The Otherworldly Supreme comm...

JoshNathaniel2 द्वारा

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One Day in the Modern world a young adult Named Skyler. and has a wonderful life, but unfortunately, he died... अधिक

prologue: The Encounter
Chapter 1: New World
Chapter 3: Soldiers
Chapter 4: New Home
Chapter 5: Avalon
Chapter 6: The Battle of Avalon (1)
Chapter 7: The Battle of Avalon (2)
Chapter 8: The Battle of Avalon (Final)
Chapter 9: The Rise of the Democratic of Avalon
Chapter 10: The Warrior bunny
Chapter 11: The Preparations
Chapter 12: The Battle of Dreadhold Citadel
Chapter 13: The Fall of Dreadhold Citadel

Chapter 2: Chevauchèes

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JoshNathaniel2 द्वारा

Skyler's appearance

As the first rays of dawn crept through the window, Skyler stirred from his slumber, blinking away the remnants of sleep. Rubbing his eyes, he sat up in bed, stretching his limbs as he took in his surroundings.

But as his gaze swept across the room, he froze in place, a jolt of fear coursing through him. There, in the corner of the room, stood Wilhelm, the German medic, his figure shrouded in the early morning light.

Skyler's heart pounded in his chest as he stared at the masked man, his mind racing with a thousand questions. Why was Wilhelm still standing there? Had he slept at all? And why did he seem so... menacing?

A shiver ran down Skyler's spine as he watched Wilhelm, his breath catching in his throat. Despite his best efforts to remain calm, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that washed over him like a tidal wave.

"W-Wilhelm?" Skyler stammered, his voice trembling with apprehension. "Are you... alright?"

But Wilhelm remained silent, his gaze fixed on some unseen point in the distance. There was something unnerving about his stillness, his presence casting a pall over the room that seemed to suffocate Skyler with every passing moment.

Unable to bear the tension any longer, Skyler mustered his courage and spoke again, his voice barely above a whisper. "Wilhelm, what are you doing? Why are you still standing there?"

At the sound of Skyler's voice, Wilhelm snapped out of his reverie, turning to face him with a start. For a moment, there was a flicker of surprise in his eyes, as if he had been lost in thought and only just realized where he was.

"Apologies, mein Fühere," Wilhelm said, his voice tinged with regret. "I did not mean to startle you. I... I simply could not sleep."

Skyler's fear began to ebb slightly at Wilhelm's words, replaced by a sense of concern. "Is everything alright?" he asked tentatively, his eyes searching Wilhelm's masked face for any sign of distress.

But Wilhelm offered him a reassuring smile, his gaze warm behind the mask. "Yes, yes, everything is fine," he replied, his voice steady and reassuring. "I simply have a lot on my mind, that's all. But fear not, mein Fühere. I will not disturb your rest any longer."

With that, Wilhelm turned to leave the room, his footsteps echoing softly in the stillness of the morning. And as Skyler watched him go, a sense of relief washed over him, knowing that despite the mysteriousness of his companion, Wilhelm was still a friend he could trust.

Skyler's voice trembled slightly as he spoke up, mustering the courage to address Wilhelm directly.

"Wilhelm," he began, his tone firm but respectful. "I appreciate your concern, but... please, don't call me 'mein Fühere.' It makes me uncomfortable. I have a name, and I would prefer if you used it."

There was a moment of silence as Wilhelm absorbed Skyler's words, his expression hidden behind the mask. Then, slowly, he nodded in understanding.

"Of course, Skyler," he replied, his voice gentle. "I meant no offense. I will respect your wishes."

Skyler breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that Wilhelm had taken his request in stride. With that small hurdle overcome, he felt a renewed sense of camaraderie between them, a bond strengthened by their mutual understanding and respect for one another.

"Thank you, Wilhelm," Skyler said sincerely, offering his companion a small smile. "I appreciate your understanding."

Wilhelm returned the smile, his eyes crinkling in the corners beneath the mask. "You are welcome, Skyler," he replied warmly. "Now, shall we greet the day together?"

With that, the tension in the room dissipated, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect. As Skyler and Wilhelm prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, they knew that they would do so as equals, bound together by friendship and trust. And with each step they took forward, they moved closer to uncovering the mysteries that awaited them in the world beyond.

Stepping outside into the crisp morning air, Skyler couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the village bathed in the soft light of dawn. The quaint cottages nestled among the rolling hills, the winding streets lined with blossoming flowers, and the distant sound of birdsong all combined to create a scene straight out of a storybook.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Skyler remarked, turning to Wilhelm with a smile. "I never imagined such a peaceful place existed."

