Call Of Duty One-Shots

By CaiGivesMeLife

36K 319 109

Hello! This is gonna be a one-shot book. Some of these scenarios are made up by me and my delulu brain, while... More

He's a bit big... (KonigxOC)
Getting shipped by students (PricexOC)
He doesn't believe in love (GhostxOC)
High on pain medication (KonigxOC)
You like annoying him like a sibling would (GazxOC)
Tangled. 🎄 (KonigxOC)
Your Barracks Leaked....(GhostxOC)
Price helps with Training....(PricexOC)
He's Watching...(GhostxOC)
He's been avoiding her and she wants to know why...(KonigxOC)
Comforting Touch...(KonigxOC)
Physical Touch....(GhostxOC) ***Angst***
It's a demand....(GhostxOC)
He wants her help....(KonigxOC)
Haunted House...(TF 141xOC)
Attention (GhostxOC)
You called her mom....(LaswellxOC)
Babysitting the Troublemaker...(KonigxOC)
He's Sick and Being Overdramatic....(GhostxOC) Part 2 to 'Your Barracks Leaked'
He Helps You Pop Your Back....(NiktoxOC)
He Helps You Pop Your Back....(NiktoxOC) Part 2
He Can't Sleep Without You...(HorangixOC)
He's Feeling Affectionate....(GhostxOC)
He Can't Sleep Without You...(HorangixOC) Part 2
He Helps You Pop Your Back....(NiktoxOC) Part 3
Baby Ghost...(PricexOC)
What's a Favor Between Old Friends....(LaswellxOC) **Platonic**
He Helps You Pop Your Back....(NiktoxOC) Part 4
He Feels Terrible....(GhostxOC)***Angst***
He Feels Terrible....(GhostxOC) ***Angst*** Part 2
He Feels Terrible....(GhostxOC) ***Angst*** Part 3
Scars (IndyxTF 141+Alejandro)**Angst**
Captain Stumbles Into Her Medbay (PricexOC)
Helping Hand....(KonigxOC)
She Caught Them (SoapxGhost)
*Sigh* He Helps You Pop Your Back....(NiktoxOC) Part 5
He Notices A New Scar... (GhostxOC)
One bed, two of you... (KonigxOC) Part 1
One bed, two of you... (KonigxOC) Part 2
Vegetables?! Seriously?! (TF 141 x OC) Part 1
Vegetables?! Seriously?! (TF 141 x OC) Part 2
He Helps You Pop Your Back... (NiktoxOC) Part 6
Her Book... (PricexOC)
A Man Who Fears Nothing But Her... (PricexOC)
Author's Note **New Story Alert**
She'ssss Baaaaaccckkkk
Lost Inhibitions (TF 141xOC)
It's The Alcohol (TF 141xOC) Part 2
Bedtime (PricexTF 141 + OC) Part 1

It's The Acohol... (TF 141xOC)

513 5 9
By CaiGivesMeLife

Mission gone sideways, injuries galore, and alcohol is used as the only way to numb the pain. Sounds like a lovely time. Enjoy the drunk Ghost and cuddling sergeants.


Indy, Ghost, Gaz, Soap and Price are at a rendezvous safe house after a mission went badly in Italy. Ghost's been shot in the shoulder and Indy has cuts and gashes everywhere, all over her arms and legs, and one deep one in her side. Everyone else has a few bruises and cuts. The safe house is small and compact, with little food, and there are only four beds, meaning two of them have to share. 

"For fucks sake!" Ghost yells, clearly pissed off as he leans on a wall in pain.

"Alright, let's get this over with." Indy grabs 5 pieces of paper and writes 'share' on two of them before putting them into a small container. "Whoever get's the papers that say 'share' have to share a bed."

Soap rolls his eyes as he takes a piece of paper out, while Gaz opens the other one and looks at it.

Soap reads his piece of paper first and sighs. "I'm an unlucky bastard, alright."

"Damn. Well, at least I have company." Gaz mutters as he throws his piece of paper on the ground.

Ghost is still leaning on the wall, breathing heavily as Price checks on the wound. Everyone is bleeding from a few cuts and bruises and the atmosphere in the room is somewhat tense.

"Alright, Soap and Gaz are stuck sharing which means the rest of us get our own beds. If you need me, I'll be trying not to pass out from blood loss." Indy slides onto the floor and rests her head against the wall as she attempts to treat her wounds. Since she and Ghost got hurt the most, she's glad neither of them ended up having to share.

