~~~The Devil of Penance~~~{Ma...

By Ronoric_The12Demon

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A young man walks down the street enjoying the night time breeze,as he walks he heads into the park.But as he... More

~~~Chapter One:New Life & New Questions~~~
~~~Character's Bio/Info:Eien Thanatreus~~~
~~~Chapter Two:School,Sitri,ORC~~~
~~~Chapter Three:Some New Info & Strange Dream~~~
~~~Chapter Four:School,Helping a Idiot,More Questions~~~
~~~Chapter Five:First Contract~~~
~~~Chapter Six:A Monster & The Decipher Message~~~
Chapter Seven:Meeting & Rescue
Chapter Eight:Familiars & Taking a Spin
~~~Chapter Nine:The Big Buddy~~~
~~~Chapter Ten:A Maid,Some Fried Chicken,and Some Hoes~~~
~~~Chapter Eleven:Training Begins~~~
~~~{Chapter Twelve:Training Continues & Interesting Meeting}~~~
~~~{Chapter Thirteenth:Beating the Chicken}~~~
~~~{Chapter Fourteen:Victory Party & Stupid Phenex}~~~
~~~{Chapter Fifthteen:Some Old Friends}~~~
~~~{Chapter Sixteen:Peerage Begins}~~~
~~~Character's Info/Bio:The Squad~~~
~~~Chapter Seventeen:Request from Zarathos's Family~~~
~~~Chapter Eighteen:Angels,Fallen,& Yokai~~~
~~~Chapter Nineteen:Discovery~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty:Aftermath & Question~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-One:Jumping a Bitch & Michael's Request~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Two:Exorcists,Dual,Revelation~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Three:Encounter~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Four:Battle at The Academy~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Five:Confessions~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Six:Pool Day~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Seven:Auntie's Visit~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Eight:Open House~~~
~~~Chapter 29:New Little Buddy~~~
~~~Chapter 30:Helping a Little Buddy & Meeting~~~
~~~Chapter 31:Summit Begins~~~
~~~Chapter 32:Summit's Attack~~~
Chapter 33:Eien's Rage & New Enemies
~~~Chapter 34:Vacation & ...What the Fuck?~~~
~~~Chapter 35:Gremory Manor~~~
~~~Chapter 36:Eien's Territory & Training Partners~~~
~~~Chapter 37:Training & Party~~~
~~Chapter 38:New Faces,Old Faces,and Alex's Bullshittery~~
~~~Chapter 39:Alex's Invention & Secret Uncovered~~~
~~~Chapter 40:Zarathos's Request & Reveal~~~
Chapter 41:The Dragon Eater & The Angel of The Deep
~~~Chapter 42:The Calm,Ah Bet,and The Seal~~~
~~~Chapter 43:Eien's True Heritage~~~
~~Updated Character's Info/Bio:Eien Thanateus~~
~~Chapter 44:Family & Revelation~~
~~~Chapter 45:New Faces & Call for Help~~~
~~Chapter 46:Family,Rescue & Wrath~~
~~Chapter 47:Return & Alex's Next Creation~~
~~~Chapter 48:New Problem & More Cousins~~~
~~~Chapter 49:A Little Bitch Shows Up~~~
~~Chapter 50:Princesses Fight~~
~~Chapter 51:The True Terror of The Chaotic WTFs~~
~~~Chapter 52:Chaotic Massacre~~~
~~Chapter 53:New Friends & Fates Decided~~
~~Chapter 54:Preparing for The New Mission~~
~~~Chapter 55:The Bloodhound,The Cartel,& The Slaughter~~~
~~~Chapter 56:Ah Fight,Ah Trip,Ah New Power~~~
~Chapter 57:Heading Out & Secret Admirer~
~~~Chapter 58:Princess & Agreement~~~
~~~Chapter 59:The Calm & The Arrival~~~
~~~Chapter 60:The Fall of The Heroes~~~
~~~Chapter 61:Final Hero,Yasaka's Decision,Next Step~~~
~~~Chapter 62:Alexander's Greatest Creation~~~
~~~Chapter 63:Divine Meeting~~~
~~~Chapter 64:Next Game,Golden Princess,& Mystery~~~
~~~Chapter 65:Meeting & New Piece~~~
~~Chapter 66:Ah Rook & Ah Meeting~~
~~~Chapter 67:Multiverse Talk & Final Member~~~
~~~Chapter 68:Ah Challenge & Alex's New Surprise~~~
~Chapter 69:Egyptian Encounter & Gremory VS Bael~
~Chapter 70:Rating Game Continues~
Chapter 71:Next Matches & Next God
~~Chapter 72:The Final Fight & The Crimson Confession~~
~~~Chapter 73:Passion of Angels~~~
~~~Chapter 74:Ah Emperor,Ah Prick,& Ah Hoe~~~
