the race of the hearts ( char...

By sl4tforlev1

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charles / daniel x genderfluid OC More



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By sl4tforlev1

I had been crying for hours alone on the bathroom floor for who knows how long when my phone rang. I wondered, should I take the call or not? I was sure it was not Daniel, but there was still a slight chance that he could be.

It's race week, that means he's not talking to me, he has to focus on his work. It doesn't matter how i feel or what is happening to me, in his opinion it can always wait a week. Once he was my comfort, now he is the source of my misery. Well, I can't even tell if this is the third or forth time this week that I'm close to losing my mind, but I suppose it can wait. Or I could deal with these myself.

So I knew it couldn't be him, but I took a look at my phone's screen. Of course it wasn't him. I had been calling him for days and he just didn't bother to care.

Well, I guess it's fine, I do whatever I want then. He could come over if he wanted to, because this week's race is in LA and I live here. But he doesn't care, why would he anyways? Why would anyone?

After another few minutes of crying, I just gave up and decided that I can't do this anymore. I showered and I started to get ready with washing my hair. I chose the sluttiest outfit I owned, the perfect one to that night. I was so empty that I had to do something in order to feel anything. My favorite tactic is to get tipsy while getting ready, so I drank a few shots while I was getting dressed and stuff like that. I only drank enough so that the alcohol will give me confidence, but not more. I can get wasted at the club with other's money, that's so much fun anyways. I wrote a text message to Daniel, it looked abnormal after the voice messages and the long paragraphs I sent him about how I can't live without him and how I'd do anything for him if he takes me again with him for the season.

I'm going out tonight <3


I danced with so many people in an hour that I couldn't even remember any of their names, but it didn't matter, I just needed every one of them for a few minutes. I chatted with them, a fake smile and some flattery can make wonders. I got my drink, and I was off to the next victim after some additional talking and of course, a selfie which I sent to my husband. Every one of them. I wasn't interested in any of these people, I justed wanted to get wasted and to cause trouble.

Maybe if Daniel will be jealous, he will show at least some kind of emotion towards me, even if it's anger. He isn't even angry with me anymore over stuff, he's just... I can't even say what he could feel. Or if he feels anything at all when he looks at me. I doubt that he does.

I decided that it's time to go out for a cigarette. The timing was amazing. I herad a familiar voice coming from behind me, so I turned around. I was not sure about who I saw since my vision was getting a bit hazy, after another drag it was blurred even.

"Charles?" I took a step closer, so that I could be sure about who was standing in front of me.

"Jem? I didn't expect to see you here" his voice sounded confused, I tried to figure out who he came with, but no one was standing too close to him, I guess I heard him talking with the security guard near the entrance. I felt like I needed another drink, but I had to smoke the cig before that. I took another step closer, I was sure that it was Charles although we haven't met that much.

"Well, it is a surprise to see you too" I took another drag and then decided that was last one, I got so excited that I met with someone who is not a fully stranger for me. "Let's go inside" I was leaning against the wall and as I started to walk, I lost my balance for a second but I managed to play it cool.

"Hey wait" he grabbed my arm and stood close next to me. "Let me help you with that, and in return you could tell me why are at a bar alone" he was so gentle while he walked me to the closest sitting spot, he was careful and I could sense it, that meant I was not drunk enough.

"Fine, but you bring me a drink first" my persuasive smile should work, I thoought. It did.

"How could I refuse such a pretty man?" my heart skipped a beat, I was so surprised to hear those words that I just stared at him in disbelief.

Daniel stopped calling me that months ago and I haven't heard it since then.

"Stay here, okay?" he leaned closer to make sure I got it.


He called me pretty, he must be a liar. It's fine tho, at this point even lies can warm my heart. Lies are better than nothing at all. But why is he even here? What day is it? He should be getting ready for the weekend's race, what is he doing at a bar?

"I'm back" he sat next to me, with a drink in his hand. "So... what are you doing here?"

I just shook my head, and looked at his hand.

Oh my, his hand... Just as pretty as his face.

"The drink first"

Drinking that one wasn't the brightest idea of mine, I don't remember much after that. Some parts are there, but they are not very clean and especially can't tell which even followed which. Even among those I kinda remember.

But I woke up in my bed at my home, that was surprising. I tried harder to remember things.

Well, Charles danced with me to many songs and it wasn't even hard for me to do so, I even convinced him to bring me more drinks. I don't know how many, a few most likely. I have no clue how I got home, that is a mystery.

I rolled over to my other side.

"Oh my lord..." I wispered to myself, and I tried to recollect any memories from the previous night.

Why is Charles Leclerc sleeping next to me and how did he get here?

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