
By Regaining1004

29.5K 3.1K 785

A person in his one eventful life goes through a lot of emotions and feels each of them with a different bond... More

7- WHY & HOW
Which One???
13- How Dare He?
15- Seizing the DAY
18- Angry Princess
19- Loved By FAMILY
21-FOUND Her

4- 153?

1.1K 137 18
By Regaining1004

Twins little moment, Sunshine's cute questions and kiss on forehead. You know what I like the entire chapter. 

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Ethiraj pov

"...... and being a vegetable vendor, it was not possible for me to earn 15,000 rupees in a month. Besides, we were just waiting for her to be 10 so that she could also bring some money in by working at rich people's houses, such as looking after kids, dusting, mopping, and doing dishes—that sort of work."

And I am waiting for you to end your so-called repugnant story so that I can show you the actual hell here on this earth. Tilting my head to the side, feigning sympathy towards this fucker and his wife, I let him continue his ludicrous sobbing story.

"We small people don't earn enough to go to bed with a full stomach at times, and on top of that, she was a girl. How did you expect that we could give her an education and all that you rich people believe is necessary? Had it been a boy, we would have done everything since he could have improved our financial condition along with continuing to grow our family. So no, we don't want her now." As if you had any power to take her away from me now. I appreciate the misunderstanding, though.

"I understand. You both were forced to do this. You can leave now. Don't hesitate to come to me or any of my brothers for any sort of help financially or anyway." Yeah, so I know it is time to make your life more loathing than what I planned.

"You are so generous. No parent would like to do something so horrific to their kids." With that, I gesture for them to leave.

You will die. You will have to. Not like what you would receive had you not done those shitty things with Mi Preciosa. Alas!!!! With every breath you inhale, you will die a new, different death. More tortuous than the previous one. I will ensure you beg whoever you meet to kill you and let you die. No one will give you that. She begged on the roads for some mere coins. She was beaten. She had been starved. She went through what no child deserves. And you will pay with each single breath of yours. I will fucking make sure Mi Preciosa lives in the most vibrant world in existence and you in the bleak world. Assholes. Bullshit parents. Where tears, imploring, beatings, starvation, disgustful looks, and a bowl with a hole in your hand would accompany. I smirk. You don't instigate the kings of the seven most dangerous devils extant.

I call Arjun, my pa, in the cabin.

"Make sure they face hunger for days. Not even water." I order him. This begins now.

"Yes boss. Is there anything else I can do for you, boss?"

"Keep an eye on them. And also update me often." After giving him instructions on everything he ought to finish, I exit the cabin with Aksh. He has been eerily quiet. Probably jaded. Events from yesterday must have taken a toll on him. Or everyone. The sufferings of those daunting two months must be cascading on each of them. I had that too. I am an expert at hiding what is inside me. My brothers are, too. They just failed in front of me. I read them like nobody else. Taking a deep breath and exhaling it with a deep sigh, I patted his shoulder.

"I am fine, Ethi. Mulling over some names for her." It completely left my mind amidst the hunger to take revenge.

Name. Her name should match her. Match her lightness. Match her innocence. Kindness. Her positive radiance. The way she just altered the ambience smoothly, simply by being there, Nothing else. No effort is required.

I always acknowledge the fact that there are some things in the world that are just next to impossible to ignore. Simply because they are inevitable to dodge, right before the eyes, or too conspicuous to realize. Now, I think there are some people like that too. It is hard to go unnoticed, unthinkable to not pay attention, and absurd if you even attempt. Or maybe just one. A simple, tiny figure.

The moment I stepped into that conference hall, I could sense that the aura was not that of sin and corruption. It's something we sinners don't get. Or we don't deserve it, as a matter of fact. The positivity was lingering there, the sacredness I forgot ages ago how it felt, the relief that made me want to stay there for the rest of my life with my brothers. The light is peaking through the darkness of our world. Something highly inexplicable. Words cannot be enough.

Then I noticed her sitting on Adik's lap. Too small, too tiny. Almost to go unobserved, if not inquisitive enough. Just her, along with her slightly curly hair. The sanity that ran through my body like blood was so indecipherable.

