By starryevermore

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a collection of imagines and oneshots from my tumblr, starryevermore. More

5. AND NOW I SEE DAYLIGHT (ft. lucien)


371 1 2
By starryevermore

pairing: azriel x vanserra!fem!reader

summary: azriel tries to fix the mess he made. you almost let him.

word count: 4,529

warnings?: angst city™ bitch, dual povs, threats of death, traumatic childbirth, azriel begging for forgiveness, open ending, there will be no other parts to this, not proofread

As the only daughter of Autumn, your relationship with your brothers was quite different than their relationships with each other. You were no threat to the throne. A female could never be High Lord. Yet, that did not let you free from Beron's iron tight grip on his family and their perception by Prythian. The only thing a female was good for was marrying well and producing children. If you ever proved yourself to be an embarrassment to the Vanserra family, you learned the limitless bounds of the former High Lord's wrath. Your brothers would be there to help mend you, offering comfort in the best ways they could. It wasn't much, but it meant a lot to you.

It damn near broke your heart when you realized you had to leave them behind to be with your mate. Beron would never—ever—allow you to be mated to an Illyrian brute. Knowing that your brothers would only be hurt if you told them, you decided that Eris was the best option in confiding your plan to run. Together, you left a note saying that you were leaving to be with your mate and he helped you cross Autumn's border. You prayed to the Mother that Beron was not too cruel to him, or your other brothers, when he discovered your disappearance. You knew you would likely not see them again, and you hoped they might forgive you for that. Then everything Under the Mountain happened—you were trapped in Velaris for fifty years, all too aware that you would never find out if they did.

That was the one blessing, you supposed, of returning to the Autumn Court all these decades later. With Beron gone and Eris as High Lord, it was easy to fall back in with your family. Though Eris was ready to march down to the Night Court and burn Azriel where he stood, and your other brothers were ready to follow, things calmed down in the end. The rage still simmered, hovering just below the surface. All it would take was one wrong move by the Night Court and any alliances Eris had previously forged would go up in smoke.

Despite your request for no further correspondence, the Night Court continued to periodically reach out to you. Mostly Feyre because she had been your friend, but occasionally Rhys who would inquire about the status of your pregnancy. Though he never said it outright, you knew it was to find out if your babe had wings. His motives, you were unsure. Was it out of concern for your wellbeing? You recalled how panicked he had been during Feyre's pregnancy. Perhaps he was worried about you for your sake. A larger part of you thought it was out of concern for his brother. That if your babe had wings, then it would mean you would surely die. And if you were to die, could you find it in your heart to let your mate be by your side one last time? Your skin itched at the thought of Azriel anywhere near your babe.

Truthfully, you didn't know. Whenever your healer, a kind elderly fae named Brigid, would ask if you wanted to know, you would always decline. You didn't want to experience your pregnancy knowing there was an expiration date. You wanted to live it, to enjoy it. Because Nesta could not bargain with the Cauldron any longer. Not even her, in all her power, could save you. You would rather spend your final days healing from Azriel's betrayal and preparing for the birth of your child than worry about the inevitable.

Besides, you were worried that the loyal shadow wound up wrist would run to Azriel at the first sign of harm to you.

Eris was not fond of that choice. He was certain that he could find a way to save your life should it come down to it. You were less convinced. But he was a prideful male, and you had learned long ago to not get in the way of a male's ego. If he wanted to be delusional, so be it. That didn't mean you had to feed into those delusions.

Today, however, was a day of celebration. The Fall Equinox had come and so the Forest House was alive with fae from across the courts. The Night Court wasn't present—hadn't even been extended an invitation, if Eris was to be believed. You admired his loyalty to you, but you knew the Night Court was not an enemy to be made. To be their ally was to be protected. In a land still wrought from the effects of Amarantha and the King of Hybern, it would be too costly to be making enemies of a court so powerful.

You ignored those concerns today, trying to focus on the festivities. It was hard to enjoy them. You were at the end of your pregnancy. Brigid had warned against your attendance, arguing that you needed to rest. But you were stubborn like your brothers. If you wanted one more night of revelry, you should have it.

That was, ultimately, your downfall.