Wilhelm nodded in agreement, his gaze sweeping over the village with quiet appreciation. "Indeed," he replied, his voice filled with reverence. "There is a certain tranquility here that is rare to find in this world."

Together, they strolled through the village streets, taking in the sights and sounds of the morning. Villagers bustled about their daily routines, greeting one another with warm smiles and cheerful chatter. Children laughed and played in the streets, their voices ringing out like bells in the stillness of the morning.

As they walked, Skyler felt a sense of gratitude wash over him, grateful for the chance to experience this moment of peace and serenity amidst the chaos of their journey. And as he glanced over at Wilhelm, he knew that he wasn't alone-that they were in this together, bound by friendship and a shared sense of purpose.

With each step they took, they moved closer to unraveling the mysteries that lay ahead, knowing that whatever challenges awaited them, they would face them with courage and determination. And as they journeyed forward into the unknown, they did so with the knowledge that they were not just travelers passing through, but integral parts of the tapestry of life in the village they now called home.

As Skyler gazed out over the village, a sense of wonder and excitement bubbled up inside him. The possibilities stretched out before him like an open road, each new day promising adventure and discovery.

"New world, new life," he murmured to himself, the words carrying a weight of meaning as he contemplated the journey that lay ahead. Gone were the familiar streets of his old life, replaced now by the winding paths of this mysterious village and the vast expanse of the world beyond.

But despite the uncertainty of what lay ahead, Skyler felt a surge of optimism coursing through him. Here, in this tranquil village nestled among the hills, he had found a sense of belonging he had never known before. And with Wilhelm by his side, he knew that he was ready to embrace whatever challenges the future held.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Skyler turned to face the day, his heart brimming with hope and anticipation. Whatever adventures awaited him in this new world, he was ready to meet them head-on, guided by the strength of his convictions and the bonds of friendship that bound him to his newfound home. And as he took his first steps forward into the unknown, he did so with a sense of joy and wonder, eager to discover what wonders awaited him on this grand journey of life.
Day by day, Skyler immersed himself in the rhythms of village life, eager to lend a helping hand wherever he could. Whether it was repairing a leaky roof, tending to the crops in the fields, or caring for the peculiar animals that roamed the outskirts of the village, he threw himself into each task with enthusiasm and determination.

As he worked alongside the villagers, he found himself embraced by their warmth and hospitality, welcomed into their community as one of their own. And though his face remained hidden behind bandages, his spirit shone through, brightening the lives of those around him with his kindness and generosity.

But amidst the hustle and bustle of village life, there were moments of levity and laughter, as Skyler found himself the object of attention from the female villagers. With their flirtatious smiles and playful banter, they teased him mercilessly, causing him to blush beneath his bandages as he tried to maintain his composure.

In one particularly amusing scene, a group of giggling girls waved enthusiastically at Skyler as he passed by, their eyes twinkling with mischief. "He's so handsome!" one of them whispered to her friend, causing Skyler's cheeks to flush crimson with embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Wilhelm dedicated himself to his own tasks, using his skills as a medic to tend to the villagers' injuries and ailments. With his gentle touch and compassionate nature, he quickly earned the trust and admiration of those around him, becoming a pillar of strength and support in their time of need.

Together, Skyler and Wilhelm formed an unlikely duo, their unique talents complementing one another as they worked tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of those around them. And as they continued to navigate the challenges of their new world, they found solace in the bonds of friendship and camaraderie that had formed between them, knowing that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, side by side.

As the days turned into weeks, Skyler found himself growing increasingly weary from the constant demands of village life. His days were filled with backbreaking labor as he toiled under the hot sun, repairing roofs, tending to crops, and caring for the village's myriad of animals. Despite his best efforts, exhaustion began to take its toll, leaving him drained both physically and mentally.

Meanwhile, Wilhelm seemed unaffected by the passage of time, his demeanor unchanged as he went about his duties with calm efficiency. While Skyler struggled to keep up with the relentless pace of village life, Wilhelm appeared to possess an endless reservoir of energy, his tireless efforts never faltering.

As Skyler collapsed onto his bed at the end of another long day, he couldn't help but feel a pang of envy towards his companion. While he wrestled with fatigue and sore muscles, Wilhelm lounged nearby, seemingly immune to the hardships that plagued Skyler's every waking moment.

Despite his exhaustion, Skyler pushed himself to continue, determined to fulfill his duties and make a difference in the lives of the villagers who had welcomed him with open arms. And though the days stretched on endlessly, he found solace in the knowledge that he was not alone-that Wilhelm stood beside him, ready to offer his support and guidance whenever needed.

