Tangled Truth

Galing kay LonelyWriter821

26.8K 1.6K 866

"𝑰𝒔 π’•π’‰π’Šπ’” π’šπ’π’–π’“ π’‡π’Šπ’“π’”π’• π’•π’Šπ’Žπ’†?" "𝒀𝒆𝒔" "𝑰 π’˜π’Šπ’π’ π’•π’“π’š 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 π’ˆπ’†π’π’•π’π’†" __________... Higit pa

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03 πŸ”ž
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06 πŸ”ž
Chapter 07 πŸ”ž
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 πŸ”ž
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 16

958 68 53
Galing kay LonelyWriter821

Hey guys! I had uploaded it be fore and then I found a major mistake which turns the story other around, so I had deleted it. 


Author's POV

Next Day

After his workout, Porchay got ready and went downstairs for breakfast.

Kim was already in the dining room, sipping on a cup of coffee and reading something on his phone.

As Porchay entered the room, Kim glanced at him and continued reading, not saying a word.

Porchay sat on the chair and soon the cook served his breakfast. He thanked the cook and started eating his breakfast.

As he almost finished eating, Kim looked up from his phone and finally spoke, "Try to return from the University early and don't stop at the café."

Porchay looked at him and wanted to ask why but decided to hold back his question and simply nodded in response.

Kim then got up and left the dining room without another word, leaving Porchay to ponder over his peculiar request.

Soon, Porchay finished his breakfast and left for university.

At the University

As Porchay reached his university, he went to the cafeteria to catch up with his friends but they were nowhere to be found.

He felt it was strange that his friends weren't there.

Porchay wondered what could it be and checked this phone for any messages from them. He then realised he had arrived fifteen minutes late and they have already left to attend the classes.

Porchay sprinted to his classroom. Out of breath, he opened the door to his classroom only to find that professor Nick had already started the lecture.

The professor stared at him for a few seconds before allowing him in.

Porchay saw Mike and John wave at him. He rushed to an empty seat next to them and mouthed a quick "sorry" before trying to catch up with the lecture.

"So, class,", Nick said. "In the last class we saw what is dopamine. Today we will see what is 'Cortisol'. So anybody knows what is 'Cortisol?' "

Everybody in classroom looked at each other if anybody knew the answer.

"Okay. I will tell.", Nick said. "Cortisol is often referred to as the 'stress hormone' It is released by the adrenal gland in response to stress and low blood sugar levels."

Everybody nodded. "Is it dangerous for our health, professor?", John asked.

"Yes,", Nick said. "When cortisol levels are chronically high, it can lead to negative health effects such as anxiety, depression, digestive problems, heart disease etc."

"Professor, what are the ways we can control and reduce cortisol levels in our body?", Porchay asked.

"Good question, Porchay.", Nick said. "You need to get social support, also set boundaries, meaning, learn to say no to additional responsibilities when you're feeling overwhelmed and limit stressful situations."

Porchay nodded.

Mike leaned towards him and said, "Looks like somebody will be practicing some stress management techniques after this class."

John chuckled while Porchay hit Mike in his abdomen making John laugh harder.


All three went to the cafeteria to grab lunch together. As they sat down at a table in the cafeteria, they talked about sports.

"Oh! By the way, do you know who did I meet yesterday?", Porchay said with a grin as he kept his spoon and fork aside.

"Who? Barrack Obama?" Mike joked, causing John to burst into laughter.

"I wish.", Porchay said. "But I met our university's sports king, Macau!"

"What?!", both exclaimed at the same time.

"Yeah", Porchay said. "But there is something we didn't know about him"

"And what is that?", Mike asked.

"He is a Theeranpanyakul.", Porchay said.

"You mean he is Kim's brother?", asked John.

"Not brother but cousin," Porchay clarified.

"That makes him genetically an asshole.", Mike said.

"Surprisingly, he is not", Porchay said. "He and Kim's real brother are both really nice and handsome but quite flirtatious unlike Kim who doesn't value a person and always looks down upon others."

"But he is handsome, though", John added. Mike nodded while Porchay rolled his eyes.

"But where did you meet him anyway?", asked Mike.

"I was forced to attend a wedding yesterday.", Porchay said.

"Whose?", asked John.

"Kim's ex-fiancé's wedding," Porchay replied.

"Whoa!! Attending  his ex's wedding?! That dude is way too cool man!", Mike said. Porchay gave him death glares while John burst into laughter again.

"Anyway, P'Macau asked me to join the chess club", Porchay said.

"That's cool!", Mike said. Porchay nodded.

"Oh! I almost forgot!", John said. "Ryan has found a job for you"

"The fuck! He didn't tell me!!", Mike said agitatedly.

"Because he trusts his boyfriend more than his cousin", John said with a smirk. Porchay chuckled.

"What's the job?", Porchay asked.

"It's of a babysitter", John said.

"BABYSITTER?! SERIOUSLY?", both Porchay and Mike exclaimed in disbelief.

"What?! You wanted a decent job immediately and one that pays you well, right?", John said.

"Yeah, but babysitting?", Porchay asked.