You were dancing with one of your brothers, Crispin. Or, at the very least, dancing the best you could. You were sure it looked pathetic—a far cry from the elegance Beron beat into you. You were having too much fun to care. So much fun, you almost missed the pain shooting through.

You couldn't help the gasp that escaped your lips. Crispin froze, extending his arms out to help steady you. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Do you need to sit?"

"The babe—there's something wrong with the babe," you manage, keeling over from the pain.

"Give me one godsdamned reason not to gut you where you stand."

Azriel barely glanced up at the male in his house. It was only a matter of time, he mused, before one of your brothers came for him. For some reason, Lucien hadn't been particularly high on the list he made, ranking the likelihood of each brother to come breaking down the door. Mostly because Lucien spent most of his time in the mortal lands, far away from news of what Azriel had done. But, eventually, all word gets out.

"Because I deserve a more painful death than gutting me would provide."

Lucien's hand wound itself in Azriel's hair, yanking it back. A blade pressed against his throat. "Damned right you do. She was always too fucking good for you."

"I know."

"Do you know how many males would kill for a mate as kind as her? Do you know how many males begged Beron for her hand? You are lucky she ever spared you the time of day," Lucien hissed.

Again, Azriel said, "I know."

And he did. Mother above, he did. Every day of the last nine months, Azriel had been kicking himself for treating you the way he did. How had he misread all of the signs? Why did he let his anxieties, his worries of not being good enough for you, cloud his judgment? Azriel found himself wishing he could turn back time, stop himself from ruining the best thing he ever had.

Now, he was left in the dark. His friends scarcely spoke to him. Ever since Feyre and Rhys learned of his accusations, word spread among the Inner Circle. Cassian looked at him like he didn't even know his brother. Mor sneered the first time she saw him. Amren hadn't said a word to him. And Nesta...He was sure she was going to rip his wings off and throw him off the House of Wind. Even Elain looked at him as if he were a monster. Sometimes, though, Feyre would fill him in on the few replies you sent to her letters. And if he asked pathetically enough, Rhys would send you inquiries about your wellbeing. Those never got a reply.

Azriel almost wished he had a mission to go on to distract himself. To able to take his pain out on another helpless soul. But Rhys had barred him from his work. A punishment for his actions, Azriel was sure. Rhysand would never call it that. Always said something about giving Azriel time to reflect. But Azriel was tired of reflecting. Reflection wouldn't undo what he did. Reflection wouldn't bring you back.

"You're a pathetic excuse for a male," Lucien spat. "Hybern should have killed you. It would have spared the rest of us from your waste of a life."

He squeezed his eyes shut. It would have killed you, he was sure, if he had died. But at least you would know he loved you. At least you wouldn't be aching because your mate proved he didn't trust you. You wouldn't have your babe, but at least you could be assured that Azriel would never accuse you of infidelity.

"Have you seen her?" Azriel croaked.

Lucien released his hold on Azriel's hair. He fell forward, but didn't turn to face the male. He could hear Lucien's snarl as he said, "Color me surprised when I return from the mortal lands to learn from Elain that you cast my sister aside, made her leave her home, because you refused to listen to her. You're lucky that Eris answered my letter with haste, explaining she was safe in Autumn. Consider yourself even luckier that the High Lord made me wait to come here before I got that answer. Do you have any idea how far she had to travel on foot? You made a pregnant female—your mate—travel through Winter alone."

Azriel held back his sob.

"A farmer had to be the one to bring her to Forest House. She would have died if not for his kindness." Lucien's hand curled around Azriel's throat, his nails digging in. "Their blood would have been on your hands if they did."

"I-I didn't think—"

"No, you didn't—"

Hurt, a shadow whispered. Azriel's head snapped up. He wrenched himself out of Lucien's death grip, searching for the shadow he hadn't seen in months. Most of the others had stuck around, hissing their disapproval in his ear. But he knew one had gone missing, prayed to the Mother that it was making sure you were safe when he couldn't. Come quick.

"What?" Azriel breathed out. No. No. It couldn't mean you. You were safe, in Autumn. You were under your brothers' protection. No harm should ever befall you there. None...Unless—

She's hurt. The babe is stuck. Come—quick.

