Batman ~Liam Payne Fanfic~


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This is Liam Payne FanFic- Avalon Syms never grew up with a normal life. After her father dieing and her moth... More

Batman ~OneDirection Fanfic~
~Chapter 2
~Chapter 3
~Chapter 4
~Chapter 5
~Chapter 6
~Chapter 7
~Chapter 8
~Chapter 9
~Chapter 10
~Chapter 11
~Chapter 12
~Chapter 13
~Chapter 14
~Chapter 15
~Chapter 16
~Chapter 17
~Chapter 18
~Chapter 20
~Chapter 21
~Chapter 22
~Chapter 23
~Chapter 24
~Chapter 25
~Chapter 26
~Chapter 27
~Chapter 28
~Chapter 29
~Chapter 30
~Chapter 31
~Chapter 32
~Chapter 33
~Chapter 34
~Chapter 35

~Chapter 19

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-Avalon's POV

I was getting ready for the day when my phone rung. It was an unknown number but I answered it anyway.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi, is Avalon Syms there?" The man asked.

"This is she. May I ask who is calling?" I said.

"This is Carl Falk and I am interested in giving you a record deal."

"Really? That's amazing!"

"I've worked with many English artists along with One Direction."

"Really? You see, I won this competition to be their opening act on tour this summer."

"I am aware. I was in the audience that day watching. The song 'Break' and 'radioactive' were genius and I think you'd be great."

Liam walked in the room and he mouthed," who's calling?"

I mouthed," Carl Falk!"

His face lit up along with mine.

"So if you can, I want you to stop by my studio to make this final, if you can," Carl said.

"Yeah I'm free today. Ill be there, what time?" I asked grabbing a piece of paper and pen. I held my phone with my shoulder.

"Come around 2, if that's alright?"

"Yeah that's fine. What's the address?"

"I'm a little bit out side of London, I'm in Liverpool. It's 3487 west Landon street."

"Ok thank you sir for this opportunity! And i'll be there at 2!"

"Thank you Ms. Syms for your time," he said and hung up.

I squealed in excitement and started dancing around the room. This was amazing.

"So what he say?" Erica walked in and shut the door.

"Oh he was like- wait how do you know who I was talking to?" I asked her placing my hand on my hip.

"Liam announced it to everyone and he woke me up," she told me.

"Good," I mumbled.

"What did you say? To me Erica Bosh? The girl who ruined your high school career? Who fits in and doesn't have a stupid American British mixed accent?" She was egging me on.

"What does my accent have to do with thus?" I asked.

"I don't know and I'm going to ruin the whole tour for you." She was prying me open. She knew my weaknesses. She wanted me to punch her so I looked like the bad guy.

"Erica stop. I'm stronger now. Stronger than you," I said. No tears.

"Yeah right. You crack all the time. Everyone knows this," she said. She doesn't know about my disorder.

"You can't bother me today. I've got a meeting at 2." I said brushing by her.

"Wow Avalon's getting a job! Then you can move the fuck out of this house." She sassed.

"And you would stay?" I questioned.

"Well yeah. See Niall likes me so yeah," she said.

"Yeah at least I'm in a relationship," I said before walking down stairs.


Erica's POV

Wow Avalon was such a slut. I hate her to death. She can die. Honestly, I was jealous if her and Liam's relationship but really. Yeah she was pretty but I'm beautiful. Yeah she was nice but I'm giving. Yeah she's cool but I'm perfect. More perfect that her.

She ran past me and went downstairs. She grunted when people looked at her.

"We don't have any orange juice!" I heard her scream.

"Ok who put Avalon in a bad mood?!?" Zayn yelled.

"It's that bitch upstairs! She can burn in hell!" She screamed pointing to me at the top of the stairs.

Niall ran up here. I put on a show.

"Oh Niall, I just came in to congratulate her and then out if no where she slapped me," I pretended to cry.

"Oh dear let me see, well there isn't any swelling," Niall pointed out.

"But she did do it! She hit me!" I grabbed my cheek.

"Oh ill go talk to her," Niall said running down stairs.

Ha I did it. Avalon is going down.


Avalon's POV

"Avalon, can I talk to you?" Niall said running up to me.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Just cuz'. Come with me," he said pulling me outside on the deck.

We walked out and the deck was soaking wet. It must have rained.

"Erica, do you like her?" He asked me.

"Honestly, no but I can't tell you why. It will ruin everything," I said looking away.

"Tell me," he said making me turn my head.

"I can't," I said again.

"You can tell me anything. We are best friends," he said in his girly voice.

"Ok fine. You see, Erica is the Erica. The Erica that ruined my childhood and bullied me in school. I would skip so I wouldn't have to see her all the time. And now that we all have to travel, I don't know what i'll do." I let a tear slip out.

"Liam would do the same. He would skip to avoid people too," Niall pointed out. Who would want to bully him?

"The point is, I can't do this. It will be too hard. She wants me gone and she's using you against me."

"I just have one question, did you hit her?"

