Autorstwa Aisflaunt

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1091 - Arabia Retreats in Defeat!
C1091 - Arabia Retreats in Defeat!
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Chapter 1091: Arabia Retreats in Defeat!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

"Retreat! All generals, cover the retreat! Everyone, disperse and fall back as quickly as possible! Don't let yourself get held down!"

After shouting in panicked Arabic, the Brigadier General of the Blood Beast Army flourished his scimitar and charged at Wang Sili and the Divine Martial Army. Boom! Just as Wang Sili was preparing to receive this blow, a crimson Stellar Energy shot in front of Wang Sili and blocked the attack.

"General Wang, this person... leave him to me!"

A young and confident voice rang out in everyone's ears. In a flash of light, a horse with four snow-white hooves appeared in front of Wang Sili, so transcendent and divine that it appeared to be treading on clouds. On this divine steed's back was a young and slender figure.

Although he appeared only seventeen or eighteen on the surface, his temperament and movements gave off the aura of a dignified and composed veteran. It appeared that a mountain, not a man, had appeared before them all.

Wang Sili gave a deep sigh of relief as he looked at Wang Chong's back. By this point of the battle, he had already consumed more than half of his Stellar Energy.

"Haha, Lord Wang, since this is the case, I won't interfere. I leave this person to you!"

Wang Sili smiled and retreated to the side.

'Hearing a rumor is far inferior to seeing the person.' This was Wang Sili's first impression of Wang Chong. The Big Dipper Army and Big Dipper Great General Geshu Han had quarreled with Wang Chong several times, and there had even once been plans to make trouble for his City of Steel.

Even after he was made a marquis, none of the soldiers of the Big Dipper Army had a very good impression of him.

But after seeing his face, Wang Sili had to admit that this person truly had a praiseworthy and trustworthy power.

Not only did Wang Sili no longer have any prejudices about Wang Chong, he was actually quite proud about the decision he had made.

Participating in this grandiose battle would probably be the proudest and most moving event of his life.

Wang Chong had no idea what Wang Sili was thinking. His attention was completely focused on the Blood Beast Army's Brigadier General.

"Since you're here, why are you in such a rush to leave?" Wang Chong said in Arabic to this Brigadier General.

Blood Beast Army Commander Mansur trembled at these words as if he had been given a massive fright. Even though this was his first time on the battlefield of Talas, he knew that this youth was the commander-in-chief of these Tang, the most crucial individual in this battle.

"Let's go!"

The halo under Mansur vibrated as he slashed out with his scimitar. A thick black cloud immediately surged at Wang Chong, and in the depths of this cloud, a black and red saber light, fierce and grandiose, was slicing through the air.

As he slashed with his saber, Mansur's entire body rose from the ground and he fled with astonishing speed.

"Hmph, can you really escape?"

An icy voice rang in his ears. Before he had even gotten one hundred feet, a powerful attractive force appeared in the air, seizing him and hauling him backward.

Not only that, a fierce wind stirred for a thousand feet around him. Screams filled his ears, and Mansur could see that all the Arab cavalry in this range were being pulled backward by an invisible force.

"Since you're here, relax, and obediently accept your death!"

Wang Chong and his White-hoofed Shadow stood stalwart in the middle of the churning dust. As he pushed his Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art to its limits, images of the sun and moon, gold and red, appeared on his shoulders, their colors growing more dazzling and their appearances more authentic.

The power of the illusory sun and moon made Mansur fly backward even faster.

"Sun Axe!"

Mansur had no time to think, and golden light exploded out of his body. Mansur's entire body transformed into a massive golden axe that hacked at Wang Chong.

An, God of the Sun!

This was one of the ancient gods worshiped by the Arabs. It was said that his weapon was a giant golden axe. Mansur's supreme technique took the form of this god of the sun and his weapon.

Mansur had used this technique to kill countless people on the battlefield, pulverizing foreign generals and their horses.

But when Mansur's Sun Axe fell, it seemed to strike an invisible wall that blocked it in midair. That invisible barrier of energy seemed to also possess a distortive power.

Rumble! Before Mansur could react, the distortive force expanded to a radius of around a hundred feet, engulfing Mansur's Sun Axe.

A second later, with a heaven-shaking boom, Mansur's Sun Axe shattered like a mirror.

"Not good!"

Mansur already felt a deep unease. He wanted to flee, but it was far too late. In a flash, a figure emerged through the thick cloud, a familiar face before Mansur's eyes.

"Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art!"

The voice resounded through his ears. Before Mansur could react, Wang Chong had already struck his chest with a palm. A moment later, Mansur's blood and martial energy surged into Wang Chong's body.


Mansur's face was stricken with deep fear, but there was nothing he could do. His body was frozen and he could only watch with wide-open eyes as all his energy vanished into Wang Chong's body.

It took only the blink of an eye for Mansur's energy to be drained away. His hair and skin shriveled as his body deflated like a punctured leather bag. In contrast, Wang Chong's already prodigious energy swelled to even greater levels.


Wang Chong dropped to the ground, and with a sweep of his hand, he slammed Mansur's dried-up husk into the ground, ending the life of the Arab Brigadier General.

With all of Mansur's energy, Wang Chong had still not reached the Great General level, but he had received a major boost and could expect a breakthrough any day.

What a pleasant feeling! If this continues, I can finally reach the Great General level and return to the cultivation of my last life!

Wang Chong slowly retracted his technique as his mind buzzed.

As the War Saint, Wang Chong had many powerful techniques floating around in his mind, but his cultivation level had made him incapable of using these techniques. The moment he broke into the Great General level, relearning these techniques would be as easy as water flowing through a canal for someone of Wang Chong's talent and abilities. At that time, he would ascend to a whole new level of power.


As he was thinking, he suddenly sensed intense danger. Although he couldn't spot this danger, his body was already reacting, his skull feeling like it was going to explode.

"Chong-er, careful!"

A voice suddenly spoke, the Demonic Emperor Old Man's.

Wang Chong almost instantaneously lunged to the side. At almost the same time, a figure appeared where Wang Chong had been standing, a palm thrusting through the air.


Winds howled and dust churned. As countless people watched, a massive beam of golden Sword Qi, ten thousand feet long, slashed through the heavens like a descending pillar, but it was instantly struck by a palm as massive as a mountain. This collision instantly annihilated both the sword and the palm.


This name flashed through Wang Chong's mind as his eyes turned to that golden-armored figure, the god descended to earth that was Qutaybah.

Although Qutaybah said nothing, only silently stared, the moment he appeared, he became the unquestioned center of the battlefield. Indeed, it appeared as if he had become the center of the entire world.

All fell silent, the sounds of battle dwindling away. The motionless Qutaybah did not look at Wang Chong nor at anyone else on the battlefield. His eyes were fixed on the Demonic Emperor Old Man standing across from him.

At the same time, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, his robes flapping in the air, similarly stared at Qutaybah, his expression serene, his eyes deep and profound.

The two strongest existences on the battlefield were in a stalemate, their energies vast and unyielding.

After a long while, Qutaybah turned around and spoke a single word. "Withdraw!"

He immediately began to ride back to the rear. The tens of thousands of Arab cavalry surged around him like the tide as they fell back to the west.


Gao Xianzhi rode up to Wang Chong and dismounted at his side.

"Wang Chong, what should we do now? Should we pursue?" Gao Xianzhi said.

At the same time, Cheng Qianli dispelled his Supreme Desolation God transformation and rushed to Wang Chong's side, a look of anticipation on his face.

The Demonic Emperor Old Man also turned to Wang Chong, awaiting his decision.

As he gazed at the fleeing Arab army, Wang Chong clearly appeared rather excited.

If they pursued, they might be able to utterly defeat the Arabs.

But Wang Chong quickly glanced at the overcast sky and suppressed this impulse.

"There's no time. This battle has already taken far too long. Besides the Tongluo Cavalry, everyone else is probably completely exhausted. Moreover, night is falling, and Qutaybah and Abu Muslim are still at their peak conditions. If we do pursue them, the victory we hope for is not guaranteed!" Wang Chong said.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1092 - After-Battle Conference!
C1092 - After-Battle Conference!
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Chapter 1092 - After-Battle Conference!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

The greatest taboo in military strategy was to fight a battle at night. It was okay to engage in local ambushes or small-scale raids, but the conditions at night were not favorable to large-scale battles. If one carefully examined history, one would discover that decisive battles at night were extremely rare. The reason was that at night, vision, perception, and even the ability for a commander to order around their soldiers were all greatly reduced.

There were even cases where fear and disorder led soldiers to attack members of their own side, or do the exact opposite of what they had been ordered to do. In the night, they would end up pursuing the enemy for several hundred li and ultimately become lost in the heart of enemy territory.

"This is all we can do. The Iron Wall Army has sustained severe casualties and is exhausted in every way. I'm afraid that it wouldn't even be able to pursue the Arabs," Gao Xianzhi said with a sigh.

This was an extremely rare opportunity, but the time was not right. The army had suffered severe losses, and even though he was unwilling, Gao Xianzhi had to give up on this opportunity.

"No matter the time, Qutaybah will always be an obstacle!"

Cheng Qianli responded with a sigh of his own. Until they resolved the massive threat that was Qutaybah, the Great Tang would never be able to talk about victory. When experts of his level fought, the shockwaves alone would be enough to inflict grievous casualties on the exhausted Tang forces.


A horn soon blew and all the Great Tang soldiers retreated like the receding tide. In the distance, the Wushang Cavalry also broke away from the Mamelukes, Mutri Great Cavalry, and Celestial Wolf Cavalry, returning to behind the defense line.

Fighting outnumbered had also been extremely taxing on their strength.

As the Great Tang withdrew, so did the Arabs. The Blood Beast Army, the Ironblood Army, the Fearless Army, the Death Army, and the Tiber Army completely withdrew from the battlefield under the cover of darkness.

Wang Chong, Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, Wang Yan, and the Demonic Emperor Old Man stood side by side, motionlessly watching the Arabs. After a long while, Wang Chong finally looked away, pulling on his reins and riding back to Talas.

"Tell Xu Keyi to begin taking stock of the losses!" Wang Chong said.


Night fell very quickly, and Xu Keyi also very quickly finished counting up the casualties.

"Lord Marquis, we suffered heavy losses in this battle. In total, more than forty thousand of our men were killed. We also have twenty thousand other casualties. We have sixty-thousand-some men able to fight, including the Tongluo Cavalry."

The night was settling in, but Talas was brightly lit. Xu Keyi had gotten down on one knee as he reported, his expression extremely grave.

Talas originally had a hundred and ten thousand soldiers guarding it, and with the Tongluo Cavalry and the soldiers Su Zhengchen had trained, this number was brought up to one hundred and twenty thousand. But in this battle, more than forty thousand had been killed while twenty thousand had been wounded. More than half of the army had been lost in this battle. This was undoubtedly a massive blow.

This was the price the Great Tang had paid to stand up against the charge of hundreds of thousands of Arabs.

"What of the Arabs?"

In the flickering light of the torches, Wang Chong stood with his hands held behind his back. Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, and the Demonic Emperor Old Man looked over upon hearing this question, focus in their eyes.

"We haven't obtained a definite number, but based on our estimates, they should have suffered casualties of more than two hundred thousand. Of these, more than eighty thousand were brought down by our ballista army!" Xu Keyi sternly said.

From the moment the Great Tang had been established, the ballistae had always been a lethal and intimidating weapon on any battlefield. Under the command of Wang Chong and Su Hanshan, the method in which ballistae were used had taken a leap forward, undergoing extreme modification to create a ballista army that could inspire fear and dread in any army.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at Xu Keyi's words.

"This means that the combined manpower of the Arabs, Tibetans, and Western Turks is only around two hundred and sixty thousand!" Gao Xianzhi said.

The Great Tang had lost much in this battle, but their attacker, Arabia, had lost even more. The casualty ratio of this battle was nearly one to three. For the death of each Tang soldier, three Arab elites had come with him. This made the losses somewhat acceptable.


The kneeling Xu Keyi respectfully added, "The greatest casualties on our side came from the Xuanwu Army, with the majority inflicted by Qutaybah's Revelation Army. Of the more than twenty thousand soldiers that were killed by that army, nearly five thousand were soldiers of the Xuanwu Army."

Xu Keyi's words cast a dour mood over the hall. The Xuanwu Army only had eight thousand men in total, and it was one of the top-class elite armies of the Great Tang. In that one clash, the Revelation Army had killed five thousand of them. This was a most grievous loss.

Forty thousand men had died in battle, with twenty thousand of them having been buried by the Revelation Army. This was a truly chilling number.

Xu Keyi lowered his head and continued, "...In addition, although the Arabs lost more than two hundred thousand, based on what we've observed, the losses in the earlier stage were from the weaker soldiers. The remaining soldiers will only be stronger, and their core strength is still there. In the future, the Blood Beast Army, Ironblood Army, Fearless Army, and Death Army will still be of enormous threat to us."

Those who could survive the cruel battlefield would always be the elite of the elite. This was a principle that would always remain true. Moreover, the defensive capabilities of a top-class army would always surpass those of other soldiers. Thus, the Death Army, Fearless Army, and Ironblood Army might have been engaged in a bitter and callous melee with the Great Tang forces, but their losses were not as severe as imagined.

A thoughtful look flickered through Wang Chong's eyes, but he quickly returned to his senses and waved his hand at Xu Keyi. "I understand. Rise."

The Tang still had more than fifty thousand soldiers at its disposal, but Arabia had around two hundred and sixty thousand soldiers. A ratio of one to five was not at all easy to deal with. However, the soldiers the Great Tang had left were the best of the best. Moreover, the more than six thousand ballistae were completely unharmed and would serve as the most critical force in the Great Tang's future battles with the Arabs.

Wang Chong turned to Su Hanshan.

"Su Hanshan, what is the state of the ballista army? How many ballista bolts do we have left?"

"We consumed a large number of ballista bolts to deal with the Arabs. Although we also dispatched men to gather ballista bolts from the battlefield, we still don't have many left. In total, we have around seventy thousand. On average, each ballista can still fire fourteen more times."

Each Tang ballista bolt was made from the highest quality of steel. This meant that they were extremely heavy and that the army would travel more slowly the more it carried. Su Hanshan had been forced to consider this problem, and so in order to arrive at Talas to reinforce Wang Chong as soon as possible, Su Hanshan had not brought a vast mountain of ballista bolts like most people had imagined. He had brought as many as he believed to be appropriate.

But the battle with Dalun Ruozan on the road and then the battle with the Arabs had exhausted his stockpile, leaving him with only seventy thousand, and this was after Su Hanshan had done his utmost to salvage bolts from the battlefield.

Wang Chong's brow almost imperceptibly creased. If each ballista only had fourteen bolts, then he had to be extremely cautious with how the ballista army was used in the upcoming battle, with each ballista bolt only being fired after careful calibration and aiming. But if the method was appropriate, seventy thousand ballista bolts was enough to deal the Arabs a destructive blow.