"There is another job that pays well in less time but you are doing that already. Do you want to continue that?", John asked as he slammed his hands on the table.

Porchay and Mike exchanged glances. They both realized that John had a point.

Porchay sighed and said, "Fine"

"Babysitting it is then," Mike added with a hint of resignation. Both of them nodded.

"Anyway", Porchay said as he started packing his bag. "We don't have class after this right?"

"Yup", Mike said.

"Okay, I am going to the Café then", Porchay said.

"Why so early?", asked John.

"Well, Kim had asked me to go home early and I have skip café in order to not be late. But...", Porchay said as he stood up from the table. "I don't want to skip going to the café"

"Okay", Mike said. "Ping us when you reach home after your café session"

"Will do", Porchay said as he did a dramatic salute and walked to the front gate.


As Porchay got out of the university and walked a few steps towards the the road which takes him to the bus stop, he saw a few black cars parked in front of him. Just as he was looking at them, a familiar person came out of one of the cars.

Porchay looked at the person and recognised him immediately, he whispered under his breath, "P'Pond?"

"Sawadee Krub, Khun Porchay.", Pond said as he bowed in greeting.

Feeling overwhelmed with surprise, Porchay greeted him back the same way.

"Sawadee Khap, P'Pond", Porchay said with a bow.

"You remember me?", Pond asked.

"Yes, we met yesterday at the wedding, phi", Porchay said with a soft smile.

Pond looked at him lovingly and said under his breathe, "You are the carbon copy of your mother."

"Sorry what phi?", Porchay asked as he couldn't hear him.

"Umm...nothing, Khun", Pond said. "Let's go then"

"Please don't call me 'Khun' and where are we going, phi", Porchay asked confusedly.

Pond smiled and said, "To meet your fathe---"

But before he could complete his sentence, gun shots rang out, causing Porchay and Pond to duck for cover.

Men sprang up from the cars and shielded them both.

"Khun Pond, please get into the car with Khun Porchay", said one of the men as he opened the door to one of the cars.

Porchay couldn't understand what was happening but before he could figure anything out he was quickly ushered into the car by Pond and the men.

"Khun, stay low until the situation is under control," Pond said.

Soon, all the attackers were taken down and the area was secure. The man knocked on the window, signalling Pond to roll down the window.

"The situation is under control Khun Pond", one of the men said. Pond nodded.

"Where should we go now, Khun?", the man asked.

"The Airport!", Pond said.

Porchay looked at him confusedly and repeated, "Airport?"



Kim finished his work and looked at his watch, it was past 9 p.m. He closed his laptop and called Big.

Big came with nervousness in his face which was noticed by Kim.

"What's wrong?", he asked.

"Um...it's that...", Big hesitated.

"Oh dammit, just spit it out", Kim yelled.

"Porchay hasn't returned yet", Big said.

"That disobedient boy! I told him to come early!", Kim said before he smiled darkly. "No worries, when he comes back, I will teach him a lesson"

"Well Khun...that's the problem", Big said. "He is missing"

"What nonsense? Where could he go?", Kim asked. Before Big could answer the door slammed open and Tankhun barged in, his face fuelled with anger.

"Ai' Kim! Where is my Chay?!", Tankhun asked as he slapped Kim hard on his face.

"I FUCKING DON'T KNOW!", Kim yelled.

"Then where did he go?", Tankhun asked.

"Wait, let me think.", Kim said as he rubbed his cheek.

After a few minutes of silence, Kim looked at Big and said, "Big, get information about his two friends"


"I. Didn't. Do. Anything.", Kim said through his gritted teeth.

Tankhun glared at him and murmured, "I don't know where he is and how he is but if anything happens to Porchay, you'll regret it, Kim"

Kim sighed heavily and looked at Big and asked, "Have you checked the Café?"

"No Khab", Big replied.

"Let's go to the Café", Kim said.


They arrived at the Café. It was late and they were closing.

Kim barged inside and saw Max, the owner, checking the accounts while the workers were cleaning up.

Max looked up and saw Kim coming. He immediately got up and bowed.

"Sawadee Khap, Khun Kim", Max said.

Kim went and held Max's collar and pulled him closer aggressively.


"Who...who, Khun Kim?", Max stammered.

"DON'T ACT INNOCENT INFRONT OF ME!", Kim warned. "You know exactly who I am talking about"

"KIM!", Tankhun interrupted, forcefully pulling Kim away from Max. "Calm down. Violence is not the solution here."

Kim took a deep breath and reluctantly stepped back, releasing Max from his grip. He then walked out of the café and lit a cigarette.

After sometime, Tankhun walked out of the café.

"After questioning Max, it seems like he genuinely doesn't know where Porchay is," Tankhun informed Kim, concern evident in his voice.

Kim threw his cigarette away and crushed it with his foot and sighed in frustration.

He muttered, "Where the hell could he have gone?"

Kim then looked around and noticed the same street which had no source of lights. Tankhun looked at him and looked at the same direction.

"What are you looking at?", Tankhun asked.

"That was the same street where Porchay got beaten up", Kim said.

