Od sungchaniestaro

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a chance to unite with their dead soulmates once more. but what are the consequences if they fail. open app... Více

𓏔 love me not like a dream, but a curse 𓈒 introduction¡
𓏔 a heart is born to love and be loved 𓈒 rules¡
𓏔 know how they yearn for their other half, with their heart and soul 𓈒 slots¡
𓏔 i wish to be the air you breathe, but i am ashes at your feet 𓈒 slots¡
𓏔 my pulse flutters to the same rhythm of your wings 𓈒 seraphim¡
𓏔 take cupid's arrow, shoot it through my heart 𓈒 applications¡

𓏔 taint your love in this poison blood, see how it shatter to shards 𓈒 slots¡

191 15 188
Od sungchaniestaro

៹💔 *    . +  pour gold over the cracks of this broken heart and hide my scars  ! .⁺

⿻ content warning . . .
this chapter contains depictions of mental and physical abuse , sexual abuse , mental disorders & more.

'you were the one thing i could not have'
🔓. . . OPEN !?

born as the only child to two of south korea's most famed actors, BETTER THINGS was expected to carry on the legacy of her parents by everyone. once she began acting, she was able to quickly rise to the top in comparison to others who began their career at the same time.
despite being a talented actress, many people disregarded her success and criticized her, accusing her of only reaching her level of success due to her parents and their influence.

꒰ she started her career as a child actress in the early 2OOOs ❪ between 2OO5-2OO8 ❫ and has been acting ever since.

꒰ her parents cared for her deeply and wanted her to have the best opportunities. thus, her earliest acting roles were received due to their influence, which is the main reason for the criticism she's facing.

BETTER THINGS made the decision not to attend university once she completed her school education, though it was mostly due to her parents' insistence than her own.

꒰ as many believe her success not to be hard-earned, people are often ready to jump at the chance to criticize her. this lead to her being impossibly poised and well-mannered in front of camera, always maintaining a bright smile, never letting a sliver of her pain shine through.

꒰ it was revealed that she will play the second female lead in the upcoming drama, envisioned romance, alongside GUNSHOT  and AGASSY.

꒰ in contrast to what many may think of her, she doesn't have much friends. she's been taken advantage of by her 'friends' more than once, leading her to be impossibly careful with who she associates herself with. despite this, she always makes friendly conversations and keeps on good terms with people, as she knows that the slightest display of 'unfriendly' and 'arrogant' behaviour would lead to criticism from multiple people.

꒰ the only person BETTER THINGS could consider a friend is GOOD ENOUGH, who has been her manager since she was 19 years old.

꒰ she looks forward to meeting her soulmate as she thinks that they will be a person she could be themselves with.

꒰ her cause of death will depend on the creator.

꒰ she is korean and born between 2OO1-2OO3. 
꒰ she must be an only child.

♡ agassy
꒰ she first met the other girl during the shooting of the drama, envisioned romance. she felt an instant pull towards AGASSY in a way that felt foreign. which is why she went out of her way to be close friends with the other.
꒰ despite her efforts, AGASSY was often cold towards BETTER THINGS  but she was undeterred, continuing to reach out and attempting to make conversation.

♡ tropes
꒰ strangers to co-workers to lovers
꒰ second chances
꒰ closed off + open book . affection starved + more than happy to give it . puts career over herself + puts soulmate over herself . awkward flirting + swooning anyway . seeks validation + makes sure to give it .

꒰ heejin of artms
꒰ yuna of itzy
꒰ yeojin of loossemble

ONE AND ONLY . . . 🎤
'two broken hearts falling for each other is the most beautiful tragedy of all'

🔓. . . OPEN !?

being the youngest and the only male child of a family of five, ONE AND ONLY was often spoiled by both his parents and his older sisters. he was allowed immense freedom and had the opportunity to follow anything in life, as long as it wasn't illegal. though he would have enjoyed pursuing his interest in music as a career, he choose to follow a career in law.

꒰ his father passed away shortly after he was born. thus, his mother was forced to work multiple jobs at a time to support their rather large family. 

꒰ despite his family struggling financially, his sisters and mother often made sure that he had everything he wished for when he was a child. moreover, they often hid the reality of their situation from him, making him a difficult and spoiled person in his teenage years.

