Reality became unknown

Par Dokjaissilly1

277 17 1

The apocalypse has come.Choi Taemeong has lost all her humanity since the first scenario. Maybe...I thought t... Plus

Chapter one:Betrayal.
Chapter two:My sponsor.
Chapter three:Misty memories
Chapter four:Sunfish protagonist
Chapter five:Escaping the serpent
Chapter six:Lee Jihye
Chapter seven:Following the rails.
Chapter eight:The Warden of the dark
Chapter nine:Random loot box.
Chapter ten:Mass murder.

Chapter eleven:Landlords

10 1 0
Par Dokjaissilly1

Sangah continued,"He was a Monk from the Mid-Joseon Dynasty!He defended Korea during the Japanese invasion.Je won the battles of Nowonpyeong and Ugwangdog!"

I don't think I processed all of what she said.

I hate history after all.

"These are all embedded with the Monk's power."Dokja explained.

"Really?"Yop Sangah questioned.

Unnie added on,"Wow,it really is!"

Without shame,Dokja told the story,"I offered a prayer at his statue out of curiosity and the items just fell out of the sky.I believe that the great Monk Samyeomg has sent down these items to us for the future of our country,Korea.Just like how he protected it during the Japan invasion,he may have sent the relics to do the same now.Korea is pretty much under an invasion,you see."

It wasn't a believable lie.

"Oh..."Sangah hesitated,"Seeing all that's happening around us,I guess you could be right.Maybe the great Monk Samyeong could even be a constellation."


Lee hyunsung slightly bowed, "Great Monk Samyeong,sir.."

They thought it was true?

I guess they're really gullible or...maybe they just think whatever Dokja says is true.Though it mostly isn't.

Unnie looked at the robes she was gifted once again this time with a smile, "Great Monk Samyeong,was it?I'll remember that name.."

"We should get ready,we'll be in Chungmuro soon."Dokja explained.

"Thanks to Gilyoung's skill [Interspecies communication],we haven't come across any ground rats yet."Unnie stated.

"What a relief..."I muttered barely under my breath.

Dokja turned to look at us, "Don't let your guard down just yet."


[A new sub-scenario has arrived]


Alert,Dokja commanded us,"Stand back everyone."

Illusionary prison>



Clear conditions:Escape the illusionary prison within the time limit

Time limit:1Hour


Penalty for failure:???


"Illusionary prison?What could that mean?"


[Sub scenario-Illusionary prison has begun!]





"What's this?I feel sick," A voice called out.



"Everyone!Calm down,take deep breathes-."

I instinctively ran over to that man.

I didn't know who he was.

I just felt hatred in him.

No...I felt hatred in me



"You fucking coward..."

"T-Taemeong stop!"


"Shut bitch.. you motherfucker.I wish I never met you.."


"How could you kill your own sister?!"

It was at that moment,I realised I wasn't describing the person in front of me...but.


But why did I let it out on him?

Why not myself?


I didn't know why.I couldn't control my body.

"How could you watch your family die?!Why didn't you do anything?!"


Even with all the tears in my eye,hurting the man in front of me,I didn't feel any better.

It was like an itch that no matter how hard I wouldn't go away.

Before I knew it,gold threads were wrapped around my arms.

"D-dokja,are you okay?"

Who is this lady?

"Yeah,buy me some time please."

Who are all these people?



Who ..who am I?


That doesn't matter.


They ruined my life.

"Let go of me."I told them.

It was clear they had no intention of that.


"Fuck you bitches..."

Just as I was about to throw another punch,I heard someone call my name.


A little girl.

She looked oddly familiar.

Oh right.

It was the old me that actually had dreams.

A future.

"Taemeong,do you really blame anyone but you for this?"


"Face it.You killed your sister.You watched your mother commit suicide.You purposely poisoned your dad's food because you had hatred for him.You sold your 7-year-old brother for money when you were 14."