These thoughts very quickly passed through his mind, and Wang Chong then turned to Chuluohou and the several Tongluo officers.

"General, my deepest gratitude!" Wang Chong sincerely said.

Chuluohou coldly snorted and raised his head as he rudely retorted, "Hmph! There's no need for you to thank me. We didn't come for you. All this was by imperial decree, for the sake of the Great Tang!"

Everyone else in the hall slightly grimaced at this display.

After all, Wang Chong was the supreme commander of the Tang forces at Talas and had rendered great service. If not for him, the Great Tang would have already been defeated. Chuluohou and these other Tongluo were acting too arrogant.

"Lord Marquis!"

Li Siye's eyes flashed with cold light, but before he could say anything more, Wang Chong stopped him.

"It's fine. Let them be."

Wang Chong gave a careless smile.

Wang Chong naturally understood why Chuluohou was so angry. In Kunwu Training Camp, Wang Chong had defeated the Tongluo Great General Abusi's son, Abutong, and had also strapped his naked body to a bamboo pole in Deflecting Blade Manor, completely humiliating Abutong. This had also humiliated all the Tongluo Cavalry. It would be far stranger if Chuluohou were not angry about this. But to Wang Chong, Chuluohou's individual prejudices were not important for this war. As long as they had the imperial decree and vigorously fought on the battlefield, that would be enough.

Wang Chong set aside these thoughts and soon regained his serene expression.

"Chuluohou, General Wang, I do not care about the private grudges between the two of you." A muffled voice, thick and coarse, suddenly resounded through the room, immediately attracting everyone's notice. "The Great Tang must win this war. This is His Majesty's will, and no one is permitted to defy it."

Boom! A massive foot wrapped in armor stepped out from a corner. At the same time, a storm of energy suffused with intense darkness engulfed the hall. Instantly, everyone noticed that giant black-armored imperial bodyguard as well as the thin and ancient war banner in his hand.

The slightly tense atmosphere instantly relaxed. Chuluohou lowered his head in fear while Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, and the others displayed expressions of respect.

Although no one recognized this black-armored guard, nor knew what he looked like under his monstrous armor, he bore the seal of the Sage Emperor, which was enough.

In Talas, this black-armored guard might as well have been an avatar of the Sage Emperor.

"Wang Chong, the Sage Emperor's letter has already been delivered to you. Have you read it?"

The black-armored guard's voice was devoid of emotion, and though everyone could hear his words, his eyes were fixed on Wang Chong alone.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1093 - The Nine Dragon Blood War Banner!
C1093 - The Nine Dragon Blood War Banner!
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Chapter 1093: The Nine Dragon Blood War Banner!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

Wang Chong smiled and nodded. "We shall not fail!"


The black-armored guard was clearly invigorated by these words, and the energy rising from his body became much gentler.

"Then I must trouble General with this matter!"

His attitude toward Wang Chong completely reversed and his entire body began to exude respect and deference.

The smiling Wang Chong quickly turned his eyes to the war banner in the black-armored guard's hand.

I didn't think that His Majesty would send out this legendary war banner. With this banner, everything will be completely different. I can finally use that formation.

Wang Chong's mind was whirring as he gazed at the old and mottled banner. Back then, he had spent enormous amounts of time and energy in search of this banner, but his efforts had turned up nothing. When the Sage Emperor passed, the most legendary war banner of the Central Plains had vanished with him, and no one else was able to find it. This was a tremendous loss for both Wang Chong and the entire Central Plains.

This time around, Wang Chong had wanted nothing more than to find this war banner. But the Central Plains was as vast as the sea and Wang Chong had no idea where to start. Finding it was far easier said than done. But Wang Chong had never expected that at the crucial moment of this war, the banner that he had so longed for would appear before his eyes.

The Nine Dragon Blood War Banner!

This was one of the strongest war banners of the Central Plains. This war banner was rumored to have originated more than one thousand years ago in the era of the Great Han Emperor Wu. At the time, the renowned Champion Marquis Huo Qubing1 had used this banner in a formation as he led the army in conquering the Xiongnu to the north. Over a thousand years, this formation had been modified through the generations, growing stronger and stronger. In the era of Emperor Taizong, it became the world-famous formation known as the Dragonspear Tiger Leopard Cavalry.

The Nine Dragon Blood War Banner was the core of this formation. In Taizong's era, it was the most powerful ritual tool of the Central Plains and the highest symbol of the Great Tang army's power.

These were the reasons Wang Chong had so tirelessly sought out this war banner.

"Li Siye, pass on my order. The Dragon Stallion Army, the Divine Martial Army, the Divine Prison Army, and the Tongluo Cavalry... have them all assemble at Talas's second training ground! General, time is short, so I must trouble you to go as well."

These last words were spoken to the black-armored guard holding the banner in one hand.

The guard stepped forward and resolutely declared, "This general will do everything in his capabilities to fulfill this duty!"


Outside Talas, between the two defense lines, cold and bleak winds howled through a world of stillness. The cavalry had been sent to the first defense line, and even the Mo Saber Unit had been deployed for defense. But the second training ground of Talas was a hive of activity, brightly lit. The Dragon Stallion Army, Divine Prison Army, Divine Martial Army... all the top-class armies had gathered and were undergoing intense drilling. There was only one day to complete this training, so Wang Chong could only rely on his superb abilities to prepare his men as quickly as possible.


An entire night was spent in training, the rumbling ceaselessly resounding through the city.


At the same time, the Arab camp was also tightly guarded. The battle during the daytime had been extremely intense, and even the Revelation Army had been deployed, yet the Tang had still emerged victorious, even inflicting more than two hundred thousand casualties. To the conceited Arabs who believed that victory would eventually be theirs, this was undoubtedly a massive psychological blow.

After experiencing the dreadful fighting power of the Great Tang, all the Arabs were acting as if they were facing a powerful foe, with tens of thousands of torches illuminating the Arab camp until it was as bright as day. More than one hundred teams were out on patrol, another sign that Arabia was taking the Great Tang very seriously.


On the outermost perimeter of the Arabian camp, there was no wind, but a torch suddenly flickered, its flame shrinking as if someone had blown on it. A group of patrolling soldiers saw this sight and slowed down, their eyes widening.

"It's too cold. Even the torches are starting to be affected."

"What's going on here? I feel like tonight is colder than usual."

Based on normal circumstances, it would be two months until the first snow, but right now, it felt even colder than if it had snowed!

The Arabs suddenly began to chat amongst themselves.

The change in weather had actually started several days ago, but for some reason, the temperature was beginning to drop even more rapidly.

An Arab horseman noticed something and pointed at another horseman, his voice fraught with shock. "Rafur! Look at your armor!"

These words attracted the rest of the horsemen, and all of the Arab cavalry around the torch turned to look at Rafur.

In the gloom, no one noticed anything at first, but eventually, through the light of the fire, they could make out that white specks had condensed on Rafur's armor.


The thin layer of crystals had everyone crying out in alarm. At almost the same time, they realized that their own suits of armor had been covered in a thin layer of frost. In addition, cold air was seeping through the chinks in the armor like needles and was entering their bodies. Even these Arab elites began to feel a slight chill.

The Arab horsemen stared at each other in silence.

At this time, a completely different scene was taking place in the center of the Arab camp.

"Bastard! A pack of good-for-nothings! You actually lost to a force of eastern infidel cavalry! What a disgrace!"

Aybak's furious bellows were penetrating through the tent and resounding in the night sky. Even the canvas of the tent was fiercely trembling from Aybak's roars. It was easy to see just how angry he was.

Aybak had not shown any of this on the battlefield, but once it was over, Aybak could no longer restrain himself.

The invincible Mamelukes of Arabia, with the assistance of the High Priest's Meteoric Star Metal and the Pharaoh Halo, had lost to the Great Tang's Wushang Cavalry in just a single encounter. Not even if Aybak had died would he have dared to believe such a thing.

The Mamelukes' golden veneer of invincibility had been completely shattered. This was utter humiliation for both Arabia and the Mamelukes.

"Milord, my apologies. We were careless and did not expect them to use such a trick against us."

Faisal and the other Mameluke officers lowered their heads as if they were frightened ostriches. They naturally understood how they had lost this battle, but the four thousand Wushang Cavalry attacking their flanks had simply been too unexpected. Even now, Faisal had not been able to shake off the shock of that sneak attack.

"Bastard! You're still arguing!"

Aybak's face was red with rage.

"Nothing but trash!"

An icy voice, devoid of emotion, echoed through the tent. This abrupt comment left Aybak, Faisal, and all the Mamelukes in the tent with unsightly grimaces.

Although Aybak was reprimanding his men, this was still an internal matter amongst the Mamelukes. With Aybak's status in the Arabian Empire, not even Abu Muslim dared to say such things, as this was tantamount to committing a capital crime against Aybak and the Mamelukes, an undoubtedly unwise course of action. But when Aybak and Faisal saw who had said those words, their rage was extinguished, and their faces adopted expressions of silent respect.


As the Arab War God and the supreme Governor of War, he could say anything he wanted in front of Mamelukes like Aybak and Faisal, and no one would even try to retort. The reason was simple: none of them could defeat him!

At this moment, Abu Muslim stood up and began to mediate.

"Qutaybah, now is not the time to blame each other. Each wave of reinforcements the Great Tang receives is stronger than the last, with that group of cavalry that appeared at the end even being able to stand up against the Revelation Army. I sense that the Great Tang Emperor might have sent his most powerful force. This is definitely not good news for us!"

The Revelation Army was Qutaybah's most elite force and one of the finest forces in Arabia. Even Abu Muslim had to admit this.

Any army that could contend with the Revelation Army and even suppress them was no ordinary force. At the very least, not even the Anxi Protectorate's Iron Wall Army had this kind of strength. Abu Muslim had determined that only the Great Tang Emperor could possess such a powerful army.

The Battle of Talas had lasted for many days with both sides committing countless troops. It only seemed proper for the Great Tang Emperor to have finally taken action.

Abu Muslim's words instantly silenced the tent. Even Qutaybah appeared calmer.

"The urgent task at hand is to discuss how we can defeat the Great Tang, annihilate its military power, and pacify the entire eastern world... Do not forget that His Majesty the Caliph is still awaiting news from us!" Abu Muslim sternly said.

Governor Osman suddenly spoke, his expression grim. "But if they continue to hide behind those steel walls, we will find it very hard to exert the strength of our soldiers, no matter how many we send. Besides that, they now have even more top-class soldiers than we do."

He had two top-class armies under his command, the Beheader Army and the Tiber Army, and both had suffered severe casualties in this battle. This was something that Osman had never even imagined before. The chess piece had already rolled off the board and was heading in an unpredictable direction. The arrogance of the Arabs had been completely dispelled, and even the ambitious Osman understood that they were facing a foe the likes of which they had never faced before.

"The Tang cannot hide behind their walls forever, and this war is definitely not something these Tang can stop with just a few steel walls."

As Abu Muslim spoke, he raised his head and scanned the crowd.

"Qutaybah, our greatest advantage right now is that we outnumber them in Great Generals. This together with our forces means that we still have a hope of defeating these infidels. But I will need you to cooperate with me tomorrow!"


1. Huo Qubing was a general of the Han Dynasty with a dazzling but short military career that spanned from the age of 18 to his untimely death at 24. He played a critical role in the campaigns to drive the Xiongnu, a nomadic confederation, from the Hexi Corridor, securing the Han Dynasty's access to the Western Regions.↩

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1094 - Qutaybah's Order!
C1094 - Qutaybah's Order!
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Chapter 1094: Qutaybah's Order!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

Everyone had seen Qutaybah's strength with their own eyes. A single stream of Sword Qi from him could send thousands of steel walls flying and open up a gap for the rest of the Arab army. Thus, there was still a large chance to defeat the Great Tang.

Qutaybah was completely encased in golden armor, making it impossible to see the look on his face. Just when everyone believed that he would refuse, the War God of Arabia gave a rare nod.

"Okay! However, none of you are allowed to touch that black-robed old man with the Tang. This person can only die at my hands!"

Everyone was stunned by this request, but they quickly understood. Qutaybah was the strongest governor of Arabia, with even Abu Muslim finding it difficult to contend against him at times, but in Talas, he had actually run into someone that could oppose him and block his attacks, that elder from the east. This was unacceptable to the arrogant Qutaybah.

While Qutaybah had agreed to Abu Muslim's request, it was more out of a desire to kill that mysterious old man. But no one was foolish enough to point this out, much less object to his request.

"There is still another matter."

At this moment, Ziyad suddenly spoke, immediately drawing everyone else's attention. Abu Muslim, Aybak, and Osman all looked over in astonishment.

"The Tibetans and Western Turks can no longer act like this. In this battle, they each sent out only one army and no other soldiers. Our Arabian Empire has already lost more than two hundred thousand soldiers in this campaign while the Tibetans and Western Turks have lost only a trifling twenty thousand. Since they wish to be allies with our Arabia and enjoy the fruits of our conquest, they cannot keep hiding behind us. If they wish to reap the harvest, they must appear on the front line!" Ziyad solemnly declared.

As the Deputy Governor of the East, Ziyad had been dissatisfied with the Tibetans and Western Turks for some time. In the first phase of this battle, if the Tibetans and Western Turks had worked together with the Arabs and attacked from the rear, the situation now would be completely different. Ziyad and Abu Muslim might have already swept past Talas.

Abu Muslim was silent, a pensive look in his eyes.

Abu Muslim finally made a decision and sternly declared, "Inform them! We will do as you suggest!"

If it could get him victory, Abu Muslim no longer cared about the consequences.


"The Tang are truly too powerful. The Great Tang Emperor seems to already be paying attention to this area. He actually dispatched the Tongluo Cavalry. Another step further would be the Emperor himself participating in the campaign!"

Far away from the Arabs, Dalun Ruozan, Huoshu Huicang, Dusong Mangpoje, Duwu Sili, and the others had gathered. When speaking of the Great Tang's Sage Emperor, Huoba Sangye appeared deeply apprehensive.

In the Great Tang, the Emperor was not merely an Emperor. Even Huoba Sangye knew that the strongest expert of the Central Plains was not any Imperial Great General or some hidden expert belonging to a sect. Rather, it was the Sage Emperor concealed in the depths of the Great Tang Imperial Palace. The title of 'Sage Emperor' was enough to see his status in the Central Plains and the entire eastern world.

After all, the magnificent golden age of the Great Tang had been forged by none other than the Sage Emperor!

If that person appeared at Talas, the scene on the battlefield would probably be entirely different.

"Don't worry about such things. A sovereign cannot recklessly step onto the battlefield," Huoshu Huicang suddenly said. "When we were in the southwest, if Geluofeng hadn't put himself at risk, we wouldn't have been defeated so quickly! And Mengshe Zhao wouldn't be in this state where it is a complete vassal of the Great Tang and still paying an enormous compensation. Our first priority is to deal with the battle before us!"