꒰ now, however, he is more than aware of their difficulties and does his best to support his family financially, as he is aware of the hardships they went through for him.

꒰ he is the closest to his oldest sister amongst his siblings. as their mother was often away at work, she was the person he saw as an adult in his childhood. even now, despite both of them being adults, he would still ask her for her opinion and advice regarding even the simplest of things.

꒰ he developed an interest for music through his sisters, who were all obsessed with k-pop music. though he grew to enjoy rock music over pop. after noticing this change, his sisters all invested their savings and bought him a guitar, which he still keeps with himself to this day, despite it being almost a decade old.

꒰ he had been studying music for a year and half at ha-myeong university. but after one of his sisters was sexually assaulted, he made the decision to follow a path in law, seeing how unfairly her case was handled and how the offender's punishment was nothing but a slap on the wrist.

꒰ though he had always been a fan of music, he was still dedicated to his academics, as he knew how much his mother invested into it. his academic dedication was one of the reasons as to why he was able to switch majors so easily.

꒰ despite deciding to follow law, his interest in music didn't fade away, leading him to join moonrise, the band formed by CHARMER, RED LIGHTS, NIGHTWALKER and NOT SHY.

꒰ his cause of death will depend on the creator.

꒰ he is korean and born between 2OO1-2OO2.
꒰ he must have three older sisters.
꒰ he is currently majoring in law, though he used to major in music.

♡ chaconne
꒰ he's never met CHACONNE in the first timeline. in the second timeline, his encounter with CHACONNE is entirely random, almost out of nowhere. he thought that he was the blind date NOT SHY had set up for him.
ONE AND ONLY profusely apologized for the confusion and left. despite leaving and even meeting the person he was supposed to have a blind date with later, he was unable to ignore the nagging feeling in his mind, telling him that the other was someone that he was supposed to know. he wanted to get that feeling off of his mind, which came much easier that he expected once discovering that CHACONNE was the enrolled in one of the classes of his new law program.

♡ tropes
꒰ strangers to academic rivals to lovers
꒰ top of the class + his rival . responsible and reliable oldest + reckless and spoiled youngest . acts of service + words of affirmation . overprotective + platonic soulmates with trouble . perfectionist workaholic + personal care giver . guilt-ridden + his emotional support

꒰ hanbin of zerobaseone
꒰ sungchan of riize
꒰ heeseung of enhypen

DARL+ING . . . 🧾
'if i could travel back to the day we met, i would turn around and walk away'
🔓. . . OPEN !?

born as the oldest child of a chaebol family, DARL+ING was entrusted with a legacy too heavy for a child like them. they weren't allowed to indulge themselves in anything that a child their age would do, forced to attend galas and formal events with their parents.
their parents even forbid them from spending time with their younger brother. despite the restrictions they were faced with, they still made sure to care for EAT ME UP the best they can, all the while pleasing the demands of their parents and being the golden child they desired.

꒰ their parents were extremely strict with them in their childhood. they were expected to rotate their life around a pre-established schedule, and was punished severely when they attempted to break it.

꒰ due to the numerous rules imposed on them as a child and due to the punishments they received at the expanse of every mistake, they often tend to follow rules, feeling a mixture of disdain, admiration and fear whenever they discover someone breaking rules. this has lead to many people viewing them to be stuck-up and uptight.

꒰ their parents taught them to always appear strong, assertive and arrogant, infusing the belief that showing emotions were a weakness. they struggle to show their emotions and to confront them. they'd prefer to avoid them and pretend until the problem ceases to be.

꒰ despite their cold and harsh front, they are simply an insecure person starved of parental love and affection, fueled by the desire for validation of their parents and fear of disappointing them.

꒰ they have grown up in a world where nothing mattered more than power. they have seen people who were as close as siblings turn on against each other. because of this, DARL+ING refuses to trust people, opting to keep them at arms length, not risking a betrayal.

꒰ it was their parents who insisted that they run for student council president as the position would poise them for once they took over as the head of their parents' company.

꒰ as they were forbidden to share their emotions through expressions and words, DARL+ING was forced to bottle up all their anger, sadness and pain. they developed depression as a result of this and would often cause self-harm as a coping mechanism for the emotional turmoil erupting within them.

꒰ the only people he would consider as a friend are CHACONNE and SHOUT OUT. they are often skeptical of anyone else that tries to get close to them or EAT ME UP.