~~Chapter 75:Some Answers & Some Questions~~
~~Chapter 76:Information & Next Move~~
~~~Chapter 77:Grayfia's Brother & Gasper's Friend~~~
~~~Chapter 79:Wrath & The Truth of The Past~~~
~~~Chapter 80:The Witch's Sentence~~~
~~~Chapter 81:The Beast & Sisters' Squad~~~
~~~Chapter 82:The Hunt & The Backup~~~
~~~Chapter 83:Moments of Peace & Pleasure~~~
~~~Chapter 84:Preparation & The Army~~~
~~Chapter 85:The Chaotic WTFs Run Shit~~

~~Chapter 78:Return,Reunion,& Defilement~~

715 19 4
By Ronoric_The12Demon

(Eien's Pov)
I'm walking back into the house with everyone after returning home from the Vampire Faction.As we walk into the living room where the others all are,they all turn and see us.....
Me:Mission Completed and we also got ah representative of the Vampire Faction here wondering what's going on we did give them a basic rundown,but didn't go into to much detail.
[We look at them and they're looking at Lord Shiva]
Them:*Wide Eyed*........
Nick:Huh she's looking at Lord Shiva instead of Ophis who's just chilling on the couch.
[They're eyes damn near pop out as they look at Ophis who's just starts playing goldfish with Ellie,Lily,Bennia,and Kunou]
Them:*In-Shock/Wide Eyed*.......
Elmenhilde:.....*Snaps Out of It*Ehem well given what I've seen I believe it would be a good thing if the Vampire Faction joined your alliance.
Rose:Can't really even blame you for that.
Kate:Didn't even mention how Eien's the Ghostrider and Ophis's Mate.
[They look at me wide eyed  and then Elmenhilde just passes the fuck out being caught by the Werewolf]
Mom:Oh dear the poor girl was overwhelmed,we'll she can rest and then we can talk after she wakes up.
[We nod as a servant leads the Werewolf and the other guard out of the room]
Euclid:Lord Rizevim(He looks at him)if.....if I may ask a question....
Rizevim:You may.
Euclid:Could you explain what I've missed my Lord,as I'm....very confused right now.
Rizevim:Of course let's sit down.
Me:Somebody get the Alcohol this is gonna be a long explaination.
[Alex claps his hands then the door opens as a robot comes into the room with a large tray of alcohol....]

[We look at it wide eyed and it sets the Alcohol on the table]
Alex:Thanks Jarvis that'll be all.
Jarvis:Of course Master Alex.
[It walks off as we all look at it then Alex]
All of Us:......
Alex:*Raised Eyebrow*What you guys already knew I could make robots?
[I walk over and pick up a Bourbon Bottle before popping the cap off then just down it as the explaination begins.....]

(Timeskip Next Day)
I'm standing with Alex,Mom,Dad,Valeria,Vali,Rizevim,and Marceline  in Alex's V-Space.It's been about ah week since our trip to the Vampire Faction.After we got back Rizevim told Euclid everything and to say he was pissed would be a understatement.Tho he was introduced to Millicas which was pretty nice,Millicas had a hug smile on his face meeting his Uncle.But anyways we also learned that do to some bullshit Nightmare and the Goose Food did Valeria was very weak....which was pretty much immediately fixed with the help of a Phenex Tear from Ravel that Alex gave a Omniboost.So now she's pretty much in perfect health meaning she's capable of using her sacred gear to it's fullest effect.Which is why we're in Alex's V-Space as Valeria's about to resurrect Razevan Lucifer......
Alex:Alright everything ready?
Valeria:Yeah....I'm ready.
[He nods and then Valeria summons multiple golden cups filled with white liquid that looks like milk.Valeria closes her eyes as she starts and soon the cups overflow with the liquid pooling on the ground.We look at it as it begins to rise up.We all watch as it begins to take a more humanoid form,then it starts to glow.We shield our eyes cause the light it fucking annoyingly bright,but after about thirty seconds we hear a groan as the light begins to die down.We look and see a guy laying there.....]