Huoshu Huicang turned to Dalun Ruozan, his eyes brimming with concern.

"Great Minister, this battle was a grievous defeat. I sense that the Arabs will probably vent their anger on us!"

Dalun Ruozan said nothing, but his eyes brimmed with the same worry. He was in complete agreement with Huoshu Huicang on this point.

Ever since Qutaybah and the other two Arab Great Generals had arrived at Talas, the relationship between Ü-Tsang and Arabia had slowly become more complicated. Moreover, Dalun Ruozan could sense that the authority over the battlefield had inexplicably moved from Abu Muslim, who everyone had agreed upon, to the Governor of War, Qutaybah.

This meant that the alliance between Ü-Tsang and Arabia was no longer as sturdy as it was before, that there were now many more variables to consider.

"This isn't the time to ponder such things. Our alliance with the Arabs will only have meaning if we win this battle. Otherwise, Ü-Tsang will lose any hopes of contending with the Great Tang," Dalun Ruozan sternly reminded.

No matter how complicated the situation, Dalun Ruozan was always able to extract the most crucial pieces of information from the chaos.

"I don't know if the rest of you have realized, but the greatest advantage the Arabs have in this war, their greatest strength, is not those elite soldiers, but the Governor of War Qutaybah. All of the soldiers regard him with incomparable respect, and he is the foundation of their morale. But Qutaybah seems to have encountered an opponent!"

At this time, Dalun Ruozan gave a profound look at Dusong Mangpoje.

No one knew the backgrounds of those two elders, but this was not the first time Dalun Ruozan and the Tibetans had run into him. The two sides had clashed when the Tibetans had attacked the Great Tang reinforcements led by Su Hanshan. As for Dusong Mangpoje, this was already his third meeting with those two!

Dusong Mangpoje said nothing, but his brow imperceptibly twitched while a flash of heartache flitted through his eyes.

He knew what Dalun Ruozan was referring to. In the battle of the triangular gap on the northeast corner of the Tibetan Plateau, those two elders had forced Dusong Mangpoje to flee and caused almost his entire army to be wiped out. This had also left the entire northern region of Ü-Tsang devoid of soldiers and unable to fight back against the Great Tang, only watch as the plateau was invaded.

Dusong Mangpoje had even recently heard that they had built a massive ranch there to raise warhorses. This was a humiliation that the proud Eagle of the Steppe would probably never be able to wash away.

After a long while, Dusong Mangpoje mastered his emotions and finally spoke. "Leave that person to me. In the future, no one will be able to stop Qutaybah."

Tap tap tap!

At this moment, heavy footsteps shattered the silence in the tent. Soon after, a voice speaking in Arabic came from outside.

"Is Ü-Tsang Great Minister Dalun Ruozan present?"

This voice had the trill unique to Arabs.

Dalun Ruozan appeared a little surprised, but replied, "Enter!"

A hairy Arab guard with hawkish eyes and a high nose entered the tent.

The Arab guard got straight to the point. "Great Minister, the Lord Governor has ordered that in tomorrow's battle, Ü-Tsang should deploy its soldiers and do everything in its power to cooperate!"


Dalun Ruozan instantly grimaced at these words.

"What is this Arab saying?" the hitherto-silent Duwu Sili suddenly asked.

Dalun Ruozan didn't hesitate in revealing what the Arab guard had said. In a flash, the mood in the tent changed, with even Huoshu Huicang appearing somewhat angry. He knew that the Arabs would target their rage at them, but he hadn't imagined that it would be so fast. And it seemed like the Arabs actually wanted the Tibetans to be in the vanguard and serve as cannon fodder.

Before Dalun Ruozan could reply, Dayan Ersongrong could not restrain himself. "These bastards are going overboard!"

To the young genius Dayan Ersongrong of the Dayan Clan, people like Dalun Ruozan, Dusong Mangpoje, Huoshu Huicang, and Duwu Sili were all supreme existences, truly important individuals. But this was precisely why he found the Arabs' request so unacceptable.

"Hahaha, Great Minister, do you need me to kill him?" said a brash and devilish voice. Dama Trimo, the Brigadier General of the Yarlung Royal Lineage, patted the golden Buddha dagger at his waist and laughed. His gaze was as sharp as a blade as it incessantly scanned this Arab guard like he was inspecting a slab of meat on a cutting board.

"Bastard! What are you planning on doing!" the burly Arab guard roared. Although he didn't understand Tibetan, Dama Trimo's gaze clearly communicated his intentions.

"Dama Trimo, stop!" Huoshu Huicang sternly reproved.

Dama Trimo had an overly murderous nature that even he had heard of, and now was certainly not the time for internal strife.

"Haha, since Great General has spoken, then I suppose I can let this ignorant scoundrel live."

Dama Trimo wickedly chuckled.

Huoshu Huicang shared an uncommon friendship with Yarlung Great General Namri Songtian. Moreover, everyone on the plateau knew of Huoshu Huicang's loyalty to Ü-Tsang. Dama Trimo might have been an extremely murderous person, but he still greatly admired and respected this loyal Great General.

Dalun Ruozan quickly waved his hand and dismissed the Arab guard. The tent fell silent once more as everyone focused on Dalun Ruozan.

The Arabs had their complaints about the Tibetans, a point that could be seen from tonight's conference. The two might not have shared a language, but after the horrendous losses in today's battle, the Arabs had unexpectedly not invited the Tibetans and Western Turks to their night conference. The displeasure of the Arabs could also be seen in the order the Arab guard had been sent to convey.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1095 - The Next Day, Another Battle!
C1095 - The Next Day, Another Battle!
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Chapter 1095: The Next Day, Another Battle!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

"Great Minister, what do we do now? Must we really serve as the vanguard for the Arabs tomorrow?" said Huoshu Huicang, stepping forward.

"I feel that the greater priority is to determine if this was Abu Muslim's order, or if it was Qutaybah's or Osman's. We were only allies with Abu Muslim. If this order came from the mouth of one of those other conceited Arab governors, perhaps we don't need to treat it seriously," Dusong Mangpoje commented, his expression serious and his eyes thoughtful.

"Now is not the time to wonder which governor gave the order. No matter which one it was, it has already obtained Abu Muslim's approval. The Arabs have taken too many losses, so they hope that by sending us onto the field, they can reduce their casualties. There isn't anything strange about that. For the sake of our alliance and to defeat our common enemy, we probably won't be able to avoid stepping onto the field this time!"

Dalun Ruozan sighed.

The current state of this battle was far away from what Dalun Ruozan had originally predicted. Dalun Ruozan was far more worried about the Great Tang than the dissatisfaction of the Arabs.

"Hahaha, Dalun Ruozan, I didn't think you would be put into difficulties by such a minor matter." Laughing, Duwu Sili strode forward, his eyes bursting with sharp light. "The Arabs are arrogant and conceited and look down on us; let's go onto the field and show them our strength! It's not just the Great Tang and Arabia that can be considered the strong empires of the world!"

Unlike the others, Duwu Sili appeared to not care very much about the Arab order. On the contrary, he seemed to be anticipating this conflict.

"Soldiers are trained for a thousand days to be used in a single moment. Since Great Minister finds it difficult, let the Western Turks take the vanguard tomorrow!" Duwu Sili confidently declared.

The tent was absolutely quiet as everyone stared at Duwu Sili in shock. Dalun Ruozan stared thoughtfully at Duwu Sili and then seemed to understand.


A night quickly passed, and a new day arrived, one of blustering winds and chilly temperatures. Outside Talas, the ground was covered in a layer of white frost, as were the two steel defense lines.

The soldiers standing behind the defense lines were shivering, clearly affected by the cold. The weather was even colder than it had been yesterday. With every day that passed, this region to the west of the Cong Mountains seemed to be growing colder. Although it was still not the season for snowfall, there was little difference to Talas.

Even the ordinary soldiers could feel the abnormal weather, but the mood in Talas remained somber and grim. The change in weather was far less important than the battle that was on the verge of restarting.


A blaring horn shattered the serenity of early morning. As everyone watched, the silent Arab camp came to life like an awakening monster, group after group of Arab soldiers surging toward Talas.


The neighing of horses, the shouting of men, the clattering of armor... all of it mixed together into a massive din. Four black Arabian war banners, snapping in the cold wind of the morning, began to rapidly approach the first steel defense line.

Four mighty figures rode beneath the black war banners, stalwart and dignified. At the very front of the army was a golden figure, a sun that had fallen to the mortal world, who instantly attracted everyone's notice.

"It's Qutaybah!"

"Report this to Milord!"

In front of the first defense line, the Tang soldiers trembled at the sight of this figure, all their drowsiness vanishing, to be replaced with tension. "Hyah!" A scout mounted his warhorse and quickly rode into Talas.

"Haha, the Arabs have moved out, so now it's our turn!"

In the rear of the army, Duwu Sili squinted his eyes, sharp light exploding from them while excitement covered his face.


Duwu Sili immediately galloped forward on his black steed, rising into the air toward the battlefield. Behind him, the rows of Western Turkic cavalry roared and yelled as they excitedly followed.


Following close behind them were tens of thousands of massive gray wolves, even larger than men, their canines bared.

"Let's go!"

Farther back in the rear, Dalun Ruozan and Huoshu Huicang looked away from Duwu Sili and gave their own orders. Soon after, nearly seventy thousand Tibetan cavalry charged forward.

The air was somber while winds howled over Talas. War was once more descending.


Not long after the Arabs moved out, there was a deafening metallic clatter from the lofty walls of Talas as its gates flew open. An energetic army with bright eyes marched out in disciplined fashion from the city.

Their armor was covered in scars and marks, but this did not make them seem shabby. On the contrary, these suits of armor exuded a tenacious will tempered through hundreds of battles. The seven stars in the shape of a ladle on their chests clearly communicated their identity.

The Divine Martial Army!

The Divine Martial Army had suffered significant casualties in yesterday's battle, but after a night of reconsolidation, the soldiers of the Divine Martial Army had returned to their peak performance in every aspect: strength, mindset, morale, and Stellar Energy.

The rumbling continued as the Divine Prison Army, Dragon Stallion Army, Roaring Tiger Army... all the top-class armies of the Great Tang, their backs straight and their faces energetic, marched out from the city. At the very rear of this army were Wang Chong, Wang Yan, Gao Xianzhi, and Cheng Qianli, the highest Tang commanders.

Gao Xianzhi had barely ridden out of the city gates when he noticed something different and creased his brow. "Wang Chong, something's wrong. The Arab formation seems to be different from yesterday."

He had almost instinctively noticed that the Arab formation was subtly different.

After taking a glance, Wang Chong couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha, it seems like the chess piece we laid beforehand is about to show its effects. The Western Turks are prepared to head into battle!

"The Arabs took too many losses in yesterday's battle. Qutaybah and Abu Muslim probably plan to use Duwu Sili as cannon fodder."

"Cannon fodder?"

Gao Xianzhi creased his brow in confusion at these words.

"By this, I mean scapegoats."

Wang Chong faintly smiled.


The horns blared once more, and Qutaybah's group came to a stop. Both sides entered a distant stand-off in the grim atmosphere. The commanders of the respective armies, Qutaybah and Abu Muslim, Wang Chong and Gao Xianzhi, met gazes, the collision seeming to produce sparks in the air.

As for everyone else, the vast majority of them looked to Wang Chong mounted on his White-hoofed Shadow. Even the Arab War God Qutaybah now paid attention to the young Tang commander-in-chief.

"Wang Chong, it seems that you're already a thorn in his side. You must be careful in this battle."

Gao Xianzhi broke out in laughter.

"Haha, just let them try. I'm just afraid that their attacks won't break my Karmic Battle Armor."

Wang Chong faintly smiled.

The surrounding people couldn't help but laugh at this comment. Wang Chong didn't have the highest level of martial arts of the people present, but his defensive capabilities were so formidable that there were truly very few people that could compare. Even Qutaybah found it very difficult to kill him, much less others. Moreover, the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief were both present. Even if Qutaybah and Abu Muslim were up to something, they wouldn't get the chance.


"When the battle starts, kill that brat first!"

Aybak viciously glared into the distance.

"He won't be able to run. In this battle, whether it's him or that Gao Xianzhi, all of them will die!"

Boom! Osman took two steps forward, his expression cold and sinister.

The Tang might have won yesterday's battle, but their advantage was still not very significant. The Arabs still outnumbered them and had still not sent out their best commanders.

Osman turned to Abu Muslim and said, "Abu Muslim, we've lost enough of our men. Let the Tibetans and Western Turks go first. Let them grind away at some of the Tang's edge. After all, they are all armies of the east!"

Abu Muslim had been the primary backer of this alliance and the true executor. It was naturally best if he were the one to order around the Tibetans and Western Turks.


Abu Muslim nodded and called over a messenger.

"Pass on my order. Inform the Western Turks and Tibetans to prepare to move out!"

"This subordinate will deliver this order!"

The messenger bowed and quickly left.

Upon receiving the message from the Arabs, Duwu Sili heartily laughed. His eyes showed no fear, only a sliver of anticipation.

"Hahaha, Shamask, Chekun Benba, it's our turn to go out there! Pass on my order! All soldiers, prepare to charge!"

More than a month had passed since he had obtained the secret of formation phenomena. Duwu Sili had spent almost every night and day training in this technique and had already developed his own understanding of formation phenomena. He had infused the principles he had comprehended through his own career and experiences and was confident that the power of the formation phenomena was now even greater than it originally was. Right now, Duwu Sili was confident in fighting any possible opponent.

Soldiers were trained for a thousand days to be used in a single moment. In Duwu Sili's mind, the battlefield of Talas was the best place for the Western Turks to make their debut. Duwu Sili wanted to use this stage to show everyone the power of the Western Turks. This was also the best chance to show to the Arabs that the Western Turks deserved a greater share of the pie in their future hegemony over the world.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1096 - Breaking the Turkic Formation Phenomena!
C1096 - Breaking the Turkic Formation Phenomena!
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Chapter 1096: Breaking the Turkic Formation Phenomena!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Howls resonated through the sky. The first to move were not Duwu Sili and his twenty thousand elite soldiers, but the vast sea of massive gray wolves that had followed Duwu Sili from the Turkic steppe.

Clouds of dust churned as the howling wolf packs lunged at the first steel defense line. Following close behind them were countless Western Turkic soldiers, waving their weapons in the air and roaring as they surged toward the steel walls.


Not long after these twenty thousand soldiers began to move, there was a peal of thunder in the air. Above the Western Turkic cavalry, roiling thunderclouds began to gather, immediately casting a dark shadow over the Western Turkic army.

Rumble! From a distance, one could see countless lightning bolts flashing within the dark clouds. And the moment these thunderclouds appeared, all the Western Turkic cavalry seemed to have been stimulated. Their strength, speed, and dexterity all began to soar.

