One Night Changed Everything...

By NeenaDiHope

17.8K 1.8K 963

A Wangxian Modern AU πŸ”ž In the virtual realms of online creativity, Wuxi (Wei Wuxian) thrives as a recently s... More

Author's Note
Author's Update
Author's Update


288 34 21
By NeenaDiHope

Wangji grabs his phone "I'm sending you an encrypted file, I need the number embedded, also tell the others to prepare we will be moving on the target soon." He disconnects the call and gets back to work he has a family to go home to now.

His phone rings and he is so into what he is doing he doesn't look at the caller I.D. "Hello?"

"Mr. Lan, it's Mr. Li how are you?" A pleasant voice says.

"I'm fine Mr. Li thank you for asking, I hope life finds you well, what can I do for you?" he replies cordially.

The two men have done a few projects together over the years but Wangji has always been standoffish to him since the night of the party, he just can't seem to warm up to the man and doesn't really care to if he is honest with himself. The man feels like a snake oil salesman, a shyster and Wangji stays guarded around him.

"I'm doing very well thank you, I called because I have another project I would like to discuss with you. It's a rather large project and since I am familiar with your work and I trust you and your people, I really don't feel that I can work with just anyone, therefore I think your firm is the right fit." His voice is still pleasant.

Wangji purses his lips "That sounds like something we can do, just send over the files and we will take a look at them. I will be able to give you an answer within the next five or six days."

Mr. Li chuckles "That will be fine Mr. Lan, we can discuss your trip to Shanghai once you have agreed to take on the project."

Wangji's eyes narrow "I may have to send one of my team to meet with you Mr. Li, there is a strong possibility that I won't be able to travel there personally."

Sounding concerned he says "Oh? And why is that Mr. Lan, you know that I don't feel comfortable dealing with subordinates, especially on a project of this size."

"My personal responsibilities have changed and I am not as free as I once was to travel out of town for extended periods." He explains with his normal stoic mannerisms.

Mr. Li chuckles "It sounds like you are taking on a wife Mr. Lan, if so congratulations. Maybe we can shorten the time you will need to be here to something more manageable for a newly married man."

Wangji nods "I am and thank you, Mr. Li, if you will please send over the files we can discuss the specifics once we have looked over everything."

Mr. Li grins "That sounds fine Mr. Lan, thank you in advance for your time. Have a pleasant day and I hope to hear from you soon."

They disconnect the call and Wangji waits for the files to show up, while he does his mind wonders to his family 'I wonder what they are doing now, are the babies napping? Is my beautiful wife drawing or working on one of his digital art projects?' the computer dings as the file comes in and he clicks on it to open it. He gets lost in the details of the new possible project until it's time to go home.

He walks in the door to the sweet sounds of his children calling him "Daddy! Daddy's home! Daaaddy!" the two boys come running to him with his baby girl trailing slower behind them unable to run right now.

He lowers himself down and greets the three by showering them with hugs and kisses. His smile is radiant as he meets his family after a day at the office. 'So this is what that feels like, it's going to be amazing coming home to this every day.'

Wuxi comes out of the kitchen wiping his hands on a hand towel smiling as he watches Wangji and their children. He walks up to Wangji who stands up and gives him a sweet butterfly kiss in greeting. "Hello wife, what's for dinner I'm starving." He chuckles.

"Sorry, I have always wanted to say that I have wondered what it would feel like to be able to say it." his eyes alight with happiness.

Wuxi giggles "Well how did it feel? Was it everything you dreamed it would be?" his eyes shining with love and humor.

Wangji shakes his head "It was so much better than anything my mind could ever conjure up." He kisses his lips once more then leans down and picks up AMei and grabs ATian's hand while Wuxi grabs AYuan's and they walk into the kitchen.

Wuxi smiles "We are having pork dumplings, vegetables mixed with roasted chicken on top of noodles in a mild garlic sauce and egg drop soup with crispy wonton. We can give the kids their own plates with some of the dumplings and a little of the noodles with some chicken and veggies and let them go to town while we eat with them. They like to eat on their own when it's something simple like this that they can use their hands to eat with. They also have a sippy-type cup with an oversized straw wide enough for thin soups so we will give them their soup in it." he says as they put the babies in their high chairs and put their bibs on them.

Wangji shakes his head "I never knew there were so many things for babies and toddlers to help them be independent."

Wuxi smiles humming "Mn, they get all sorts of products that are specially made for aiding them in learning independence and self-reliance. It's one of the reasons why I agreed to let them be brand ambassadors for the baby items brand was so that our children could bring awareness of these types of products to mothers who want to help teach their children to be more self-sufficient. If we don't show them they exist they might never know about them. Now sit down and let me feed you husband." He winks cheekily at him and goes to make their plates.

Wangji gets a silly grin on his face, he sits down and plays with the babies in their highchairs while he waits for his dinner. They give the babies their food first and Wangji laughs as he watches them, sure enough as soon as ATian gets his plate he squishes one of the dumplings between his fingers and puts them in his hair giggling the whole time. Wuxi clucks his tongue at his son but smiles secretly as he lets them eat and play while he and Wangji enjoy their meal.

