Glitch in the Matrix

By darkcrystal08

537 34 0

ᴬˡˡ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵉᵛᵉⁿᵗˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵉⁿᵗⁱʳᵉˡʸ ᶠⁱᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿᵃˡ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵐⁱⁿᵉ. ᵀʰᵉʸ ᵇᵉˡᵒⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉⁱʳ ʳᵉˢᵖᵉᶜᵗⁱᵛᵉ ᵁⁿᵈᵉʳᵗᵃˡᵉ ᴬᵁ ᶜ... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

80 3 0
By darkcrystal08

As I stood there, the weight of the moment hung heavy in the air. Those two beady eyes seemed to bore into mine, unwavering and inscrutable. It was as though they held some hidden knowledge, something beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. I found myself unable to look away, drawn into a silent exchange with this enigmatic being.

Was it merely staring back at me, or was there a hint of curiosity lurking within those depths? I couldn't be sure. But one thing was certain: whatever emotions it may have harbored remained shrouded in mystery, hidden behind that unyielding gaze.

With a steady hand, I reached for the folder clutched tightly in my grasp, its contents a testament to the countless encounters like this one. Scribbling down my observations on the pristine sheet within, I carefully checked the box labeled 'Unresponsive,' a grim reminder of the ongoing struggle to understand these creatures.

Glancing up at the clock, I noted the time with precision, the seconds ticking away relentlessly. Each passing moment brought with it a sense of urgency, a reminder of the task at hand. I recorded the time down to the exact minute, a small act in the grand scheme of things, but a necessary one nonetheless.

As the bell rang, its melodic chime echoing through the sterile confines of the observation room, I felt a sense of both relief and anticipation wash over me. Another day of studying the anomaly had drawn to a close, yet with it came the promise of new discoveries and potential breakthroughs. The automatic door slid open with a soft hiss, granting me passage from the controlled environment back into the bustling corridors of the research facility.

"Dr. (L/N), Dr. Harrison is requesting your presence in his office," the lower-level trainee announced, her voice carrying a note of urgency tinged with curiosity. It was not often that I received such summons, especially at this hour.

Raising an eyebrow inquisitively, I turned to face her. "Any idea what it's about?" I asked, my mind already racing through the various possibilities.

She shrugged, a gesture that betrayed a hint of uncertainty. "It could be related to Number 3379," she replied, her tone cryptic yet tinged with a sense of concern. "But let's hope not. You were definitely onto something today!" A glimmer of optimism flickered in her eyes, her previously somber expression momentarily replaced by a hopeful smile. "I mean, did you notice? Number 3379's eyes seemed to flicker ever so slightly when you complimented it. That's progress they can't ignore!"

As her words lingered in the air, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mingled with apprehension. Despite months of research and countless experiments, not a single change had been elicited from the frog-like creature confined within the walls of our facility. Yet, amidst the frustration and disappointment, I couldn't help but smile at the trainee's optimism.

"Why don't you take care of submitting my report along with yours?" I suggested, gesturing towards the folder in my hand. "I'm sure you're eager to wrap up your shift today. After all, wasn't it you and your boyfriend's anniversary?"

Her laughter filled the room, a bright sound that momentarily dispelled the tension that hung in the air. "Yeah, it is. Perfect timing for me to get everything ready. Thanks, Dr. (L/N)," she replied, accepting the folder with a grateful nod.

With a nod of my own, I bid her farewell and made my way down the corridor towards Dr. Harrison's office. With my head held high and a sense of purpose driving each step, I strode through the corridors of the research facility with a confidence born of passion and dedication. This was more than just a job to me—it was my calling, the very essence of my existence. Being entrusted with the role of a scientist tasked with monitoring an anomaly was a responsibility that I embraced wholeheartedly.

Just three years ago, such a position would have been unthinkable, relegated to the realm of fiction or to the fringes of scientific curiosity. However, with the sudden emergence of rifts and the subsequent influx of monsters into our world, the importance of our work had become undeniable. It was our duty, as scientists, to unravel the mysteries of these anomalies to the best of our abilities, to shine a light into the darkness and uncover the truths hidden within.