Even Abu Muslim, Osman, and Ziyad were somewhat taken aback by this sight. The strength the Western Turks had displayed at this moment forced the Arabs to regard them in a new light.

"This bastard... he was hiding his strength!"

Huoba Sangye's eyes flashed with anger.

In the battle with Su Hanshan's reinforcements, they had clearly needed this kind of strength, but this scoundrel had decided to act clumsy and only now use the formation phenomena.

"Duwu Sili had always planned to keep the formation phenomena for a moment like this. Why else did you think Duwu Sili was so positive last night?" Dalun Ruozan calmly said as he looked forward.

"He just wants to get a bigger cut of the spoils!"

Duwu Sili's skill in feigning weakness was at such a level that anyone who didn't know his true goals would be very easily fooled by his words and actions and fall into his traps. But this was not the case with Dalun Ruozan, who could see through Duwu Sili and his secrets as if he was made of glass.

"Go; we should prepare as well!"

Dalun Ruozan urged his horse forward.



In the blustery wind, bits of sand and stone pelted the steel walls, creating a clamorous dinging and banging. As he saw the vast sea of wolves surging toward him, Wang Chong couldn't help but faintly smile.

This is really a case of Li Gui trying to rob Li Kui1. For Duwu Sili to want to use formation phenomena against me is truly amusing!

A playful smile appeared on Wang Chong's lips as he looked at the Western Turk army charging out from the west like a lightning bolt.

The seeds that he had sowed more than a month ago were finally about to flower and bear fruit. Now was the time to reap the harvest.

Meanwhile, Duwu Sili's wolves and his soldiers were getting closer and closer to the first defense line. Duwu Sili had chosen an excellent area to attack, precisely the left flank which had been heavily damaged in yesterday's battle by the Revelation Army. A significant number of steel walls in that area had been knocked away by the Revelation Army, and the entire defense line was crooked and still not completely repaired.

"What a smart fellow!"

Wang Chong couldn't help but praise him a little. Duwu Sili was a cunning man down to his bones, and he would seize any opportunity that he could detect. But if Duwu Sili thought that he could get any advantage here, he was gravely mistaken.

"Prepare the beehives!

"Xue Qianjun, get ready to enter the field!"

"Yes! This officer will go!"

Xue Qianjun faintly smiled as if expecting this order. After bowing, he departed.

A few moments later, a mixed army of Ferghanans, Karluks, and Tang soldiers moved to the left flank.

Duwu Sili saw all this and was infuriated. "This bastard... what is he planning? Does he think that this can overcome my army?"

Formation phenomena was the supreme technique of cavalry, the highest form of power amongst all armies. Once one cultivated formation phenomena, the strength of the army would receive a massive boost. That Wang Chong planned to use this motley group of soldiers to deal with him made Duwu Sili feel deeply humiliated.

He did not believe that this was a mistake or accident. Everyone knew of Wang Chong's grasp of military tactics. He was sure that Wang Chong was trying to humiliate him.

"Hmph, pass on my order! Tell Shamask and Chekun Benba to kill these Tang soldiers and pierce through the left flank. Don't leave a single soldier alive!" Duwu Sili viciously said.

In the distance, the battle was on the verge of beginning. Nearly one hundred thousand gray wolves burst out of the cold wind and lunged at the Great Tang's left flank. This time, all the gray wolves had been dispatched. They were the vanguard of the Western Turks and also being used to probe the Great Tang's power.

Duwu Sili didn't have the Arabian Silver Behemoths and could not block the Great Tang ballistae, but none of that was important. This vast sea of massive wolves was the ideal living fortress.


The gray wolves were so close now that one could see the debris kicked up by their paws, their white canines, and the saliva dripping down from their mouths. At this moment, all the steel walls creaked as the numerous holes on their surfaces opened and sharp arrowheads emerged from within them.

Three hundred feet, two hundred feet, one hundred feet...


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The large steel walls on the Tang left flank became like enormous beasts, instantly unleashing countless arrows. These arrows covered the skies and engulfed all the gray wolves within a range of several hundred meters.


A gray wolf was struck through the middle by a short metal arrow and nailed to the ground, and then a second, a third, a fourth... Tens of thousands of gray wolves were nailed to the ground by the dense volley of arrows.

"Ready! Fire!"

There was more creaking and groaning as the second volley of arrows came hot on the heels of the first. Awoooo! The wolves miserably yowled. Because these wolves were traveling too quickly, after they were struck by the arrows, their bodies continued to charge forward in long trails of dust, only stopping after ten-some meters, allowing their blood to gush across the earth.

Shamask pulled out his saber and sternly ordered, "Everyone, hear my order! Charge up while the Tang are loading for their next volley!"

The Great Tang's beehives appeared vicious, with each volley being a rain of death, but they were not as terrifying as they appeared. The volleys were terrifying, but the beehives needed to be reloaded after each one. This gap between volleys was the ideal chance for the Western Turks to strike.

"Damn Tang! Get ready to be butchered!"

Shamask pressed his body against his horse, killing intent bursting out of his eyes.

A man had to be looked upon with new eyes after a parting of three days, and the Western Turks now had such power that as long as they could break into the defense line of the left flank, the Tang would face the same fate as they had yesterday versus the Revelation Army and be slaughtered like pigs.

In past battles, the Western Turks had always been suppressed, but now was the time for the Western Turks to rise once more and purge their shame.

Rumble! While the Tang beehives began to reload, the earth groaned under the mad charge of the nearly twenty thousand Western Turks.


Their shouts shook the heavens as they threw themselves at the left flank.


The reloading was quickly finished and the air was soon once more filled with the howling of arrows. One wave, two waves, three waves... the gray wolves in front of the defense line were rapidly dwindling in number. By the time the wolves were only several meters from the steel defense line, they had sustained losses of more than sixty thousand. In the face of such terrifying killing power, some of the surrounding wolves instinctively felt fear and fled to the sides. The screen of wolves in front of Shamask and his men immediately became extremely thin.

"Raise shields!" ordered Shamask as they were about to enter the range of the beehives, reaching for the large shield under his horse and holding it in front of him. At the same time, the halos beneath Shamask, Chekun Benba, and the other Western Turkic cavalry began to vibrate more frequently. This was a sign that the charge was in its final stage.


The moment Shamask and his men had finished their preparations, the sky was filled with arrows, but all of them clattered off the large shields.


There was a neigh as loud as a clap of thunder, resounding over the entire battlefield. But it had not come from Shamask's warhorse or from the warhorses of any of his men.

Shamask instantly sensed something and raised his head in alarm. What he saw was a stalwart black warhorse riding out of the left flank, rising into the air as it charged at Shamask's men.

This was like a signal that caused countless warhorses to rush through the gap in the first defense line like a mighty wave.


Shamask and Chekun Benba were both shocked by this sight. This mixed force of mercenaries and Tang soldiers actually dared to leave the defense line and launch an assault. None of them had even dared to imagine this possibility.

"Kill them!"

Shamask's heart was seething with rage.


1.The story of Li Gui trying to rob Li Kui is a story from the Chinese novel 'The Water Margin'. Li Gui was a bandit who robbed others while pretending to be Li Kui, but one of his targets ends up being Li Kui, who beats him up.↩

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1097 - Another Battle!
C1097 - Another Battle!
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Chapter 1097: Another Battle!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

"Everyone, listen up! The first group of soldiers will be in the Kan position, the second will be at the Kun position, the third will be at the Qian position, and the fourth will be at the Li position1... Everything will be just as we practiced! Do you understand?!"

Behind the first defense line, Xue Qianjun looked excitedly at the Western Turkic army as he spoke. The roiling clouds and awe-inspiring thunder were nothing more than a joke to Xue Qianjun.

Daring to fight with Lord Marquis in terms of schemes! Duwu Sili, you're still far from that level!

With this thought, Xue Qianjun charged forward, while Banahan and the Gangke King were even faster, sweeping past Xue Qianjun to welcome Shamask and Chekun Benba.

Kan, Kun, Qian, Li... these were directions on the compass used by the Central Plains, and the mercenaries of the Western Regions had no idea what they meant. Thus, Wang Chong had placed several Tang soldiers amongst each group of mercenaries and had the Tang soldiers lead the attack.

With a rumble and roar, the mixed force of Ferghanans, Karluks, and Tang, more than ten thousand in all, charged with astonishing speed at the Western Turks.

Awooo! In the face of this abrupt charge of Tang cavalry, a wolf was struck on the forehead by a sturdy horse hoof that shattered its bones. Its corpse went rolling across the ground for some distance before finally coming to a stop.

Meanwhile, a cold light flickered out from the charging cavalry and slashed at another large wolf. Even though the wolf had sensed this danger and retracted its neck, it was too late. In a flash of light, the gray wolf was chopped in half.

Tens of thousands of wolves howled in pain as they were crushed by this motley force of Tang cavalry. The courage of the wolves finally failed them and they began to scatter in fright.

Now, there were no more obstacles between the Western Turks and this motley force sent by the Tang. More importantly, both sides were riding at maximum speed and were separated by a distance of less than two hundred feet.


Just before the two armies were about to clash, a massive boom came from overhead. Shamask and Chekun Benba were both dumbstruck as thunder exploded in their ears. Over the heads of this 'mob' sent out by the Great Tang, clouds had begun to gather. This was clearly also 'formation phenomena'.



Shamask and Chekun Benba were immediately enraged by this sight. But before they could react, the more than ten thousand Tang soldiers split up into eight groups and rammed into the Western Turks' formation phenomena.

One small and one large, one weak and one strong-for the first time on the foreign battlefield of Talas, two kinds of formation phenomena clashed.

Time seemed to stop for a moment. Duwu Sili, Dalun Ruozan, Huoshu Huicang, Dusong Mangpoje, and even the distant Qutaybah, Abu Muslim, and Aybak were all watching.

Even the Arabs were greatly tempted by the ancient and powerful strength that was formation phenomena.

"Now is the time to see the final result!"

Wang Chong and Gao Xianzhi were also looking at the left flank, a strange light in their eyes.


A giant axe seemed to slash across the sky as the two armies clashed, and the formation phenomena that had appeared over the twenty thousand Western Turkic cavalry were suddenly cut in two, shattering into countless pieces that vanished without a trace.


In the distance, Duwu Sili's eyes went wide and he nearly stopped breathing. He had spent a great deal of effort, taking Chen Bin hostage, negotiating with Wang Chong, and even scheming against Dalun Ruozan, to finally get his hands on this formation phenomena technique and cultivate it. He had never expected it to be broken apart in just a single moment.

In that moment, all of Duwu Sili's hopes and ambitions dissolved into nothingness.

But this was only the beginning.

The moment the formation phenomena were shattered, there was a wretched scream as the energies of countless Western Turk cavalrymen were thrown into chaos and they were knocked from their horses by the mixed force of Tang cavalry. Their strength that had been boosted by the formation phenomena plunged in seconds.

Moreover, the collapse of the formation caused a backlash on all the soldiers. Not only were they unable to maintain their increased level of strength, their cultivation levels rapidly decreased while their Stellar Energy ran rampant. They were utterly incapable of fighting against the Great Tang cavalry.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

From the clash of the two armies burst countless screams as the Turkic cavalry were knocked from their horses, sabers sweeping across their necks and unleashing sprays of blood. Four thousand, six thousand, eight thousand... in just a few seconds, the Western Turks sustained horrendous losses.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

The incessant sound of falling corpses made Shamask's face twist and contort.

The Western Turkic Khaganate had only deployed less than twenty thousand soldiers for this battle. To lose more than eight thousand in one clash was a heavy wound.

Neeeigh! All was chaos and mayhem in front of the Tang left flank.

Duwu Sili had a nasty grimace on his face. If one looked carefully, one would notice that he had clenched his fists, which were slightly trembling.

But just as the Western Turks were beginning to flee, a stampede of hooves could be heard from behind them...


Right behind Shamask and Chekun Benba was a vast army of Tibetan soldiers. In just a few moments, they had covered the intervening ground and stabbed into the Great Tang army.

"Kill them!"

Dayan Ersongrong, Darlag Nyetsai, Qili Sulong, and the others roared as they charged into the Tang defense line.

As the young prodigies of the great clans charged at the Tang defense line, the sabers in their hands had already unleashed vigorous streams of saber energy.

Boomboomboom! The saber energy sent a significant number of Tang soldiers flying into the air.

And right behind them, in a great cloud of dust, was the enormous Arab army.

The sight of this tremendous army of Arab cavalry charging had tremendous psychological impact, as if these horsemen could sweep over the defense line and trample them underfoot.

Wang Chong's face instantly turned grim.

The Western Turks and Tibetans were just the appetizer for this battle. The Arabs had never thought about relying on them.


Wang Chong waved his hand and gave an order.

Creeeak! The six thousand ballistae spread themselves out over the Tang defense line and took aim at the Arabs.

At other places along the line, the other soldiers assumed their positions.


Su Hanshan waved his hand, and countless ballista bolts flew out like dragons roaring out of the sea. Even though this was not the first time the Tang ballistae had exhibited their power on the battlefield, the shrill howl still made everyone tremble in fear.

Bangbangbang! In the blink of an eye, countless horsemen were shot through by the ballista bolts, but the soldiers behind them didn't even slow. Instead, they used various methods to stimulate their horses to travel at maximum speed.

If there was no way to defend against the Great Tang ballistae, the best method was to shorten the time needed to charge so that the losses sustained during the charge were reduced.

Rumble! The Arab cavalry rode over a field of corpses as they accelerated to frightening speeds.

"Cui Piaoqi, get ready!" Wang Chong suddenly said, his eyes still fixed on the tense battlefield.

"This general will go!" A cold and deep voice came from behind him, exuding a will to fight that soared to the heavens.

Cui Piaoqi, mounted on a stalwart warhorse, his head held high and his back straight, unsheathed his sword. Behind him, more than seven thousand Wushang Cavalry were arranged in orderly rows, their muscles tensed like taut bowstrings as they prepared to charge.

In yesterday's battle, the Wushang Cavalry had fought one versus three, and the three had been the Mamelukes, Mutri Great Cavalry, and Celestial Wolf Cavalry. This battle had resulted in three thousand men being lost. This was the largest loss the Wushang Cavalry had ever suffered from the time it had been established, but the Wushang Cavalry had also dealt many casualties to their three opponents.

"Move out!"

With Wang Chong's order, the seven thousand Wushang Cavalry shot forward like sharp arrows. Rumble! The earth seemed on the verge of cracking apart as the seven thousand Wushang Cavalry jumped out from the first defense line and plunged into the Arab soldiers before they could react.


The Arabs were instantly thrown into disarray as the Wushang Cavalry rode through them as if they were made of paper. The seven thousand Wushang Cavalry were facing more than ten times their number in enemies, but they showed no fear whatsoever.

