen totaled 20ft.

Kiyo entered the casino in Caesar's palace where Gordon Ramsay Steak was located. Immediately, he saw civilians running for their lives as what appeared to be a dumpling with thick legs and hands, picked one up and slobbered it up. Their serrated teeth broke down the meat and increased the dumpling's size by 5ft. 

Apex Predator: Where's your master?

It let out a bone-chilling growl and charged forward only to be sliced into three pieces. Ground Human meat poured out, one down. 

Apex Predator: What a messy power.

Dozens of dumplings were terrorizing other shops around the Casino, almost like they were trying to eliminate any life force close to the restaurant located in the back. 

More and more dumpling soldiers attacked Apex Predator from all sides. His claws gleamed from the sunlight pouring in through the windows. 





He never relented in regard to his pace. Soldiers would come in waves only to end up as a meat mush on the ground. 

Five jumped down from the top floor in the hopes of landing directly on Apex Predator and they did accomplish this. However, it was like hitting a brick wall at great velocity. Their bodies exploded on impact, covering the poor hero in their innards.

Apex Predator: I'm going to need a shower after this. 

Finally, he arrived at the restaurant and entered. He could clearly see Gordon Ramsay encased in a thin pastry, surrounded by noodles. Suspended off the ground, the poor chef looked down and saw a cualdron filled with boiling water. He was going to be a human-boiled dumpling soon. 

Gordon: You fucking donut! The pastry hasn't even set! 


Noodle: Quiet! Food shouldn't talk. Soldiers, set up my table! My feast is almost upon me-

Apex Predator: Sorry for the disturbance. I'll give you the chance to surrender. 

A crazed shorty in a chef's attire held out her long knife. 

Noodle: I'll surrender when I have the taste of Gordon Ramsay in my mouth!

Apex Predator: Ok, then. 

Noodle pointed over to Apex Predator and sent the remainder of her soldiers towards him. 


Since they came in a complete line, Apex Predator just used his body as a battering ram and reached Noodle in no time. He grabbed her long hair and lifted her off the ground. 

Apex Predator: It's over. 


She fell to the ground, unconscious. He ripped apart some metal pipes and wrapped Noodle.  

Gordon Ramsay: Is it over? 

Apex Predator: Incapacitated but yes. 

Gordon Ramsay: Then get me the fuck down!

Apex Predator walked over to Gordon and turned off the massive pot below him and pulled him out and onto the ground. With his claws, he cut through the dumpling, noodles escaping.

Apex Predator: Cecil, it's done. Start your clean up and send me home. 

Cecil: Good work, kid. Go enjoy some time with your dog. I've got a couple heroes who can cover your shift. If there's anything big, I'll call ya but otherwise take a shower. I think I can smell you from here. 

Apex Predator: Yeah, yeah, whatever. 


Teleported back home, he was greeted by his dog Yogurt who happily limped over and was about to lick off some of the meat on his feet but was shooed away. 

Kiyo: Sorry, Yogurt. I'll bring you out for your walk after I take a shower. 

He went into his kitchen, took out a garbage bag, and stripped. His costume was beyond the point of saving, at least in his eyes. From his towel rack, he grabbed one and headed directly into the bathroom.


Kiyo: Oh, Eve. 

He answered the call. 

Eve: I saw the news. Gordon Ramsay's naming one of his beef wellington recipes after you.

She was in her room, fiddling around with her hair again. Markers hovered off the ground and were coloring in a poster she had to present for one of her classes tomorrow. 

Kiyo: He didn't seem happy when I saved him. I guess people express their emotions differently. 

Eve: And how do you express yours? You use that little poker face for everything.

Kiyo: You twirl your hair around when you're happy about something. Not a direct facial expression but an obvious mannerism.  

Eve: Stalker much, hehe.

Kiyo: You're doing it right now too. 

Eve: What makes you think that?

Kiyo: You always do it when we speak alone. I don't see this time being any different.


From Eve's side, the markers she had hovering around all fell down and scraped the posterboard.

Eve: Oh, crap.

Kiyo was confused. 

Kiyo: Something wrong? That was a lot of noise. 

Eve sighed. 

Eve: No, just messed up my poster. I'll just start fresh.

He went inside his bathroom and turned on the shower, waiting for it to heat up. He needed to wrap this conversation up.  

Kiyo: So, changing the topic, how did Mark find the tour?

Eve: He seemed to like it, and everyone was welcoming, well except for Rex, you know him. 

Kiyo: Alright, well I have a warm shower waiting for me. Good night.

Eve: You're just trying to get me off the phone. Am I too boring for you now~?

Kiyo, remembering her putting him in an awkward conversation with Mark, decided to take his revenge.

Kiyo: Do you need proof? 

 Eve: Huh?


Eve was shocked to say the least. 

Eve: (Seriously, he's never facetimed me before. What's he going to show me?)

She hesitantly accepted and they each shared their camera. Her cheeks turned bright red at seeing Kiyo's top half.

Kiyo: See?

Eve: I see alright.

After seconds of awkward silence, she felt the need to break the silence.  

Eve: Um... Kiyo... do you mind- 

Kiyo: Oh, sneeze incoming. 

Immediately, his eyes turned yellow and his whole mouth opened more than 90 degrees from his fake sneeze, revealing his serrated teeth that encompassed the entire image. It was the first time he revealed this trait of his mouth and to say it left Eve speechless was an understatement. Her face turned from bring red to pale.  

Eve: ...

She accidently threw her phone to the wall in shock. Kiyo closed his mouth and panned away from the camera.

Her phone levitated off the ground and back to her hand. 

Eve: Why'd you do that?! You scared the shit outta me-

She stopped herself as she looked through the facetime and saw a sight she never believed would happen.

Kiyo was covering his mouth, hiding a smile and muffling a low chuckle.  

Eve sat there, and immediately took a screenshot of the facetime. 

Eve: So cute~.   


The following Day's Afternoon


With Eve, Mark, and Kiyo at school, only Rex, Robot and Dupli-Kate remained at Teen Team's HQ.

Coming out of the shower himself shirtless, Rex passed through the kitchen and saw Robot's Flaxan detecting machine start to glow and beep violently. 

Rex: Um, Robot! Is your machine supposed to be doing that?!

Robot hurriedly entered their kitchen and saw the machine for himself. 

Robot: Mobilize the team. The Flaxans are coming again...




'Chapter 3: The Flaxans (2)' coming soon...

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