And so, as another week passed and the cycle of village life continued unabated, Skyler resolved to persevere, drawing strength from the bonds of friendship that had formed between him and Wilhelm. For no matter how weary he may grow, he knew that as long as they faced the challenges of their new world together, they would emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.
As the golden hues of the setting sun painted the sky in brilliant shades of orange and pink, Skyler and Wilhelm found themselves perched atop a grassy hill overlooking the village below. The hustle and bustle of the day had faded into the background, replaced now by a sense of tranquility as they watched the world around them begin to slow its frenetic pace.

The air was filled with the soft chirping of crickets and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze, a soothing symphony that enveloped them in a blanket of serenity. For a moment, all was still, as they sat side by side, lost in the beauty of the moment.

Skyler sighed contentedly, the weight of the day's burdens lifting from his shoulders as he took in the breathtaking vista before him. The village lay spread out below, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, its rooftops aglow with the last remnants of daylight.

Beside him, Wilhelm remained silent, his gaze fixed on the horizon with a serene expression on his masked face. Though they had faced many challenges together in the weeks since their arrival, moments like these served as a reminder of the simple joys that made life worth living.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Skyler felt a sense of peace wash over him. In the quiet stillness of the evening, he found solace in the company of his companion, knowing that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, united by the bonds of friendship and shared experiences.

And as the last rays of sunlight faded into the darkness of night, Skyler and Wilhelm remained on the hilltop, watching over the village as it settled into slumber, their hearts full and their spirits renewed by the beauty of the moment.
As they sat together at the dinner table, Skyler couldn't help but notice that Wilhelm had barely touched his food. Concern flickered in Skyler's eyes as he glanced at his companion, a question forming on his lips.

"Why aren't you eating, Wilhelm?" Skyler asked, his voice laced with worry. "Are you feeling alright?"

Wilhelm looked up from his plate, his expression unreadable behind the mask. "I do not feel hungry," he replied simply, his voice calm and measured.

But Skyler couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Ever since Wilhelm had first been summoned, there had been a lingering sense of unease surrounding him-a sense that he was not quite like the other villagers, that there was something different about him.

Skyler recalled how Wilhelm never seemed to tire, how he rarely slept, and now, how he showed no interest in food. It was as if he existed outside the realm of human needs, his behavior defying explanation.

Determined to uncover the truth, Skyler reached out a hand towards Wilhelm's gas mask, his curiosity getting the better of him. But before he could make contact, he was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Aiden, the teenage mage who had befriended them upon their arrival in the village.

"Is everything alright?" Aiden asked, his brow furrowed with concern as he took in the scene before him.

Skyler quickly withdrew his hand, shooting a reassuring smile at Aiden. "Yes, everything's fine," he replied, though his mind was still reeling with questions.

As Aiden took his seat at the table, the conversation shifted to lighter topics, and Skyler pushed aside his concerns for the time being. But deep down, he knew that the mystery of Wilhelm's true nature would continue to nag at him, lingering in the back of his mind like a shadow waiting to be illuminated by the light of truth.

As they sat around the table, the conversation turned to lighter topics, and Skyler found himself engaged in a lively chat with Aiden. The teenage mage, with his bright eyes and infectious enthusiasm, proved to be a captivating conversationalist, and Skyler soon found himself drawn into the discussion.

"So, Skyler," Aiden began, his voice animated. "Tell me more about where you come from. What was it like?"

Skyler smiled, grateful for the opportunity to share a piece of his past with his new friend. "Well, it's quite different from here," he replied, his words tinged with nostalgia. "I come from a bustling city, filled with towering skyscrapers and busy streets. Life there was fast-paced and hectic, always rushing from one place to the next."

Aiden listened intently, hanging on Skyler's every word as he painted a vivid picture of his former home. "It sounds fascinating," Aiden remarked, his eyes shining with curiosity. "I've always wondered what life is like beyond the borders of our village."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, touching on topics ranging from their favorite foods to their most cherished memories. Despite their differences in background and experience, Skyler and Aiden found common ground in their shared sense of adventure and curiosity about the world around them.

As the evening wore on, the bond between them grew stronger, forged through laughter and shared stories. And as they finally bid each other goodnight and retired to their respective rooms, Skyler couldn't help but feel grateful for the new friendship he had found in Aiden-a friendship that he knew would only continue to blossom in the days and weeks to come.
The following day dawned bright and clear, and Skyler and Aiden found themselves once again at the heart of village life. As they worked side by side, their conversation picked up where it had left off the night before, flowing effortlessly from one topic to the next.

"So, Aiden," Skyler began, wiping sweat from his brow as they tended to the crops in the fields. "Tell me more about your life here in the village. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?"