While she starts to slowly starting to treat her injuries, Gaz and Soap bicker over who should be the little spoon.

"I'm taller so I get to be the big spoon."

"Nae, I'm stronger, I cannae be the little spoon."

"I don't care what you say, I'm big spoon."

"Ye're a whiny little bitch. Ya can't always get what ya want. Ye're getting tha short end oof tha stick, so just deal wit' it."

Price hands her a med pack from the few supplies available before heading back to Ghost. At least her injuries aren't as severe as Ghost's. He's still against the wall, breathing heavily as Price checks his wounds. She can't see much, but she knows it's not good.

"Ghost, remember, we run on spite. Too petty to die." Indy grumbles, wrapping up her smaller cuts.

Ghost lets out a small growl. He's been shot in the shoulder with whatever weapon those bastards fired at him and he's definitely pissed off.

Gaz and Soap tend to their own injuries and change into cleaner clothes now that the 'big spoon, little spoon' argument is over.

As the others continue to tend to their injuries and change up, Ghost is still against the wall breathing heavily as Price tends to his shoulder.

Reaching into her gear pack, Indy pulls out 2 mini bottles of burbon and tosses one to Ghost.

"Numb the pain." She drinks her little bottle and goes back to tending her wounds.

He catches the bottle and drinks the bourbon as he lets out a sigh. He isn't the type to turn down anything that can help dull the pain, or get rid of it entirely. 

Her injuries still sting and hurt like hell, though, and the wound on her side is still bleeding despite whatever she's doing to try and fix it.

"For fucks sake...." She groan and pulls out her combat knife. "Gaz, put this on the stove and let me know when the metal is hot."

Gaz rolls his eyes, picks up the knife and heads into the kitchen, putting the combat knife on the stove. Everyone is giving her confused looks, especially Ghost who can't stop wincing and holding his shoulder as Price tries fishing the bullet out of his shoulder.

Price finishes fishing out the bullet from Ghost's shoulder and stitching him up by the time Gaz brings her the hot blade.

"Ignore any possible screaming. Girls are simply dramatic." She say as she presses the hot blade to her side and cauterizes the wound.

Gaz, Ghost, and Soap watch as she presss the hot blade against her open wound, gritting her teeth as she endures the pain. They all wince and look away, but Price nods in approval, knowing it was the best choice to stop the bleeding.

As the wound is cauterized, the pain gets a bit worse, but it's bearable and she knows she'll recover.

Ghost watches as this happens and comments through gritted teeth. "Are you insane?"

Indy's panting as she remove the blade with a wince. No more bleeding. "I believe that was on my resume, yes."

"You're a bloody maniac."

"Takes one to know one, Ghost." She grabs antibiotic cream and puts it over the burn.

She wraps up her side, feeling quite proud of the job she did in treating herself and tending to all of her wounds. Despite the pain and the sting of the wound, she knows it'll heal and eventually be fine.

Price moves on to pull out the shrapnel stuck in Ghost's leg. As always, Ghost tries to remain neutral and hide how much pain he's actually in.

"Hey, stonehedge, drink." She tosses him a mini bottle of tequila before downing her own, needing it to get through the pain of the burn.

Ghost catches it and quickly downs it, clearly needing something stronger than the bourbon from earlier to numb the pain. He lets out a small growl as he puts down the empty bottle, trying not to show too much pain as everyone else in the room looks at him.

Price is clearly struggling to stitch up the wound on Ghost's leg, causing him more pain as the struggle persists.

"... knife's still hot." Indy says off-handedly.

Everyone looks at her before Soap shakes his head. "I dunno what's worse - yer lack oof pain, or the fact that ye're not reacting at all to it."

Ghost glares at his still-bleeding leg wound, and it's easy to tell he wants something even stronger than the tequila and the bourbon he's had.

"It's the alcohol." She responds to Soap. 

"You're gonna burn through my supplies at this point." She tosses Ghost a mini bottle of Vodka.

He catches the vodka and down it pretty quickly, having to lean against the wall while he waits for the vodka to kick in. The vodka is taking effect and he's not in as much pain, although he still looks irritated and annoyed.

She holds up another mini bottle of vodka just outside his reach. "Let Price cauterize it and it's yours."

If looks could kill, Indy would have dropped dead. Ghost just glares and says nothing until Price cauterizes the wound, clenching his fist and trying not to scream at the pain.

She tosses him the vodka without another word after Price removes the hot blade.

