Kayley older sister( Quest fo...

由 Sayuri-Nishino24

2.2K 87 21

Lady Juliana and Sir Lionel has a oldest daughter and sister to Kayley, Meet Lady Julieta Kayley older sister... 更多

Lady Julieta Bio
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Part 9

81 8 1
由 Sayuri-Nishino24

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No one PoV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We fade into the thorn forest, Ayden flies over the thorns, chirping]

"Garrett: Ayden's spotted Excalibur! [Ayden, chirps more] It must be near! Come on, let's go!"

Kayley and Garrett ran in joy, and as soon as they arrived. Ayden brings down the belt from the sword, and Kayley catches it.

"Kayley: Look! This must be from Excalibur. But where's the sword?"

"Garrett: Someone must have taken it, [he examines a giant footprint with his stick] or something."

"Kayley: Oh, We'll never find Excalibur in time!"

"Garrett: [knowing something] If we follow these tracks we'll--"

"Kayley: Well, this is all your fault."

"Garrett: My fault?"

"Kayley: Yes. If we haven't stopped..."

"Garrett: [knowing that Ayden is warning him] Quiet."

"Kayley: We should have kept going."

"Garrett: Shh!"

"Kayley: I have to save my mother and Older sister."

"Garrett: [whispering] Please, I need to hear."

Ayden screeches, and without warning, an arrow suddenly comes out of nowhere from the left, and grazes Garrett on the side, causing him to groan in pain and fall to the ground.

"Kayley: Garrett!"

"Ruber: [from the distance] Get them!"

Kayley: No!"

As Ruber approaches Garrett, Ayden flies in screeching and Garrett grabs his staff and knocks Ruber into his henchmen, Kayley helps him up and escorts him to safety. A spike slinger thug, follows behind, cutting many vines. This woke up, the creatures, who whacked their hands to the ground, Devon and Cornwall narrowly dodged them and continued to run to safety. Kayley turns around to see Ruber running up with his sword, yelling, she lays Garrett down to recover, and she grabs a vine before she hoops it onto one of the creature's arms. As Ruber and his henchmen are near the creature, Kayley pulls it, making the creature trap Ruber and his gang with his hand. Kayley then continues escorting Garrett somewhere safe, as Ruber and his men yell and scream.

"Mace-Wielding Thug: We're trapped!"

Meanwhile, at night where the wagons are contained, Juliana is heading its way on the main road to Camelot. Juliana stares out of the window towards the moon.

"Juliana: My daughters. Please be safe."

Bladebeak looks on sadly, then he jumps up in fright as he hears a growl, and Juliana turns around suddenly as one of Ruber's ironmen enters the wagon.

"Spike-Slinger Thug: Nobody can stop Ruber's plans to take over Camelot! [he leaves]"

"Juliana: You don't know my daughters! [then he stares sadly out of the window again]"

We cut back to the Forbidden Forest, rain and thunder had broken out. Kayley continues to escort Garrett to a nearby cave, and gently lays him down against a rock. Kayley takes a leaf from the healing plant and places it against Garrett's wound

"Kayley: Please, don't die. I can't do this on my own. [Devon and Cornwall watch sadly as Ayden flies in] I'm sorry. It's all my fault that you were hurt, I was rambling on when I should have been quiet. I'm no help to anyone."

Garrett, after hearing this, turns his head around and gently shushes her. Kayley turns around and holds his hand

"Garrett: [gently] You're wrong."

Kayley then breaks down in tears, but Garrett wipes them away and the music of "Looking Through Your Eyes" swells.

"Garrett: Look at the sky, tell me what do you see? Just close your eyes and describe it to me. [The camera zooms into his eye, transitioning to Garrett's mind, the image of Kayley and his hand morph into view] The heavens are sparkling with starlight tonight, [We cut back to the outside of his eyes and the camera zooms out from his face] that's what I see through your eyes."

"Kayley: I see the heavens each time that you smile. I hear your heartbeat just go on for miles. [Garrett tries to get up, but can't do it. Then the leaf suddenly dissolves and evaporates magically into his wound, healing it and mending his tunic.] Then suddenly I know why life is worthwhile, that's what I see through your eyes. [She then hugs Garrett in relief, Garrett then embraces her heartwarmingly. Devon then hugs Cornwall's head so much, that he forces Devon to let go of him]"

Both: That's what I see through your eyes. [Kayley helps Garrett up with his stick and escorts him out of the cave which stops raining.] Here in the night, I see the sun. Here in the dark, our two hearts are one. [Kayley jumps on a field, causing parts of it to rise each step she takes. She falls backward and Garrett catches her] It's out of our hands, and we can't stop what we have begun. [The camera rotates around Kayley and Garrett as they sing] And love just took me by surprise. Looking through your eyes.

Devon cries in joy while shedding tears, as Cornwall takes a leaf from a nearby plant and holds it above his head to stay dry. Kayley and Garrett walk through an area of tongue plants. The rest of the song continues with their voices only heard through their minds.

Both: I see a night I wish it could last forever. [Garrett pokes the plant with his stick and shows Kayley how to defend herself against the plants. He lifts his stick in the air and lowers it in front of Kayley who grabs hold of it. As the plant swings its tongue at them, Garrett helps Kayley dodge the tongue properly and at the right time.] I see the world that we are meant to see together. [After he had finished teaching Kayley the skills. Kayley raises his stick, but Garrett lowers it behind her back, smiling. The two share a smile as they fall in love. Ayden flies in grabs droplets of water with his wings and forms the three interlocked rings around them which stay in mid-air.] And it is so much, more than I remember.

"Garrett: More than I remember."

"Kayley: More than I have known."

The three interlocked rings dissolve back into droplets in the water

Both: Here in the night, I see the sun. [Cornwall pokes a plant that swings its tongue at him, which makes Kayley and Garrett laugh] Here in the dark, our two hearts are one. [Then another plant swings its tongue at Devon and Cornwall and the two plants wrap their tongues around them, and kiss them. Kayley and Garrett laugh and they continue to walk on] It's out of our hands, and we can't stop what we have begun. And love just took me by surprise. [They walk past the waterfall, Kayley opens up part of the waterfall with her hand and the waterfall closes] Looking through your eyes. [Leaf creatures fly up from the ground as Devon and Cornwall walk on. Kayley and Garrett walk past the field of helicopter plants which they fly off.] Looking through your eyes.

Devon and Cornwall run after Kayley and Garrett who are heading towards the Rock Ogre's cave.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tim Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Back at Camelot, Julieta was on the balcony sighing gently in her guest room that King Artur allowed her to stay for the night. She slowly looks up at the moon gently before hearing the knock at her door.

"Julieta: Come in?"

The Door to her room opens and Ling Arthur walks in but not before closing the door behind him and walking over toward Julieta and Stand next to her on the balcony.

" Julita: I don't know what to do Arthur."

Arthura place his finger under his chin and make her look at him with a smile upon on his face.

"King arthur: Don't worry Julieta.... and i love you Julieta."

"Julieta: I love you too Arthur."

They slowly lean in and press there lips together and sharing this moment together unti the night sky.


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