Murder Drones Oneshots (mostl...

By PrincessWizzy1

159K 3.2K 9.3K

Oneshots based of the amazing YouTube series murder drones. I'm open to requests in the comments, this is my... More

"Yellow is my favourite colour" (NUZI)
'Purple is my favourite colour' (Nuzi)
"Whats a spark?" (Envy)
"Wanna pair up?" (ThadXUzi)
'What does kissing mean?' (Nuzi)
"I'm not gay!" (Dizzy)
Gift Giving (Nuzi)
The Dog and The Bird (Nuzi)
The Dog and the Bird Part 2
Compatibility Rating (Nuzi)
'Drunk' (Nuzi)
'Drunk' Part 2
'I need attention' (Nuzi) (part 1?)
I need attention Part 2
Dear and Babe (Envy)
Comfort (Nuzi)
Praise (Nuzi)
Girls Support Each Other (Platonic Vuzi)
Wedding Day (Nuzi)
Wedding Day Part 2
Do you want to build a baby? (Nuzi)
How to care (Nuzi)
Under the coat (Envy & Nuzi)
A CRUSH ON V?!? (VxThad)
A DATE WITH V!?! (VxThad)
I'd know you anywhere (Khnori)
Oilsharing (Nuzi) Request
100 Ns (Nuzi)
Everyone thinks girls are hot! (Vizzy)
Clingy N (Nuzi)
Sweet Oil (Nuzi)
Meet the parents (Nuzi)
Guardian Angel Part 1 (Nuzi)
Guardian Angel Part 2
Guardian Angel Part 3
Guardian Angel Part 4
Guardian Angel Part 5
Guardian Angel Part 6
Guardian Angel Part 7
Guardian Angel Part 8
Guardian Angel Part 9
Guardian Angel Part 10
Guardian Angel Part 11
Guardian Angel isnt ending- but...
Guardian Angel Part 12
Guardian Angel Part 13
Guardian Angel Part 14
Guardian Angel Part 15
Guardian Angel Part 16
Guardian Angel Part 17
Guardian Angel Part 18
Guardian Angel Finale Part 1
Guardian Angel Finale Part 2
MD Vampire AU Part 1
MD Vampire AU Part 2
MD Vampire AU Part 3
MD Vampire AU Part 4
MD Vampire AU Part 5
MD Vampire AU Part 6
MD Vampire AU Part 7
MD Vampire AU Part 8
MD Vampire AU Part 9
MD Vampire AU Part 10
MD Vampire AU Part 11
MD Vampire AU Part 12
MD Vampire AU Part 13
MD Vampire AU Part 14
MD Vampire AU Part 15
MD Vampire AU Part 16
MD Vampire AU Part 17
MD Vampire AU Part 18
MD Vampire AU Part 19
MD Vampire AU Part 20
MD Vampire AU Part 21
MD Vampire AU Part 22
MD Vampire AU Part 23
MD Vampire AU Part 24
MD Vampire AU Part 25
MD Vampire AU Part 26
MD Vampire AU Part 27
MD Vampire AU Part 28
MD Vampire AU Part 29
MD Vampire AU Part 29.5
MD Vampire AU Part 30
MD Vampire AU Finale Part 1
MD Vampire AU Finale Part 2
MD Vampire AU Finale Part 3
The back of the bus (Nuzi)
Tipsy Uzi (Nuzi)
Tipsy Uzi Part 2
Tipsy Uzi Part 3
'A hunk and a catch' (Knori)

MD Vampire AU Part 31

1K 25 67
By PrincessWizzy1

"A spare placenta? Good luck finding that!" Thad gaped, hands in his pockets while talking with N- who had already chugged down enough beer to kill 3  human men.

N replied, but his voice was muffled by the bar he had currently buried his face in, he looked like a hopeless drunk loser- not the strong future father that Thad knew he was. It kinda stung to see him this way...

It had been another week since Uzi was hospitalised with J, according to the doctor the babies could last a few weeks until a donor was found, but nobody was coming forward with a match for Uzi. Party because she was a vampire, and partly because Uzi had a strange genome already- like she was mutant or something.

J had recovered after only a day, and instantly offered her placenta for Uzi, insisting that she could have an anembryonic pregnancy and develop one for Uzi to use, but the doctor said that J was unable to produce pregnancy hormones- meaning she couldn't make one.

N had even considered asking V, and was actually going to do it tonight through Thad, but upon hearing that V was already dropping her own 'I want a baby' hints- he knew he couldn't put pressure her to do anything that would jeopardise her happiness.

"Man I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned V wanting kids, I didn't really know how bad things had got with Uzi" Thad apologised, petting N's head clumsily, he wasn't that drunk- but he was tipsy enough to miss N's head and pet his shoulder instead.

The older vampire snickered at Thad's attempt of comforting him and sat up, he was drunk and depressed, but he might as well take advantage of having a boys night with Thad. "So how badly does V what a baby?" N questioned, trying to think of something more cheerful.

Thad laughed "She hasn't outright said it, but the phrase 'aww look at that cute baby Thad- do you think babies are cute?' Is kinda a give away!"

N laughed along with Thad, graduation was only a month away, and Thad already had a job as a sportsman lined up- a pretty well paying one actually- if V wanted a baby he could handle it.

"Do you really want the baby though?" N questioned, Thad didn't really seem 'adult' to N, despite him being almost 20.

Thad shrugged "I had a load of little siblings growing up, so I kinda know how to handle kids, but I promised my mum before she died that I wouldn't have kids until I was married" Thad explained it so blankly that he didn't expect N's wide eyes. In his drunken state Thad had revealed something really personal- something he hadn't even told V yet.

N stuttered a bit "You- you lost your mum? I'm sorry it was probably one of us".