He hums "Mn this is really good." Nodding and pointing his chopsticks at the noodles.

Wuxi smiles "It was one of the only things I could eat at the beginning and end of my pregnancy, because of its low salt content it was safe and didn't upset my stomach. This has more garlic where the noodles and rice I ate then had more ginger but the basics of the sauce are still the same."

Wangji looks pensive "Was your pregnancy difficult? I know that some people have a really hard time while pregnant, did you?"

Wuxi shrugs "It wasn't too bad at the beginning; I didn't have really bad morning sickness like some do and the middle of my pregnancy was a dream, I was very happy being pregnant but the end was difficult. My blood pressure was really high and I was bed-bound, I had to watch everything I ate, and I had horrible cravings but couldn't eat anything I was craving. Your mother and Li Qin were such a blessing to me then, they made sure I ate properly, kept an eye on my blood pressure and made sure I was as comfortable as I could be eight months pregnant with triplets. I was so big that it was hard to move around, they helped me do pretty much everything and I have to say that they were real troopers considering the things they had to help me with." He chuckles.

Wangji listens with a bit of envy that he wasn't here with him during that time "I will admit I am jealous of my mom, I wish I had been the one here with you instead. I am so grateful to both of them for taking care of you but I wish it had been me. I won't let you down when you carry our next child, I will be here for everything. I want to see your stomach swell, I want to run out and get you whatever you are craving at the time, I want to take care of you when you are sick, I want to watch our child be born and be there from their first breath of life. I missed our children being born and I will forever feel regret in my heart for that but never again will I miss the important things in our lives baobei."

Wuxi leans over and kisses him "Thank you, I too wish you had been here with me but we can't dwell on the things we cannot change we can only move forward. I want another child with you and I know you will be amazing at taking care of me while I'm pregnant this time around. Just remember the time that you weren't here with us was stolen from us, you are not to blame and you cannot keep this in your heart, if you do it will fester and grow, haunting you. I want you to be present, I want you here with us, moving together as a family. We need to let go of the past and be in the now, loving and supporting each other while raising our children. I have never blamed you for anything so stop blaming yourself and be with us now and in the future."

Wangji grabs him and pulls him into his lap causing him to give a little eep of surprise. He sits him sideways on his lap and pulls him down to his lips kissing him deeply and then hugs him tightly. "I love you Wuxi, you are everything I have ever wanted, it's like you were made just for me. Thank you for coming into my life, thank you for accepting me and thank you for loving me." He punctuates each statement with a kiss.

Wuxi takes his face between his palms and looks deep into Wangji's gorgeous golden eyes. "You are welcome, thank you because I feel the same way. I feel like you were meant to be ours. You were meant to be my husband; you were meant to be the father of my children. You and I are meant to be together; I feel it deep inside of me." He says as he wraps his arms around his neck and hugs him tightly.

They sit like that hugging each other for a few minutes before the babies ask "Want hugs and kisses too Daddy? Kiss ATian Mommy. AMei want hugs and kisses." They turn and look at the three little gremlins covered in food and laugh.

Wuxi gets up and grabs a couple of cloths and they wipe down the babies and kiss them as they clean their hands and faces making them giggle. They take off their bibs and take them to the bathroom to get them cleaned up before bed. After all of the children are clean and in their pj's they play with them, read them stories and when it's time for bed they both sit with them reading them their favorite bedtime stories until they fall asleep.

They walk back into the living room and Wangji looks at Wuxi "Will you show me some of the pictures and videos of them growing up? I spoke with Li Qin and she told me that there are all sorts of them from the time they were born until now. I want to watch our babies as they grew up, will you show them to me?"

Wuxi's eyes light up and he nods enthusiastically "Absolutely! I will give you my computer with all of their pictures and videos in files by age. Give me a minute to go get it and we can look through them." He runs off to his office quickly then comes back with it already open.

He sits down next to Wangji and curls up as he puts the computer on Wangji's lap. "Here you can just start at this file marked newborns and go from there."

They spend the next few hours looking through the files, they smile, coo, laugh, grimace and cry as they look through their children's lives from the time they were born. They only get about halfway through their first year when they call it a night.

"Baobei, will you send me these files, please? I would really like a copy so that I can look at them whenever I want or show them off to my friends and family who haven't been around them." He asks hopeful.

Wuxi beams at him "Of course I will, you are their father, you should have all of this anyway, I'm sorry I didn't think to send it to you before now."

He kisses his forehead "We have had a lot going on since we met, we are still figuring all of this out." He hugs him close and then whispers "Come on beautiful let's go to bed, we still have to try to give our children another sibling."

Wuxi playfully smacks his chest blushing hard but his insides feel giddy at his husband's words. He closes the laptop puts it on the table in front of them and takes Wangji's hand leading them both to their bedroom.

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