Azriel jumped out of his seat, moving faster than he had in months. This couldn't be. The babe didn't have wings. Surely, if the babe had wings, you would have told Rhysand. You would have told someone. Unless, you didn't know. He had to get to you. He had to see you.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"She's gone into labor," he managed. The room felt like it was spinning. Was he about to lose you forever? No. No, he couldn't handle that. He could handle you alive, hating him forever. But to lose you like this...For you to not know how deeply sorry he was, he couldn't live with that. He would sooner follow you in death than live in a world without you. "The babe has wings."

Lucien's eyes narrowed. "They'll kill you if you go. They'll make me look like mercy."

"I-I need to get Madja. She has experience with this. I need to give her a shot." Azriel sniffed, praying the tears wouldn't fall. Not now. "Even if she never lets me see the babe, I need to do everything in my power to give them a chance to live."

Azriel half-expected Lucien to drive his dagger into his heart. Instead, his lip curled. "Go. Before I change my mind. I'll warn my brothers of your arrival. They will welcome Madja's help. But whatever they decide to do with you, I will not interfere."

"Thank you."

"I'm not doing this for you."

"I know. But...thank you."

Your screams do not sound like your own. It sounded like, felt like, it was coming from someone else. Nothing about this, truthfully, felt like it was happening to you. You were vaguely aware of your mother on your right side, Eris on your left. Brigid was between your legs, trying to help the babe into a proper birthing position. Somewhere beyond the closed, oak door you could hear your brothers Crispin and Heath shouting at someone. Oh, you hoped they were terrorizing the servants.

"You're alright, my love," your mother was saying as she stroked your hair, "you're doing so well."

Your scream was your only response. Fuck. You had never experienced pain quite like this before. Not even Beron's flames compared to this. It was a miracle you hadn't passed out yet. Though, the thought of shutting your eyes and closing out the rest of the world was quite tempting. No. You needed to stay strong. If not for yourself, then for your babe. You had to give her a fighting chance.

Her. You were so certain your babe was a female. Brigid had never told you, because you had never asked. If you had known, the gender or the status of wings, you would want to tell Azriel. It would be the one thing, you were certain, that would break your resolve. You weren't sure if you ever wanted the shadowsinger back into your life, but...Well, he had always want a babe that looked just like you. A little princess to dote on. To show how to fly.

Another scream ripped through you. It felt like your soul was being torn out. Like sharp talons raked down your body, gripping at your essence, ready to take you back to the Mother. You wouldn't go back. Not until your babe was born. After that...If the Mother wanted you, she could take you. Your babe would be in safe hands with your family.

Desperately, you tried to search out for the shadow that not left your side in nine months. It had become a source of comfort. Its cold nature soothed the flames of Autumn burning inside of you. It reminded you of home. But when your eyes flicked to your wrist, then down your arm, it was gone. How long had it been gone? Why did it abandon you when you finally needed it? Where did it—

Something slammed against the oaken door.

Eris's head snapped up to glare at the wood. "What in the Cauldron is happening out there?" he hissed.

"Go, check," your mother said. "We need to keep this room as calm as possible. If your brothers are picking fights out there, then they'll only make it worse. She cannot afford any unwarranted stress."

Eris gave a tight nod and stepped away from your side. He didn't even make it halfway across the room before the door slammed open, the wood splintering. A body hit the floor. Your vision was too blurred to make out who, or the person who stepped over him, approaching your bed. That is, until she was close enough for you to recognize the all-too-familiar face.

"Madja?" you managed. "How—"

"He brought me here," she said, stepping in between your legs. Brigid made room for you, taking the opportunity to move away to grab some fresh towels. Madja tutted at the sight of you, then got to work.

"I don't want him here!" The words tumbled out before you could stop them.

You barely caught Madja glancing over to the fallen figure. In the haze, you finally recognized the wings. Azriel. He was here. Your breath caught. That was why the shadow had left you. It had gone to find him. Was it out of loyalty to its master? Or was it out of concern for you? A little shadow escaped from Azriel, speeding back to you. The cold thing stroked your face, as if to comfort you, to apologize for leaving you alone.

