✔The Nerd And The Jerk [Taenn...

By -We4slyy-

11.8K 1.1K 170

Kim Jennie Is a nerd. Everyone picks on her. There is only one person who protects her and when he is not aro... More



109 11 3
By -We4slyy-

~Jennie's P.O.V.~

It's silent for a few minutes, but I'm the one who breaks it.

"What happened to your eye?"

I see him straiten up and I can tell that he's surprised that I spoke...I actually am surprised myself.

"Accident." He says, shrugging.

"Accident? What kind of accident?"

Taehyung is silent for a while before glancing behind him to look at me. "Why do you care?"

Yeah, why do I care?

"That's what I thought." He says after I don't respond.

I sigh, and stare down at my hands.

Taehyung shifts in his chair, then he stands up and walks over to Mr. Hammond's desk.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

He doesn't reply to me, but he picks up the paper that Mr. Hammond's was reading.

"Don't touch that." I hate being the 'Goody-Goody', but what if Mr. Hammond's comes in?

"You're not my Mom." Taehyung mumbles, then picks up another piece of paper that's on the desk.

For some reason, that strikes a match inside of me, and I stand up. "No, but if Mr. Hammond's comes in here, you'll get in trouble."

Taehyung glances up at me, and smirks, then looks back down. "What if that's the point?"

What? "You...Want to get in trouble?"

He shrugs and doesn't say anything.

"Taehyung...You want to get in trouble?"

He still doesn't answer me, just continues to stare down at the paper.


He looks up at me and blinks. "What?"

I shake my head and sit back down. If he wants to get in trouble, then let him be.

When I lay my head down on the table, I feel something...land on my head, and I reach my arm back and pat my head.

I feel something...Powdery...

I lift my head up and look at my hand.

My hand is white. I've got chalk powder all over my head. All over my head!

I let out a little scream, and hear Taehyung start crack up laughing.

"Taehyung!" I look at him and he's almost doubled over in laughter, with two chalk erasers in his hand. "That was not funny!"

"You...Should have seen...Your face!" He says in-between laughs.

I rise up out of my chair, forgetting all about the teacher that could come back any minute, and push Taehyung, causing him to fall against the desk behind him.

Normally, he probably wouldn't even budge, but since he wasn't paying attention, he fell back, his laughter ceasing.

Taehyung stares at me with his eyes wide in shock, and I stare back with my eyes wide. "Did...You just push me?"

"No, I ate a banana...Yes, I pushed you." I roll my eyes, and he stands up and he slowly walks towards me, and I take a step back away from him.

"You did not just push me." He tells me, his voice lower.

I cringe and take a step away from him again. "Y-yes. I did." He stops walking when he's right in front of me, and he leans down so that his face is right in front of my face. "Apologize."

My thoughts immediately go to him kissing me, but I scold myself and force my eyes to stay on his eyes. "No."

"Apologize." He repeats.

"No." I repeat back, and I place my hands on his chest, and try to shove him away, but this time he doesn't move.

Taehyung's eye's glimmer with amusement, and he moves his face even closer to mine, not even leaving an inch between us. "Apologize." He whispers.

"Or what?" I press.

"Or I'll-" All of a sudden, I feel a cold, wet substance, fall down the back of my head, and down my back, and I scream and close my eyes as whatever it is flows down the front of my face. "-pour the teachers' water all over you."

"What is going on in here?!"

I open my eyes and see that Mr. Hammond is standing at the doorway with his mouth open in surprise, staring at the mess that is all over me. "Taehyung, what did you do?"

"Taehyung!!" I scream, and he takes off running away from me, dodging desks, and I start chasing after him.Mr. Hammond's doesn't do anything. He just stands there and watches as we run past him.

I'm not as fast as Taehyung, but I must say that I'm not doing half bad.

"Taehyung, get back here!" I yell to his backside.

Taehyung lets out a strained laugh from running, and glances back at me. "No!"

He picks up his speed as he turns down a corridor, and I turn after him.

"Sam! Watch out!" I hear, then I hear a big boom, and I see a bunch of papers flying everywhere in front of me.

