You? Fell in Love?

By _Cello_person_

8.6K 455 80

Sesshomaru is a young business man. His father Inu no Taishou taught him everything of how to run the family... More

Chapter One
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Two

558 31 1
By _Cello_person_

Sesshomaru's POV

The men charged at me. Idiots. They think that they stand a chance against me? The thought made me laugh inside. The first man that was within my arms length swung a punch at me with ease I dodged it. Then I grabbed his neck and lifted him off the ground. The other men watched in horror as the man struggled for air. His feet were kicking trying to find the ground. Another man charged at me. I placed my hand out and his face ran into it. I gripped tight against his face and pushed him into his friends. After the men found there ground they took off and ran. looked at the man who's throat I had in my hands.

"Leave." I threw him to the ground and he took off after his friends. It was ridiculous for them to think that they should try and fight me. For I am the son of the great dog demon. No one could ever stand a chance against me. Then I heard a small moan from the back of the alley. I slowly walked back to see the woman laying on the ground. Her jacket was ripped and stained with blood. Her feet were also covered in blood and she had a large bruise on her cheek. I placed my hand under her head and lifted her up. She is very beautiful, even though her eyes are closed. I put my hand on her bruised cheek when my thoughts were cut off.

"Sesshomaru?" I turned around to see my assistant, Anne. "Uumm...what are you doing sir?" I turned my head to face the woman again.

"It looks like she was being robbed or something. We need to get her to a hospital." Just then the woman woke up in a panic.

"G-get off of me...I..I have  go now before...before." She tried to stand but failed holding her stomach. I caught her in my arms as she fell.

"You should not be moving I'll take you to the hospital and-"

"NO! NONONo..don't! He'll find me there and and....," She started to cough violently and then fainted again. I held her in my arms and picked her up bridal style.

"Sesshomaru what are you going to do with her?" I looked down at her then back at Anne.

"Get the car ready and tell Jaken to have a doctor ready when I get there."

Kagome's POV

I sat on the side of the bed as Kaede put some cream on my cheek. Kaede was a servant to our father, she practically raised us. You could say she was a second mother to us. Anyway Kaede knew all about our parents and never has told a soul but, she would patch us up after one of their episodes. As Kaede finished putting the cream on my face she started to pack up the first aid kit.

"So where does ye suppose Rin is?" She said looking at me with concern.

"I don't know but I hope she doesn't come back," I responded. Kaede looked at me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Ye knows my only wish is to see my girls happy." Kagome smiled and nodded.

"By which shouldn't ye be at work?"

"I took a personal day so I wouldn't have to explain the bruises." No matter the type of excuse I came up with the kids would be to freaked out if I went to work with the slap mark on my face. Oh yea by the way I'm a fifth grade elemtary school teacher. Yea I was allowed to go to college and get a job. Sango to. She's a physical therapist and she also boxes. So, she can get away with having bruises at work. Me? Not so much. Still it was weird though. Me and Sango were allowed to attend and graduate college, even find a job. Yet for some weird reason Rin wasn't.

"Since ye isn't at work today how about ye helps around the house?" I smiled at Kaede.

"Okay." I'm weird. I know that. I love to clean. It just seems to clear my head from everything. It was even better when there was someone to have a nice conversation with. Kaede and I excited the room and into the hallway. Heaven walked pasted us and snarled for a moment then continued on her way. Keade glared at her then walked the other way, I followed. We walked into the kitchen and started to clean up the mess. Then Kaede and I started a conversation.

"How is ye job?" She asked.

"It's good I love the children they're so sweet."

"How nice it is good that ye has found something to be happy about." I smiled at her. We finished up cleaning the kitchen when we sat down in the dining room for lunch. We had milk with ham sandwiches.

"Kagome does ye remember my son Inuyasha?" I thought back to when I was four years old. At the time my mother was pregnant with Rin and Sango was nine years old. Kaede would often bring her five year old son, Inuyasha to come and play with me. Since I had no one my age to hang with. He had long white hair and small dog ears on the top of his head. I remember how soft and fun they were to play with. Inuyasha was always very stubborn but, he let me play with his ears when I wanted to. Keade told me he was a half demon. I knew what demons were since my father was in the mafia but it was actually fun to met a half demon. Keade also said that even though she was Inuyasha's mother she had adopted him. She never spoke of his mother but Inuysha didn't care much for his past. Anyway, as we started to get older Inuyasha and I grew very close and he became my best friend. When we graduated high school he wanted to travel and see the world. So, being the good friend I was I supported him through it. Then I remembered the promise he made me.

"Well...he shall be returning this evening." I looked at Kaede with a huge smile.

"I-Inuyasha is coming back?" I said with a scratchy voice. Kaede nodded at my words and before I knew it I was jumping up and down. If Inuyasha is truly coming back then that means I'll be able to see the one person who cared for me, besides my sisters and Kaede. Then, my happiness was short lived when my father walked into the room. He looked at me then at Kaede. He looked at us for a number of minutes then walked towards me. One of his guards followed him and I noticed he looked familiar,he had some bruises around his neck. Then I remembered he was the first one to go after Rin last night. My thoughts were cut off when my father grabbed my arm strongly. Keade jumped up and grabbed his other arm. He pushed her and she fell on the floor.

"No Kaed-" His grip on my arm tightened.

"What are you thinking? When you let her run out? That you'd be giving her a chance? Awwell...I already know where she is and I'm going to get her." Then he let me go and left the room. I ran over to Kaede and helped her up. Then quickly pulled out  phone to call Sango. When the phone was ringing I thought about Inuyasha and the promise he made me. 'I promise Kagome...when I come back I will take you away from this life.' His words bounced in my head as I tried not to cry.

