The Tutor

By Kcooper0416

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I was just a normal woman, a plain woman to be exact. My life consisted of tutoring students who were deemed... More

How it all began
The Game
A Beautiful Distraction
Forged In Fire
The Smell of Freedom

Fill My Heart

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By Kcooper0416

It had been a full twenty four hours since I last saw Dylan. It was now Saturday night and I was sitting on my couch with a steaming hot cup of green tea. The rain had yet to let up, and a late cold front had come through, making the air chilly despite it being early spring. Sadie was curled up on my lap, under my green plush blanket licking her paws. It was an annoying habit, one that I dearly wish that she would stop. I turned on my tv, mindlessly flipping through the channels, my attention was elsewhere. I had told Cassie what had happened, not who I went out with of course, I wouldn't do that to Dylan. All I told her was that I met this great guy and didn't get his number. Ever since I told her, she had texted me every hour on the hour asking for an update. I loved her for it, but I also didn't want the constant reminder that I would never see Dylan again. Sighing, I just picked the first thing that looked remotely interesting and tried to get my mind off of everything. I was thinking about popping some popcorn when Sadie jumped off of the couch and ran to the window barking. She only does that when someone pulls into the driveway. My heart instantly skipped a beat and I flew off the couch and to the window moving my lavender colored curtains hoping that it was Dylan. There were headlights coming toward the house and I couldn't think of any one else that would come here this late. I dashed to the front door, slipped on my cow print mud boots and opened the door. I ran to the vehicle as fast as I could. It was beyond dark, but I stopped when I got closer to the headlights. Something was wrong, the vehicle seemed bigger than the one Dylan drove me home in, and it was louder. Perhaps a truck? I stood there in the rain, watching. My instincts were telling me not to go any further, then a figure appeared, it was carrying what looked like a box. I continued to watch this person, unsure of what I needed to do. They placed the box on the side of the driveway, then jumped back into their vehicle and put it in reverse, speeding back the way they came. Once the lights completely disappeared I cautiously approached the box, unsure of what was in it. The closer that I got, I could hear small whimpers. Picking up my speed, I rushed toward the box and bent down opening it. Inside there were three small puppies, two white ones and one red one. Whoever was just here dumped these poor babies and left, in the rain. I couldn't see them very well, and they were trying their hardest to escape. I did my best to keep them in the box, but as I stood up cradling the box in my hands one of the puppies made a break for it. It leapt and fell to the ground and landed with a soft yelp. Before I could put the box back down the puppy ran as fast as it could towards the woods behind my house. I had no choice but to quickly put the puppies that I still had in my garage so they didn't escape as well. I quickly opened the tan garage door and placed the box inside. I held it closed with one hand, and with the other reached for an old towel that I used to wipe Sadies paws. The puppies were so afraid of me that they stayed in the box and didn't move.

"Stay here." I told them as I grabbed a flashlight from my small wooden table and closed the door and headed into the rain once more. I was lucky that I was wearing my blue hoodie, otherwise I would be absolutely freezing. I went back to where I last saw the puppy and made my way toward the woods. I looked for tracks, or for any hits of where it could have gone. Tramping through the mud, I made my way through the thicket, pulling at the thorn covered vines that tore at my clothes. Two hours later, without any luck I finally gave up. I was soaked to the bone and covered in mud. I made my way back to the garage to check on the puppies that I could save. They had made their way out of the box and had found a small crevice in the far left corner that they could fit in.

"Hi, babies." I said, kneeling down and hoping that they would trust me. However, the opposite happened and they curled farther into themselves, wanting to get away from me. "Hi, come here." I tried again. Again, no result. Sighing, I made my way into the house and went straight to the shower. I stripped off my drenched clothes and got into the steamy shower and let the hot water seep into my bones. It felt so good compared to the chilly rain. Once I was clean, I sat down and just let the water pour over me, and for the second time in less than two days I cried. I cried for the puppies who were so carelessly tossed aside, for the one still outside in the elements, and for myself.

An hour later, after I had collected myself I was back on the couch and eating popcorn and watching The Resident. It was my go to feel good show. Sadie was laying next to me once more and was waiting for me to drop a piece. She knew me well. During this episode, Conrad had to save a woman that had come into the ER during a fundraising gala. Since she was homeless, the hospital wanted to kick her out, but he was doing everything in his power to keep her there. Just as I intended, the show was keeping me distracted from my life, at least for now. Another two episodes in and I began to drift off to sleep, with Sadie snoring softly beside me.

The sounds of puppies whining woke me up from my restful sleep. Stretching, I rolled over on the couch and patted Sadies head.

"Well, girl. It looks like we both fell asleep out here. Come one, let's go check on our house guests." I told her, standing up and padding my way to my garage. She was all for that, she leapt off the couch and ran to the door on the far side of my living room, turned right, then into my laundry room and straight to the door that led to the garage. I couldn't help but enjoy her enthusiasm.

"Do you wanna see the puppies?" I asked her, as I turned the handle. She immediately answered me with a bark and ran right into the garage and to the puppies. They seemed excited to see her, but were more hesitant towards me. I didn't blame them. Sadie and I spent the better part of the day with them, trying to gain their trust when we weren't looking for the third puppy. I also posted pictures of them to try to find them a good home together. Luckily, one older couple messaged me and said they would take both, so that was a good start. Later that afternoon, the couple came and looked at the puppies. They were in their 60's and seemed super sweet, and they ended up taking both home. It was a happy ending for everyone, except Sadie. She really seemed to like the puppies, but I didn't have time for two more dogs.

