Tsukiko [Vigilante Deku AU]

By BlossomNyx

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[Completed] From a young age Izuku was singled out for not having a quirk. This continued at his home where h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author Note
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Authors note : 2
Author Note
Future [Extra Chap]

Chapter 8

408 16 1
By BlossomNyx

*Aizawa POV - After meeting up with Hawks, they went to the police station*

"Can't you get security camera footage, Tsukauchi?"
"No, Aizawa.."
"Access to peoples video doorbells?"
"No, we ca -"
"Talk to the locals?!"
"Shota! Listen to me!"
I stopped pacing and looked at him.
"We have tried everything. There is no sign of him, where he went or anything! You need to calm down now. Please.. your worrying won't help us find him.." He sighed and rested his head in his hands, turning off his laptop screen.
I had been pestering him for almost 5 hours straight, looking over his shoulder and occasionally taking his laptop, thinking I saw Tsukiko on a camera or that I had a sudden idea. I knew I had been a pain, but I was so worried about him.

The door clicked open behind us, and Tsuchauki raised his head.
"Hello Hawks.."
"Why so down Tsuchaki.. long night?"
"Very long.. is that coffee?" He was eyeing the tray of mugs in Hawks' hands.
"Yup! Extra is strong as I'm guessing Aizawa has been going Dad-mode since we got back."
"Oh yes, he has Hawks.. no stop. I'm quite annoying, really, but I understand why. Tsukiko has dropped the crime rate by over half in the last few years."
Hawks offered me a steaming mug, and I accepted it graciously. It was scalding hot, but I drank it quickly, glad to have some caffeine. Tsukauchi also accepted his coffee and picked up his phone after receiving an email. Halfway through taking a sip, he suddenly choked and spat it out, spraying it over Hawks, who jumped up in the air, knocking over a table with his wings.
"Aizawa, we have something! Come look!"
I hurried to his side as he projected the camera footage onto the large screen. Hawks stood beside us, grumbling quietly. I gave him a look, and he soon stopped. Tsukauchi played the video.

It showed Tsukiko carring a girl, she looked roughly his age, mabye slightly younger. She wasn't moving, but we could tell she was alive by the movements of Tsukiko. He suddenly dropped the girl, moving afew faces before collapsing. He was fiddling with his mask, choking and retching. His fingers were sliding across the fabric, blood covering his hands. He suddenly took out a knife from a pocket in his trousers, sliding it across one side of his mask, pulling it away. He retched again, blood spilling from his mouth. His face was pale, a large scratch down one side and a scar on the other. He went on in this condition for about five minutes before glancing around to the side to check the girl was OK. He stood up before tumbling sideways, grabbing onto the wall for support. He threw his mask aside before wiping his forehead with the back of his hand, pulling it back to see it covered in blood. His body went limp at that moment, and he fell sideways, crashing to the floor.

"The tape stays like this until about 6:30 am before it changes.." Tsukauchi spoke as he skipped forward in the tape.

The girls body twitched slightly before she rolled onto her back, wiping cheek as there were blood stains on it. She sat up and looked around before seeing Tsukiko laying about 10 feet away from her, surrounded in a pool of blood.
"Oh no.. Zuku? Are you OK? Zuku, can you hear me?" Her voice was cracked and slightly muffled through the video, but you could tell that she was terrified.
"Izuku?! No, no, no, no, no! This is bad!" She crawled forwards and  grabbed his wrist, presumably feeling for a pulse. She heaved a deep sigh before sitting Tsukiko up against her, wiping his forehead with her sleeve. She looked down at his chest and screamed.. short and loud. The girl fumbled with his chest before pulling her hand away, a bloody knife in it. She heaved him up, wrapping one of his arms around her shoulders. She turned around, her face covered in shadow. She gazed right at the camera, eyes wide. The video tape cut, the last frame showing a dagger flying towards it.