Sango's POV

"What?!?...okay..okay I'm coming." I hung up the phone and held onto the wall next to me. Why is it that when I try to help someone I care about I doesn't go my way. I punched the wall and when I pulled my hand out there was blood on it, I didn't care. Quickly I walked back into the gym and started to collect my stuff. I put my gloves into my bag then my towel. I zipped it up and grabbed my water. When I turned around I hit someone's strong chest and stumbled back.

"oh....I'm sorry," The person said but I already knew who it was.

"MIROKU!" He looked at me with his sly smile.

"My dear there's no need to shout I simply just wanted to say hel-"

"I know what you wanted Miroku and I'm not in the mood." Miroku was the biggest flirt of all time. Every time I came to the gym all he ever did was flirt with me, he even would rub my bottom. I pushed past him.

"Tell you what if I Leave you alone will you go on a date with me?"  I tried to ignore him as I started to walk out the building. I walked in the elevator and closed the doors before he could get inside. When I got out I started t walk to my car when I felt something on my bottom, my eye twitched. Then with as much force as I could I swung my arm and slapped Miroku.

"I told you no!! I don't have time for this I have to go!" I started to stomp away when he grabbed my arm.

"Sango...please.....," He begged. I looked at his pleading eyes and sighed.

"Okay...okay  fine! Just let me go." He let go of me then pulled me into a hug. Then he let go and turned away screaming

"You wont regret this!"

Rin's POV

Its soft and warm. The sheets were so comfortable. My eyes shot open. Sheets? I sat up and looked around the room. I was in someone's bed room. The bed had white sheets and white blankets. I quickly threw off the blankets to see I was wearing a white shirt and black shorts. sat on the side of the bed and saw my feet were wrapped up. When I lifted my shirt I had bandages around my stomach. My hands had bandages to. Confused I stood up and then fell. I used the side of the bed to help me stand then made my way to the door.

I slowly opened it and peeked into the next room. It was the dining room I walked into. I walked around the table and into the next room it was the living room. When I turned my head to the left I saw a man talking to a woman at the door. He was the same man that was in the alley. He nodded his head at the woman. She turned around and left through the door. He closed it and turned around. He looked at me with what seemed to be shock.

"You should not be on your feet." He said walking towards me. I took a Small step back from him but then stumbled. He caught me and helped me to the couch. I sat down and he sat next to me.

"How did I get into these clothes?" The man looked at me with his yellow eyes, he must be a demon.

"The woman just then was a doctor she gave you medicine. So you should heal in a few hours. You had cuts on your feet and arms not to mention some fractured ribs." He looked at me,"she was also the one who changed your bloody clothes." I looked down in embarrassment and thanked him. He then asked if I wanted something to drink I sayed yes.  He left then a moment later returned with tea. 

"Thankyou...." I started.

"Sesshomaru," he said drinking his tea.

"Sesshomaru," I smiled taking a huge sip of tea.

"what's your name?" He asked.

"Rin." I put my hand infront of him. He took it and shook it.

"Rin," He said blankly. I took another sip of my tea before talking.

"So Sesshomaru why did you save me." I asked looking at his blank face. He looked down at his tea then back up at me. His yellow eyes sent a shiver down my spin.

"I dont know." The words hit me. How could you save someone and not know why? What the hell is with this guy?

"Why were those men chasing you?" I didn't answer and instead choose to be silent. I drank the rest of my tea and looked out the window that was in front of us.  An awkward silence took over and we both just stared out the window not knowing what to say. Then the silence was cut off by the ringing of a phone. Sesshomaru got up and walked to the phone.

"Hello?" I looked back down at my tea when he called me over. I walked to him at the phone.

"It's for you." He said. I took the phone and he stood right next to me. My body started to shake when I heard who it was.'

"How are you doing dear? Thought you could escape that easily?" My dad Chuckled.

"What do you want?"

"For you to come home."

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then there's no saying what will happen to your sisters." A strike of fear pierced my heart and I grew angry.

"where are you?" I asked him. 

"Outside the building your in. If you come down now I promise I wont lay a finger on them." I hung up the phone and stared at the ground in frustration. I hate him. I swear it I'll kill him. I hate him. Then remembering where I was I turned around to see Sesshomaru looking at me. He still had his blank face.

"Uuumm...that was my Dad he came to pick me up so..," I looked at my feet. He's a demon so he probably heard the conversation. He walked into the dinning room then into the bedroom. He came out with a pair of jeans and handed it to me.

"I'm sure you don't want to go out like that." I blushed for a minute then took the jeans and quickly put them on. He walked me to the door and opened it.

"Thank you for everything Sesshomaru. I really appreciate it." I turned to leave.

"Wait," he said then handed me a card. "If you find yourself in need of something or in trouble call the number." I looked down at the card then back at him.

"Thank you so much" I stood on my toes and gave him a hug. Then quickly I made my way to the hallway. As I entered the elevator I heard the door close. After a few minutes I reached the lobby and walked out the apartment building. I saw my fathers guards standing outside waiting for me. After they saw me they escorted me to his car. Once I was inside the closed the door and I looked at my father who was next to me. He gave me an unpleased face and raised his hand. I then felt a stinging in my cheek

"You are so much trouble." I fought off the tears and thought about something else to ease the pain. Then the demon popped into my mind. The way his long hair hung down and his eyes looked. Sesshomaru.....


WOW! So what will happen when Inuyasha comes back? What about Mirku and Sango? What's going to happen to Rin now? Stay tuned for the next chapter. I will update as soon as I can. Share like love and vote! I'll see you guys soon!!! ^.^


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