Aiden grinned, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "Oh, there's so much to do!" he exclaimed. "I love spending time in the library, pouring over ancient tomes and learning about the history of our world. And when I'm not studying, you can usually find me practicing my magic or exploring the forest with my friends."

Skyler nodded, impressed by Aiden's passion for learning and adventure. "That sounds amazing," he remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice. "I've always been fascinated by magic, but I never had the opportunity to learn it myself."

Aiden chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Well, you're in luck," he replied. "I'd be happy to teach you a thing or two if you're interested. Who knows? Maybe you have a hidden talent just waiting to be discovered."

Skyler's eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect, the idea of delving into the world of magic filling him with a sense of wonder. "I would love that," he said eagerly. "Thank you, Aiden. I can't wait to see what we can accomplish together."

And with that, their conversation continued long into the afternoon, as they worked tirelessly under the sun, their friendship growing stronger with each passing moment. As the day drew to a close and the sun dipped below the horizon once more, Skyler couldn't help but feel grateful for the new friendship he had found in Aiden-a friendship that he knew would enrich his life in ways he had never imagined possible.
As the guard stood watch atop the wooden watchtower, his keen eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of trouble, he noticed a disturbance in the distance. Squinting against the glare of the sun, he strained to make out the figures approaching across the grasslands.

To his horror, he saw a formidable army of armored soldiers, their leather armor gleaming in the sunlight as they rode towards the village with a sense of purpose. Their banners, a vivid shade of orange, fluttered in the breeze, signaling their allegiance to a faction that the guard recognized all too well.

Fear gripped his heart as he realized the danger that was approaching. These soldiers were not allies-they were enemies, intent on bringing destruction and chaos to the peaceful village below.

His instincts kicking into overdrive, the guard sounded the alarm, ringing the warning bell with all his might. The villagers below scrambled into action, their faces pale with fear as they realized the imminent threat that loomed on the horizon.

But even as they prepared to defend their homes and loved ones, a barrage of fire arrows rained down from the sky, setting buildings ablaze and sending plumes of smoke billowing into the air. Panic erupted among the villagers as they fled for cover, their once peaceful village now transformed into a battlefield in the blink of an eye.

As chaos reigned and the sound of battle echoed across the countryside, the guard knew that they faced a formidable foe-one that would stop at nothing to achieve their nefarious goals. With grim determination, he braced himself for the fight ahead, ready to defend his home and his people against the forces of darkness that threatened to consume them.
As the fire arrows continued to rain down upon the village, chaos erupted in the streets below. Skyler's heart raced as he heard the distant sounds of screams and clashes of steel, his mind struggling to comprehend the sudden turn of events.

Rushing outside, he climbed to the top of a grassy hill overlooking the village, his eyes widening in shock at the scene unfolding before him. Riders clad in orange leather armor surged through the streets, their swords flashing in the sunlight as they mercilessly cut down anyone who crossed their path.

It was a scene of utter devastation-the peaceful village he had come to know and love now reduced to a battleground, its streets running red with blood and its buildings consumed by flames.

Skyler's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. He had heard of raids like this before-chevauchées, ruthless attacks launched by enemy forces with the aim of sowing terror and destruction among the civilian population.

But never in his wildest nightmares had he imagined that he would witness such horror firsthand. His stomach churned with nausea as he watched helplessly from the hilltop, his hands clenched into fists at his sides as he fought back tears of rage and despair.

In that moment, Skyler knew that he had to act. Though he may not have been a warrior or a mage, he refused to stand idly by while innocent lives were lost and his newfound home was torn apart before his very eyes.

With determination burning in his heart, Skyler made a silent vow to himself-he would do whatever it took to protect the village and its people, even if it meant risking his own life in the process. And with that resolve firm in his mind, he prepared to join the fray, ready to confront the enemy and fight for the survival of all he held dear.

With a sense of urgency fueling his every move, Skyler rushed back into the house, his heart pounding in his chest as he frantically searched through his belongings. His hands shook as he rummaged through his bag

As Skyler rummaged through his bag in search of his wooden figures, his heart pounded with urgency. He knew that time was of the essence, and he needed to act quickly if he hoped to make a difference in the chaos unfolding below.

With a sense of relief, he finally found what he was looking for-the wooden figures that contained the power to summon his army. Quickly inspecting them to ensure that they were intact, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that they were all present and accounted for.

But as he was about to close his bag, something caught his eye-an object nestled among the wooden figures that he hadn't noticed before. Curious, he reached out and pulled it from the depths of the bag, his fingers wrapping around cold metal and shape like "L"

To his surprise, he found himself holding a sleek black pistol-a Luger, its design elegant yet deadly. Skyler's eyes widened in astonishment as he realized that he had been carrying a weapon with him all along, completely unaware of its presence.