"Nah she got sick when my 8th sibling was on the way, I was already like 14 so she made me promise to be a 'good man' or whatever" Thad's voice went a bit deeper as he spoke. He never talked about his mum or family to anyone, not really, the beer really had got to him- hadn't it?

Before N could exclaim at how many siblings Thad had, both of their phones lit up with messages, V had purchased N a phone after Uzi was hospitalised so they could all talk easier. According to N's message from Khan, Uzi was sobbing at the idea of loosing the babies, and only N stood a chance at comforting her...

Thad's message was a nude from his girlfriend. A nude that made his drunk little heart skip a beat. How the heck did he manage to pull V?! And how the heck did she always manage to look so good!?

Maybe it's not too soon to be a dad...NO! You promised your mum- but she never said anything about virginity (like I haven't already lost that)~

Both men looked at each other and immediately jumped from their bar stools, Thad slamming down some cash (he agreed to pay tonight), as they both sped to their lovers- FOR VERY DIFFERENT (Thad would argue equally important) -REASONS.

N reached the hospital quick, and ran to the ward Uzi was staying in, he was heartbroken to see her curled over in the bed- shoving Khan away while sobbing about how she had 'failed' and 'lost everything'.

Without a word N slid to the side of Uzi's bed, sitting right next to her and gripping her hands in his own, attempting to kiss her forehead as a token of his undying affection.

"N...I'm sorry...I let everyone the twins- everyone!" Uzi cried, leaning on N while tears overtook her face.

God damn it- I can't handle seeing her like this...

There had to be a way. Something. A way that saved the babies and her. He wouldn't let everything end like this. Not when Uzi was so close to having everything she wanted.

N kissed Uzi's forehead again, gripping her hands as tight as possible, trying to communicate just how much he loved her through his actions. He knew her love language was touch- and would give her all the touch she needed to feel safe.

Khan stood still, blankly staring at the scene infront of him, a part of the old man wished he knew the way to his daughter's heart like N did. He wished he could calm her with ease like he used to be able to do with Nori.


The aggressive voice of Nori rang in Khan's head, he groaned at her tone, he'd been hearing her a lot lately- she switched between trying to flirt with him and screaming at him. Khan was glad to hear her again but seemed to forget just how unstable his beloved wife was.

At least I can hear her...that's all that matters...

Smiling at the sight of Uzi calming down, Khan tried to think of how to help, he didn't have a placenta (or any other female pieces) to help with the pregnancy...but he did have a lot of connections to people who might-

The police. They took in Doll. Doll is a mutant. Uzi is a mutant.

"N, we need to get to the holding cells now- I think I know who can donate!" Khan yelled, excited at his discovery. You only gained a placenta once you were pregnant- but if Doll's body was tricked using hormones into believing she was pregnant- then she would create a compatible one for Uzi!

Khan and N raced to the police station, after using his status to get him and N through the two men ended up right outside Doll's holding cell, surprised to see Lizzy outside it as well.

"Doorman?" Lizzy stated, seeming confused at the arrival of the old man, though she for some reason didn't seem phased at N's presence. Doll sniffled from behind the bars, clearly not in the mood to see Khan or N, neither man left however and instead chose to glare at Doll in the cell.

Lizzy noticed how grim they both looked and made an excuse to go get water, N could swear Doll's eyes followed her as she left, it almost seemed like she was silently begging for her to stay.

Khan got straight to the point "Doll, would you be willing to give Uzi a placenta- if we can trick your body into producing one". He phrased it like a question, but there was a noticeable edge to Khan's tone, implying there was a correct answer to his question.

The girl behind bars looked away, a mixture of distrust and embarrassment echoed on her face, she couldn't think or feel anything towards Uzi right now . Too much had happened in such a short period of time- there was no remedy for what she'd done.

"Mr Doorman, can I speak to Doll alone?" N offered, not looking away from Doll despite speaking towards Khan. The old man was surprised and slightly offended by what N had asked but decided to go with it. Maybe N had a way to convince Doll.

Once the two vampires were alone N crouched in front of the bars slightly, making his face align with Doll's, he looked into her eyes while she breathed heavy at him. Whatever he was doing was terrifying- even if he didn't need it to be- she also knew that N was the alpha, he might use his authority on her.

It's not that Doll didn't want to help Uzi. It's that she didn't believe herself necessary for it. Surely someone else could help? Someone who Uzi knew and trusted better. Not the monster who almost killed her beloved....twice.

"Please, I'm not asking you as an enemy or a leader, I'm asking you as a desperate dad- Uzi wants these babies and is blaming herself for everything that's happening- I want my children Doll. I want the ones that are almost finished, the ones Uzi is carrying and caring so much about already" N explained, tears welling up slightly at his own words. It really stung to speak like this... but he was willing to try anything at this point.

Doll mumbled back "Ты действительно думаешь, что стоит мне доверять? Все, на что я способен, это причинять боль (You really think it's worth trusting me? All I'm capable of is causing pain)".

N smiled softly at Doll, "I'd do a lot worse for Uzi, and for those babies? I'd destroy the universe, you aren't evil Doll- we can help you- please just help me first".

A moment of silence passed. Doll was looking at the floor while N was trying to catch her eye, trying to catch any glimpse or hint of emotion. The silence lasted until Lizzy came back, carrying a bottle of water along with some biscuit, she offered one to N and turned back to Doll.

"Okay girl, think it's time you made it right, just give him what he wants~ Then I'll vouch for you with my dad" Lizzy chirped, clearly unaffected by the cold energy around the cell, her undefeated confidence was hilarious to the point N giggled and Doll snickered.

Taking a breath, Doll turned back to N "Хорошо, но если есть девушка - назови отчество (fine, but if there's a girl- I get to be the middle name)".

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