"The problem here isn't Kim Dokja.But you.So why hurt him?"





I see.

I've hurt someone I care about again.

I really have a knack for that I guess.

It's suffocating.






"Who are you people."

Who was that in the rails?

I can't really remember...


"Lee Jihye?"I called out.

"What?Choi Taemeong?"She responded


Dokja slid me off his back.

"Follow me,I'll take you to the station."

[You have entered Chungmuro.]

[Multiple channels are live]

Oh wow.

[The third main scenario is currently in progress.]

"Hey, little samurai,you've brought newbies."

"Yea-."     "Newbies?"

I stepped forward.

"Is that really what you call us?"

"Of course,people like you are fun to play with."

Oh yeah,he's drunk.




"Why'd you do that?!"

"Quit pestering us or it'll cost you your lives to even say another word."

I brought my sword to their neck.

"Ugh,fuck."   "Brats these days.."

I lowered my sword.


"Taemeong don't kill anyone here."Dokja reminded me.

"I only knocked him out...he was annoying anyways."

Lee Jihye broke our conversation,"I've done my part to help you guys out,don't want to babysit you guys...actually,Taemeong, I need to show you to master."


"We're off."

She started walking and I followed her.

"Wait,Yoo Joonghyuk is here too,right?"

Lee Jihye turned around as she heard the words

'Yoo Joonghyuk'

Fall out of Dokja's mouth.


"Who are you guys..?"

I closed her sword, "Don't."

"I'm Yoo Joonghyuk's companion who has returned alive."Dokja explained.

"A companion?I don't believe you."She scoffed.

"He'll know who I am if you ask.Where is he now?"

"Master isn't here now."

Does everyone now have a habit of lying?

"This isn't good,I have a message for him."

"...Taemeong keep an eye on them for me.I'm going to get master."

"Wait but I don't even...know this place.."

Well I guess she's off.

"Ugh,let's just go up."

Sangah put her hand up, "Um,where exactly is that?"

"Just follow me."






"Do you know what these 'rooms' are?"

"Oh,they are like safety zones.Because-."


"Get off!I found this room first!"

"No I did!"

I pointed to the two people arguing.

"You see those two,they're fighting for the room because it saves them from the monsters."


"Yea,monsters appear every night and people rely on the rooms to save them."

We stopped in front of a crowd.

"Hey,why is there such a big crowd?Behind the bathroom too.."

"We should go and look."


"Gilyoung wait!"

If only I had prevented that..


[The incarnation Lee Gilyoung has trespassed into private property]

"Who's this brat?"

Dang it,they've already seen him..

" seem to be lost.Do you know where you are right now?"

"Isn't this the bathroom?"

"The bathroom?Yeah,it used to be.But hey,little brat,where are your parents?"


"Did your parents ever tell you to not to trespass?"

[The incarnation Choi Taemeong has trespassed into private property]


"Didn't your parents ever tell you to not touch anyone without their permission?"

"You brat!I'll teach you an important lesson!"


[The stigma,Militarised Zone lvl 3,of the character Pildu Gong has been activated!]

[Pildu Gong has demanded 500 coins as a fee for trespassing]

[All turrets in the area will initiate if his demands are not met]

"Hey brats,hand over your coins."

"As if,why should I even give them to someone who's thirsty for coins?"


Dang, the turrets might fire soon.



"Oh,are you their guardians?Pay me 1000 1500 coins for her attitude."

"What?500 more coins just because I was truthful?"

"Pay me 1500 coins now or else you want to get shot."

I moved Gilyoung out of the green zone.

"Okay,do your worst I suppose."


[You have activated the skill [Objection Manipulation lvl4]!]

"Huh?W-what going on?

"Why'd the bullets stop?"

I made the bullets face the people under the Landlord.

"Do you want to risk your lives?I mean life's just a gamble y'know."

(Main character ahh moment)

Omg I made two chapters in two days😱

Help that's actually productive of me

Continuer la Lecture

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