"What the fuck? What made her say that? I've wanted too but I've never done it. I can't do that. She had hit me though," I pointed to a scar on my neck.

"No this isn't a hicky, it's from her. It's a mark that she left on my body. A mark that has never left me. I tell people it's a birthmark but I never will be." I started to cry.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry for accusing you." He hugged me tightly.

"I'm happy you told me." He said looking in my eyes.

We walked back inside to see everyone waiting there. They went out to buy a congratulations cake for me. They were so sweet.

"Congrats!" Louis screamed.

"Oh thank you," I was blushing. So everyone knew what happened on the phone.

"Yeah we figured you were having some kind if deal. Your song was amazing,"Harry said. That was the nicest thing he's said to me.

"Oh thanks curly fry," I blushed and gave him a hug.

Erica walked down.

"What's the cake for?" She asked.

"Me!" I gloated. I felt overpowering for once.

"Erica I'm going to ask you to leave," Niall stepped up.

"What?" She asked.

"I know what happened, and I don't appreciate liars so I'm asking you to leave," he said again.

"But Niall please let me stay! I'm homeless!" She screamed.

"No you're not now get out," I said pushing her out the door.

"But, please! Wait let me get my stuff!" She pleaded.

"Fine," I said letting her run upstairs. That's the most I've ever done for her. She came back with red puffy eyes rubbing one eye.

"Can I please stay?" She pleaded again.

"No. And the traveling with us thing is done. I don't appreciate how you're treating Avalon," Niall said.

"But," she started.

"No buts, but there are byes. Now bye bye," I said pushing her out the door and closing it.

"Oh thank god," Zayn was relieved.

"Wait why?" I asked.

"Since she came you would get so mad," he started to giggle.

"Yeah it was funny." I glared at Harry.

"No it really wasn't." He covered himself up.

"Well thanks for the cake, but I've got to leave in a couple of hours to go to Liverpool so adios!" I said running upstairs.

I finished my makeup and put on my earrings. I grabbed a small bag and put my phone and some money in it. I was wearing blue skinny jeans, a black flowy top. I had some heels and curled my hair. I was pretty casual.

Liam walked up and took off his shirt. His abs, they are my life. His tattoos too. They drive me crazy. I love them.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked him.

"With you," he said.

"You know you don't have to," I pitched in.

"Yeah but it's one of the only times to be alone before we go on tour so i'll take it," he said putting on a dressier shirt.

"Aww you're sweet. So how are we going to get there?" I asked.

"I'm driving," he said buckling his belt.

"Are you sure?" I questioned. It was almost a 4 hour drive.

"Yeah it's fine," he said putting in shoes.

"Ok," I said fixing my hair again.

"Take a picture with me," he said.

"Wait why?" I asked.

"To remember today. This is a special day," he said pulling out his phone.

"Ok, but only because I look good," I laughed.

He put his phone in front and we both smiled. Then I kissed him and he took a picture.

"Aww it's so cute!" I said squealing.

"So are you," he said before crashing his lips to mine a second time. This time for passionate. I loved him, greatly.

We pulled apart and smiled.

"You scared me," I confessed.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because, when you kiss me, the oxytocin levels in my brain go up. What if they get too high because of you," I said laughing.

"Where has smarty pants been this whole time?" He asked me surprised.

"Hiding?" I said with a high voice.

"Well she shouldn't hide. She's smart," he said. I smiled a cheesy smile and walked out the door.

We walked down stairs and noticed half the cake was gone. My eyes must have gotten big because all if the boys pointed to Niall and he smiled.

"Oh my gosh," I sighed.

"Well you've got to get going," Louis said rushing me.

"Ok ok I'm going," I laughed.

"Where are you going?" Niall asked pointing at Liam.

"With her," he said.

"Why does he get to go?" Zayn pouted.

"Because mommy and daddy need alone time," Liam said in a baby voice.

"Ok tmi," Louis said.

"Oh my gosh, there hopeless," I said.

"At least they're not as smart as you," Liam said laughing.

"Prove it," Louis said.

"Prove what?" I asked.

"That your smarter than me," he said standing up.

"Um ok what do you want to know?" I asked.

"How does America vote or whatever?" He asked. Yes this is my zone.

"Um so there are two people and they each are from a different political party. First the people go out a vote for who they want. Next the electoral college, which isn't a college, picks. Each state based on population, has a certain number of electoral votes. Who ever the people of that state vote more for, then that person gets the electoral votes. See now to win you must have 270 or more electoral votes to be president. The end," I smiled.

"Well I'm screwed. I don't even know how many Elizabeth's have been queen," Louis said. Everyone laughed.

"How'd you know that? Like off the top of your head?" Zayn asked.

"Photographic memory. I still remember notes pages I did in like grade 8, in America," I said.

"Ok just go I can't deal with this anymore," Louis said curling up on the floor.

"Ok guys, I guess i'll go," I said.

I grabbed Liam's hand and we walked out the door.


Soo how was it? Great i know!!!

This was more of a filler type chapter but I hope you still liked it!!!!

Sorry for the late updating!!!!




❤❤❤❤ you


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