Ghost catches the vodka and quickly opens the container, downing it in one gulp. He grits his teeth as he puts the empty container down, sighing and leaning against the wall. He looks at her for a second before asking. "Got anything stronger than this? It's barely working."

"... your funeral." She pulls out a small bottle of moonshine, knowing it doesn't get any stronger than that. "I'd recommend only drinking half of it."

He rolls his eyes, cracks the bottle open, and takes a long swig, downing the entire thing in only a few gulps before sighing and grunting at the burn.

Everyone stares as he puts the bottle down, clearly wondering if this is a bad idea. Ghost just nods and takes a deep breath, feeling much better already and getting to his feet.

After about 3 minutes, Indy starts counting down. "3... 2... 1...."

Ghost instanly loses all sense of pain but can now no longer think straight.

"Told you to only drink half of it." She says with a sigh.

Ghost is clearly drunk, his movements slow and sloppy as he tries to focus, and he laughs as he stumbles over his own feet. The others are all staring at in surprise, and Price seems to be slightly amused.

He keeps laughing and stumbles over his feet, clearly having lost all brain cells and thinking ability due to drinking so much. The whole room is filled with his laughter as he looks at the tiny empty bottle, muttering something they can barely understand through his laughter.

"He's scary when he's happy, especially after a bad mission." She says to Price, unnerved at the laughing Ghost.

Ghost stumbles over his feet again as he tries to catch his balance, before laughing and saying something again. This time they can understand him. "This is some good stuff." He slurrs.

"No shit." Indy deadpans.

He keeps laughing as he speaks. "So, what we doing now? Do we go back and shoot some more bastards? Do we wait here? What's the game plan?"

The others are all a bit stunned by Ghost's drunken behaviour, but they're also pretty amused by it. In his drunken state, he doesn't seem to be too concerned by his injuries and is just ready to kick some ass.

"Getting some sleep and advil for the headache you're gonna have in the morning." Price says seriously, knowing the Lieutenant is gonna be shit-faced.

"Nah. Sleep is for pussies. I can handle it."

The others laugh and shake their heads as Ghost continues to laugh and stumble. 

Indy gets up from her spot on the ground, wincing a bit before putting a hand on Ghost's back. "Come on, big guy. Time for bed." She says, pushing him to one of the beds.

He groans and lies on his side before falling asleep almost instantly. Everyone else slowly sits down on their own beds, although no one is quite as tired as passed out Lt.

Indy lays down on her own bed, feeling exhausted. She ended up with the bed next to Ghost but doesn't care. He'll sleep like a rock and won't bother her, expecially since he doesn't snore.

She manages to sleep for a while before she feels someone grab her arm and pull her from the bed.

"Huh?!" She panics a bit and then sees Ghost pulling her into his bed and holding her hostage in a cuddle. She tries to escape but it doesn't help that her arms and legs are trapped now and she can't really break free from his tight grasp.

The others are just laughing as they watch the two of them in Ghost's bed. Indy tries  to shift a little but he just squeezes her tighter, keeping her trapped. Ghost starts to mumble through his sleep, speaking half-coherent gibberish that make just enough sense for her to try and make out what he's saying.

"You... here... protect..." He mumbles through his sleep, pulling her close so that she's up against his body. Even drunk and mostly asleep, he seems to have a slight grip on reality and seems to know exactly what he's doing: keeping her close to him.

"Whatever you say, Ghost. Just don't throw me out of the bed when you wake up and realize your drunk self did this." Indy gives up on the struggle, not wanting him to accidentally squeeze her hard enough to agravate her injuries.

He just grunts. "... must keep... safe."

She rolls her eyes at that even though she finds him amusing. "Mhm. Just keep the bad guys away while I sleep." She grumbles, drifting off again.




In the morning, Ghost is not amused at finding a very sleepy Indy in his bed. The team assures him it was all his idea and that Indy even tried to go against it. He grumbles at himself as he stares down at the half-asleep woman.

"... you at least comfortable?"

"Mhm." Comes her lazy response, clearly not having any plans to get up and start the day for a good long while.

Ghost takes a deep breath and speaks with a slight grunt. "Alright." He stays silent for a moment before leaning over and pulling the blanket over the two of them.

"Softie." Soap teases.

"Shut up." He growls, gonig back to sleep and ignoring the rest of the team.


In case you were wondering, Soap ended up as the little spoon. The winner was decided through a game of 'rock, paper, scissors'. Comment below and let me know what you think! 

Thanks for 1k reads on my first story and almost 8k total by the time this publishes. Your're all awesome!

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