I barely have time to stop, before I fall on top of Sam and Taehyung, who are on top of each other.

Taehyung groans and rolls off of Sam, and Sam rubs his head. "Dude..." Sam groans. "That freaking hurt."

Taehyung looks over at Sam, his chest moving up and down rapidly from running. "Sorry. I didn't see you."

Sam glares at Taehyung, and then he moves up onto his elbows and mutters a, "Whatever."

We both watch as Sam picks up the papers silently, and Sam glares at us when he walks past us down the hall.I look over at Taehyung to see that he's not watching me, he's watching Sam. So, I try to tip toe away from him before he has the chance to see me.

"Where do you think that you're going?"

I freeze.

"You're not leaving me, are you?"

My face scrunches up into a grimace.

Be invisible. Be invisible.

I hear him getting up, and he stands in front of me with that stupid smirk on his lips. "You're not leaving me, are you?" He repeats his question.

"Um, no..." I say, slowly straightening up.

Taehyung's smirk slowly falls away. He stares at me for a second, and I can hear the buzz of the empty hallway in my ears, then he sighs and looks away from me.

I want to ask him what's wrong, but I just stay quiet.

He looks back at me, and quickly says that he's sorry, before taking off running away from me. Leaving me standing there soaking wet.

I stand there watching his retreating back, not sure what just happened.

But, the worst part is, I still feel something for him. I thought that I didn't like him anymore, but the truth is, I still get the butterflies in my stomach.I'm not supposed to like him! I'm supposed to hate him!

But I can't.

Why can't I?

When I come home, Mom won't talk to me. She's still upset about the detention.

"I said that I was sorry." I mumble , as I pick at the green beans on my plate at dinner.

Mom doesn't even look like she acknowledged that I said something. "So, how was work, Honey?" She asks my Dad.

He looks up at her and frowns. "Jennie just spoke to you."

She doesn't respond to that. Just looks back down at her plate.

Dad sighs and gives me an apologetic look before continuing to eat his food again.

Dinner was quiet, which is unusual, but I lasted.

After I did the dishes with Dad, I went up to my room and laid down on my bed with music playing.

I'm not tired, but there's nothing to do.I already finished my homework last night, Gabe is at some party, and I ran out of minutes on my phone, so I can't talk to him.

It's going to be a boring night.

I cross my arms behind my head, and my mind starts thinking about Taehyung.

Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung.

The world revolves around, Taehyung.

Even as a little kid, it revolved around him. What is up with his charm? In every book, there's always the guy who's always mean, rude, and every girl has to like him. This isn't a book. Yet, why is he here?

My thoughts are interrupted by a soft knock on my door.

"Come in!" I call, and thinking it's my Mom, I say, "What do you want?"

"Princess?" I hear a soft voice say. "I..I need help."

I gasp and turn around to see, Taehyung, standing in my doorway with bruises, and blood all over his face. His eye is swollen shut, and his nose has blood leaking from it. His clothes are ripped up, and you can see the pain in his face.


I rush over to him, and he almost falls in my arms, which would not be good, because I wouldn't be able to hold him."What in the world happened to you?" I ask him as I lead him to my bed. "And how did you get in here?"

He tries to smile, but ends up grimacing in pain from his busted lip. "Accident. And your door was unlocked"

Accident...Yeah right. "We need to get you to the hospital." I say, and he shakes his head quickly.

"No, No, no hospital. Please. I just need to rest." He leans his head against my shoulder and I stand up, causing him to fall down against my pillows.

"No, you need to get to the hospital. I'll go get my Dad."

"No." He whispers. "Just let me sleep." He closes his eyes, and yawns.

I am torn between what is right, and what he wants me to do, and I stand there and watch as he falls asleep on my bed.

Fine. I'll make him tell me tomorrow.

I pull out a blanket and pillow from my closet and lay down on the floor.

But, I'm not able to sleep for a while, because Taehyung's face keeps popping up in my head.

About twenty minutes later, I'm out of it, having nightmares about Taehyung getting beat up by his Dad.

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