From Cheated Weak OC to Demon...

By Dustinsage

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An alternate Jason Uchiha timeline More

chapter 2: awakening pt 2
chapter 3: awakening pt 3
chapter 4: Jason is missing
chapter 5: demon lord seed
chapter 7: meeting ghislaine
chapter 1: awakening pt 1
chapter 8: black death
chapter 9: fighting an immortal
chapter 10: growing tension
chapter 11: road to demon lord pt 1
Chapter 12: road to demon lord pt 2
chapter 13
chapter 14: awakened demon lord Jason
chapter 15: I'm awake
chapter 16: I fucked my ex's mom
chapter 17: meeting chisato

chapter 6: becoming an adventurer

1.3K 23 3
By Dustinsage

As I settled into my apartment in Lake City, the weight of my decision to abandon Union City lingered in the air. It was a necessary step on my path to becoming a demon lord, but it didn't make the solitude any easier to bear. Yet, in the quiet of my new surroundings, I found a sense of purpose and determination that drove me forward.

Turning my attention to the task at hand, I checked my level and the tally of souls I had amassed. The interface glowed softly, displaying the numbers that represented my progress and power. At level 52, I could feel the strength coursing through me, a testament to the battles I had fought and the challenges I had overcome.

But it was the count of souls that truly caught my eye. The number of monster souls far outnumbered the rest, a testament to the ferocity of my encounters and the foes I had bested. Humans souls, on the other hand, were scarce—a reflection of the difficulty in finding worthy adversaries among the denizens of the land.

As I took in the numbers, a sense of determination welled up within me. I had collected a total of 10,000 monster souls and a mere 500 human souls. It was a modest tally, but it represented progress nonetheless—a step closer to fulfilling the requirements of becoming a demon lord.

But I knew that there was still much work to be done. With each passing day, I would continue to hone my skills, seek out new challenges, and gather souls to add to my tally. The road ahead would be long and fraught with peril, but I was ready to face whatever obstacles stood in my way.

And as I looked out over the cityscape from my window, I felt a surge of determination wash over me. I would not rest until I had achieved my goal, until I had ascended to the ranks of legend and become a true demon lord.

As I went about my duties as a waiter, I couldn't help but notice the reactions of the girls around me. Some blushed furiously upon seeing me, while others seemed so overwhelmed that they actually fainted. It was a strange but somewhat amusing sight.

I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at the thought.

Me:Well, I guess my charisma stat is pretty high

I mused to myself, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the attention I was receiving.

Despite the unexpected reactions, I carried out my job with a grin, weaving through the tables with ease and efficiency. Thanks to my looks, I found myself on the receiving end of a large amount of tips, much to my delight. It seemed that my appearance had its perks, and I wasn't about to complain.

As I cleared plates and refilled drinks, I couldn't help but notice the occasional slip of a phone number tucked discreetly beneath a napkin or slipped into my hand with a shy smile. It was flattering, to say the least, and I made sure to thank each person graciously before tucking the numbers away for later.

Despite the attention, I remained focused on my job, ensuring that each customer received top-notch service and a pleasant dining experience. After all, being a waiter wasn't just about looking good—it was about providing excellent service and making sure that everyone left happy.

As I went about my day, I never expected to find myself in the midst of a chaotic scene—a group of girls confessing their feelings to me all at once. It was a surreal moment, and I couldn't help but feel a blush creeping up my cheeks at the unexpected attention.

Girl 1:jason, we've all had feelings for you for so long

one of the girls began, her voice trembling with emotion.

Girl 2:We couldn't keep it to ourselves any longer.

Her confession was followed by a chorus of agreements from the other girls, each one vying for my attention and affection.

A surge of disbelief washed over me as I struggled to process their words. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine myself in such a situation—a group of girls confessing their feelings to me all at once.

"Own it dude,"

the system's voice echoed in my mind, its tone mocking and dismissive.

A surge of frustration welled up within me at the system's glib remark.

"Fuck you too,"

I retorted inwardly, my annoyance palpable even as I struggled to maintain my composure.

As multiple girls approached me with confessions of admiration, each one expressing their feelings in their own unique way, I felt a sense of overwhelming unease wash over me. It was as if the floodgates had opened, and I was caught in the deluge of their emotions.

One girl shyly admitted,

Girl 2:I've had a crush on you since the moment I first saw you. You're just so... captivating.