꒰ their cause of death will depend on the creator.

꒰ they must be korean and born between 2OO1-2OO3.
꒰ their surname must be yoo. ❪this is for the comfort of the creators as they and EAT ME UP are siblings❫
꒰ their major will depend on the creator, but an academically challenging major is suggested.
꒰ their gender will depend on the creator.

♡ charmer
꒰ they have met the other multiple times, though CHARMER never seemed to have paid much attention to them. DARL+ING however, found the other to be extremely fascinating and alluring, charmed by their confidence and strong attitude.
꒰ unfortunately, one day, they happened to have a small rendezvous with CHARMER and it was then that they discovered that the other was their soulmate.
꒰ the discovery made them delighted, as they'd always felt an attraction towards CHARMER. though, despite that, the other continued to avoid DARL+ING , going out of their way not to cross paths with them. their actions hurt DARL+ING deeply, the silent rejection of their soulmate burning through their being, an empty space where their heart had been.

♡ tropes
꒰ strangers to lovers
꒰ second chances 
opposites but similar . narcissistic + confident . the delinquent + student council president . mother's warrior + brother's knight . tsundere + also tsundere . extroverted party girl + introvert who'd rather be anywhere else

꒰ chearyeong of itzy
꒰ kamden of ampers&one
꒰ jiheon of fromis_9
꒰ hyunjin of stray kids

'listen to this empty melody and you will hear my heart'
🔓. . . OPEN !?

admired yet feared by many, STILL MONSTER is an enigma with a life shrouded in mystery. he seemingly has no familial ties to anyone and often isolates himself, brushing off any attempts at socializing.
he has accumulated many rumours regarding his past as a result of his cold and dismissive personality, ranging from how he's a runaway from north korea to being the illegitimate child of a chaebol family to being involved in a criminal gang to being an actual vampire.

꒰ in spite of all the rumours surrounding him, he's an extremely private person with a normal family life who doesn't like to share about himself with anyone.

꒰ though he is from a chaebol family, he doesn't like to flaunt it, not wanting to repeat what he went through during his high school years.

꒰ in high school, he was involved with a boy who he thought was his soulmate because he had the same soulmark as STILL MONSTER. it was only after dating for over a year that he found out the truth. the boy had tattooed a soulmark so that he could deceive STILL MONSTER into dating him just because of the others wealth.

꒰ after that incident, he closed himself from people, growing cautious of everyone who approached him. he became cold and impassive, never betraying a hint of weakness in the face of others. the only people he trusted about his true self after that incident were NOT FOR SALE and AMNESIA.

꒰ the rumour of him being a gang member arose after people found out about his employment at a tattoo parlour near the university. though, the reason he works at the tattoo parlour isn't related to any illegal activities. when he was a child, he had been very insistent on owning his own tattoo parlour and getting a tattoo that his father went out of his way to purchase a tattoo parlour. he's made it a habit to visit the place whenever he's free and now that he's a legal adult, he is learning the process of it as well.

꒰ he tends to wear dark clothes that cover his skin as much as possible, even in the middle of summer. this was the reason for the assumption of him being a vampire. though, the reason behind his sense of fashion is because of polymorphous light eruption, which is a disorder developed due to extreme sensitivity to uv light.

꒰ he's had multiple people come up to him and ask him how it was in north korea or how it feels to be a vampire. more often than not, he'd simply shut them off without bothering to answer. his friends finds it be hilarious, though he struggles to see how it evokes humour.

꒰ he is majoring in classical music, which came as a surprise to many as it contradicts with the image of him they have built. STILL MONSTER however, has been a fan of classical music since he was young, developing a fondness towards piano pieces.

꒰ he began to frequent watercolor winds after seeing the soulmark on SHOUT OUT'S skin. despite knowing that the other could possibly be his soulmate, STILL MONSTER struggles to reach out to him, the wound of his first heartbreak still fresh in his mind.

꒰ their cause of death will depend on the creator.

꒰ he is korean and born between 2OO1-2OO2.
꒰ he is majoring in classical music.
꒰ siblings are not mandatory, but it is suggested.