Five thousand, seven thousand, eight thousand, ten thousand... These Arab elites couldn't take even one blow from the Wushang Cavalry. In just a few short moments, the Arabs had sustained nearly ten thousand losses while the Wushang Cavalry were practically unharmed. Their charge had caused absolute mayhem in the Arab army.

"Aybak, it's time for your men to go!"

Abu Muslim's eyes flashed as he suddenly spoke.


1. These positions are a part of the Eight Trigrams and are each associated with a direction. In most variants of the Eight Trigrams, these positions correspond with north, south, east, and west.↩

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1098 - The Dragon Battles Across the Field! (I)
C1098 - The Dragon Battles Across the Field! (I)
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Chapter 1098: The Dragon Battles Across the Field! (I)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

"Hmph! I would understand even if you didn't say anything!"

Aybak stared into the distance, his eyes glowing with cold light.

"Faisal, if you put on the same performance as last time, you might as well come see me with your head!"

"Milord, be at ease. The events from last time will not repeat themselves!" said Faisal respectfully, lowering his head to the ground. He waved behind him, leading seven-thousand-some Mamelukes charging out to meet the Wushang Cavalry.

One would learn from one's mistakes. After being caught off guard by the Wushang Cavalry once, he would not lose to the Wushang Cavalry again. If this did happen again, he wouldn't even need Aybak's order to choose to commit suicide.

"Huoba Sangye, your men should move out as well!"

Dalun Ruozan was extremely perceptive and immediately noticed the movement from the Arabs.

"Although this is a battle between Arabia and the Great Tang, the fate of our Ü-Tsang is also on the line. Victory is our only option!"

"This general understands!"

Without another word, Huoba Sangye turned and left. A few moments later, he had ridden off with his three-thousand-some Mutri Great Cavalry.

After numerous battles, only three-thousand-some Mutri Great Cavalry were left of the original seven-thousand-some. This was an enormous loss, something that Huoba Sangye had never expected when he first departed from the royal capital. And the archcriminal was none other than the Wushang Cavalry.

Huoba Sangye had already built up a belly full of rage that was growing more furious by the day. Even without Dalun Ruozan's order, he would have thought up some way of entering the battlefield.

The battle between Ü-Tsang and the Great Tang, between the Mutri Great Cavalry and the Wushang Cavalry, was far from over.

On the other end, the two-thousand-some Celestial Wolf Cavalry saw that the Mamelukes and Mutri Great Cavalry were moving, and charged into the fray as well.

"Kill these infidels!"

As the Wushang Cavalry began to battle with the three elite cavalry forces of the other empires, there was a furious roar as the battle at the Tang defense line underwent a massive shift.

Boomboomboom! More and more Arab cavalry were flying through the air like meteors and crashing onto the Tang steel defense line. The pressure on the Great Tang forces was soaring.

"Mo Saber Unit, attack!"

Wang Chong coldly observed as more and more Arab cavalry piled in, and waved his hand. Following Wang Chong's order, the five thousand Mo Saber soldiers raised their Mo Sabers and marched forward like a human wall.

Both the Great Tang and Arabia had invested many of their elite armies into this battle and both sides had suffered enormous losses. In yesterday's battle, the Mo Saber Unit had lost five thousand of its ten thousand men.

But even so, the five thousand Mo Saber soldiers still had a fighting power that could not be underestimated. The impact of their advance could still give the Arabs a terrible nightmare.





As these orders rang out through the air, the five thousand Mo Saber soldiers swiftly left the defense line and advanced at full speed into the vast sea of Arab cavalry.

Bangbangbang! In the chilly wind, the Mo Sabers reflected cold light as they swept down again and again. Wherever the edges of their sabers went, men and horses would be cut in two and die miserable deaths. Five thousand, eight thousand, ten thousand... The five thousand Mo Saber soldiers had barely stepped onto the battlefield but were already exhibiting a terrifying killing power. In just two attacks, they had slain nearly ten thousand Arabs and were continuing to add to this count.

Their terrifying efficiency quickly produced a void on the battlefield. The five thousand Mo Saber soldiers appeared to be the coldest, most efficient, and most emotionless killing machines on the battlefield. From a certain perspective, the Mo Saber Unit was even more lethal than the ballista army.

The simplest reason was that the Mo Saber Unit didn't need ballista bolts to work, and their Mo Sabers slashing down were certain to kill with no chance of only heavily injuring the foe.

"Ziyad, have the Ironblood Army and Fearless Army enter the battle. It's our turn to send out our armies!" Abu Muslim ordered as he looked into the distance.

"Yes, Milord!"

Ziyad assented before quickly turning around.

The battle was intensifying far faster than yesterday. The Great Tang had already deployed its Mo Saber Unit, so it was now time for Arabia to send its top-class armies. And in a little while longer, Abu Muslim, Osman, and the other top-class Great Generals would attack and end this battle.

"General Wang, prepare for deployment!"

Wang Chong had been paying attention to the movements underneath the four black war banners this entire time. The moment Ziyad left, Wang Chong had guessed at what was going to happen.

After Wang Chong had sent off Wang Sili, he turned to the giant black guard behind him who gripped the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner.

"General Li, we are only permitted to win this battle. We cannot stop until we have defeated the Arabs. With regards to the banner, I must rely on you!"

The black-armored guard was shrouded in mysteries. Wang Chong had realized that he had never seen this guard rest, and he never seemed to take off his armor, not even when he ate. He also rarely spoke, only adding his opinion when it came to war or the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner. All Wang Chong knew at this time was that the Sage Emperor had sent him and he was one of the Sage Emperor's personal guards. He knew nothing else, not even what he looked like.

The most recent progress he had made was that he had learned that this guard had the surname Li.

The black-armored guard stepped forward and tersely said, "The banner is with me! It will only fall when I die!"

At these words, Wang Chong and Gao Xianzhi both trembled, a look of respect in their eyes.

A Bannerguard!

This was perhaps the best description of this black-armored guard. His identity, age, and name were all unimportant. He existed entirely to protect the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner.

Rumble! The warhorses of the several thousand soldiers of the Ironblood Army were getting closer and closer to the battlefield.

When they were around five hundred feet from the first defense line, Wang Sili suddenly charged out from behind the steel walls with the two thousand soldiers of his Divine Martial Army.

Plushplushplush! The Big Dipper greatswords were as agile as snakes as they stabbed forward, almost instantly causing innumerable Arab horsemen to fall, their bodies gushing blood that misted the air.

"Let's go! It's the Great Tang's top-class armies!"

The appearance of the Divine Martial Army threw the leading Arab cavalry into turmoil, particularly those soldiers who had already experienced the lethality of the Divine Martial Army. The Divine Martial Army had barely stepped onto the battlefield but were already sowing chaos through the Arab ranks.


Not long after the Divine Martial Army emerged from the defense line, a massive banner was raised up from the rear of the army. The pole, forged from a mixture of Deep Sea Xuan Metal and some other unknown metal, fiercely stabbed into the earth.

The earth seemed to quake and sway as all the Origin Energy on the battlefield suddenly transformed. A vast, ancient, and incredibly formidable energy immediately swept over the battlefield.

Invisible ripples of energy began to spread, attaching themselves to the feet of the two thousand Divine Martial Army soldiers.

Bzzzz! One halo, two, three... six halos in total began to empower the Divine Martial Army. The Divine Martial Army was already a supremely powerful army, and these six halos caused their power to instantly rise to even more incredible heights.


The cry of a sword resounded through the heavens as a Big Dipper greatsword swept through the air. It was the same sword as before, but it left afterimages in its wake.

The sword moved with inconceivable speed. Swoosh! A single slash cleaved an Arab horseman in two, and then it continued onward, cleaving apart a second and a third, the enormous power flinging their corpses more than ten meters.


The two thousand Divine Martial Army soldiers exchanged a silent glance and then immediately lunged forward like dragons. Each of these soldiers now had absurd levels of strength, the six halos allowing them to tear down any opposition in their path.


Panicked screams resounded in the air as thousands of Arab horsemen were sent flying like pieces of paper. Not even a charging warhorse could stop the unstoppable momentum of the Divine Martial Army.

There was a deafening roar as countless unsuspecting Arab cavalry charged at the Divine Martial Army.

But these cavalry were like ants trying to shake the tree of the Divine Martial Army, and were easily knocked away. The two thousand Big Dipper greatswords constantly whistled through the air, mowing down Arab soldiers in twos and threes and showering the earth with severed limbs.

It took only a few moments for the area around the Divine Martial Army to become a corpse-strewn hell.


This gruesome sight caused the soldiers of the Ironblood Army who were riding over to pale in fright.

They had fought with the Divine Martial Army in yesterday's pitched battle, but the Divine Martial Army's strength had been within the bounds of common sense at that time, not at this terrifying level. Only the top-class armies could deal with this level of strength. Ordinary elites would be no match for them.

"Quicken the pace! Kill them all!"

The two thousand soldiers of the Ironblood Army began to ride faster toward the Divine Martial Army.

"Haha, an old foe!"

The Starving Wolf War General Wang Sili had just finished cutting an Arab horseman in two and tossing his corpse more than a hundred feet away. He now turned to the Ironblood Army and coldly laughed.

"Everyone, hear my order! Follow me and kill them all!"

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1099 - The Dragon Battles Across the Field! (II)
C1099 - The Dragon Battles Across the Field! (II)
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Chapter 1099: The Dragon Battles Across the Field! (II)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

Wang Sili immediately strode forward to face the Ironblood Army. One hundred feet, eight feet, fifty feet... Boom!

Two of the world's best armies fiercely collided. The weapon of an Ironblood Army soldier clashed with the weapon of a Divine Martial Army soldier, but it was immediately thrown back by the tremendous power in the sword.

Squelchsquelchsquelch! Several Ironblood Army soldiers tried to block the attacks of the Divine Martial Army. In the past, when the two armies were of equal strength, this would have been enough to stop the attacks of the Divine Martial Army, but this time, their weapons struck thin air while the Big Dipper greatswords plunged through their chests.

This... this is impossible! How could their swords be so much faster?

This was the last thought in the minds of those Ironblood Army soldiers as their vision went dark and their corpses dropped to the ground.

Thumpthumpthump! The imagined stalemate did not take place, and instead, swaths of the Ironblood Army were being cut down. In a flash, the two thousand members of the Ironblood Army had dropped to fifteen hundred, and this number continued to fall.

"How could there be something like this?"

"What did they do!"

Osman and Aybak were both dumbfounded by this sight. Abu Muslim had hitherto been calm and composed, but at this moment, a look of extreme shock appeared in his eyes. Arab War God Qutaybah, standing far ahead of the others, almost imperceptibly creased his brow.

Abu Muslim's brow was deeply furrowed as he swiftly ordered, "Inform the Fearless Army to hurry up and work with the Ironblood Army to kill them!"

The strength of the Ironblood Army might not have been enough by itself, so he would just use numbers to crush his foe.

Wang Chong gave his own order. "Pass on my order! Deploy the Dragon Stallion Army!"


A messenger immediately rode off to deliver the order.

A few moments later, the eighteen hundred soldiers of the Dragon Stallion Army gripped their swords and took up formation, their bodies seething with powerful energy. Yesterday's battle had been extremely bitter, causing the Dragon Stallion Army to drop from four thousand soldiers to eighteen hundred. Even so, this army still maintained an extremely frightening fighting power.

Boom! The Dragon Stallion Army set their eyes forward and began an orderly march onto the battlefield. At this moment, the eighteen hundred soldiers of the Dragon Stallion Army exploded with an energy that was more suited to an army of tens of thousands.

Whoosh! The black-armored guard holding the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner glanced at the distant Dragon Stallion Army and waved the black and red banner through the air. There was a metallic clattering as a bright halo appeared at the feet of the Dragon Stallion soldiers. This halo caused the strength of the Dragon Stallion Army to rapidly rise.

And as the banner continued to flap through the air, a second and third halo appeared... Six halos in all appeared under the feet of the Dragon Stallion Army.


The six different kinds of halos shone together with the halo of the Dragon Stallion Army, all of them resonating and vibrating in harmony. There was a mighty roar as the Dragon Stallion Army marched out from the steel walls like a dragon rising from the ocean.


Without the slightest hesitation, the swords of the Dragon Stallion Army whistled through the air at the Arab cavalry. Blood gushed and screams filled the air as countless Arab horsemen were flung into the air while severed body parts rained down from the heavens.

At the front of the Dragon Stallion Army, its commander and Brigadier General of the Beiting Protectorate army, Long Jian, gripped his sword and sternly ordered, "Objective: the Fearless Army!"

The Fearless Army was the strongest army under Abu Muslim's command, stronger than the Ironblood Army. In the past, the Dragon Stallion Army would have never been able to fight the Fearless Army.

In yesterday's battle, a significant number of the Dragon Stallion Army had lost their lives to the Fearless Army.

But that was then and this was now. The Dragon Stallion Army had received explosive boosts in every aspect and were on a completely different level of strength.

"For the governor!"

"Kill them!"

The soldiers of the Fearless Army quickly noticed the Dragon Stallion Army emerging from behind the steel walls. They had originally been charging at the Divine Martial Army, but they immediately changed targets and began to make their way toward the Dragon Stallion Army.

Clang! The edges of their scimitars droned as if they thirsted for blood. The Fearless Army soldiers lowered their bodies and crossed their twin scimitars in front of their chests as they charged.

These scimitars shrieked as they slashed down, leaving terrifying wounds in space. The Fearless Army had reached an incredible level in their mastery of the scimitar, and even the steel walls would be cut apart like tofu by their scimitars. In yesterday's battle, the Fearless Army had managed to wound and kill many of the Great Tang's top-class soldiers.

Five paces, three paces, two paces...


A scimitar cut through the air at the chest of a Dragon Stallion soldier while the other scimitar slashed as fast as lightning at the head. By the time one could see the afterimage of the scimitars, they were already gleaming with cold light only several inches from the Dragon Stallion Army soldier. Only a second more would be needed to cut this soldier into three pieces.

But just as this Fearless Army soldier was about to succeed, a heavy sword arrived with thunderous speed and struck the scimitar aiming for the head. Meanwhile, the scimitar that had been slashing at the waist was immediately stopped by the sheath of the sword. These two actions were extremely fast and straightforward, leaving the Fearless Army soldiers shocked.

He had fought against the Dragon Stallion Army in yesterday's battle, but these soldiers had not displayed such speed. Now, however, they seemed to be even faster than the soldiers of the Fearless Army.

"Hmph, surprised?"

The Dragon Stallion Army soldier sneered. Although the two sides didn't speak the same language, he could clearly communicate his scorn through the look in his eyes.


A moment later, an explosive energy erupted from the Dragon Stallion Army soldier's sword, immediately forcing the Fearless Army soldier back. Even though he did his utmost to stop himself, he was still forced back seven steps.

The Fearless Army soldier instantly grimaced.