Another boldly declared,

Girl 3:I can't stop thinking about you. Every time I see you daddy my heart races.

What did she call me

Yet another chimed in,

Girl 4:I've never felt this way about anyone before. You make me feel like I'm walking on air.

Their words were like a relentless onslaught, each confession adding to the mounting pressure that threatened to crush me. It was as if I had inadvertently become the object of their collective affections, and I was powerless to escape the suffocating weight of their adoration.

As the girls continued to vie for my attention, their voices blending into a cacophony of emotions, I felt a sense of desperation creeping in. This wasn't what I had signed up for. I had never wanted to be the center of attention, to be the object of so much adulation.

Me:I change my mind

I cried inwardly, the realization hitting me like a ton of bricks.

Me:I hate this charisma stat.

As I forced a smile, beads of sweat trickling down my brow, I mustered up the courage to address the group of girls who had confessed their feelings to me.

"Um, ladies," I began, my voice trembling slightly with nerves.

Me:I appreciate your... um... affection, but I have to be honest with you. I'm... well, I'm very poor right now.

To my surprise, their responses were immediate and unwavering.

Girl 1:We don't care about money

one of them insisted, her eyes sparkling with determination.

Girl 2:We just want to be with you.

Girl 3:Yeah, money doesn't matter when it comes to matters of the heart

another chimed in, her voice filled with sincerity.

And then came the unexpected declarations of commitment.

Girl 4:I'll still marry you, even if we have to live in a cardboard box

one girl proclaimed, her gaze unwavering as she spoke.


Girl 5:Be my husband 

another pleaded, her eyes brimming with longing.

As the confessions continued to pour forth, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the intensity of their emotions. It was as if they were completely unaffected by my financial situation, their feelings for me transcending the material world.

But even as their declarations of love echoed in my ears, I couldn't shake the sense of unease that gnawed at me from within. This wasn't how I had envisioned any romantic encounters playing out, and I found myself struggling to come to terms with the sudden influx of attention.

After using a spell to make the girls forget about me, I let out a heavy sigh of relief. It was a necessary step to escape the overwhelming attention that had suddenly been thrust upon me.

With a sense of determination, I made the decision to leave town and start anew elsewhere. This time, I was determined to carve out a different path for myself, one that didn't involve heroism or the life of a huntsman.

Turning to the online community for advice, I posted a query on dedrit, seeking guidance on potential career paths for someone with my unique skill set.

Me:Hey guys

I began,

Me:I'm someone that dabbles in magic swordsmanship and I'm very, very strong. I want nothing to do with heroism or huntsmen. What jobs can I do?

To my surprise, I received a plethora of responses from fellow Redditors eager to offer their suggestions and advice.

Some recommended jobs in the private sector, where my combat abilities could be put to good use as a bodyguard or security consultant. Others suggested pursuing a career in law enforcement or joining a specialized task force.

But one comment, in particular, caught my eye and struck a chord within me.

Commenter:Why not be an adventurer?

the commenter proposed.

Commenter:If you think you're very powerful, you could reach for B or A or even S rank. An S rank adventurer is basically as prestigious as the top pro heroes and huntsmen.

The idea of becoming an adventurer intrigued me. It offered a sense of freedom and autonomy that appealed to my desire for independence. Plus, the prospect of embarking on thrilling quests and exploring uncharted territories filled me with excitement and anticipation.

As I entered the bustling adventurer's guild in Metro City, clad in my combat suit and ready to embark on a new journey, I was met with a receptionist who seemed completely taken aback by my presence. Her cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson as she stammered out a greeting, her eyes lingering on my face with a mixture of awe and admiration.

Girl:Marry me

she blurted out suddenly, her embarrassment evident as she quickly corrected herself.

Cheryl:Sorry, sorry, it was my fault. My name is Cheryl. Are you here to register as an adventurer?

I couldn't help but chuckle at her flustered demeanor, offering her a reassuring smile as I replied,

Me:No need to apologize, Cheryl. And yes, I'm here to register as an adventurer.

After exchanging pleasantries, Cheryl guided me through the registration process, her fingers trembling slightly as she inputted my information into the system. Despite her initial embarrassment, she proved to be efficient and professional, her blush gradually fading as she focused on her task.