Azriel's head lifted. You were grateful you couldn't see the hurt in his eyes. Crispin and Heath each grabbed an arm, dragging your mate back up to his feet. Though you all knew he could easily fight them off, he didn't make a single move. Purple was already beginning to blossom on his exposed bits of skin. Had that been why you heard your brother's shouting?

Too pained to stand the look of him, you focused back on Madja. "Better or worse than Feyre?" Your voice was tight. It took every bit of your energy to not roar in pain.

"The babe is starting to come out, but her wings are stuck," she said. "We'll have to break bones to get her out."

"Mine or hers?" you nearly cried.

"Both." Madja glanced up at you. She masked her sorrow well, but you saw through it. You knew the next thing she was going to say, and you knew your answer, too. "I don't know that I can save you both."

"Her. Save her."

"NO!" Azriel shouted.

You barely processed Eris's body slamming into Azriel. He let out a low groan at the contact. If you weren't already in so much pain, you would have been able to feel how much that hurt through the bond. You wondered how much Azriel could feel. For the last nine months, you had kept your end closed. But after going into labor, it took too much effort to push him away.

"You are the last godsdamned person who gets to make decisions about her," Eris hissed. "You're lucky I don't throw you in the fucking dungeon—"

"I already gave him the whole speech, brother."

Lucien? How did he get here? How did he know?

Azriel ignored your brothers. To Madja, he pleaded, "Give her a chance—both of them a chance."

Eris's fist landed square on Azriel's jaw. "Don't even look in her fucking direction."

"All of you, out!" your mother shouted. The males all froze in place. "What did I say about removing unnecessary stress? Eris, take him to the library and let him stay there until this is over. The rest of you, make yourselves useful."

Your attention turned back to Madja, ignoring the sulking males, as her cold hand touched your knee. "We have to make a decision, dear."

From the corner of your eye, you watched as Azriel stiffened. He wouldn't be pleased with you, you were sure. And perhaps it was cruel to subject him to the cold pain of losing a mate. But that was mercy compared to what he did to you.

To Madja, you said, "Do what you must."

Azriel stared at the oak doors of the library. Eris and Lucien had been left at his guards while Crispin and Heath disappeared to gather more supplies for Madja and Brigid. He paid them and their snarls no mind. Nothing could distract him from your wails of pain echoing through Forest House. Every inch of him, every fiber of his being, called for him to go to you. To be by your side. It was only your words that kept him still.

"I don't want him here!"

Five words was all it took for you to rip Azriel's heart out. How you did it so succinctly, struck him right to the core, when it took an illogical rant from him to break yours was a mystery to him. Worse yet, Azriel wasn't sure you were even aware of what you were saying. You looked like you were barely processing Madja's appearance. Did you truly want him gone?

Visions of your near-lifeless eyes looking at him flashed through his mind. He was going to lose you today. Was it a kinder fate for you to die than live in a world with him? Would things be different if he hadn't fucked things up so spectacularly? Azriel imagined you in your shared home, your family—the Inner Circle—surrounding you. Love for you would be in the air, not contempt for him. Would that have been enough to save you?

He shook his head. He was being ridiculous. Your family—the Vanserras—loved you, too. Perhaps more than the Inner Circle. While his family was content to ignore his existence, yours was willing to strike him down where he stood for even deigning to show his face in Autumn. He was sure Crispin and Heath would have actually killed him if they hadn't drove his body through the door first.

Azriel flinched as another scream ripped down the halls.

"Don't act like this is painful to you," Eris snarled.

Azriel managed to lift a glare to him. "I can feel everything she does. If she is hurting, so am I."

"That mattered little to you when you accused her of being a whore," Lucien said.

"And I will regret to the day I die. I will spend the rest of my days atoning for what I did." Azriel lifted his chin. "But would killing me save her?"

Eris stepped closer to him. "Don't even pretend to care about her. Where have you been these last nine months? Where were you when her morning sickness left her unable to leave the bed for days, unable to keep anything down? When she would go to Brigid for updates on the babe? When she couldn't even pick out things for a nursery because the perfect one was left behind in the Night Court?"

He jerked like he had been slapped. Sometimes, he could still feel the sting of Feyre hitting him. Until today, she had been the only one brave enough to hurt him for what he did. Azriel would take every beating, though, if it meant you would live.