For a moment, he hesitated, unsure of what to do with the pistol. He had never been a fan of firearms, preferring to rely on his own abilities and the powers granted to him by Zee Captain. But in the face of the impending danger, he knew that he couldn't afford to be unprepared.

With a determined nod, Skyler tucked the pistol into his belt, the weight of it a tangible reminder of the gravity of the situation. He may not have been a soldier or a warrior, but he was determined to do whatever it took to protect the village and its people, even if it meant stepping out of his comfort zone and embracing the role of a hero. And with that resolve firm in his heart, he prepared to join the fight, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and determination.
Amidst the chaos and bloodshed that engulfed the village, Aiden's father, a retired knight with a heart of steel, fought valiantly against the enemy soldiers. Despite the arrow embedded in his shoulder, he refused to yield, his sword flashing in the sunlight as he struck down his foes with skill and determination.

Beside him, Aiden stood tall, his young face set in a mask of grim determination as he wielded his magic against the enemy onslaught. With each incantation, bursts of arcane energy erupted from his staff, sending enemy soldiers flying and providing cover for the villagers to escape to safety.

But amidst the cacophony of battle, tragedy struck-a child's cries pierced the air as they clung to their lifeless mother, the victim of a senseless act of violence. Aiden's heart clenched with anguish as he rushed to their side, his magic crackling around him as he formed a protective barrier against the enemy's advance.

With tears streaming down his cheeks, Aiden whispered words of comfort to the terrified child, promising to keep them safe no matter the cost. Though his heart ached with grief for the fallen, he knew that he could not falter in his duty to protect the innocent and defend his home against the forces of darkness that sought to destroy it.

With his father at his side and his magic at his command, Aiden stood as a beacon of hope amidst the chaos, a steadfast defender of all that he held dear. And as he faced down the enemy soldiers with unwavering resolve, he knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, he would fight to the very end to ensure that light triumphed over darkness and that peace would one day return to the shattered remnants of their once peaceful village.

As the battle raged on, Simon Fairwind, his resolve unyielding despite the pain of his injuries, continued to fend off the enemy soldiers with a fierce determination. With each swing of his sword, he struck down his foes with precision and skill, his years of training as a knight serving him well in the heat of combat.

But as he fought, his attention was drawn to a new arrival on the battlefield-a knight clad in gleaming armor, a horn adorning his helmet and an orange cape billowing behind him. Riding atop a powerful steed, the knight cut an imposing figure as he led a contingent of orange-clad soldiers into battle.

As the knight approached, Simon lowered his sword, his brow furrowing in recognition. Though it had been many years since he had laid eyes upon the knight before him, he could never forget the face of his former comrade-in-arms-Sir Roland, a once trusted ally turned bitter enemy.

With a grim determination, Simon stepped forward to meet Sir Roland, his grip tightening on his sword hilt as he prepared to face his former friend in battle once more. Though their paths had diverged long ago, fate had now brought them together on the field of war, and Simon knew that only one of them would emerge victorious from the deadly confrontation that lay ahead.

As Sir Roland and his soldiers approached, Simon's voice rang out across the battlefield, laced with bitterness and anger.

"Roland!" he called out, his tone sharp and accusatory. "You traitor! You coward! How dare you show your face here after all you've done!"

Sir Roland's expression remained stoic as he drew rein, meeting Simon's gaze with a steely resolve of his own. "Ah, Simon Fairwind," he replied, his voice calm and measured. "It has been too long."

Simon spat on the ground, his contempt for his former comrade evident in every word. "Save your pleasantries, Roland," he growled. "I know what you are-a turncoat who betrayed his kingdom for the promise of power and wealth. Tell me, why did you join forces with these fiends? What could they possibly offer you that was worth forsaking everything you once stood for?"

Sir Roland's gaze hardened at Simon's accusations, but he remained composed. "You speak of loyalty and honor, yet you fail to see the bigger picture," he replied. "The Redderian Empire offers us power and protection-things that our own kingdom could not provide. Why cling to a sinking ship when we can join forces with those who have the strength to conquer all who oppose them?"

Simon's eyes narrowed at Sir Roland's words, his grip tightening on his sword hilt. "Strength at the expense of our principles is no strength at all," he retorted. "You may have chosen to abandon your honor, but I will never stoop so low. I will fight to the end to protect what is right and just, even if it means facing you in battle."

With that, Simon raised his sword, his resolve unwavering as he prepared to face Sir Roland and his soldiers in combat. Though their friendship had long since turned to enmity, Simon knew that he could not falter in his duty to defend his home and his people against the forces of darkness that threatened to consume them.