♡ shout out
꒰ though he has seen SHOUT OUT multiple times at the café and is aware that the other could possibly be his soulmate, he's never made the effort to approach him. he feels uncertain due to what he went through in the past feels content to admiring him from afar. he isn't aware that the other is using him as a muse either.

♡ tropes
꒰ strangers to lovers
꒰ opposites attract
꒰ artist + his muse . hopeless romantic + lost all hopes in love . pines from afar + also pines from afar . soft and naïve + harsh and skeptical . loved by everyone + feared by everyone . affection starved + overflowing with affection .

꒰ sunghoon of enhypen
꒰ jaemin of nct dream
꒰ wonbin of riize

'do not love my soul, it's made up of shreds of monsters'
🔒. . . CLOSED !?

IMPURITIES is a person suffering from a past they cannot escape. despite moving to south korea to gift himself a new life away from the monsters that haunted him, he could never fully escape it, being dragged back into the abyss he struggled so hard to strip himself away from.
even if he one day succeeds in leaving the haunting monsters of his past behind, he's lived with those terrors long enough he doubts a place other than among them is left for him.

꒰ he left his family at the age of fourteen after he was manipulated by his boyfriend into the act, a twenty two year old who was employed by his parents to tutor him.

꒰ he's been mentally and physically abused by his boyfriend numerous times. the older would often use a scalpel and razor at occasions like this.

꒰ once he was aware of how toxic and unhealthy the relationship is for him, he has made attempts run away multiple times, but he was caught and stopped every time.

꒰ after nearly six years, he managed to escape with the help of NIGHTWALKER. it was the other boy who suggested that IMPURITIES gets enrolled at a university in korea so that his boyfriend cannot find him. it worked for a while but he had someone found out where IMPURITIES lived and threatened to harm his family if he didn't start living with him again.

꒰ unaware to him, his boyfriend had scarred his soulmark until it was unrecognizable, manipulating him into thinking that he didn't have a soulmate.

꒰ . . . document lost !?

꒰ . . . error !?

꒰ he is chinese and born in 2OO3.
꒰ he was majoring in psychology before his passing.
꒰ he is an only child.

♡ eat me up
꒰ not only had he not met his soulmate, he wasn't aware of the existence of his soulmate either.
꒰ their meeting in the second timeline is to be discussed with the creator of eat me up.

♡ tropes
꒰ strangers to friends to lovers

one who didn't know he had a soulmate + soulmate who gave him flowers . a broken heart with no way to heal + wanting to take his pain despite being hurt himself  . selfless in love + also selfless in love . scared to love again + ready to wait an eternity until he's ready . sabotaging his own happiness + unfazed and still tries . loves everyone but himself + doesn't love anyone but his soulmates

꒰ song yaxuan

'i wonder how two hearts mourn a single soul in unison'
🔓. . . OPEN !?

known to be one of the most dedicated and diligent students in his program, HAPPY DEATH DAY is a soul that thirsts for knowledge. many think that he's simply putting up a front to the teachers because he's on a scholarship and needs to maintain a good relationship with them. he's aware of these baseless accusations and has made it clear more than once how he thought of them. 

꒰ he is an avid reader of classical and historical novels. he enjoys them as they're not only a mode of entertainment, but allows him to learn more about the past and differences amongst cultures as well.

꒰ he's always been interested in the folklore of different cultures. he's studied extensively about east asian folklore and myths and similarities among them. currently, he's learning more about graeco-roman myths.

꒰ due to his interest in cultural folklore and myths, he would often read books, watch movies and shows that depicts those. which, alternatively refers to how he likes to binge watch disney movies.

꒰ he also enjoys writing poetry and short stories, though he doesn't share them with others. he has no qualms about sharing the works he writes for his coursework, but prefers not to publicise the ones he write for his personal enjoyment.

꒰ he spends most of his time in the library, either reading, writing or working on his coursework. the librarian would sometimes have to force him to go out and eat during exam periods, as he tends to get absorbed and forget everything else whenever he's invested in something.

꒰ he enjoys collecting things. it began with his need to purchase all the books in a series and now extends to the oddest of items. the strangest thing he has in his possession currently is a miniature guillotine that actually works. he likes to use it to cut fruits on occasion.

꒰ he is in possession of a strong sweet tooth. he's often seen carrying either a monstrosity of a caffeinated drink, a bag of freshly purchased pastries or both. most of his drinks are extremely complex with a lethal amount of sugar, and he tends to change his order at least twice a week.