I turned to Hawks. His hands were over his mouth, eyes wide. He mumbled something inaudible and hurried out of the room, wiping his eyes. Tsukauchi was in shock but also had an impressed look on his face.
"The hell are you smiling about?! Tsukiko's injured and is probably knocking on deaths door!"
"Well, Aizawa. We know Tsukikos' identity and what his face looks like. Very smart of him, the way he positioned himself and the girl. Hiding both of their faces, only showing half of his at a time. He must have known there was a camera. However, the girl didn't know, showing us Tsukiko's face and also revealing his name to us. Unfortunately, we can not identify the girl as she was covered in shadow for the most part."
I watched as Tsukauchi rewinded the video. He was right, Tsukiko's face was bathed in light, and we could see it fully.
"The girl said his name is Izuku, so all we need to do now is look up who this Izuku might be. We can also look out for him on the streets as we know what he looks like as well."
He opened up a search browser and searched in the name Izuku. Entering it, a news report from five years ago came up on the screen.
"I don't think that this is Tsukiko. It says that he was most likely murdered just outside of his school or kidnapped. His full name is Izuku Midoriya."
"Wait.. Midoriya?! There was a report on this recently."
I took the laptop from him and searched Midoriya Death into the search bar. It came up with the death of Inko Midoriya, mother of Izuku Midoriya.
"It says she died in a house-fire. However, it wasn't her house, so we need to find out whose it is as they most likely have information on Izuku."
"I wonder why you aren't one of the lop Hero's Aizawa. You know much more than others do."
Hawks re-entered the room at that moment, eyes blood-shot. He avoided eye contact, and I didn't question. I knew he blamed himself for this. He was tailing Tsukiko, and he lost him. I nodded to him as Tsukauchi explained what they had learned about Tsukiko. Hawks' eyes widened behind his glasses.

*Present Day - 8pm*

I sighed, Tsukiko hadn't been on patrol for the past two weeks and we hadn't got any closer to finding out who he actually was as Izuku Midoriya hadn't been sighted in the past 5 years. I was sitting on a lower rooftop waiting for a sign of movement when I heard a low whistle from the roof of the higher building. Confused, I used my capture weapon to scale the side of the building, landing less than gracefully on the roof. It had rained the night before, and the water had frozen, causing me to slip and nearly fall. Regaining balance, I looked around. There was a figure sitting on the edge of the roof, one leg hanging over the edge, the other to their chest. Walking closer, I saw the green streaks on their clothing.
"Glad to see your ok ErasureHead. Sorry for scaring you."
He hadn't turned around, so I had no idea how he had realised that it was me.
"And I'm glad that you're back up on your feet."
"Heh - not entirely, sir."
I came up next to him and sat down.
"What do you mean by that?"
I looked at him. His face was half covered in shadow, but I could see that he had a bandage over his forehead. His arms had scratches up and down them.
"That isn't the worst of them, you know."
He was watching my face as looked at the bandages, scratches and scars, "I won't run tonight as my chest feels like it would explode from pain, so if you don't capture me, or we'll try to capture me, I won't run."
"Why did the girl call you Izuku."
"Straight to it then."
He turned away from me and sighed, looking up at the stars, "Izuku is my birth name. However, as stated in the newspaper 5 years ago, Izuku Midoriya. You can ask two more questions tonight if you wish, I will answer them if I feel they won't give my true self away."
I nodded slightly, and we sat in silence for a while.
"Why did you fake your death."
"Ask the son of the Bakugo's."
"Hmph. Very well, Tsukiko."
He coughed and wiped his mouth, a small blood stain on the back of his hand. He gave a small laugh and stretched.
'Strange how he doesn't care that he is hurt. Still, how is he alive..'
"Who was that girl. The one you hid her face from us in the alley."
I suspected him to ignore me, but to my surprise, he answered me, choosing his words carefully, "She is my older sister and one of my saviours. She was one of the people who saved me all those years ago, and they are the only ones who truly care about me."
'He's being careful with the information he is giving me. He does look familiar, but I can't figure out who..'
"Can I ask one more question?"
"Sure." He turned to face me, one arm wrapped around his chest.
"How do you pay for your equipment?"
"I work in a-" He cut off mid sentence and glared at me, "Nice try Aizawa, but you won't get me that easily."
He stood up, still holding his chest, and gazed over the city.
"I suggest you start your patrol. There are signs of fights tonight in that area." He pointed behind me, and I turned to look.
"How do you know that?"
No answer.
I turned back, but he was gone.
'That kid is way too smart for his own good.'

*Next day - 5:35am - Cafe*

"Good morning ErasureHead, what can I get you today?"
"Hello Neo.. I'll have a strong black coffee please and a cinnamon bun."
"Coming right up!"
I was sitting in the corner table with a large number of folders and papers scattered across the table. I was the only one in the cafe at this time, but I knew that Hawks would be joining me soon to help me figure out Tsukikos past. After a few minutes, Neo came back with my coffee and cinnamon bun.
"Working this early ErasureHead? I guess that there are a lot of villains about then as this looks important."
"It is Neo.. we have gathered information on Tsukiko and have figured put who he might be. Hawks is going to be here soon to help me."