"The time for revenge is here! Kill them!"

With this roar, the Dragon Stallion Army soldiers became invigorated and charged at the Fearless Army soldiers. Even though they had practiced and drilled many times on Talas's second training ground, actually seeing the effects in a real battle had made all the Dragon Stallion Army soldiers extremely excited.


Their heavy swords swung down again and again, showering the air with sparks as they clashed with the Arabian scimitars. The shrieks and clangs of metal rang over the battlefield, but the Fearless Army did not suppress the Dragon Stallion Army as Abu Muslim and the other Arab commanders had hoped. On the contrary, it was the outnumbered Dragon Stallion Army that had complete control over the battle and was completely suppressing the Fearless Army.

Those heavy swords were launching a flurry of attacks that were slowly pushing back the Fearless Army. Plushplushplush! A Fearless Army soldier reacted too slowly and one of his scimitars was knocked away. A sharp sword immediately seized the opportunity, shining in the air as it stabbed through the body of the Fearless Army soldier.


The Fearless Army soldier gave one last gurgle before his body stiffened and fell. Even in death, he did not dare believe that he had died like this to these Dragon Stallion Army soldiers.

Chaos was rapidly spreading through the ranks as more and more of the Fearless Army soldiers were slain.

"Hurry and help the Fearless Army to kill these Tang!"

A group of Arab cavalry roared as they waved their scimitars and rode over to help avert the defeat of the Fearless Army. But a moment later, a Dragon Stallion Army soldier that had been attacking a Fearless Army soldier suddenly turned around, the stomp of his foot creating a crack in the earth as he lunged like a tiger toward this group of Arab cavalry.

Boom! The heavy sword cut through the wind, then just as easily cut through a horse and its rider. This Dragon Stallion Army soldier continued, taking another step forward and stabbing through the neck of a warhorse. The tip of his sword penetrated through the back of the horse and through the head of its rider, killing both of them in a single blow.

Thump! After slaying his second Arab horseman, this soldier moved on to a third, a fourth, a fifth... In just six steps, he had exterminated a group of six Arab horsemen and left their butchered corpses strewn across the ground.

For a moment, all was silent. All the Arab horsemen looked on in fear and shock as the Dragon Stallion Army soldier slowly wiped the blood off his sword. Even the Fearless Army soldiers were startled.

That hadn't been a battle! It had been a massacre!

These Dragon Stallion Army soldiers were completely different from what they remembered.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1100 - The Remolded Great Tang Army!
C1100 - The Remolded Great Tang Army!
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Chapter 1100: The Remolded Great Tang Army!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


The heavens resounded as more Arab cavalry who did not know the truth of the situation charged forward. Everyone came back to their senses and the fighting once more became cruel and callous.

"This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Ziyad muttered to himself from beneath the fluttering black war banner, completely dumbfounded by what he had seen. The Fearless Army had built up its reputation on vicious battlefields through the terrifying skill of its soldiers. Those powerful foes that had long ago been turned into departed souls served as proof of the Fearless Army's power.

But now, the Fearless Army was being completely suppressed, and this was while they outnumbered their foe. No one had ever imagined that this could be possible.

Almost instinctively, Ziyad looked to Abu Muslim.

Abu Muslim was silent. His back was as straight as ever, but Ziyad could sense that the shock in his heart was no less than his own.

Abu Muslim turned to Governor Osman and said, "Osman, send your Beheader Army and Tiber Army!"


Osman immediately nodded. After working with Abu Muslim for so many years, he had developed a keen understanding of his old friend. The Arabs never worshiped individual courage, but placed utmost priority on defeating the enemy. These Tang top-class armies were inconceivably powerful. In this situation, they could only rely on numbers to overcome their opponents.

Osman turned his head to a deputy and ordered, "Pass on my order! Deploy the Beheader Army and Tiber Army!"


The deputy bowed and quickly left. A few moments later, dust billowed into the air as the two armies surged toward the front.

Once the Tiber Army and Beheader Army had been deployed, Abu Muslim fell quiet for a few moments, and then he turned his eyes to the Governor of War, Qutaybah.

Tap! A moment later, as Osman, Aybak, and Ziyad solemnly watched, Abu Muslim strode forward and began to walk toward Qutaybah.

"Lord Qutaybah, can I trouble you to deploy your Blood Beast Army and Death Army?"

To everyone's surprise, Abu Muslim gave Qutaybah a respectful bow.

Everyone knew about Qutaybah's relationship with Abu Muslim, and it certainly was no genial one. Not long ago, the two had even quarreled. No one had expected that Abu Muslim would actually bow to Qutaybah at a time like this. He was clearly indicating that he was conceding and submitting himself.

Even more surprising was Qutaybah's attitude.

"Very well!" Qutaybah said as he looked at the battlefield, his voice abnormally gentle. Unexpectedly, he did not use this opportunity to taunt Abu Muslim.

Behind him, Osman, Aybak, Ziyad, and everyone else were dumbstruck.


No matter how shocked they were, the Blood Beast Army and Death Army quickly went into motion and charged off into the battlefield.

Wang Chong immediately noticed when the Beheader Army, Tiber Army, Blood Beast Army, and Death Army moved out, and issued his own order.

"Roaring Tiger Army, Divine Prison Army, Ultimate Martial Army, Xuanwu Army-all of you, get ready!"

"This subordinate will go!"

A string of replies came from behind him, and the earth rumbled as these armies began to head for the front.

The battle came far more quickly than expected. A few moments later, the third top-class Arab army arrived on the battlefield. The Tiber Army was one of the best forces under Governor Osman's command. Last time, their opponent had been the Mo Saber Unit, but their opponent would be different this time.


As the Tiber Army appeared, an army rapidly marched out from the first defense line.

Clangclangclang! Countless weapons clashed in the air, producing innumerable sparks. The third army Wang Chong had sent was the most offensively-oriented one, the Divine Prison Army. Sword Qi ran rampant and they immediately began to inflict serious and unexpected losses amongst the Tiber Army.

The Divine Prison Army had always had extremely fierce and swift attacks, but its weakness had been its insufficient defense. Thus, in yesterday's battle, the Divine Prison Army had taken more losses than were to be expected. But now, the Divine Prison Army was bolstered by six halos that filled in this weakness.


Beneath the feet of the Tiber Army soldiers, their black halos rapidly spun and trembled, shining with a metallic luster. These spinning halos suddenly struck the ground, and boom! The firm rock of the Talas battlefield split apart like it was tofu, and a Tiber Army soldier flew through the air at a Divine Prison Army soldier like a leopard lunging at its prey.

The Tiber Army did not have the best offensive or defensive capabilities amongst the Arab armies, but its soldiers could explosively increase their strength and speed for a few short moments, something that not even the Fearless Army could do.

More than half of the five thousand Mo Saber soldiers that had been killed in the previous battle had been slain by the sudden attacks of the Tiber Army soldiers. The explosive power of the Tiber Army soldiers was so great that when they struck, they shattered the armor of the Mo Saber soldiers into bits and pieces.

This time, however, when this Tiber Army soldier tried to explode forward and tear apart this Divine Prison Army soldier, a stream of Sword Qi suddenly through the air.

A moment later, the Tiber Army soldier's head flew high into the air. Even at the moment of his death, he had no idea what had happened. His face was still frozen in the same expression as when he had lunged forward.

Bolstered by the power of the six additional war halos, the Divine Prison Army soldiers could strike with unfathomable speed. Not even the explosive speed of the Tiber Army soldiers could compare.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

At the incredible speeds the Divine Prison Army soldiers were moving, the long and thin swords in their hands became the most terrifying weapons in the world. Blood gushed into the air as six Tiber Army soldiers were beheaded, and the Divine Prison Army continued to rack up kills.


As the Divine Prison Army engaged in a full-out offensive, a Tiber Army soldier drew back, the muscles on his body tensing like a beast preparing to lunge. When a Divine Prison Army soldier had all his attention placed on another foe, the Tiber Army soldier lunged forward, slashing out with his scimitar at the Divine Prison Army soldier's back. This slash bolstered by the Tiber Army soldier's explosive strength was enough to sunder steel.

But just as the scimitar was about to land, one of the six halos around the Divine Prison Army soldier suddenly expanded to protect the soldier. As the scimitar clanged against the halo, there was a low roar in the air. If one looked carefully, one could see the image of the dragon-headed turtle that was the Xuanwu on the soldier's back.

At this sight, Dalun Ruozan, Duwu Sili, Huoshu Huicang, Abu Muslim, and Aybak all trembled. This was the Xuanwu Halo that only the Xuanwu Army could have possessed, but it had inexplicably appeared on this Divine Prison Army soldier.

Boom! The illusion of the Xuanwu shattered together with the Xuanwu Halo. The Tiber Army soldier's tremendous strike shattered the Divine Prison Army soldier's armor and sent him flying backward.

But this Divine Prison Army soldier only flew some twenty to thirty feet before stopping himself. Spitting out some blood, he turned and viciously glared at the Tiber Army soldier who had ambushed him.


Sharp Sword Qi immediately exploded forward to attack the Tiber Army soldier. A few seconds later, with a miserable scream, the Tiber Army soldier's head went flying into the air, while his body was pockmarked with holes of various sizes.

This battle had developed in a way that the Arabs could have never imagined. No one knew what had happened, but all of them could clearly see that the strength of the Divine Martial Army, Dragon Stallion Army, and Divine Prison Army had greatly increased.

In the rear, Abu Muslim, Osman, and the others all had extremely nasty grimaces.

"For Arabia!"

Deafening roars shook the battlefield as more and more of the Arabs' top-class armies arrived on the battlefield. Not long after the Tiber Army had arrived, the Beheader Army arrived to assist it.

"Xuanwu Army, move out!" Wang Chong ordered as soon as he saw the Beheader Army.

The Xuanwu Army and Beheader Army could now be considered mortal enemies. In yesterday's battle, the Beheader Army had suffered heavy casualties, but the Xuanwu Army had come off even worse. Right now, the Xuanwu Army had far fewer soldiers than the Beheader Army, but Wang Chong still chose to send out the Xuanwu Army without the slightest hesitation.


The most defensively formidable Xuanwu Army marched onto the battlefield.

Six halos appeared on the Xuanwu Army, causing its strength to swell, and the two thousand remaining soldiers of the Xuanwu Army impacted with the Beheader Army like a storm.


"For the Great Tang!"

"Exterminate these infidels!"

The two armies each gave their own roars as they madly attacked their foes. Scimitars and swords gleamed as they clashed, the noises of their impacts ringing out over the battlefield.

Boomboomboom! The halos were the first to clash, the shockwaves of energy causing dust to sweep outward.

But a few moments later, an enormous boom announced the contest's outcome. The halos of the Beheader Army soldiers began to shatter, one by one.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1101 - Unstoppable!
C1101 - Unstoppable!
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Chapter 1101: Unstoppable!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

In a single clash, the hundreds of war halos of the Beheader Army shattered in dazzling explosions.

The enormous number of halos the Xuanwu Army wielded was not something even a top-class Arab army like the Beheader Army could deal with. And with their halos shattered...

Squelchsquelchsquelch! Swords stabbed into the bodies of the Beheader Army soldiers, and when they were pulled out again, the ground was immediately covered in their corpses.

This terrifying casualty ratio had the eyes of Abu Muslim and Osman flying open.

We can only see how Qutaybah's armies do!

With this sudden thought, four pairs of eyes turned to watch the Blood Beast Army and Death Army.

Of the three governors, Qutaybah's armies were undoubtedly the largest and the strongest. Qutaybah's Revelation Army had even managed to cut down the Xuanwu Army from eight thousand to two thousand as soon as it was deployed.

If they wanted to defeat the Tang army and shatter its defenses, they could only rely on Qutaybah.

"Get ready! The strongest opponent is coming!"

Behind the tall steel walls, Wang Chong's eyes flashed.

Of all the Arab armies, Wang Chong had been paying the most attention to Qutaybah's three top-class armies.

Amidst the vast sea of Arab cavalry, Wang Chong could pick out at a glance the Blood Beast Army and the Death Army. The soldiers of these stood out from the rest, their energies as vast as mountains and impossible to ignore.

As these two armies approached, the tension in the air rapidly increased. Qutaybah's armies were the only ones that could alter this situation, and if not even these two armies could do this, then the Arabs would be facing complete defeat.

Not only that, if they could not gain the initiative in this battle, the Great Tang could use its own top-class armies to hold down Qutaybah, Abu Muslim, and the other Arab Great Generals. The top-class armies would slowly exhaust them while also creating opportunities for the Tang Great Generals.

If one were surrounded by these top-class armies and exhausted too much energy, even someone like Qutaybah who had touched upon the Subtle realm might be defeated and die.

There had never been a single Great General who could rely on his own strength to stand against an army of more than one hundred thousand people!

"Pass on my order! Deploy the Revelation Army!" Qutaybah suddenly ordered from beneath the fluttering Arabian war banners.

Aybak and Osman were at first confused, but then they understood, complicated looks appearing in their eyes.

Were these infidel soldiers so powerful that not even Qutaybah thought that he could overcome them? It wasn't even the decisive moment, but he was already deploying his most powerful Revelation Army.

"This general will go!"

A voice came from behind Qutaybah, and one of his Brigadier Generals departed to deliver the order.

As Qutaybah was sending out his most powerful army, on the front line, the Blood Beast Army and Death Army had arrived like a vast tidal wave of steel.


With this roar, the air clanged with metal as the soldiers of the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army raised their swords in the air.

The soldiers were instantly surrounded by a still and somber air.

Across from them, the ground was trembling more and more as two powerful storms of energy approached. In the packed ranks of the Arab cavalry, one could see a bloody mist and a thick black mist rapidly charging at them.


The twenty-six hundred Roaring Tiger Army soldiers were the first to charge forward from behind the steel walls, their swords held high.

Hwooosh! As they charged out, the black-armored guard in the rear wildly waved the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner. The earth quaked as invisible ripples of energy spread out and attached to the bodies of the Roaring Tiger Army soldiers.

Clangclangclang! The Roaring Tiger Army were quickly encased in seven halos. This army that had already been able to suppress the Fearless Army with its own halo now had six additional ones, and its strength climbed to nigh unimaginable levels.


There was a scream as an Arab rider and his horse were thrown more than a hundred feet into the air by a Roaring Tiger Army soldier.

More soon followed as the Roaring Tiger Army's attacks tossed them into the sky.

Each of these Arab horsemen weighed several thousand jin when accounting for their horse, but they were as light as a feather to the twenty-six hundred Roaring Tiger Army soldiers.

Moreover, the Roaring Tiger Army soldiers had sent their fierce and tyrannical Stellar Energy through their swords into the bodies of these Arab cavalry.

By the time they had been thrown into the air, they were truthfully already dead.


The Roaring Tiger Army brought chaos wherever it went, slaying innumerable Arab cavalry.