Tankhun looked at the street and asked, "What if it's like last time and Porchay ended up in trouble again?"

Kim paused for a moment and thought.

"Come", Kim said as he started walking towards the dark street.

"Kim! Wait for Big", Tankhun said but Kim didn't even turn around.

"Fuck it!", Tankhun muttered under his breath before hurrying to catch up with Kim.

Soon, both the brothers started walking slowly into the street. Tankhun kept looking back to see if anyone was following them.

As they walked, Kim stopped abruptly. Tankhun, caught off guard by Kim's sudden halt, almost bumped into him but managed to stop just in time.

"What?", Tankhun asked.

"Look over there", Kim said as he pointed in the dark.

Tankhun looked and saw a figure standing in the shadows. The figure was tall and seemed to be staring into their soul.

"I think it's the same person who attacked Porchay that day", Kim said.


Porchay's POV

As we reached the airport, we were escorted to a private jet that was waiting for us on the tarmac.

I was really confused on what was happening. I had so many questions swirling in my mind, but there was no time to ask them because we were moving quickly.

Soon we boarded the jet and took our seats. I looked at P'Pond to get some answers. But he just smiled at me.

I was still in shock from the the firing that happened earlier.

"Are you okay, Khun?", asked P'Pond.

"What is happening here? Where are you taking me?", I asked with frustration.

He smiled and replied, "You will know soon, Khun"

Soon the jet took off and dozed off to sleep from exhaustion.


I woke up when P'Pond called me.

"Khun, we have landed", he said. "We are ready to go."

I simple nodded and followed him because that's what I had been doing all along - blindly following him without knowing the full story.

As we got out, again there were 5 to 6 cars parked near the runaway.

The cars were sleek and black, giving off an air of mystery. There were bodyguards too.

Why the fuck everyone in Thailand has bodyguards?

I wondered to myself as we climbed into one the cars. The car immediately sped off, weaving through the busy streets.

"Where are we?", I asked P'Pond.

"Chiang Mai", he replied.

"Chia...Chiang Mai?", I stammered, taken aback.

What the fuck have I done that people are LITERALLY behind my life? One in Bangkok and now in Chiang Mai?

Soon we reached a big mansion which said, THE KITTISAWASD MANSION, on the iron gates.

'Kittisawasd?', I had heard about it before.

As we entered there was a huge garden with a big fountain in the centre.

The water sparkled under the sunlight, casting a tranquil and peaceful aura over the entire mansion.

After getting down, I was guided inside the mansion.

The mansion was so huge that if someone played hide and seek there then they wouldn't be found for months.

"Khun, please go inside, he is waiting for you", P'Pond said.

As I entered I saw a man sitting on his office chair with a smile on his face. For some reason the smile sent chills down my spine.

"Welcome, Pichaya", the man said.

"How do you know my second name?", I asked.

The man chuckled softly and got up from his chair and walked towards me.

He looked into my eye and said, "You are exactly like your mother, son"

"Son?", I asked confusedly.

"Yes.", he said. "I am Pat Kittichote Kittisawasd, your father"

My eyes widened in surprise and a sudden surge of anger boiled inside me.

Even though my mother told me only good things about him and advised me not to hate him, I could never comply. 

I hated him from the very start.

And today when I saw him for the first time, I felt more intense hatred towards him than ever before.

And due to this only three words left my mouth in a low and seething voice. "I. Hate. You"



Author's POV

Kim and Tankhun looked at the figure standing in front of them.

Suddenly the figure started running fastly towards them.

Kim quickly pushed Tankhun out of the way and stepped forward, ready to confront the mysterious figure.

As the figure got closer, they noticed that the person had covered their face with a black mask.

The man suddenly lunged at Kim making him stumble backward.

"KIM!", Tankhun exclaimed.

"Stay there!", Kim said firmly, as he struggled to regain his balance.

He quickly recovered and engaged in a fierce hand-to-hand combat with the masked assailant. Their fists collided with intense force, the sound echoing through the quiet street.

But he wasn't being able to beat the man. He was much stronger than Kim.

Outmatched and overwhelmed, Kim knew he needed to think quickly.

Just then, Big came and joined the fight, delivering a powerful kick that sent the masked assailant sprawling to the ground.

The figure groaned in pain as they hit the pavement, momentarily stunned.

As the figure lay on the ground, Big, Kim, and Tankhun stood there, panting heavily and keeping a close eye on the masked assailant.

The assailant slowly regained his composure, ready to resume the fight.

The man suddenly kicked Big, who fell on the ground. He then resumed the fight with Kim.

Kim and the masked assailant continued their intense battle, fists flying in a flurry of strikes and dodges.

The man punched Kim in the gut, causing him to double over in pain.

The man was about to deliver another punch when Tankhun hit him from behind making him fall on the ground with a thud.

Then, Tankhun and Big helped Kim get back on his feet.

"ASSHOLE!", Tankhun yelled as he kicked the assailant.

Tankhun then leaned forward and removed his mask to reveal the face of someone they never expected to see.

"KINN!", Tankhun and Kim exclaimed in shock.

(To be continued...)


Thank you everyone for liking this story so much❤️

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