As I stood before the elevator, a sense of unease began to gnaw at the edges of my thoughts. Despite my qualifications—two PhDs under my belt and a wealth of knowledge at my disposal—I couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy that lingered in the back of my mind. Handling a Level 1 anomaly seemed like a far cry from the lofty heights I had envisioned for myself.

The whispers and sideways glances from some of my colleagues only served to amplify this sense of doubt. They couldn't understand why someone with my pedigree, the son/daughter of the great (L/N)'s, would be assigned to such a seemingly mundane task. But I knew better than to let their opinions sway me. After all, it wasn't about the size or significance of the anomaly; it was about the work itself, the dedication to unraveling its mysteries no matter how small.

Stepping into the elevator, I found solace in the quiet confines of the small space. Leaning against the mirrored walls, I met my own gaze in the reflection, a silent reminder of the determination that burned within me. All the years of hard work and sacrifice hadn't been in vain. And perhaps there was a greater purpose to my role here than I had initially realized.

As the elevator descended, I resolved to embrace my position as a mentor to the trainees. Besides, who better to guide the newbies than someone with firsthand experience and a relentless drive for excellence? Especially in this environment that gradually reveals its... unforgiving nature.

The elevator doors slid open with a soft hum, urging me forward as I made my way towards the head's office. With each step, I took my time, allowing myself a moment to steady my nerves. The last time I had been summoned to this office was nearly two years ago, a memory that still sent a shiver down my spine.

As I walked, thoughts of that past incident began to surface, causing a sudden wave of anxiety to wash over me. I reassured myself that I hadn't done anything to warrant any backlash recently, but the unease lingered nonetheless. Perhaps, if all went well, I might even be considered for a higher case file in the future. But for now, such thoughts remained nothing more than wishful thinking.

Summoning my courage, I took a deep breath and raised my hand to knock on the door, announcing my presence in a steady voice. "Dr. Harrison, it's Dr. (L/N). May I come in?"

Hearing the soft invitation to enter, I turned the knob and stepped into the room, my gaze sweeping over the familiar sight of meticulously organized achievements and collective trophies adorning the shelves on either side of the desk. At the center of it all sat Dr. Harrison, a man who had long since passed his prime, his hair streaked with gray that spoke of years of dedication to his work.

His eyes met mine as soon as I entered the room, and he set aside the files he had been busy writing on, offering a welcoming gesture as he motioned for me to take a seat.

"Please, have a seat, (Y/N)," he said, his voice calm yet authoritative.

Taking a seat as instructed, I pocketed my eyeglasses and closed the door behind me before settling into the chair to the left of Dr. Harrison's desk. My eyes drifted to the small picture frame hanging on the wall, a poignant reminder of the legacy left by my parents and the pioneering scientists who had paved the way in the study of anomalies. It brought me a sense of comfort, grounding me in the midst of the conversation to come.

Meeting the man's gaze, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension at the seriousness in his expression. "Is something wrong, Dr. Harrison?" I inquired, my tone laced with concern.

His hands sifted through a stack of papers on his desk before he replied, his voice measured. "Not quite, but I'm concerned about the recent reports regarding the anomaly I assigned to you. It appears that there hasn't been any progress these days, or in recent weeks for that matter."

I inwardly sighed as the reality of the situation was brought to light. "Today was a little different though," I interjected, forcing a smile as I tried to lighten the mood. "3379 showed signs of responsiveness, albeit subtle. It seemed to acknowledge my presence, particularly when I offered positive reinforcement."

Dr. Harrison's brow raised in what seemed to be genuine interest as he considered my comparison. "Like a dog to its owner?" he mused aloud.

I hesitated at his choice of words, but ultimately nodded in agreement. "Yes, it would appear that way. Further research will be conducted using similar methods, and I'm confident we'll see positive results in due time."