Azriel opened his mouth to respond, but fell short. Silence rung through Forest House. Your screams—they had stopped. The cries of a babe did not fill their place. He tugged desperately at the bond, hoping to feel your pull. Nothing. There was nothing.


No, he couldn't lose you.


Against his better judgment, Azriel fled from the library. He raced down the hall, the eldest and youngest Vanserra hot on his heels. He needed to see you. He needed to know that you still lived. Perhaps you were asleep. Birth was exhausting. Azriel remembered Feyre slept for hours after having Nyx. Perhaps you were doing the same. But then why wasn't the babe crying?

The door was ajar when he reached it. It took little effort to push it open, to open himself to the scene on the other side. On the far side of the room, Madja and Brigid had the babe. A beautiful little girl. His beautiful little girl. Azriel's eyes flicked back to you. Your mother was covering your body with a blanket. Were you truly sleeping? No, you were too still, even by fae standards. Your chest didn't rise. Your eyelids didn't flutter.

Azriel's gaze fell to your limp hand hanging from the edge of the bed. He sank to his knees, reaching for it. He half-expected Eris or Lucien to rip him away, to throw back back over the border. But no one touched him.

"Let him mourn," he heard your mother say.

"He doesn't deserve it." Whether that was Eris or Lucien, he wasn't sure.

"It matters little what he deserves now."

You couldn't be gone. You couldn't be. Somewhere beyond, a faint cry rang through the room. A weight lifted off his chest. At least the babe survived. At least Madja managed that. But...None of that mattered if you weren't here, too. None of it mattered if you couldn't hold her.

A hand touched his shoulder. He lifted his head to stare up at your mother. "Her name is Bronwyn."

"Thank you," he whispered.

"We're going to take her to a wet nurse. may stay for as long as you like. Ignore my sons. They are in pain, too."

"Thank you," he said again.

Silence filled the room again. Azriel was certain he was alone again, until he heard padding of footsteps along the wooden floor. He didn't have to look up to know it was Madja.

"She could still live. It is not...It is not the worst birth I have seen. I have seen weaker women pull through from more horrible circumstances."

"Why do you tell me this?"

"We believe, when people are in this state of limbo, they can still our world. Talk to her. You might be able to pull her back."

"She wouldn't come back for me."

"Then why did she nearly tell her mother to come get you?" Madja patted his shoulder. "Food for thought. Do as you wish, Spymaster. I will be back to check on her later."

Azriel did not move for three days and three nights. Despite what Madja had said, he couldn't find any words to share with you. Everything felt wrong. What was he supposed to say? Apologies would scarcely suffice. Should he beg? It was tempting, but he wasn't sure his pathetic snifflings would return you, either.

Every so often, your mother would come in, Bronwyn in her arms. She would lay the babe on your chest and coo about how much she was growing already. Lucien would come in to tell you about what he had been doing in the mortal lands. Eris was rant about the politics of being a newly minted High Lord. Heath would talk about the latest book he had read. Crispin came once—sobbed about how he should have realized what was happening, should have gotten you help sooner.

Everyone else had something to say. Something more moving, more earth-shattering, than whatever grovel he would wretch up.

But on the fourth morning, as the morning sunlight began to stream onto you, he lifted himself from his knees. There was just enough space beside you that he could curl up to. It cramped his wings, but he was willing to ignore the pain.

"I should have cherished you," he whispered. His throat was tight. "I should have trusted you. I do, trust you I mean. Before you, I never knew unconditional love. Even through the last few centuries together, it still boggled my mind that you could look at me and find something worth loving. When I came home that day, I was so scared that you had finally found something better. It will never excuse what I did."

He reached up, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. "Come back, my wildfire. Not for me. I could spend the rest of my life making up for that mistake, but it would never be enough to warrant your forgiveness. But your family...They shouldn't be hurt because of what I did. Come back for them. Come back for Bronwyn. Come back, and you will never have to see me again unless you so wish it."

Azriel's eyes squeezed shut. He felt wetness drip down his face, onto your soft skin where his face was pressed. "Please, live."

Your eyes opened. 

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