This time, the Roaring Tiger Army had adopted a completely different strategy. Rather than waiting, it was heading right for the Blood Beast Army and Death Army.

There were only twenty-six hundred of them, but that unstoppable momentum made it seem like there were twenty to thirty thousand of them.

"Hear my order! Until we kill these Arabs, no one is allowed to retreat!"

The Roaring Tiger Army Commander, Du Wuwei, gripped his sword with both hands as his body exploded with killing intent. As an extremely experienced old general who had followed Zhang Shougui through many campaigns, Du Wuwei had not encountered such a powerful opponent in a very long time.

The Goguryeons, Khitans, Western Turks, and even the Tibetans had only been able to lower their heads and concede to the Roaring Tiger Army.

But these Arabs had allowed the Roaring Tiger Army to finally understand what a strong foe was. They had also stimulated the pride and killing intent of Zhang Shougui's finest soldiers.


The more than two thousand men simultaneously roared, deforming the air as their murderous intent soared.

In the midst of this roaring, all the Roaring Tiger Army soldiers charged at the Arabs.

"Kill them! Leave not one alive!"

Meanwhile, the approaching Blood Beast Army had also sensed the aura of the Roaring Tiger Army, and its several thousand soldiers swiftly began to ride toward it.

Two hundred feet, one hundred feet, fifty feet...


Like two massive waves, the armies collided against each other. No one was able to describe this impact. It appeared like a clap of thunder had exploded right in the middle of the battlefield, drowning out the sounds of fighting, the clashing of weapons, and the neighing of horses.

Heavy sword met scimitar with heavy collisions so terrifying that it felt like mountains were ramming into each other.

The two powerful armies of the Great Tang and Arabia fell into a stalemate that seemed to last for both a second and for endless epochs. But a moment later, there was a massive roar as countless soldiers and horses were flung into the air.


The bodies of the Blood Beast Army soldiers rained down from the sky and the battlefield exploded into cheers.

"Great Tang!"

"Great Tang!"

"Great Tang!"

The names of the Great Tang and the Roaring Tiger Army filled the skies as all the Tang soldiers who witnessed this clash rallied.

The Arabs, on the other hand, were deeply stunned.

"Follow me! No matter what, we must hold them down!" A Death Army officer saw this sight and his eyes flashed as he immediately ordered his troops to charge at the Roaring Tiger Army.

"Everyone, hear my order! Follow me!"

Behind the steel walls, the more than one thousand soldiers of the Ultimate Martial Army had been closely watching the Death Army. The moment the Death Army began to pick up speed, the Ultimate Martial Army soldiers raised their swords and surged out from the defense line.


As the Death Army impacted against the Roaring Tiger Army, the more than one thousand soldiers of the Ultimate Martial Army charged with terrifying speed into the Death Army.

Clangclangclang! For a moment, it was not possible to see anything, only to hear the clashing of weapons. Countless men and horses were thrown into the air while countless more fell to the ground in pools of blood.

The combined power of the Ultimate Martial Army and Roaring Tiger Army was unimaginably lethal. Even though they were clearly outnumbered, they were actually the ones with the upper hand.


A Death Army soldier charged over with shocking speed, but before he could even get close, a sword instantly stabbed through his knee. As he fell down on one knee, another sword stabbed through his chest and pinned his corpse to the ground.

Thump! A foot stomped down on the Death Army soldier's chest and pulled out the sword, then stepped over the corpse to continue onward.

Whether it was a contest of speed, strength, agility, or defensive capability, the Death Army had completely lost. In terms of individual strength, the soldiers of the Ultimate Martial Army and Roaring Tiger Army were far above the Death Army.

The seven halos shining on the bodies of the soldiers of these two armies hacked like giant axes through the battlefield, hewing open paths through the Blood Beast Army and Death Army.

The Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army won victory after victory, pushing the Blood Beast Army and Death Army back step by step.

Eight hundred, one thousand, fifteen hundred, two thousand... the losses suffered by Qutaybah's two elite armies rapidly swelled, and the defense line the two armies had built using their advantage in numbers began to show signs of collapsing.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1102 - The Might of the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner!
C1102 - The Might of the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner!
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Chapter 1102: The Might of the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


The moment the Blood Beast Army and the Death Army became mired in a bitter battle, in the distance, dust began to billow into the air. Beneath this cloud of dust was the gleaming golden light of countless golden-armored warriors riding out like a storm.

Xu Keyi took only a single glance before grimacing and turning his head. "Lord Marquis, it's the Revelation Army!"

Although the army had been given a massive boost in power by the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner sent by the Sage Emperor, everyone was still frightened by the dreadful fighting power of the Revelation Army.

"General Li, I must trouble you again!"

Wang Chong turned to the black-armored guard behind him.

The guard said nothing, only gave a slight nod.

Boom! The black-armored guard took a single step forward, causing the entire world to quake around him.

For the first time in this battle, the black-armored guard continued to stride forward, leaving the defense line and entering the intense battlefield.

The moment he stepped out, the Divine Martial Army, Divine Prison Army, Dragon Stallion Army, Roaring Tiger Army, Ultimate Martial Army, and Xuanwu Army all felt a reaction from the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner. Their seven halos fused completely with the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner.

Once he was completely outside the first defense line, the black-armored guard stopped and turned to glance at Anxi Protector-General Gao Xianzhi.

"You should go as well!"

Gao Xianzhi understood and gestured at the Iron Wall Army behind him.

A moment later, the seventeen hundred soldiers of the Iron Wall Army marched out.

Hwooo! The Nine Dragon Blood War Banner waved and an invisible energy immediately engulfed the Iron Wall Army.

Clangclangclang! With a metallic clattering, the energies of the seventeen hundred Iron Wall Army soldiers began to swell.

Six new and different war halos of various colors flowed out from the Iron Wall Army soldiers and swiftly wrapped around their feet.

In the blink of an eye, all the Iron Wall Army soldiers gathered beneath the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner, becoming one with the Divine Martial Army, Divine Prison Army, Roaring Tiger Army, Dragon Stallion Army, Ultimate Martial Army, and Xuanwu Army.

If one looked down from the sky, one could see that these top-class armies of the Great Tang were all faintly linked together, all surrounding the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner in an awe-inspiring formation.


Now that all seven armies had emerged from the steel defense line, light and shadow began to twist over their heads.

A massive golden stele, more than ten meters tall, appeared in the sky. If one looked carefully, one could see five mysterious black carvings on this golden stele.

These five words contained the power of ancient laws, and these five words were different from any extant language, seeming to come from a time before even the dawn of human history.

Lights flashed beneath the massive golden stele, and suddenly, a massive dragon more than one hundred feet long howled out and began to circle around the stele, its contemptful eyes looking upon the vast sea of Arab cavalry.


There was no sound in the air, and yet everyone in a range of tens of thousands of feet could hear the bellow of a dragon.

This mighty sound stimulated primordial fear in the depths of everyone's hearts.

Neeigh! Without any warning, the Arabian warhorses reared up on their hindlegs in fright.

"Bastards! What's going on here?"

The strangeness of their mounts startled the Arab cavalry and made them curse in Arabic.

When a formation that used the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner as its center was activated, it would create a faint draconic aura that would intimidate all beasts and warhorses for tens of thousands of feet around it.

Neeeigh! In their fright, countless warhorses began to jump around and slam into each other, immediately causing chaos and turmoil.

The commander of the Revelation Army swiftly issued his order. "Everyone, hear my order! First eliminate the foes of the Blood Beast Army and Death Army, then shatter all the other infidels!"

This Revelation Army commander was even taller than Li Siye and possessed a pair of astonishingly sharp eyes. In a flash, he had decided on his targets in the Tang army.

Amongst these soldiers, there was no doubt that the Roaring Tiger Army and the Ultimate Martial Army were the strongest, and the Revelation Army's strategy was fairly simple and crude.

If they could destroy the strongest and best of their foes, they could immediately damage the morale of their foes. A greatly demoralized foe would crumble without even being attacked!

This was the reasoning behind the Revelation Army's strategy to attack the strong.

Clangclangclang! The Revelation Army soldiers pulled out their greatswords and aimed them to the sky, creating a forest of golden swords.


The golden greatswords were then leveled like spears at the Roaring Tiger Army and the Ultimate Martial Army.

As the Revelation Army charged forward, all the other Arab soldiers sought to get out of its way. Meanwhile, the massive rumbling produced by the charging of the several thousand soldiers of the Revelation Army filled the world, drowning out even the sounds of fighting between the Ultimate Martial Army and Death Army. The only sound to be heard on the battlefield was the thundering of hooves.


Even though the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army couldn't see the Revelation Army, they could hear the thundering hooves and almost instinctively felt danger, their hearts chilling and their minds becoming vigilant.

At the same time, beneath the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner, the soldiers of the Xuanwu Army turned in shock toward that thick cloud of golden light, their eyes turning red.

"It's the Revelation Army!" a Xuanwu Army soldier hollered.

Although they hadn't known what this army was at first, when the battle was over, almost all the Xuanwu Army soldiers had come to know the name of their Arab foe.

The eight thousand soldiers of the Xuanwu Army had been able to fight on equal level against the Beheader Army, but when the Revelation Army entered the field, they had immediately sustained severe losses.

An army of eight thousand was rapidly cut down to two thousand. The battlefield at that time had been a sea of blood dotted with the corpses of the Xuanwu Army.

Even though they had been able to suppress and even overcome the Beheader Army, the sharp swords of the five thousand Revelation Army soldiers had torn through them like they had been made of paper. For the first time, the soldiers of the Xuanwu Army had felt a deep helplessness and sorrow.

"Everyone, on your guard! The Revelation Army!"

The other armies noticed the strangeness of the Xuanwu Army and soon saw the Revelation Army approaching the battlefield like a golden thunderbolt.

In the battle, the Xuanwu Army had performed just as well as the other armies, but the Revelation Army had pierced right through it. There was no question that it posed an enormous threat to the other armies.

Clangclangclang! The unique golden armor of the Revelation Army clattered on their bodies, getting louder and louder as they got closer and closer, producing a sound like no other suit of armor.


A roar echoed over the battlefield. The Revelation Army stood at the apex of Arabia as its most powerful army, and when it began to charge, it did so with the power of an avalanche. Any existence that was not on the same level would feel immense psychological pressure from its charge.

An army that could completely crush the Xuanwu Army was not something ordinary soldiers could deal with.

The several thousand Revelation Army soldiers shot out of the Arab army like a golden sunbeam and charged at the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army. Clang! The strongest two armies of the Great Tang side only had time to raise their swords and bring them to bear against the swords of the Revelation Army.

Time seemed to slow down to a crawl as the symbolic golden greatswords of the Revelation Army smashed against the human wall of the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army, their weapons intersecting. Booooom! The impact of these weapons, each weighing dozens of jin, seemed to cause the entire world to shake and sway. The clash of these two swords was like mountains ramming into each other, two primordial beasts locking heads.

Qutaybah, Abu Muslim, Wang Chong, Gao Xianzhi, and even Dalun Ruozan and Duwu Sili were paying close attention to this intense battle.

This one clash would undoubtedly decide the course of this battle.

If the Revelation Army could successfully tear apart the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army, then it could rout the rest of the Tang army and bring Tang morale to its absolute nadir. Not only that, it could pierce through the Tang formation and lead the Blood Beast Army, Death Army, and other Arab armies to cut like a sharp knife through the Tang army and completely shatter it.

Everything would be completely different.


With this enormous sound, time returned to its normal speed.

As countless people watched, several figures were flung into the air, but more soldiers were forced backward by the charge of the Revelation Army, their halos flickering and vibrating. Even with seven halos, the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army still found it very difficult to stop the charge of the Revelation Army.

As one of the most powerful armies in the world, the Revelation Army had reached a level that ordinary people would find difficult to imagine. Despite being empowered by the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner, the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army still found it hard to reach the Revelation Army's level.

"Hold!" somebody roared in the middle of the chaos.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1103 - Revelation's Nightmare!
C1103 - Revelation's Nightmare!
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Chapter 1103: Revelation's Nightmare!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

Thumpthumpthump! After being forced back seven to eight steps, the warriors of the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army stomped their feet down, cracking the ground as they rooted their bodies in the earth.


There was another roar, and as the Revelation Army, Blood Beast Army, and Death Army charged, the soldiers of the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army rapidly formed up into a defensive formation.


This sight instantly caused the Revelation Army soldiers to pale.

The charging power of the Revelation Army was unrivalled. Anyone that could not stop its charge only had death to look forward to. But for the Roaring Tiger Army and the Ultimate Martial Army to have reassembled so quickly after being scattered, giving no opportunity for the Arabs to charge, was the first time the Revelation Army had ever seen such a thing.

Not only that, even though the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army seemed to have been suppressed by this charge, only seven or eight of them had actually died. In the end, the result inconceivably ended up having more bark than bite.

"Kill them!"

In a flash, the Revelation Army reacted. No matter how strong these two Tang armies were, as long as they could not contend against the Revelation Army, they were still doomed. The Revelation Army would slaughter them eventually.

The earth once more began to rumble.

The Blood Beast Army, Death Army, and Revelation Army, Qutaybah's three top-class armies, gathered together and charged at the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army.


But no one noticed that behind the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army, the black-armored guard waved the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner once more, instantly causing clouds to roil and winds to blow.

As thunderclouds gathered, red streams of light tinged with gold shot out from the golden stele, vanishing into the Tang armies. A moment later, the formation came to life.


Before the Revelation Army could finish its charge, there was a massive rumbling and terrifying roar as a new army charged in from another angle.

"Kill them!"

"Avenge our brothers!"

The two thousand Xuanwu Army soldiers, their eyes red, plunged into the Revelation Army, Death Army, and Blood Beast Army.

At such a close distance, even the Revelation Army was caught off guard. A second later, all was chaos as the two armies fiercely clashed.

But this was merely the beginning. The Xuanwu Army had no intention of getting caught in a protracted battle. After the fierce collision, the Xuanwu Army together with the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army swiftly departed through the power of the formation. Boom! Another army smashed into the Revelation Army, but this one also immediately fell back.

The Divine Martial Army, the Divine Prison Army, the Dragon Stallion Army, the Iron Wall Army... one army after another, powered by the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner, fleetingly struck the Revelation Army before rolling away like a wheel so that another could take its place.

Halos vibrated and the earth quaked. In the face of all these brief strikes, even the Revelation Army was thrown into a momentary disorder. It had no idea who it was facing or which army it should chase. At every moment, an army was turning away while another army was attacking them from the rear.

Once, twice, thrice... as wave after wave of attack fell upon it, the Revelation Army was finding it difficult to keep up. In a few short moments, the Revelation Army had been battered around twenty-three times, and this renowned army could finally take no more. Its ranks in chaos, it began to retreat.

At this time, all the soldiers of the Revelation Army had grimaces on their faces.

