Touhou - Impure Dreams about...

By FhuriFhura

10K 542 186

This is the story of Nobu, a simple man living a simple life. He dreams about Gensokyo through several nights... More

Before we start
Nobu The Dreamer
Nobu The Outsider
A favor for a Youkai
The Scarlet Trail
The Gatekeeper of the Devil
The Maid and the Outsider
The Household of Eternal Bickering
How to deal with Witches and Demons
A Demon's Plea
Bonded By Sin (NSFW)
The Melancholy of a Dragon (Meiling's POV)
Journey to (Former) Hell (Meiling's POV)
My Pride as a Magician (Patchouli's POV)
A Familiar Problem
Giving Nobuyuki a break (Author's words)
Glowing Wings
How I almost left Gensokyo (In a Casket)
The Caring One-Week Magician
A Friendship as real as a Punch
The Beauty of Hand-to-Hand Combat
Witchcraft 101
A Date with a Witch
A Midnight visit from a Dragon
Time for a break (Author's words)
Embracing a Dragon
A Deadly Tea Party
Dinner in a Coffin
Heartache (Patchouli's POV)
Blood Drain
A Gap For Your Thoughts
Basking in the Sun

Even With all the Time in the World (Sakuya's POV)

215 12 2
By FhuriFhura

*Tick, tock, tick, tock*


One, two...

Cleaning is easy. Well, it is when you can sweep the floor without raising the dust from it.

Three, four...

Perfectly still. It is easier to control water from spilling and staining the carpet this way. The windows are spotless now.

Five, six...

A small break. A girl needs to rest. Just because they don't see me do it, it doesn't mean I don't take it easy. I just do it at my own... time.

Seven, eight...

No matter how much mistress insists into bringing more fairies into the household, I have to keep an eye on them. As cute as they are, they almost burn the kitchen to the ground. Again.

Nine, ten...


*Tick, tock, tick, tock*

Haaah... When mistress is not around, this mansion feels so empty. Where is she now? What is she doing? But, I can't blame her. When you live as long as she did, boredom becomes an issue difficult to solve.

All that is left, is to patrol the halls for a bit. Just like cleaning, it is easier when intruders can't move.


As usual, no one tried to enter today. Not even that pesky Marisa is trying to enter into Lady Patchouli's library. I would normally let her though, it is nice to talk to her every once in a while. But... maybe I should try to protect that library, I need to stay on Lady Patchouli's good side. I still owe her that grimoire.


No one on the first or third floor either. All that's left is the second floor. And as usual, nothing. Some fairies got a nice scolding from me, but that's practically routine at this point. Well, since mistress is not here, taking a break on the balcony sounds pleasant before bringing snacks and tea to young mistress down in the basement.

The weather is nice, but a bit cold. I hope mistress is comfortable wherever she is right now.

"...Come on, bring it!"

Hm? I look towards the main gate, and there she is. Messing with that human again. I hope she doesn't hurt him after what happened with Lady Flandre. Although, it was funny seeing him squirm whenever I had to clean his wounds.

Nobuyuki... I never thought mistress' senseless plan would work. They never do, most of the time. Still, he worries me. I was sure Lady Patchouli would find out if he was a youkai or something like that, but he's just a regular human. A weak one at that. Gensokyo's unusually still lately, and now humans from the village are acting weirdly. Something is going on...

But, whenever I see Meiling with him, I have this strange feeling in my chest. It is unpleasant. But I had this feeling before. It also happened whenever I see mistress getting too close to that shrine maiden, or when that flower youkai tried to advance Meiling.

My chest feels even tighter whenever I think about the mistress' possible reactions to her new employee. That simpleton gatekeeper is friendly to a fault, she would befriend even the most uncivilized beast in Gensokyo if she could. What about Lady Remilia?

Is she going to like him? Will she invite him for a private dinner? Will she ask him to let her drink blood from his neck...? What am I doing feeling jealous all of the sudden? Oh my, I crumpled my uniform again.

I look up to the sky, still hearing them in the front gate fighting, and laughing like children... I just don't care about humans. I gave up on them a long time ago, even before meeting mistress. And yes, I know Reimu, Marisa and Sanae count as humans, but they hardly feel like normal humans. Maybe that's why I feel comfortable around them.