꒰ his cause of death will depend on the creator.

꒰ he is korean, born between 2OO2-2OO4.
꒰ his major will depend on the creator, but literature or creative writing is suggested.
꒰ siblings are not mandatory.
꒰ must wear either glasses or contact lenses.

♡ blueprint & nightwalker
꒰ he has never met either of his soulmates in the first timeline. he had been excited after finding out having two soulmates, which was quite rare. he longed to meet them since he received his soulmark but didn't have the fortune to meet them before his passing.
꒰ in the second timeline however, he is romantically involved with one of his soulmates, NIGHTWALKER. they were happy together, but he couldn't shake the feeling that their relationship was incomplete somehow, missing something.
꒰ exploration of his relationship with NIGHTWALKER will be done after the cast has been finalized for the comfort of creator/s.

♡ tropes
꒰ second chances
꒰ strangers to friends to lovers
꒰ doesn't want to be a burden + duo loves him beyond anything . shy baker + fierce writer + flirty guitarist . still learning korean duo + uses it as an opportunity to flirt .

꒰ shinyu of tws
꒰ sion of nct wish
꒰ doyoung of treasure

' dear heart, why her? '
🔒 . . . CLOSED !?

idealistic and hopeful, RUN FOR ROSES is a delicate soul who exudes affection to everyone. despite her withdrawn and quiet nature, she's still impossibly kind and caring, willing to help even a complete stranger. as much as she cares for others however, she doesn't really care about herself. she'd put others above herself, letting herself endure the pain to save someone else from it.
her friends often worry because of this, telling her that she's too selfless at times, though she argues that it's simple and basic human courtesy.

꒰ she's the oldest child in her family with two younger siblings. she's gotten used to her siblings always getting the things she'd wanted at their age and being refused things in their expense. thus, even with people that aren't that close to her, she wouldn't mind making a sacrifice as it comes naturally to her.

꒰ she's obsessed with reading. she used to read two or three books in a day when she was in high school. as she's rather busy with her university studies these days, she doesn't get to read as much.

꒰ she's always wanted to be an author. now, she would often write the odd thoughts that pass by her and the small bursts of inspiration for a short story she'd get after observing someone for a while. she doesn't go out of her way to announce of her work, but if someone asks, she's more than happy to share it with them.

꒰ she and her best friend, LEVANTER are both huge fans of the bl genre. that was what lead to them becoming friends. they would often create entire romantic stories for two random men they saw on the street who made eye contact for a split second.

RUN FOR ROSES is jokingly known as the therapist of their friend group as she's often the person they reach out for emotional advice.

꒰ . . . document lost !?

꒰ passed away after a car accident

꒰ she is korean-german and born between in 2OO5. 
꒰ she has two younger brothers.
꒰ she is currently double majoring in psychology and literature.

red lights 
꒰ they have been friends since they were seventeen years old after their mutual friend LEVANTER introduced them. they got along with each other instantly, growing close in a way that left a lot of people surprised -even RUN FOR ROSES herself- as she was known to be quite introverted and awkward with people.
꒰ she couldn't deny that she felt an attraction to RED LIGHTS but she never made the effort to act on it, determined to wait for her soulmate.
꒰ in the second timeline however, RUN FOR ROSES, while still having feelings for RED LIGHTS develops an attraction towards EARTH, WIND AND FIRE , who transfers to her literature programme in the middle of the academic year. she finds herself falling for the other's gentle charm and passion for literature, though she still finds herself smitten with RED LIGHTS all the same.
꒰ further exploration of their relationship in first and second timelines is to be discussed with the creator of red lights.

♡ tropes
꒰ second chances
꒰ friends to lovers
arguing with each other . hopeful romantic + romance is overrated . emotionally expressive + emotionally stunned . communicating about problems + avoids confrontation . overworking herself + taking care of her while being angry . poet + her muse . person who reads the books + abomination who watches the moves . convinced she's right + also convinced she's right .