He chuckled, his hand reaching for his favorite mug filled with lemon tea, its comforting aroma wafting through the air. "That's what you said three weeks ago," he remarked with a shake of his head. "(Y/N), you are undoubtedly a diamond in the rough. Still rough around the edges, but with careful polishing, you have the potential to surpass even your parents' achievements. Perhaps even reach greater heights! You're still in your early twenties, so the possibility is certainly within reach."

I chuckled at his words, feeling a sense of warmth at the familiar affection in his tone. "You're flattering me, Uncle," I replied, unable to resist the smile that tugged at my lips. It was comforting to be addressed by my name, a departure from the formalities we had initially observed.

Dr. Harrison's words resonated deeply with me, his sigh carrying a weight of experience and wisdom accumulated over the years. "Rightfully so," he continued, his gaze drifting to the same photo that had caught my attention earlier. "A young woman/man like you is what us old timers are wary of most times, whether for good or bad reasons—it all blends together in the end."

I nodded in understanding, my gaze following his to the photo of my parents. "They would've been proud to see you working in the same environment they once did," he remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "Perhaps not the exact same circumstances, but the work they began continues through you."

"They died as heroes," I acknowledged with a solemn nod, the words a familiar refrain that echoed in my mind. It was a sentiment I had heard countless times since their passing. It wasn't anyone's fault—it was simply an accident. They had been dedicated to their work, determined to uncover the truths hidden within the anomalies they studied, even at the cost of their own lives.

"Indeed they are, and I expect nothing less from you either. Just, not the... dying part," the man cleared his throat, his tone turning more serious. "Alright. Moving on. I actually called you up here to inform you that your assignment for the next month has been decided. You won't be handling any Level 1 anomalies for further research."

My eyes widened in surprise, snapping back to him as I processed his words. "Sir?"

"You'll be assigned a task that requires absolute loyalty and dedication to your work," Dr. Harrison continued, his voice firm. "Safety and cautionary measures are paramount in this assignment. No excuses. No mishaps."

A smile played at the corners of his lips as he likely noticed the excitement reflected in my expression. I could hardly believe what I was hearing. "... Am I back to handling Level 7-9?"

He nodded, confirming my suspicions. "Indeed you are. Consider this a testament to your capabilities and dedication." As he slid the blue folder towards me, I wasted no time in eagerly rummaging through its contents, my curiosity piqued by the sudden change in assignment. However, I barely registered his next words, too absorbed in absorbing the information laid out before me.

"Dr. (L/N), I advise you not to reveal this to anyone," his voice pulled me from my reverie, his tone serious. "Not another soul may know of what you're now up against. This is a secret only I and a handful of people will know, none of which are allowed to leave this facility or reach the ears of anyone outside of our immediate circle."

As I delved deeper into the contents of the folder, my initial excitement gave way to confusion. Dr. Harrison's words echoed in my mind, casting a shadow over the seemingly innocuous assignment I had been given. With each word I read, a sense of unease gnawed at me, creeping its way into the pit of my stomach.

The details outlined in the reports painted a troubling picture, one that filled me with a growing sense of dread. As I reached the final page and laid eyes on the clipped picture of the anomaly, my heart sank. The sight of it only served to amplify the weight of the situation, solidifying the realization that I was now facing something far more daunting than I had anticipated.

"What do you think?" his question hung in the air, his gaze fixed on me, waiting for my reaction. Even I wasn't entirely sure how to process the information presented before me.

"This... this is a Level 10 anomaly," I finally managed to articulate, the words feeling foreign on my tongue.

The man offered a reassuring smile. "A fitting project for a brilliant woman/man like you. No doubt you'll excel in your element."

Shaking my head in disbelief, I struggled to reconcile this revelation with the rules and regulations governing our research. "But we weren't allowed to handle Level 10 anomalies or anything beyond that. This is..."

"A secret that's been carefully prepared for over a month now," he interrupted, his tone tinged with excitement. "Isn't it fascinating?" Rising from his seat, he moved to sit opposite me, leaning in eagerly. "Our field agents managed to capture it without anyone's knowledge, and to top it off, the anomaly can speak as clearly as you or I! Although, it does tend to use rather... colorful language."

