Duvarları içinde - within the...

By m3edina1

4K 102 23

Duvarları içinde (within the walls) Great-granddaughter of Suleyman Shah and Hayme Ana Granddaughter of Ertuğ... More

Before you read
Prologue/Extended Description
Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Not a chapter
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 17

57 2 0
By m3edina1


I have been busy with work this week, so I haven't had the chance to do any writing. Therefore you'll get an update today and tomorrow (and maybe on sunday) for making up for this week chapters.

The next day, Mihrimah was quieter than usual. Everyone in the inn noticed this.

Ever since her encounter with Osman, she had been in deep thought, she had even forgotten how much she hated to eat breakfast with the Vizier.

The sight of Osman's wounded expression and the pain in his eyes weighed heavily on Mihrimah's heart. Though she knew that her actions had been necessary, she could not shake the sense of guilt that gnawed at her insides.

Lost in her thoughts, Mihrimah did not notice the footsteps descending down the stairs or the concerned gaze of Vizier Alemshah as he sat down across her. ''Mihrimah.'' Alemshah spoke. ''Are you alright?''

Mihrimah started at the sound of Alemshah's voice, which snapped her back to the present moment. ''I am fine, Alemshah.'' Mihrimah dismissed his question. ''Just... lost in thought, that's all.''

''I understand.'' Alemshah said. ''Yesterday's event was only to distract me from Osman, who managed to save his alps. I'll make sure that Celali teaches everyone of them a lesson that they will never forget.''

''I see... Wait what?... Celali? Who is he?''

''Aside from Konur and Ferman, one of my most trusted men. Ah, there he is.''

Mihrimah looked confused and then looked up at a man who was about Alemshah's age. The whip on the side didn't go unnoticed by Mihrimah.

Mihrimah spent most of her time in her chambers that day. She wasn't in the mood to do anything, unless it was needed, and she didn't feel like seeing anyone either. She couldn't even do so much as her palm was still healing.

Mihrimah was thirsty, but Hatice Hatun wasn't around, so she took it upon herself to get some water.

Just as she left her chambers, she heard some of the Seljuk soldiers whispering amongst themselves.

''...according to Vizier Alemshah, Sheikh Edebali helped Osman...''

"...dangerous to keep him around..."

"...imprisoned in the dungeons..."

Mihrimah's blood ran cold from what she had just heard. Sheikh Edebali, the Light of Oguz, was imprisoned by none other than Vizier Alemshah. Though she could hardly believe it, she knew that she could not afford to ignore it.

She knew that time was of the essence if she was to save Sheikh Edebali from whatever fate Alemshah had in store for him. Then she remembered Celali and his whip, which made Mihrimah more worried.

Silently slipping through the halls of the inn, her senses were on high alert. She would be in much trouble if she was caught.

As she neared the dungeons, Mihrimah could hear the faint sound of footsteps echoing. A sign that she wasn't alone. Steeling herself for what lay ahead, she hid in a gap between two stone columns.

As she was holding her breath, she went completely stiff. She was too scared to both move and breathe. Then, Celali passed, looking quite annoyed for some reason.

Waiting for the footsteps to disappear, she continued to sneak towards the dungeon, where Sheikh Edebali was kept.

The cell door was guarded by two soldiers. Moving stealthy, she crept behind one of the guards. And as she closed the distance between them, she connected her fist with the guard's jaw with force. The guard stumbled backward, making him fall unconscious.

Before the second guard could react, Mihrimah quickly disarmed him with ease and hit him in the jaw too, making him fall unconscious too beside his fellow soldier.

But in the end, she had reopened her wound on her palm. She remembered that she still had the blue handkerchief that Konur used to bandage her arm and wrapped it around her palm.

Unbeknownst to Mihrimah, Konur was the culprit for Celali's annoyance. He stopped the officer to whip Akça Derviş, who protected the Sheikh.

While Konur was in the middle of cutting their ropes, all three turned their attention to the cell door, where grunts and thumps could be heard. Then, the door suddenly swung open, revealing Mihrimah and unconscious soldiers on the ground.

As Mihrimah looked around the cell, she noticed the three men staring at her surprised. She smiled when she saw Sheikh Edebali and Akça Derviş being alive. But her smile faded when she noticed Konur. ''What are you doing here?''

Knowing her hate towards the Seljuk soldiers, Sheikh Edebali spoke. ''Easy, kizim. If it wasn't for him, Akça Derviş would still be taking blows for me.''