꒰ bahiyyih of kep1er

IN THE MORNING . . . ️⛸️
'you harvested all my love and left me with nothing'
🔓. . . OPEN !?

famed for his career as a figure skater, IN THE MORNING is a face that most of korea knows. he's started his career at a young age, without much hopes and no sponsors. but his natural talent soon earned him the fame he deserved and doors of opportunities he needed to succeed in his career.
though to him, his soulmate , LO$ER=LO♡ER was just as important as his career. they have always been each others' biggest supporters, a steady presence every step of the way. though they disagreed more than they agreed on things, IN THE MORNING genuinely loved his soulmate. and perhaps because of how he cared too much that their last words stung so deeply.

꒰ he met his soulmate LO$ER=LO♡ER when he was 12 years old. they got into a relationship immediately after turning 16 years old and moved in together once they were both 18 years of age.

꒰ he has been involved in competitive skating since he was 6 years old. according to the panel of judges, he had displayed a natural talent for a person so young. 

꒰ his skills improved with age and at 14, people began to call him the next yuzuru hanyu. it was a huge weight to carry, knowing that nearly a whole country had so much faith and affection dedicated for him.

꒰ skating was tiring at times, feeling more like a chore rather than something he could enjoy. he had thought of quitting but as it was the prize money from his competitions that made their living conditions slightly better and helped with his older sibling's cancer treatment, he decided to continue.

꒰ he is expected to participate in the upcoming olympics representing his country. he's plagued with many insecurities and fears everytime he thinks of it, making him crave his soulmate's presence more than ever.

꒰ despite his cool and confident appearance on ice, he's not at all self-assured. he constantly doubts his abilities as a skater, thinking that he would fall and shatter every time he practised a new routine.

꒰ while he's not part of evermore, he still spends some of his time at the dance studio, practicing with them as it helps him to improve his body control.

꒰ he has adjusted his practicing times at the skating rink so that he would be able to teach the ice skating classes for the children below 10 years of age. he finds it to be relaxing, reminding of the reason why he began skating in the first place.

꒰ the reason for his and LO$ER=LO♡ER's arguement that night was regarding his participation at the olympics. he expressed how desperately he needed their presence but the other was insisted that they needed to attend their university as they had finally, finally gotten a step closer to achieving their life long dream. it spiraled into a huge fight that left IN THE MORNING deeply hurt, making him leave their shared apartment in the dead of the night.

꒰ his cause of death will depend on the creator

꒰ he is korean and born between 2OO4-2OO5. 
꒰ his major will depend on the creator. please take note that he is attending the university on a sports scholarship.
꒰ he must have one older sibling. more siblings are not mandatory but is encouraged.

♡ loser=lover
꒰ their relationship was quite similar in both the second and the first timelines, the only difference being how they weren't together in the second timeline. 
꒰ in the second timeline, IN THE MORNING develops feelings for LEVANTER, whose younger sibling partakes in ice skating lessons at the rink. they enter a conversation one day while they wait for the children to finish dressing back up, and a small friendship blooms at that interaction.
꒰ further exploration of his relationships will depend on the creator/s of the relevant characters.

♡ tropes
꒰ second chances
꒰ friends to lovers
꒰ ambitious and forgets everything else + doubts themselves and gets anxious . arguing about pointless things + indulges them . workaholic perfectionist + cares about them without complaints . unintentionally hurts them + shuts them out instead of talking . fire + storm .

꒰ taesan of boynextdoor
꒰ jinsik of xikers
꒰ yoon of nowadays

DARARI . . . 📼
'i will let myself be consumed by shadows to see you shine'
🔒 . . . CLOSED !?

attending the music production programme at ha-myeong university, DARARI is the kind of person that pours their whole soul into their work. to him, music is part of their life, infused into his soul, linked with both the best and worst moments of his life.
despite the struggles he's faced, he always manages to keep a smile on his face, trying to see the beauty in the droplets of light that seeps through a curtain of darkness.

꒰ he grew up in an artistic household, his parents and siblings all invested in some form of art. he had a close bond with all of his family members, but he and his older sister were especially close with each other, as they both had a shared a passion for music.

꒰ his sister was the person who taught him to play the piano and the guitar, guiding him through his first compositions. she was always bright and smiling soul, a warm embrace that made DARARI feel safe. though it was only after her passing did he realize that she had carried far more burdens than she let on.

꒰ he struggled to continue with music after her passing as it always brought memories of her back. but with patience and help from his therapist, he was able to get back into his music, thinking of it as a way to connect with his sister instead of a bittersweet memory.