As Dr. Harrison spoke, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on my mind. Monsters were categorized according to their intellect and magical prowess, with Levels 1-6 typically considered normal types that posed little threat to anyone. Levels 7-9 were more intellectually advanced, but still not overly dangerous unless provoked.

However, Level 10 anomalies and beyond were a different story altogether. These were entities that surpassed anything our lower sector was equipped to handle. Containment in our facility, with its limited staff and resources, seemed like an impossible task in the event of an escape.

I couldn't help but voice my concerns. "Dr. Harrison, handling a Level 10 anomaly goes against protocol. Our facility simply isn't equipped for something of this magnitude. What if there's a breach? We don't have the manpower or resources to contain it."

"Who says we don't have the capability?" he retorted, his irritation evident in his expression. Dr. Harrison's response was unexpected, his voice taking on a darker tone as he addressed my concerns. His frustration was palpable, his hands clenched into fists as he countered my assumption. "Those in Sector 1 have never disclosed the specifics of how they manage their anomalies. Who's to say their methods truly surpass what we could do? It could all be lies."

With a heavy sigh, he rose from his seat and returned to his desk. "We've successfully locked down and secured a Level 10 anomaly for over a month now without incident. It hasn't shown any signs of overwhelming power. In fact, it appears to be weaker than they claim." He paused, his gaze meeting mine with conviction. "It's merely a husk of its supposed capabilities—a skeleton of power, devoid of flesh. I refuse to believe otherwise."

Despite this, my uncertainty lingered like a shadow, casting doubt on the validity of his claims. Handling a Level 10 anomaly was no small feat, and the risks involved were too great to ignore. However, any lingering doubts were quickly brushed aside as Dr. Harrison adopted a more cheerful tone, seemingly oblivious to my concerns.

"Fear not, however," he continued, his demeanor brightening. "You won't be tackling this alone. I've arranged for you to have a research partner. Given the anomaly's capacity for manipulation and sharp tongues, I've selected the best candidate for the job."

"He worked here around the same time you did, actually. I'm sure you two would get along just fine," Dr. Harrison mentioned as he slid another folder towards me. "And if anything happens, here's the layout of the underground floor level, along with the secret passages you can use to escape from the anomaly."

A small smile tugged at my lips at the prospect of having a partner and the strategic advantage provided by the layout of the underground floor. "Sounds like a game of cat and mouse," I remarked, trying to inject some levity into the situation.

Dr. Harrison's expression grew serious once more. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that. But most importantly, Dr. (L/N)," he continued, leaning forward with a solemn look in his eyes, "I hope you won't show as much compassion to this entity as you did with the Level 7 anomaly. It's different this time, and I would have had to take more severe action if not for your capabilities and potential."

The memory of Level 7 anomaly Number 0225, with its pleading voice and desperate cries for freedom, sent a shiver down my spine. A waist-tall small, armless creature resembling a dinosaur, its child-like intelligence only serving to heighten the tragedy of its situation. Despite knowing the risks, my conscience had screamed for me to grant it mercy, to release it from its captivity.

And so, against my better judgment, I had succumbed to compassion and set it free. But the consequences had been swift and severe. As soon as I had returned to the facility, I had faced the repercussions of my actions, demoted to handling the lowest level anomalies as a result.

The lingering uncertainty and hesitance about my past decision still weighed heavily on my mind, but the realization that I had been granted a significant opportunity now suggested that perhaps it hadn't been a mistake after all. Perhaps I had I simply been fortunate enough to have Dr. Harrison, the head of the facility and a friend of my parents, intervene on my behalf? Whether it was luck or the influence of my parents' connections, I couldn't deny that my current position was a testament to the choices I had made.

"And another thing," His sudden interruption jolted me out of my train of thought, his voice cutting through the silence with a sense of urgency. He continued, his tone serious. "I've come across some interesting information that I feel compelled to warn you about."

I waited in anticipation as he paused for a few moments before delivering his warning. "Whatever you do, whatever it tells you, don't feed it."

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