Sir Roland's laughter echoed across the battlefield, a cruel sound that cut through the chaos like a knife. "Old and weak, just as I expected," he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain as he surveyed Simon's battle-worn form.

Simon bristled at the insult, his jaw clenched with anger as he fought to suppress the pain of his injuries. Though he may have been older and more weathered than he once was, his spirit remained unbroken, his determination as fierce as ever.

"You may mock me for my age and my injuries," Simon replied, his voice steady despite the pain that seared through his body, "but know this-I may not be as young or as strong as I once was, but I will never falter in my resolve to stand against tyranny and injustice. Unlike you, Roland, I still possess something that you will never understand-true honor and courage."

Sir Roland's expression darkened at Simon's words, his laughter fading into a scowl of hatred and contempt. "You may talk of honor and courage, old friend," he spat, "but your words mean nothing in the face of our inevitable victory. You and your pathetic resistance are nothing more than a nuisance-a mere obstacle to be swept aside on our path to glory."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Sir Roland signaled to his soldiers, his gaze never leaving Simon's defiant stare. "Enough talk," he declared coldly. "It is time to finish this once and for all. Prepare to meet your end, Simon Fairwind, for today shall mark the end of your futile resistance."

As Sir Roland and his soldiers advanced, Simon braced himself for the coming onslaught, his grip tightening on his sword as he prepared to face his former friend and his newfound enemies with courage and determination. Though the odds may have been stacked against him, he knew that he would fight to the very end to defend all that he held dear, even if it meant facing his own demise in the process.

As Sir Roland and Simon clashed swords in a furious exchange of blows, it quickly became apparent that Simon was outmatched. Despite his valiant efforts, the weight of his injuries and the years of wear and tear upon his body had taken their toll, leaving him at a distinct disadvantage against his former comrade-in-arms.

With each strike of Sir Roland's blade, Simon felt the searing pain of his wounds flare to life, his strength waning with every passing moment. Desperate to hold his ground, he fought on with a grim determination, his sword arm trembling with the effort of each swing.

But as the battle raged on, it became increasingly clear that Simon's strength was failing him. His movements grew sluggish, his defenses faltering under the relentless assault of Sir Roland's onslaught. With a final, decisive blow, Sir Roland knocked Simon's sword from his grasp, sending it clattering to the ground as Simon stumbled backwards, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

Falling to one knee, Simon fought to stay upright, his vision swimming as he struggled to focus through the haze of pain and exhaustion. Across from him, Sir Roland stood tall and triumphant, a cruel smirk playing upon his lips as he looked down upon his fallen foe.

"Pathetic," he sneered, his voice filled with contempt as he watched Simon struggle to rise. "Is this the best you can muster, Fairwind? You were once a knight of valor and honor, but now you are nothing more than a broken old man, clinging to the fading embers of a long-dead legacy."

With a derisive laugh, Sir Roland turned his back on Simon, leaving him to his fate as he strode away to join the victorious ranks of his soldiers. Alone and defeated, Simon could only watch helplessly as his former friend disappeared into the chaos of battle, his heart heavy with the bitter taste of defeat and betrayal.

As Sir Roland's soldier stepped forward, raising his sword high in preparation to deliver the final blow, Simon closed his eyes and smiled, resigned to his fate. In the distance, he heard the anguished cry of his son, Aiden, his heart heavy with sorrow at the thought of leaving him behind.

But just as the soldier's blade began its descent-

a sudden loud noise echoed through the air, causing everyone to freeze in shock. Sir Roland whirled around, his eyes widening in surprise as he beheld the sight before him-the soldier who had been poised to execute Simon now lay lifeless on the ground, a gaping hole in his head.

With smoke still curling from the barrel of the pistol in his hand, Skyler stood tall amidst the chaos, his expression a mixture of disbelief and determination. He could scarcely believe what he had just done-fired a shot directly into the enemy soldier's head, saving Simon from certain death.

For a moment, silence hung heavy in the air as everyone processed the sudden turn of events. Then, chaos erupted once more as Sir Roland's soldiers scrambled to react, their leader's eyes burning with fury as he turned his wrath upon the unexpected assailant.

But Skyler stood his ground, his grip steady on the pistol as he met Sir Roland's gaze with unwavering resolve. Though fear threatened to consume him, he knew that he could not falter in the face of such overwhelming odds-not when the lives of his newfound friends and the fate of the village hung in the balance.