Then I heard it. Her voice. Despite it being just a mere whisper, I was able to. One of the pros, or, might I say, the required skill, is that you need to be a mafia head. That is why I was capable of discreetly entering without my brother getting to know because he was emotionally invested in her. Stepping into his vicinity without coming into his knowledge was never a left-hand game. He is the fourth-best assassin in the world for a reason. That speaks volumes.

Waer. I internally chuckled.

And here it was—the thing I don't remember having with me in the past decade. Which apparently became the most expensive luxury I could not afford with all the wealth I had. The peace. Everyone talks about it. It's not like I never had it. I did. Even in the last decade, but mostly in bits and pieces. I look at my brothers, all laughing and having fun with no care in the world. When twins uttered their first word, when my brothers hugged me, when they came running to me because they needed help, when they bantered over the most useless thing in the world, when they considered me their father, mother, and bhaiya/Ethi, when they depend on me, even when they get scared yet feel the safest completely knowing I would give them scolding, when they whine. It all ended by eighty percent when my second in line took responsibility to lessen the burden on my shoulders, and I had to abdicate reluctantly to concentrate on more important things, such as making my mafia the strongest and most powerful, protecting my family of six, which I hopefully hope soon will become seven, and giving them the environment they deserved and would have had if Papa were here. After that, the peace was there merely for a few moments. Lucky was the day when I had it for more than 10 seconds.

This time, I believe it will be permanent or that it will become even harder to get those 10 seconds. She is a girl. The life of a girl in the mafia is never pleasant. It is all hardships with no absolute freedom. She will have six brothers behind her to protect her. That should scare any bastard in the world. If not, I can simply demonstrate why they should be fearful. Simple as fuck.

And when I realized the conviction in Adik's tone, which I am not unfamiliar with, however stubbornness was to my surprise, I knew this was it. Whatever excuses I came up with to somehow convince myself that she could do better in some orphanage or perhaps could find a better family would have to be put to rest.

Maybe I should have been preparing for the other five, which left me stunned. In actuality, that is exactly what I witnessed.

However, I kept quiet. Reading everyone's reactions. Commiserating was one thing. Adopting another. And that made me cynical. So I didn't, not even for once, look at her. How could I? I could, obviously, but I did not look at her. I couldn't. I just couldn't. Much to my dismay and egoistic self, I was scared. I was scared that if I looked at her, I would barely control myself, which I realistically needed to do. I was very well aware of the responses I was going to receive from the other adult, but the uneasiness I felt made me cynical about the twin's and nil's reactions to it. After all, they were to be at the losing end of the attention they got all the fucking time. Not like they would be sacrificing anything; they would always be as valued as they are now, but for them, it was possibly the biggest thing ever since they were born; they literally have been the cynosure.

 As they should have been, of course. 

Now that it has to change, it has to be diverted, as she is tiny. Like fucking tiny. She will require extra attention, care, and, most probably, extra love too. Would they accept it? Would they be okay with everything? Should I be ready for their worst response, which I knew they would not give? They are sweethearts. I know them like the back of my hand, but being cautious doesn't hurt. In fact, it will only sting a little less. Win-win. And they did not let down the faith I had in my upbringing. They just made me proud that they were all there with open arms to welcome her into their lives. With utter love, they pecked her forehead before heading back to their rooms. I knew I made the right choice. For my family. For my life. They are my life.

The innocence I can breathe in from this little girl, she deserves the fucking best of everything this world has to offer, just like my five devils. No, they are nowhere near being naive, but they should get everything right.

Ever since I came into her presence, I could breathe a little more freely, in a less constrained manner. I can now feel the bright shine appearing here in my world. In my home.

Her name should reflect that. The same light, the same aura, the goddess that she is—she is indeed the Devi disguised in a human who came to live with a sinner like me. Maybe give me a chance to repent of some of my unforgivable sins. Whatever the reason might be, She is here. She will live here.

Mi preciosa.