꒰ his sister has always hoped to attend ha-myeong university, which was the reason he chose to study there.

꒰ . . . document lost !?

꒰ passed away after a car accident

꒰ he is japanese and born in 2OO5.
꒰ he has three siblings, one older sister, one older brother and one younger brother.
꒰ he is majoring in music production.

♡ swan song
꒰ he met SWAN SONG after being assigned as roommates in their first year of university. he was extremely grateful to whoever assigned the roommates as they would have never crossed paths with each other otherwise.
꒰ meeting his soulmate reminded him of himself during the early days of his sister's passing, exhausted of the very thing that brought them happiness. he wanted his soulmate to be able to enjoy their passion without being plagued by the negative memories.
꒰ in the second timeline, things were much similar, except they weren't romantically involved with each other.

♡ tropes
꒰ second chances
꒰ friends to lovers
꒰ doesn't trust themselves + trusts them blindly . dancing in shadows + helping them back to the spotlight . emotionally struggling + patiently waiting . the composer + the dancer . forgot how to smile + helps them remember . broken but smiling + broken but trying .

꒰ yuma of &team

'is it not a tragedy, if being loved scared me more than death itself?'
🔒 . . . CLOSED !? 

born as the youngest son of one of the richest families in china, many people immediately assume FAREWELL, NEVERLAND to be in possession of everything a person could possibly have. but it couldn't be further from the truth. while he's never lacked in money or anything that could be purchased with money, he's been deprived any form of affection except from CHACONNE for the longest time.

꒰ despite already having three children, his parents desired a female child, which was the reason they attempted to conceive once more. and though they were born twins, all of their parents' and extended family's affection and attention was given to WANNABE, the precious girl they've been hoping for.

꒰ growing up, he wasn't blind to their parents' favouritism towards WANNABE. it hurt him, but he never attempted to vocalise it, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't. he didn't know how to vocalise most of the things he felt.

꒰ at five years old, he was diagnosed with autism disorder. that diagnosis somehow changed the course of his relationship with his family. his parents hadn't wanted another boy, not a disabled one at that, and they made sure that FAREWELL, NEVERLAND was aware of it.

꒰ as he grew older, their actions and words embedded into him. birthday celebrations that didn't include him, family pictures that had him cut off, mocking words from his sister and utter lack of affection from his parents. the only person he felt cared for in his family was CHACONNE, but was struggling with his own weight and FAREWELL, NEVERLAND didn't want to burden him until the only safe place he had was taken away from him as well.

꒰ after his brother left to korea for his higher education, he found himself in utter isolation, no company save for the shutter of his camera and rustle of papers. unable to bear it, he asked his parents to send him to his brother's university as well and to his surprise, they agreed.

꒰ . . . document lost !?

꒰ . . . error !?

꒰ he is chinese and born in 2OO6.
꒰ his surname must be xia.
꒰ he has three older siblings, one of whom is CHACONNE and a twin sister, WANNABE.
꒰ he is currently majoring in photography while studying a minor course in philosophy.

♡ unplugged boy
꒰ he has never met his soulmate in the first timeline and was rather afraid of meeting them as well. his own parents could not love him, how would a complete stranger love him then?
꒰ he meets his soulmate in the second timeline after he comes to the dance practice room to meet a family friend, INCEPTION, though it can hardly be called a meeting. after that meeting, he forgot about the older boy until he unexpectedly run into him at a café and then again at his freshmen philosophy program, which the older boy was a TA at.

♡ tropes
꒰ strangers to friends to lovers
never felt loved before + wants nothing but to love him . scared of disappointing him + head over heals in love . socially awkward introvert + golden retriever extrovert . never been someone's priority + makes him his whole world . doesn't know how to express himself + loves him either way . portrait photographer + his muse . silently loves + cherishes the silence . starved for affection + showers him with affection . passionately rambles + listens with stars in his eyes .

꒰ hanjin of tws

ʬʬʬ questions regarding the slots?

⤻ hihi..... so i've been working on these whenever i found some free time and here we are! i hope y'all liked these precious darlings as well. i am so in love with farewell, neverland... he's my child

⤻ like, they're my absolute favourite. all of them are so precious. but... who's your favourite? which ones are you aiming for?

⤻ well... this is probably the last update till past may 2Oth..... so yea...

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