With a defiant glare, Skyler prepared to face whatever came his way, determined to stand against the forces of darkness and protect those he had come to care for, no matter the cost. And as he braced himself for the coming storm, he knew that he would do whatever it took to ensure that justice prevailed and that evil was vanquished from their midst once and for all.

"Who on earth suppose to be?" Sir Roland ask to Skyler who is Nervous.

Skyler swallowed hard, his nerves threatening to betray him as he faced the imposing figure of Sir Roland. Despite his fear, he squared his shoulders and met Sir Roland's gaze with as much determination as he could muster.

"I-I'm just a traveler," Skyler stammered, his voice trembling slightly. "I-I saw what was happening and I couldn't just stand by and do nothing. I had to... I had to help."

Sir Roland's eyes narrowed as he studied Skyler, his expression unreadable. "A traveler, you say?" he mused, his tone laced with skepticism. "And yet you possess a weapon unlike any I have ever seen-a weapon capable of striking down my soldiers with ease. Tell me, traveler, where did you acquire such a weapon? And what business do you have meddling in the affairs of this village?"

Skyler's mind raced as he searched for a plausible explanation, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that revealing the truth about his origins and his encounter with Zee Captain would only raise more questions and suspicions. Desperate to deflect Sir Roland's scrutiny, he scrambled to come up with a convincing cover story.

"I-I found it," he replied hastily, his words tumbling out in a nervous rush. "In the forest, I mean. It was just lying there, and... and I thought it might come in handy, so I... I picked it up."

Sir Roland regarded Skyler with a skeptical gaze, but after a moment, he seemed to accept the explanation, albeit begrudgingly. "Very well," he conceded, his voice tinged with suspicion. "But know this, traveler-if you seek to interfere in our affairs again, there will be consequences. This village belongs to the Orangoria Kingdom now, and we will not tolerate any further acts of defiance."

As Skyler attempted to assert his authority, his heart raced with a mixture of fear and determination. His voice trembled slightly as he addressed Sir Roland and his soldiers, his words carrying an undercurrent of urgency.

"Hey!...If you don't leave this village," he declared, trying to sound more confident than he felt, "there will be consequences. More bloodshed will follow, and you will bear the responsibility for every innocent life lost."

Sir Roland and his soldiers exchanged incredulous glances, their faces twisted with amusement at Skyler's bold proclamation. The laughter that followed cut through the tense silence like a knife, mocking and derisive.

"Hahahahahaha," Sir Roland chuckled, his voice dripping with scorn. "You, and what army?"

Unsure of how to respond, Skyler hesitated for a moment before reaching into his bag and producing the wooden figures he had summoned earlier. Holding them up for Sir Roland to see, he tried to maintain his composure despite the rising tide of embarrassment.

"Uhh...this army?" he offered weakly, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as Sir Roland and his soldiers erupted into even more laughter.

Meanwhile, Aiden watched on, confusion evident in his expression as he tried to make sense of Skyler's actions. Though he respected his friend's bravery, he couldn't help but feel a pang of concern at the sight of Skyler standing there, seemingly defenseless in the face of Sir Roland's mockery.

As the laughter continued to ring out around them, Skyler couldn't help but feel a sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach. Even though he possessed the power to summon an army, he knew that his wooden figurines were no match for the fully armed soldiers before him. In that moment, he couldn't help but feel acutely aware of his own vulnerability, his bravado crumbling in the face of harsh reality.

Skyler's heart pounded in his chest as he attempted to stand his ground in the face of Sir Roland's mocking laughter. Though his hands trembled with nervousness, he held up the wooden figures, hoping to convey a sense of strength and determination despite the odds stacked against him.

"You think this is a joke?" Sir Roland scoffed, his laughter ringing out across the village square. "A few wooden toys are no match for the might of the Orangoria Kingdom! You're nothing but a foolish child, playing at being a hero."

With a deep breath, Skyler closed his eyes and steadied himself, inhaling and exhaling slowly as he prepared to put his plan into action. "Let's see about that," he muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with determination.

In one swift motion, he hurled 10 wooden figure soldiers into the air, their shapes soaring through the sky before cascading towards the ground below. As they fell, Skyler's eyes caught sight of a symbol etched underneath each figure-a number 5.

Recalling Zee Captain's instructions on summoning his army, Skyler realized the significance of the number. Each figure represented a soldier he could summon, and the number beneath indicated the maximum quantity he could bring forth at once.

Returning to the present, a brilliant flash of blue and purple light enveloped the area as the wooden figures made contact with the ground. Startled cries filled the air as everyone shielded their eyes from the blinding radiance, unsure of what to expect.

As the light began to fade, Skyler and the others blinked away the remnants of the glare, their gazes drawn to the spot where the wooden figures had landed. To their astonishment, the figures had transformed, morphing into human-sized entities unlike anything they had ever seen before.