The puppies had only been gone an hour when I heard a knock at my door. That was odd. Surely the couple hadn't changed their mind so soon? I had been in the kitchen pouring a glass of lemonade, so I set my glass down and headed to the door. As I opened it, my heart stopped. It wasn't the couple. It was Dylan.

"Nice outfit." He said, looking me over with a grin. I looked down and realized that I was wearing my blue baggy sweatpants and a hot pink workout shirt that said "Sarcasm Burns More Calories." It was dirty and covered with mud since it was what I wore to stomp through the wooded area to look for the puppy.

"Ya, we don't talk about this." I said, waving my hand down indicating my outfit.

"Why not? I like it." He said, still smiling. He was clearly amused by my haggard appearance, while he was standing there wearing black basketball shorts and a white Nike shirt. Jerk.

"Would you like to come in?" I said, trying to advert the conversation away from my hideous wardrobe.

"Yes, I would." He replied, walking into my house and immediately looking around the farmhouse decor. It wasn't much, but it was home. "You have a beautiful home."

"Thanks, it's small, but I like it." I said, walking over to the kitchen. "Would you like a lemonade? It's fresh."

"That would be great." He said, as he sat at my kitchen island and rested his elbows on the marble. "So, it occurred to me that we never exchanged numbers."

"Oh, we didn't, did we?" I said, trying to play off the fact that I haven't thought of anything else. I opened the stainless steel fridge and grabbed the glass jar of freshly squeezed lemonade and placed it on the counter.

"Nope. That is why I came over. I wanted to give you my number." He said, watching me as I opened the cupboard and got a glass for him. I poured his drink and handed it to him.

"Thank you." He said, taking a sip. His eyes lit up and he looked down into the glass. "This is fantastic. You made this?"

"It was my grandmother's recipe." I said, taking a sip myself.

"She was a smart woman." He said, taking a big gulp. I couldn't help but laugh and shake my head at him. "Give me your phone." He said, extending his hand to me. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him. He typed in his number then texted himself, and handed my back my phone.

"Ok, I have to ask. Why are you covered in mud and burs?" He said, pointing to my clothes again.

"It's a long story, but the night that you dropped me off someone came here and dropped off some puppies." I said, not wanting to let him know how scared I was that night.

"Wait, what do you mean someone came here. Tell me everything." He said, his eyes darkening and he clenched his fist so tight that his knuckles turned white.

"Well, after you drove away I realized that we didn't exchange numbers. So, I ran after you and tried to get your attention, but you were already too far away. I went back inside to change, and shortly after I saw headlights. I thought it was you coming back so I went back outside to meet you, but whoever it was stopped halfway down. Their headlights were blinding me and I couldn't see who it was. I stood there watching them, I didn't know what they wanted, but eventually they took a box out of their vehicle and set it down then they sped away. The box had three puppies, but one ran away. I found a home for the other two, they were picked up earlier today. But I can't stop thinking about the other one, it ran off into the woods. That's why I look like this." I said, slowly taking a sip of my drink. 

"You have a good heart." He said, as he set down his cup and walked around the island to me. He wrapped me in his arms and looked down at me. "It looks to me like you could use a distraction from everything. What are you doing on Wednesday?"

"I have to work." I said, for once I did not want to go to the tutoring center. I wanted to find a way to stay with Dylan now that I got him back.

"Can you close for the day?" He asked, pulling me in tighter to him. I honestly had thought about it anyway since it was my birthday that day.

"I can see, I think I might be able to pull it off." I said, searching his eyes as they lit up.

"Great! Let me know first thing in the morning, if you can I want to take you somewhere." He said, grinning ear to ear.

"Go where?" I asked, hesitantly. I wasn't sure that I wanted to go anywhere super fancy. I for sure wouldn't fit in.

"You will see." He said, glancing over at the clock. It was quickly pushing six, and he sighed deeply.

"You have to go, don't you?" I asked him, burying my head into his shirt. I inhaled, taking in his intoxicating scent, trying to commit it to memory.

"Unfortunately, I do. I have to get back to the arena. We have a late practice tonight, we play tomorrow again." He said, resting his head on mine. "This time though, we have each other's numbers so we can text, or Facetime. I will be keeping tabs on you. If any more creepy people pull up into your driveway I want to know about it."

"Aye Aye Captain." I said, giggling, trying to lighten the mood.

"Seriously?" He said, looking down at me amused.

"Yup." I said, rising to my tiptoes to plant a kiss on his lips. He met my kiss with a fiery intensity. We stayed locked, exploring each other. Our hands were roaming and gliding. His firm muscles under his shirt were straining and I was dying to set them free. Then, all too soon he pulled away.

"I have to go, I will text you when I get to the rink." He said, planting one last kiss on my head.

"Drive safe." I told him, trying to keep the enormous swell of dread under control.

"Always." He replied as he opened the door and looked back at me. He smiled once more then he was gone. Once again I watch this man leave me, and I was already tired of it. 

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