What if I try to send him back to the village again? No... It won't work. Meiling is too fond of him now. It wouldn't surprise me if she ratted me out to Lady Remilia to get back at me. What if I take him with me to do some shopping at the village? Mistress is coming back anytime, and he seemed eager to leave the mansion after what happened. I can buy the things I need for a welcome banquet, while also potentially getting rid of him, if he gets tempted enough to stay in the village that is.

Huh, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. After all, it is his decision if he wants to go back. I'm just encouraging him, no? He gets to leave, and everything here stays the same, like it should be.

...I really need to stop daydreaming so much. But as much as I hate to admit it, no matter how well I work, no matter how perfect I try to be, no matter how elegant I aim to be... I'm not free from being replaced. Not only as a maid, but as a companion.

In just one month, he was able to get the entirety of Meiling's attention. I don't want to find out if Lady Remilia shares the same opinion as her. It is bad enough that Meiling and mistress have some things in common. And that only worries me even more.

But enough of that, young mistress is probably waiting for her snack. Better move on to the kitchen.

*Tick, tock, tick, tock*

I'll just make Lady Flandre's favorite. Black tea infused with blood, and a quatre-quarts. The butter and sugar helps to mellow out the metallic taste. But now that I check that container I bought from the kappas, we're running a little low in our reserves. I'll deal with that later.

With everything set, time to go and check on the young mistress. As I descend into the basement, I can't help but cough. Ever since we locked Koakuma next to the library, that room in particular has been reeking of rotten eggs, and with each passing day, it is getting stronger and stronger. No matter how much I clean it, I can't do anything to quench the stench.

*Knock, knock, knock*

"Young mistress, are you up? Your snack is ready."

"Finally! I was starving, come on in!"

I open the door just to find Lady Flandre sitting next to a table, book in hand. It is still odd to me seeing her reading instead of destroying her toys, or fighting her clones. Maturity eventually reaches even to half century old vampires. "Good evening, Lady Flandre, how long have you been awake?"

Young mistress sighs, putting her book down. "Please, Sakuya, just drop the refined talk. I couldn't care less about it. Just call me Flandre. I'm not like Remi."

"Very well, Lad- cough, Flandre. Here's your snack." I leave the tray with a teapot and the pastries next to her book. The cover is a bit odd. "What have you been reading?"

There's a mischievous smile in her face. "Ever since you locked up Koakuma in that room, now it is easy for me to get my hands in her private collection." She takes the book once again, playfully flipping through its pages. "Fufufu, and let me tell you, these are more fun than Patchy's books."

Oh? It is rare to see her so interested in something, but maybe I should make sure she's not reading something improper for a lady. "Do you mind letting me see that book, Flandre?"

"Nuh-uh, if you want to read it, you'll have to wait. Anyways, what about my tea party? Is that human Hiroyuki coming or what?"

"Hahaha, now now young mistress, you nearly killed him, at least try to remember his name." I sigh, I know my answer won't be pleasing. "Nobuyuki didn't answer yet, and for the looks of it, he won't come."

Well, young mistress sure looks displeased now. "Tch, what a spineless prick. I even made a custom invitation for him. I often forget that most humans are cowards." She grabs a pastry, squeezing it with her fingers. "Then again, the only people with guts around here, is that oily goat, and that Satori lady."

I can't help but giggle, she's adorable when she can't get her way. "Maybe he'll come around. He's working here so, at some point he has to come here, don't you think?"

"Yeah, whatever. I'm not interested in weak people anyways."

"Is there anything else you need from me, Flandre?"

"Nothing more from me, you're free to go. Hold on, yes, there's something." She smiles impishly. "Tell him I'll be waiting for him. Just to make him uncomfortable."

We both chuckle, she can be really mean sometimes. "Very well. I'll leave you alone now."

As I return to the underground hall, I walk past the room where Koakuma is locked up once again. "Sakuya~"

It seems she noticed my presence. "Dinner will be done shortly, Koakuma, you'll have to wait."

"I don't care about dinner, why don't you open the door and join me here?"

I sigh, sometimes I forget that Koakuma is prone to say some unsavory things lately. "Join you? To do what? Did you forget about Nobuyuki already?"

Mentioning him had a rather explosive reaction from her. She banged against the door, moving it slightly. "Nobu?! Is he alive?!"

That gives me another idea. In case he doesn't want to stay at the village, maybe all he needs is a scare. "If you behave yourself, maybe, just maybe I'll let you see him."

I can hear Koakuma breathing heavily through the door. I hope it doesn't have to go this way, but we'll see. Now, I have to cook dinner.

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