[AN: Sorry to inturup your reading, but you can skip this part if you want. Neo's uniform is long sleeved so people can't see his scars, he also styles his hair so it covers the most part of his face and uses makeup to cover scratches/scars etc on his face. He also isn't wearing the bandage anymore. Hope this clears stuff up if you were confused about how Aizawa didn't realise who Neo actually is.]

"OK ErasureHead, I hope that your search is fruitful!"
He placed my mug and food on a clear part of the table before going back to the counter. He leaned against the wall there and closed his eyes. He looked exhausted from here but he also had bountiful amounts of energy. Must be nocturnal or something. The bell above the door went. Hawks entered with four students from UA: Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina and Bakugo. Neo went into the back room as they entered.

"Hiya ErasureHead! Sorry I wasn't here sooner, there was a slight hold up."
"Sh[]tty hair you didn't tell me he came here in the mornings."
"Chill Bakugo! I just forgot to mention it, you aren't acting very manly."
"Your nearly as f[]cking dumb as Pikachu over there."
I sighed, my peaceful morning was now less than peaceful and I still had lots of work to do. Hawks came and sat across from me and picked up a pile of paper.
"You've been working alot ErasureHead."
"Yes, Tsukiko revealed some information about his past last night."
"What like?"
"The girl he was with, he called her 'sister' but also 'one of my saviours'. He told me that his birth name is Izuku Midoriya but that the reason Izuku Midoriya died was because of the son of the Bakugo's." I was looking over at Bakugo as I spoke and I saw him tense up as I said the name Izuku Midoriya. Hawks looked over at him aswell. Mina, Kirishima and Kaminari hadn't noticed yet, they were to busy drooling over the amount of pastrys that the cafe had to offer.

*Izuku POV*

'Sh[]t. Why is he here?! Five years of not seeing him and as soon as the bloody Pro's find out about that I'm Izuku Midoriya he has to appear!'
I was sitting on the floor of the back room, wiping down some mugs.
"Hey excuse me sir! Are we able to order?"
I turned to see a girl with pink skin and hair looking through the door way.
"Oh yes sorry, I'll be out in a second."
I put down my cloth and walked out to the counter.
"What can I get you today sir's and ma'am?"
"Hmmm- I'll have a Matcha Frappe and a lemon muffin!"
I noted it down, "what else can I get for you sir's?"
"So manly.. oh! Er- I'll have a green tea and a biscuit please."
"Can I have a hot-chocolate please."
"Of course! What about your friend?"
"F[]ck off."
"OK ill bring those over to you shortly."
They walked away and I went into the back room again to grab some plates. I made up all the drinks and put them on a tray with the snacks. Then feeling a bit rebellious I wrote on a bit of paper 'f[]ck off' and put it in a glass. I left the back-room and walked over to the table that the group was sitting at. I gave them all there drinks and snacks before setting down the glass with paper infront of Katsuki. He opened the bit of paper and stood up suddenly, sending his chair flying.
"You little.."
"I'm sorry sir but I gave you what you ordered. If you don't like it mabye be more specific next time."
The pink girl picked up the paper and read it, mouthing the words. She burst out laughing and passed it around the table. I smiled at Bakugo and started to walk away when I felt something hot hit the back of my neck. I lurched forwards, dropping the tray I was holding.
"Bakugo! What the hell!"
I reached towards the back of my neck and felt it was scalding hot I winced slightly touching it before turning around. The two boys where holding back Bakugo whilst the girl was asking if I was OK. I mumbled a response to her saying I was fine. I walked towards Bakugo and stopped infront of him.
"The rules of the cafe are simple. If you use your quirk on a member of staff you will be kicked out. If you refuse the member of staff can use force on you. So. What will it be."
I spoke in a level voice, staring right into his eyes. He stared back at me. I shook my head slightly, moving my hair to the side, showing a bright white scar across the side of my face. His eyes widened as he looked at it. He shook his head then mumbled that he would go. I stepped back and let him pass, watching him exit the cafe. I turned around and picked up the tray before going to the back room.

AN: OK this one is very long. Nearly 3000 words compared to the other chapters which are between 1000 and 2100 words. I hope you are enjoying the book so far! Unfortunately I can't think of anymore facts right now, I will try to find one for the next chapter though!

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