Mihrimah complied and kneeled before the man. ''Sorry, I was worried when I overheard that you were being taken prisoner.''

''Thanks, kizim.''

Mihrimah looked at Konur and nodded her head as thanks. She then took the skin bottle near Akça Derviş and offered the man some water. While she was tending to him, the Sheikh initiated a conversation with Konur, who kneeled beside him to help. ''What are you doing under the command of the devil, boy?''

Sheikh Edebali noticed that Konur wasn't sure himself why he was serving Vizier Alemshah.

Sheikh Edebali's wise eyes softened, he also sensed the weight of emotions that burdened the soldier's heart when the Sheikh followed Konur line of sight Mihrimah, who was busy attending to Akça Derviş on the other side of the cell.

As Konur's gaze lingered from Mihrimah and her bandaged palm, Sheikh Edebali observed the unspoken sentiments that were obvious within his eyes.

''Konur.'' Sheikh Edebali's voice cut through the silence, drawing the soldier's attention back to the present moment. ''Not only do you care about who I am, but you also care for her. Do not allow the fear of your emotions to bind you in chains. True strength lies in embracing the depths of your heart.''

Konur didn't know what to say. He stood up and left the cell. Mihrimah noticed this and looked confused. ''What's wrong with him?''

''Nothing you need to worry about, my dear. Now, you should go to and leave us here.''

Mihrimah's eyes widened. ''W-Why? Leaving you here, but-''

''If we suddenly disappear, both you and Konur will be in trouble. You have done enough, my child. If he does propose to work together, don't be afraid to accept it. He has no future under the command of Vizier Alemshah.''

Mihrimah didn't understand what the Sheikh was talking about, but she never questioned him. Even though she was reluctant at first, she nodded in understanding.

The next morning, Mihrimah ate breakfast by herself again. Not that she complained though.

Vizier Alemshah was currently in Inegol for the new bazaar. Mihrimah was invited, but she didn't feel like it, feeling that she should stay in the inn, neat Sheikh Edebali.

Osman had gotten word that about the situation and made sure that the people would stand up to Alemshah's action, even though he wasn't around.

Mihrimah was nervous about the whole situation, as the people didn't know why she was in the inn in the first place. The only thing she could do was to trust that Konur had everything under control, as he too stayed back in Sögüt.

She was a little skeptical about trusting him. Not about protecting against possible dangers if the protest should escalate. But about trusting him in general, as they had joined forces. But even so, she trusted Sheikh Edebali's words.

Konur had approached her after the Vizier left for Inegol and proposed for an alliance. She couldn't help but think back to their conversation.

After Mihrimah had eaten her breakfast, she heard a soft knock at the door. With a furrowed brow, she rose from her seat and called out. ''Gelesin.''

As the door creaked open to reveal Konur standing at the threshold, she was taken aback by his presence.

''Konur.'' Mihrimah was intrigued. ''To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?''

Konur stepped into the chamber, his gaze met Mihrimah's. ''Mihrimah, I come here to you with a proposal.'' he began. ''An alliance between us to work against Vizier Alemshah.''

Mihrimah's eyes widened in astonishment at Konur's audacious proposition, maybe this was what Sheikh Edebali had talked about. Though she had long harbored suspicions about Alemshah's true motives, the idea of opposing him carried its risks, which Konur seemed to be willing to take.

''How come, Konur?" Mihrimah inquired. ''What assurances do I have that you do not harbor ulterior motives?''

''I have seen the truth of Alemshah's intentions, Mihrimah.'' he confessed. ''His ambitions extend far beyond the welfare of the Turks.''

Mihrimah listened intently to Konur's words, she could notice the sincerity in his voice. Though the prospect of opposing Alemshah filled her with an uncertain feeling, the idea of joining forces with Konur seemed like the light at the end of a dark tunnel, and he could move freely from place to place, unlike her.

''And what do you propose we do, Konur?'' Mihrimah questioned.

Konur stepped closer to Mihrimah. ''I know that there are a few among us who don't agree with the ways Alemshah is handling things.'' Like throwing Sheikh Edebali in the dungeons, for example. The two of us are going to meet them soon, assuming that you are willing to work with me.''

As Konur spoke, Mihrimah found herself nodding in agreement, her mind raced with all the possibilities that lay before her. Though the road ahead would be full of dangers, the prospect of standing united against a common foe could give her an advantage.

Back in the present, Mihrimah waited for Osman to be as rebellious as he had always been in order to make it possible for Konur and Mihrimah's ally to do his role in their plan.

Word count: 1580

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