I vow to myself. To worship her prevalence as the goddess that she already is. I will cherish her with my blood and soul. I will kill for her, and I will get killed for her.

Crossing the threshold, I enter the mansion and see the most beautiful smile. Her smile. She is trying to fit in probably Adik's rings in her tiny fingers. Her two fingers are needed to fit in the ring of pinky fingers. Adorable. Better. However, where is Adik?

"Hello mi preciosa." What are you doing? She flinches.

Ignoring it.

I try again.

"Did you eat something?" I almost whisper. I don't want her to be scared of me at all. No response.

"Do you want these rings in your size too?" I am expectantly looking at her, for she will exhibit some interest in this. She does, she finally looks at me with no fear, along with a small, unnoticeable smile and a subtle nod.

And instantaneously.

"No no no. Ples no hit me."
(No, please don't hit me.)

"No, Mi Preciosa, I will never hit you,' but I will definitely beat the shit out of every single one who made you this haunted by every walking person out there.

"Tell me, how many do you want?" I ask again with more tenderness.

"One, to, thee, four, fibe, siks, sevan, eiht, nine, tennn." Okay. Our madam wants rings for each finger. Perfect. That is how she should be.

Putting her hand on her mouth, she started shaking her head. She looks like a true angel; her hair is flying here and there. And I see, she is no longer smelling like last night.

"Demand for things you want. You see, this house is yours, and the people living in it are yours too. You ask for anything, you do anything, and I will support you. And the other brothers, too, will help you." Taking her hand in mine, I gently made her understand. Hopefully, she does. Even a bit is enough.

She smiles. Finally, this is how I got my peace back in my life.

Mi Preciosa, her smile is so painfully sacred that I just forget to notice anything else in my surroundings. Just like I did not notice how she had lissome clothes on. We need a wardrobe, complete with warm and furry clothes. Since winter is already knocking on the door, she will need caps, socks, jackets, sweaters, and everything a female child does. I can get each and every single thing with a snap of my finger. But the involvement of her other brothers is just as necessary. This will be my first step in teaching them how pivotal their participation is. And how they need to make her partner with them too. We never had a female presence in our lives this close, except for the lady who breastfed us. But she was never present, like she should have been.

"No hit, plomis." She speaks, bringing me back from acrid memories that I am yet to be immune to.
(You will not hit, do you promise?)

"Never. I promise to cherish you, Preciosa." Pecking her forehead, I assure her.

"I want Didi."

"Who is Didi, Bacha?" Does she have a sister? Does she remember her family? How could it be possible?

"Didi stop monser hit me, put finger here."
(Didi stopped the monster from hitting me, putting his finger in me.)

"Finger where?" I am alert. I am dreading the most haunting answer I can ever hear in my life. I pledge to never let them go away with it. I will do worse than they did in their lives.

And she does. She gave the most dreadful answer. She points toward her legs.

Rage. Rage and rage. The only emotion I have in me is rage. Motherfucker. I will shove the fucking thick stick up their asses. Assholes. Infuriated. I can sense my blood coming to my eyes. I am inflamed with anger. More than anything ever made me. Each breath is just igniting a new fire in me to burn them alive. They will face this fire. Not anyone else. They will fucking burn to ashes in this fire, yet they will live. They don't even deserve hell. They are not entitled to anything but pain, agony, and any suffering that every creature has witnessed and beyond.

"Were didi?" Pacifying myself. I answer.
(Where is my didi?)

"I will find your didi for you. I will be getting her here, okay?" She awards me with her precious smile. That girl has to be there alone.

"What's your Didi name?" I ask if it will just make this go-finding process easier.


153? But there were only 136 children. Children, so how come she calls someone Didi? Were there some people hidden or what? Or maybe the people assigned to look after these children's duties were also given such numbers? 


2500+ words. 

So what do you all say?

Did you all like it? Give me your feedback to improve my writing.

What part exactly did you all like?

Want to know my personal favorite ? Yes or no?

I will tell you that in the next chapter.

I guess, for now bye. Have a good day.

Do Or say something polite to people around you.

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