Do or Die, a Huskerdust Story

By Gothic_Bxbie

20.7K 583 1K

Husk didn't know what he was getting into when he was summoned to the hotel. Redemption? For sinners? It was... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three.
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Seventy Seven
Seventy Eight
Seventy Nine
Eighty One
Eighty Two
Eighty Three.
Eighty Four
Eighty Five
Eighty Six
Eighty Seven
Eighty Eight
Eighty Nine


208 7 10
By Gothic_Bxbie

Angel and Husk were sat in his bed. He opened the drawer where he usually his drugs taking out the picture he hates to love so much.

Anthony had sat at the bar with his best friend, though now that wasn't the word to describe them now. But nobody could know so that's the best lable they had.

They snuck off to the other mans apartment for the night, Anthony was far too drunk to go home alone.

Little did he know he was being followed. Not only followed but. One of his father's employees had been basically stalking him for months now. He had more than enough evidence to present to Anthony's father.

Anthony left in the morning, stopped along the way for a nice high. He kept his collar popped to hide the hickeys that littered his neck. He had to admit, there was fun in being sneaky but, he wished he didn't have to. He drove off to his apartment he shared with his older brother.

He parked his car and went into the building, he went up the stairs to his door, unlocking it and entering.

"Get your shit outta my apartment fa****!" Yelled his brother from the couch.

Anthony's jaw dropped.

"The fuck you just call me?"

"You tell me Anthony. You think dad wasn't on to your shit?!"

He raised an eyebrow.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!"  Anthony yelled. He knew his brother was right but he was going to deny it all he needed to.

His brother stood up and handed him a pile of pictures.

"That shit was in an envelope outside my door. Dad's fuckin pissed. You're lucky I was told not to kick your ass."

Anthony looked down at the photos. Then his brothers words sinked in. He  licked his teeth before smirking.

"I might be gay, but I can and will still beat ya into the next decade bitch!"

His brother lunged at him, Anthony punched his brother square in the jaw. The got into a squabble but Anthony kicked his brother in the ribs and he was down on the ground.

"Ya done?" Anthony asked with his foot on his brother's lungs.

Suddenly the landline started ringing. Anthony regretfully helped his brother up. Q

His brother stood shakily rushing to the phone and answering it.  It was their father.

"Yeah, no he just got here. Yes, okay.  Okay dad. Give me like ten minutes." Said his brother.

He grabbed his hat, his jacket and his keys.

"Meet me in the fuckin car." He yelled at his brother.


Angel had a hard time recalling the story the emotions were high. Husk reached out to Angel and he moved into the cat demon's embrace. Husk rubbed his back.

"It's okay. You don't got to tell me Angel you know that."

Angeldust nodded.

"But, I want to. We don't really know anything bout each other's life. I spent so much time running from the fact I was gay. If it wasn't for how my life was I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be stuck with that fuckin dickhead."

Husk nodded.

"As long as you're comfortable."

Angeldust laid down beside Husk who did the same. The cat demon held Angel's chin and leaned towards him. Angel pressed his lips to Husk's kissing quickly before Angel shared the rest of the story.

The two mobsters pulled up to a warehouse they knew too well. Anthony gulped.

He and his brother walked in.

His father wouldn't look at him.

There was a man in the middle of the warehouse with a black pillowcase over his head. He was tied to a chair. Anthony's father did the honors of revealing Anthony's best friend, lover, and dare he say boyfriend.

He stared at the man before him and wiped his tear away before it could fall.

"Men don't cry Tony!" The words his father would yell at him when he was as young as five, repeated in his head.

"Why ya always gotta ruin everything?!" Anthony yelled.

His father raised an eyebrow.

"You dare talk back to me?! I'm giving you a the option of not having ya brains scattered across the wall, and you dare raise your voice to me?!"

"You want this over, finish the job." His father instructed handing him a gun.

Anthony watched as the love of his life pleaded for his life through the ducktape that covered his mouth. Watching as he violently shook his head. Begging the love of his life not to kill him.

Anthony didn't even think about it. He couldn't think about it. He pulled the trigger and shot the only man in his life he's ever even felt an ounce of love for, right between his eyes.

His father handed him a bag of drugs and he and his brother went back to the apartment.

Little did his father know, Anthony and his brother both did the drug, he laced. Two of his kids died that day.

"Holy shit!" Husk gasped. He grabbed the bottle of booze he brought up with him and took a swig.

Angel chuckled.

"I still miss Corey." He sighed. "But, i honestly wouldn't ever want to be with him again." He admitted.

Husk raised an eyebrow, confused.

"Why not?" He wondered.

Angel put finger under Husk's chin and stroked it making the cat demon purr.

"For starters, I have you. Secondly I literally killed the man executioner style! What the fuck would I say?! Third it's been almost a century. So many things changed me, I'm sure he's changed to and I'm not ready for anymore people to look at me like I'm not myself.  That me is long fuckin gone."

"No it's not. I've seen the shi-"

Angel shook his head.

"No! I don't kill people because I'm fuckin told to. Ya cross me or mine ya die end of fuckin story. I'm done taking orders from anybody.  Valentino's on the top of a list and the minute I'm free. If I ever get free. He's gonna wish he never fuckin met me." Angeldust corrected.

Husk nodded showing that he understands.

He pulled Angel closer to him and Angeldust wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, and rolled on top of him.

Angel leaned his head towards Husk's who met him half way. Theyr tongues fought for dominance, Husk rolled so now he was on top of Angel.  The spider raked his finger's through Husk's fur.

Eventually they pulled away.

Husk's yawned. He checked his phone.

"It's kinda late babe." The cat noted.

Angeldust nodded. Angel handed him the picture and asked him to put it back.

Husk reached over to the drawer on the left of the bed. Angel's eyes widened.

"Husky I love you but, if you value your eyeballs i suggest you DO NOT FUCKIN OPEN THAT!" He yelled frantically.

Husk looked at Angel with his eyebrow raised. He kinda wanted to know what was in there. Then his eyes narrowed as he realized the possibilities. He retracted his hand and turned to the one on the right of the bed and opened the drawer.  He raised an eyebrow at the baggie.

"Ang? The fuck?" He asked.

Angeldust chuckled and shook his head.

"Keep ya boxers on, Charlie gave it to me. I ain't even use it yet."

"Promise?" Husk's asked.

Angeldust nodded.

"You can ask Charlie if ya don't believe me." He assured.

Husk dropped it. He had no reason not to believe him.  They two laid in Angel's bed cuddling until they fell asleep.

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