Standing tall behind Skyler was a 50 figure clad in the uniform of a World War I-era German rifleman, his form obscured by the iconic gas mask and trench coat of the period. His presence was both eerie and awe-inspiring, a testament to Skyler's newfound ability to summon beings from another time and place.

For a moment, silence reigned as Skyler and the onlookers processed the incredible sight before them. Skyler's heart raced with a mixture of disbelief and excitement, his mind racing with possibilities for the future.

But amid the wonder and amazement, a sense of uncertainty lingered. Skyler had not anticipated the full extent of his newfound power, and the sight of the summoned soldier filled him with a mixture of awe and apprehension. As he gazed upon the enigmatic figure standing before him, he couldn't help but wonder what other surprises lay in store as he navigated this strange and perilous new world.

Sir Roland's murmurs of surprise echoed through the tense silence as he observed Skyler and his summoned soldier with a mixture of astonishment and apprehension. The revelation that Skyler was a Summoner-a being with the rare ability to conjure creatures from another realm-sent shockwaves through the gathered crowd.

"This guy... he's a Summoner," Sir Roland muttered in disbelief, his voice barely above a whisper. "But that's impossible. Summoners are incredibly rare, and even the mightiest kingdoms and empires have only ever known a handful of them. And yet... this one can summon 50 creatures? And he can summon humans?"

The realization sent a chill down Sir Roland's spine as he grappled with the implications of Skyler's abilities. Summoners were often feared and mistrusted, their powers shrouded in mystery and superstition. But a Summoner who could command such a vast army of creatures, and even summon human beings, was unlike anything he had ever encountered before.

As the gravity of the situation sank in, Sir Roland exchanged uneasy glances with his fellow soldiers, their faces pale with trepidation. If Skyler's abilities were as formidable as they appeared to be, then he posed a significant threat to their plans for conquest.

But amid the uncertainty and fear, a spark of curiosity flickered in Sir Roland's eyes. There was more to Skyler than met the eye, he was sure of it. And if they could unlock the secrets of his power, they might just gain the upper hand in the brewing conflict between their kingdoms.

With a steely resolve, Sir Roland made a silent vow to uncover the truth behind Skyler's extraordinary abilities, whatever the cost. For in a world where Summoners were both revered and reviled, knowledge was power-and Sir Roland intended to wield it to his advantage.

As Sir Roland barked his orders, commanding his Orangoria soldiers to attack, a wave of apprehension washed over Skyler and his summoned soldiers. They stood outnumbered and outmatched, facing an onslaught of foes whose numbers seemed endless.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Skyler scanned the horizon, taking in the sight of the advancing Orangoria soldiers. Clad in the distinctive orange uniforms of their kingdom, they bore down upon him with weapons drawn and faces twisted with determination.

"Whatever he is, they still outnumber us," Sir Roland's voice rang out, filled with a chilling confidence. "Everyone, attack! Bring me his head!"

With a roar, the Orangoria soldiers charged forward, their ranks closing in on Skyler and his small band of summoned soldiers. Panic surged through Skyler's veins as he struggled to formulate a plan of defense. He had no knowledge of military strategy, no understanding of the tactics required to fend off such a formidable force.

Frantically wracking his brain for a solution, Skyler's thoughts turned to the Napoleonic Wars, the only reference point he had for warfare. Remembering the square formation employed by British infantry to withstand cavalry charges, he seized upon the idea as his best chance at survival.

"Aah...uuhh...square formation! Square formation!" he commanded frantically, his voice trembling with urgency as he attempted to rally his troops.

With a swift and practiced efficiency, the German soldiers responded to Skyler's command, swiftly forming a tight square formation with Skyler, Aiden, and Simon at its center. Their ranks closed in around them, shields locked together and weapons at the ready, creating an impenetrable barrier against the oncoming onslaught.

As the Orangoria soldiers drew nearer, their formidable presence casting a shadow over the battlefield, Skyler's mind raced with thoughts of strategy and survival. With no time to spare, he issued his command to the waiting German soldiers, their discipline and determination evident in their steadfast readiness.

"Make ready!"

In response, the German soldiers swiftly raised their action bolt rifles, their movements precise and coordinated as they prepared to unleash a volley of deadly firepower upon their approaching foes.


With practiced efficiency, the German soldiers took aim, their sights trained on the advancing ranks of Orangoria soldiers. Tension crackled in the air as they waited for the perfect moment to unleash their devastating attack.

And then, as the Orangoria soldiers drew dangerously close, Skyler gave the final order, his voice ringing out with unwavering resolve.


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