As the registration was completed, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment when I was assigned an F rank as my starting designation. It was lower than what I had hoped for, considering my skills and abilities, but I knew that every adventurer had to start somewhere.
With a determined gleam in my eyes, I decided to take matters into my own hands and set out to quickly climb the ranks of the adventurer's guild. But before I could embark on my quest, I knew I needed to gather some intel on the fastest route to achieving my goal.

Approaching Cheryl once again, I put on my most charming smile and batted my eyelashes in what I hoped was my most irresistible manner.

Me:Uhm, Cheryl

I began, trying to keep my tone casual despite the butterflies fluttering in my stomach,

Me:how can I quickly become a very high rank adventurer?

To my surprise, Cheryl's reaction was even more extreme than before. Her cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson, and her eyes widened in shock as she struggled to form a coherent response. I watched in bemusement as blood shot out of her nose, a clear sign of her overwhelming I don't know what to call it.

After a moment of awkward silence, Cheryl finally managed to compose herself enough to offer me some advice.

Cheryl:Uhm, you can battle a very high ranking monster and bring it to the guild

she suggested, her voice barely above a whisper as she avoided meeting my gaze.

Me:Thank you, Cheryl

I replied with a grateful smile, inwardly marveling at the effect my innocent question had had on her. With her guidance in mind, I set off with renewed determination, ready to seek out the most formidable monsters and prove my worth as a high-ranking adventurer.

Timeskip 2 months later

- Name:jason
- Level: 70
- Age: 17
- Race: Human
- HP: 3000/3000
- MP: 2500/2500
- Strength: 850
- Agility: 800
- Intelligence: 750
- Stamina: 950
- Charisma: 600

Sword king (Level 8)
-  inferno Mastery (Level 10)
- shadow mastery (Level 10)
- Supreme Healing Light (Level 10)
- earth manipulation (level 10)
- ice manipulation (level 10)
- Piercing Strike (Level 10)
- Limit Break (Level 10)
- Thunderous Roar (Level 10)
- Phoenix Rebirth (Level 10)
- Time manipulation (Level 10)
-  Barrier Aura (Level 10)
- high speed Regeneration(level 10)
- clairvoyance (level 10)
- space manipulation (level 10)
- danger sense(level 10)
- absorb All(leve 10)
- body armor(level 10)
- physics manipulation (level 10)
- gravity manipulation (level 10)
- toxic gas manipulation (level 10)

As I reviewed my updated stats and skillset, a sense of pride swelled within me. Months of hard work and dedication had paid off, propelling me to new heights as an adventurer. With each level gained and skill mastered, I felt a surge of confidence coursing through my veins, ready to take on any challenge that came my way.

My stats now boasted impressive numbers, reflecting the fruits of my labor. With my strength, agility, and stamina at their peak, I knew that I was more than capable of facing even the most formidable foes. And with my intelligence and charisma bolstered as well, I felt confident in my ability to outsmart and outmaneuver any obstacle that stood in my path.

But it was my expanded skillset that truly set me apart as a formidable adventurer. From mastering the art of swordsmanship to harnessing the power of inferno and shadow magic, I had become a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. And with the addition of Supreme Healing Light, Piercing Strike, Limit Break, Thunderous Roar, Phoenix Rebirth, Time Manipulation, and Barrier Aura to my arsenal, I was more than prepared to face any challenge head-on.

As I reflected on how far I had come, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the journey that had brought me to this point. Each trial and tribulation had shaped me into the adventurer I was today, and I was determined to continue pushing myself to new heights in the pursuit of greatness.

With a sense of determination burning within me, I turned to the system, eager to learn more about the requirements for becoming a demon lord.

"Hey, system," I began, my voice tinged with excitement.

Me:How many souls do I need to collect in order to become a demon lord?

The system responded promptly, providing me with the information I sought. As I listened to its explanation, I felt a surge of anticipation coursing through my veins. Becoming a demon lord was no easy feat, but I was determined to achieve this lofty goal and unlock the full extent of my potential.

With a quick calculation, I realized that I had already amassed an impressive number of monster souls on my journey. The system's revelation that I needed only 5,000 more souls to reach the required threshold filled me with a renewed sense of purpose.

I had already proven myself to be a formidable adventurer, capable of facing down the most fearsome of foes and emerging victorious. Now, with the end goal of becoming a demon lord within reach, I was more motivated than ever to continue my quest and gather the remaining souls needed to achieve my destiny.

I also plan on adding different Characters from different anime

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