[We all look at him as he begins to wake up,his eyes flicker open and he sits up....]
Razevan:*Groans*W-What happened?Where am I?
[He looks and goes wide eyed seeing him
Razevan:*Wide Eyed*F-Father...(He sees Marceline & Vali as tears start forming)Marceline,Vali.....
Rizevim:*Soft*Before anything what's the last thing you remember?
[Razevan looks at him and then looks down]
Razevan:*Wide Eyed/Teary Eyed*Y-You just told Blackheart and hs group to leave....then when I closed the door and locked it,I heard a bang and turned to see you on the ground.(We're surprised)I rushed over to check on you and you opened your eyes groaning in pain....then..I saw your eyes glow a bit.....and then I was here....
[We all look at him with mixed expressions,I look at Alex and he nods]
Rizevim:*Soft*There's a lot to explain,but I'll show you my memories to make it easier okay.
[Razevan nods confused and Rizevim puts hit hand on his head,after about ten seconds Razevan eyes widen in horror as tears flood his eyes.He looks down and pale as me,before beginning to hyperventilate]
Razevan:*Hyperventilating/Horrified*O-Oh my......my....
[Rizevim hugs him and then Marceline hugs him as they both,Mom nudges Vali a bit who looks at Razevan.He takes a deep breathe before going and joining the hug to help calm Razevan down,then Alex comes over to me]
Alex:*Whisper*Oi(I look at him)the others just sent a message,something happened.
[I nod and look at Mom & Dad,they nod and we leave the four of them alone to see what happened.We walk out of the room and exit the V-Space before going down stairs where we see everyone]
Mom:*Serious*So what has happened?
Sam:Uh....Eien(I look at her)before we go into details promise you won't start World War 3.
[We look at her and I squint my eyes]

Me:*Suspecting*There's only a few things that I would genuinely even threaten such ah thing about and given everyone's here & none of you are pissed the fuck off it's regarding that isn't it.
[Those that know all look down slowly nodding while those that don't are just confused.I feel my eye twitch which they notice]
Alucard/Anderson/Bal:Oh crap
Walter/Kana:Oh Fuck.
Josh:Oh this is not good.
Alex:*War Criminal Snickering*
Nick:Whelp the Geneva Checklist is about ta become thicker than ah fucking dictionary.
Everyone that Doesn't Know:*Slightly Worried/Nervous*...................*Raised Eyebrow*?
Me:*Deep Breathe*......Who?
Sam:.....From the cameras and tracker....the last remanent of the Old-Satan Faction that fucker with the Spear from before......
Me:....Meaning the bitch is also involved(They nod each somewhat shrinking down in their seats).....*Pop*Alex.
Alex:*Wide Ass Grin*Yeah?
Me:Find them and once we retrieve it,I'm Authorizing the Hades System so rain Thanatos Misses like it's F5 Hurricane.
Sam:*Freaking Out*W-Wow wow wow Eien isn't essessive!?
Josh:*Freaking Out*Y-YEAH MAN CO....
[I look at them and they stop seeing the look in my eyes]

Dad:*Nervous/Concerned*W-What is this 'Hades System'?
Alex:*Wide Ass Grin*It's ah Satelitte(They look at him)that's basically machine gun that Thanatos Missles at over 500 times the speed of sound.
[They look at him]
Mom:*Nervous/Very Concerned*A-And what are 'Thanatos Missles'
Me:Non-Nuclear Missles that make the nukes drop Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like Firecracks in comparison.
[They look at me wide eyed and somewhat pale]
Lily:*Nervous*B-Big brother(I look at her)w-what did they take?
Me:.....*Deep Breathe*They took ah necklace that use to belong to a very close friend of ours.(They're surprised)But to get the necklace they would've had to defile their grave,because it was buried with them.
[They look at me]
Kate:*Nervous/Terrified*About that(I look at her)they...didn't just take the necklace.
[I look at her squinting my eyes suspicious of what she means by that]
Nick:...*Terrified*T-They also....took his remains.....
[My face goes completely blankly hearing this and I slowly turn to Alex who has his tablet out]
[I nod and he opens a magic circle as I walk right by him thru it trying not to lose my temper as to not hurt anyone....]

To Be Continue........................

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