"Now is the moment!"

Wang Chong had been keeping a close eye on the battlefield, and when he saw this sight, he immediately issued an extremely lethal order for the Revelation Army.

"Chuluohou, go!"

Wang Chong turned to Chuluohou, who was standing more than two hundred feet away.

Although Chuluohou was very unconvinced by Wang Chong's abilities and his Tongluo people had their quarrels with him, Wang Chong was the supreme commander on this battlefield. At a crucial moment like this, even Chuluohou had to obey Wang Chong's orders.

Chuluohou viciously glared at Wang Chong before immediately looking away and unsheathing his sword.

"Everyone, follow me!"

As he was speaking, his horse leapt forward, leading the several thousand Tongluo Cavalry in a thunderous charge.

"Watch out; it's the Tongluo!"

The sight of the Tongluo charging out had a Death Army officer's pupils constricting in surprise. They had already heard of this army's name from Dalun Ruozan, and they also knew that these personal guards originating from Emperor Taizong's era had a power that could not be disputed.

Rumble! Arab soldiers rushed to change their direction and stop the Tongluo, but they were too late.

In a few seconds, the several thousand Tongluo Cavalry in their bronze armor had cleaved a path through the Arab army and stabbed into the ranks of the Revelation Army.


The moment the Tongluo Cavalry impacted with the Revelation Army, Wang Chong swung his arm down, gesturing to his left flank at the three-thousand-some soldiers of the Azure Martial Army, personally trained by Great Tang War God Su Zhengchen.

With a roar, the Azure Martial Army charged out from the defense line with a momentum that could knock down mountains and reverse the seas.

In the past, the Azure Martial Army had been one of the strongest armies under Su Zhengchen's command. Even though there had not been enough time to train these soldiers to that unstoppable level that had all the empires on the borders quaking in fear, this army had around sixty to seventy percent of the original's power.


As the final army stepped onto the battlefield, the black-armored guard who stood on the battlefield like a god once more waved the war banner. Instantly, two shrouds of energy shot forth, one descending on the distant Tongluo Cavalry while the other fell on the Azure Martial Army.

The Tongluo Cavalry, Azure Martial Army, and Ultimate Martial Army were all armies that had been first established in Tang Taizong's era.

As for the armies trained by the Great Generals like An Sishun and Geshu Han, they had inherited training methods passed down all the way from Taizong's era.

Even Wang Chong's privately trained armies, the Divine Martial Army and Xuanwu Army, were trained using methods that had been taken directly from Taizong's era.

After an interval of more than one hundred years, the nine most powerful armies under Emperor Taizong's command gathered together to the west of the Cong Mountains for the first time.

And after more than one hundred years of obscurity, the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner once more displayed its glory.

As the winds blew and thunderclouds churned, the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner made these two already-formidable armies rapidly swell in strength.

The rumbling reached an unprecedented level and it felt like the entire world was about to fall apart.

The constantly rotating attacks of the seven elite Tang armies along with the attacks of the Tongluo Cavalry and the Azure Martial Army completely shattered Qutaybah's Revelation Army.

Neeeigh! The Revelation Army soldiers' faces were stricken by fear as they felt for the first time a feeling of helplessness, like they were sinking in the middle of a deep ocean.

'Break the spear at the sharpest point.' This was the rule the Revelation Army followed in warfare. It had been right for all of the opponents the Revelation Army had faced in the past, and it was right for the nature of the Revelation Army.

Bang! A Revelation Army soldier was too slow to retreat and was swiftly surrounded. In a few short moments, six to seven swords had slashed down at his body.

Even though the Revelation Army soldiers were all incredible fighters and had been equipped with the best weapons and armor Qutaybah could provide, they still found it difficult to block so many destructive attacks.

"Aaaaah!" There was a miserable scream as the Revelation Army soldier vomited blood and toppled to the ground.

Plush! As this Revelation Army soldier fell, a sword stabbed through his throat. A few moments later, a silver war boot stepped over his corpse as it headed toward another Revelation Army soldier.

Five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred... one thousand!

A thousand Revelation Army soldiers had died in this brief period, their corpses scattered across the ground. And as the Revelation Army soldiers were cut down, so were large swaths of the Blood Beast Army and the Death Army.

The Tang top-class armies all had seven dazzling halos around the bodies of their soldiers, and with the entry of the Tongluo Cavalry and the Azure Martial Army, they now had nine halos. The twenty-thousand-some top-class Tang soldiers swept over the battlefield with an unstoppable momentum.

This time, it was not merely the Revelation Army and Blood Beast Army. All the Arab cavalry, including elite armies such as the Beheader Army and Tiber Army, were in the range of the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner formation's attacks.

Defeat was sweeping through the Arab ranks like a landslide.


The Arab soldiers yelled out in fear as they were brought down. Bloody mist floated in the air while rivers of blood irrigated the lands to the west of Talas. This was a land of mayhem and death, a hell on earth.

Fast! Too fast!

There had been only a few moments between the time the Tongluo Cavalry had begun to attack and the rout of the army. Arab corpses littered the battlefield, and even the godlike and invincible Revelation Army had sustained heavy losses.

In the distance, the area underneath the four black war banners was deathly still. Osman, Aybak, and Ziyad all had faces of complete shock, unable to believe what their eyes were seeing.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1104 - The Shock of the Arabs!
C1104 - The Shock of the Arabs!
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Chapter 1104: The Shock of the Arabs!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

At the height of the Arabian Empire's power, with so many of its elites gathered, three governors and hundreds of thousands of soldiers, it was being defeated by a force of merely twenty thousand from a trifling empire of the eastern world. None of the Arab commanders had foreseen this.

From a distance, they could see the hand-picked Arab cavalry, the finest in the empire, being thrown into the air like ragdolls by the twenty thousand Tang elites. These Tang elites only needed to wave their swords to cleave an Arab horseman weighing several thousand jin in two and send body parts flying dozens of meters.

Although the Arabs had the advantage in numbers, no number of soldiers was capable of stopping these Tang.

Those dazzling miniature formations around the bodies of each Tang soldier were rapidly resonating and outshining all other armies on the battlefield. No matter how many Arab cavalry charged forward, they were just ants trying to shake a tree and were easily thrown aside.

"Retreat! Pass on my order! All soldiers, retreat!"

At this moment, even Abu Muslim had an extremely dour expression.

For an army of more than two hundred thousand soldiers to be forced into this situation was something that Abu Muslim had never imagined in his worst nightmares. At the very worst, Abu Muslim had expected the Arabs to be at a slight disadvantage, but for some inexplicable reason, this was no slight disadvantage but a complete rout.

If they didn't retreat now, the Arab losses would be even larger.

Abu Muslim was known as the Governor of Iron and Blood, and was famed for his proactive and fierce assaults, never retreating until he had completely overrun his opponent. But Arab morale had fallen to its lowest level. If they did not retreat now, all of Arabia would suffer an unbearable consequence.


An Arab horseman quickly turned around to deliver Abu Muslim's order.

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, an aloof and emotionless voice rang out in everyone's ears.

Everyone shivered at these words and turned toward Qutaybah. Even Abu Muslim looked over.

The Blood Beast Army, Death Army, and Revelation Army were all armies under Qutaybah's command. If there was one person who had lost the most in this battle, it was undoubtedly the Governor of War.

It was so quiet that one could hear a needle drop. Everyone was waiting for Qutaybah's order.


"The Nine Dragon Blood War Banner!"

Close to the Arabs, Dalun Ruozan suddenly spoke.


Dalun Ruozan's words caused everyone around him to turn their gazes to him.

"That war banner is the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner." Dalun Ruozan repeated himself, his eyes flitting over the battlefield to rest on that ancient war banner snapping in the wind.

"In the Great Tang, more than one hundred years ago, in Taizong's era, there was a Tang war banner forged from Deep Sea Xuan Metal and the cores of meteors. This war banner can control nine top-class armies and also layer their halos over each other, allowing a single army to possess nine powerful halos at once. It was precisely because of this war banner that the Great Tang was invincible on the battlefield, allowing it to defeat the Turkic Khaganate and divide it into two. At the same time, it was also able to defeat the Goguryeo Empire, Mengshe Zhao, the Xi, the Khitans, and even our Ü-Tsang. Thus, the earliest legends of the Great Tang's golden age were formed. It was also in that era that the Great Tang became acknowledged as the strongest country on the continent," Dalun Ruozan sternly said.

Dalun Ruozan was far less capable a martial artist than the generals, but he was an erudite scholar who knew the histories, stories, classics, and even unofficial histories of the surrounding countries like the back of his hand.

The glorious past of Tang Taizong's era had quietly faded away, with not even many people in the Great Tang knowing about it. But through several precious texts Dalun Ruozan had found, including the war records of various countries from several hundred years ago, he had come to learn of this matter.

The Nine Dragon Blood War Banner!

There was no question that this was an inextricable part of Tang Taizong's invincible legend and glory, the Great Tang's true 'number one ritual tool'. Nine powerful armies combined with the legendary Nine Dragon Blood War Banner would make even a powerful existence like the Revelation Army fall back in defeat.

The Arab defeat was completely understandable!

The Tang army was no longer some simple peacekeeping force. Before everyone's eyes was that most glorious and most formidable army of the distant past. Its true appearance was perhaps far more powerful than all of them could see, know, or even imagine.

Dalun Ruozan's expression instantly became extremely grave.

Now that this war banner of the Great Tang had appeared on the battlefield, the nature of the war had completely changed.

"If those records are correct, we must seize the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner. Otherwise, there will be no chance whatsoever of winning the battle on the ground!"

Dalun Ruozan's gaze flitted over the vast army and immediately spotted that giant figure holding the red and black war banner. Slowly, his eyes began to sharpen.

Killing the banner holder was the only hope of turning this defeat into a victory.


Meanwhile, on the other end, after what seemed like both an instant and innumerable years, Qutaybah icily spoke.

"Pass on my order! Anyone who retreats, dies!"


Everyone was left flabbergasted by his order.

No one had expected Qutaybah to still persist, even after his Revelation Army had been routed. Moreover, he was having the entire army hold its ground. But as the strongest existence on the Arab side, Qutaybah could not be lightly defied.

"Destroy that war banner and everything will naturally come to an end!"

Qutaybah's voice resounded in everyone's ears. Top-class Great Generals all had extremely sharp eyes. Although Qutaybah did not know about the formations of the Central Plains, he had reached the same conclusion as Dalun Ruozan at almost the same time.

Everything instantly fell silent as they turned to look at the battlefield. As they stared at that enormous black and red banner snapping in the wind, the mood instantly became strange. Arabia didn't have this kind of large-scale formation, but if everything was really as Qutaybah had said, they had no need to withdraw.

Clang! As everyone was still considering Qutaybah's words, the man himself had already reached behind himself and pulled out his mighty golden greatsword that had awed all of Arabia, God's Might.

Clopclop! Victor, Qutaybah's warhorse, galloped into the distance.

The Arab army instantly parted, opening a path for Qutaybah. The soldiers in the rear had become unsteady and uncertain due to the rout on the front line, but the somewhat disorderly army was instantly pacified by Qutaybah's appearance.

No matter the occasion, Qutaybah would always have an extremely important status in the Arab army that no one else could fill. As long as Qutaybah was present, the Arab soldiers would firmly believe that Arabia could never be defeated!


As that golden figure began to ride out from the distance, the atmosphere immediately became tense.

"Lord Marquis, Qutaybah is moving out!" A messenger turned his head to Wang Chong, his voice fraught with tension.

The name of Qutaybah had an incredibly intimidating effect on all the Tang soldiers. Even now, they all still remembered how Qutaybah had singlehandedly overturned more than a thousand steel walls and suppressed four Great Generals. Even though the Great Tang now had the upper hand, using the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner to completely quash the Arab soldiers, no one dared to say that this formation could resist Qutaybah's attacks.

No one behind the steel wall said anything, but the atmosphere was brimming with anxiety.

"Chong-er, leave this Qutaybah to me."

An elderly yet energetic voice rang in everyone's ears as a black figure shot past the corner of Wang Chong's eyes and appeared in front of him, stalwart and dignified.

"Master!" Wang Chong blurted out after a moment of shock.

The fierce winds blew the Demonic Emperor Old Man's robes here and there and caused his long hair to dance. Wang Chong couldn't see the Demonic Emperor Old Man's face, but he could see his tall and erect back, a solid and imposing mountain.

When Qutaybah had ridden out from beneath the black war banners, everyone had felt a slight unease, all of them a little worried, but when the Demonic Emperor Old Man stepped forward, these concerns vanished. Even Gao Xianzhi and Cheng Qianli calmed down.


Gallop! Qutaybah was getting faster and faster, the golden light around him getting thicker and thicker. And as Qutaybah poured more energy into his warhorse, its every step became as loud as a clap of thunder. As Victor charged forward, it drowned out all other noise with the rumbling of its approaching storm.

"It's Lord Qutaybah!"

On the battlefield, more and more Arab soldiers were beginning to notice, and soon all of them began to cheer. The name 'Qutaybah' shook the heavens as the dispirited Arabs rallied once more.




The cheers of the soldiers became louder with each wave, eventually so loud that it suppressed even the sounds of fighting.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1105 - The Demonic Emperor Old Man Versus Qutaybah!
C1105 - The Demonic Emperor Old Man Versus Qutaybah!
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Chapter 1105: The Demonic Emperor Old Man Versus Qutaybah!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

At this moment, even Dalun Ruozan and company couldn't help but be surprised as the battle intensified once more. Although the twenty thousand top-class Tang soldiers still had the upper hand, sweeping unstoppably through the Arab cavalry, the Arabs that were showing signs of collapse had regained their footing.


At this moment, the Demonic Emperor Old Man's robes shook as she stepped forward. His expression was relaxed and indifferent as if he was taking a leisurely stroll through a garden, not an intense battlefield.

The Demonic Emperor Old Man didn't seem to be moving very fast. In fact, he appeared to be moving rather slowly. But in the blink of an eye, he had walked past the steel defense line and entered the battlefield. Bzzzz! Space twisted around him and light flashed, and when the Demonic Emperor Old Man appeared again, he was more than a hundred feet away. Even someone of Wang Chong's cultivation level couldn't see just how he had disappeared.

"Kill him!"

The sight of this unarmored Demonic Emperor Old Man, dressed in a simple black robe, made two Arab horsemen believe that they had found an opportunity. Their eyes turned savage as they charged at the Demonic Emperor Old Man from the sides.

But a moment later, when they were still several feet from the Demonic Emperor Old Man, the two muscular and vigorous Arab horsemen crashed into an invisible barrier. Not only that, the two Arab horsemen felt like they had been frozen in the air and immediately became incapable of moving.

Their eyes could still move, and one could see a deep dread within them, but the rest of their body might as well have been made out of stone.

Meanwhile, the Demonic Emperor Old Man swept past them without even a glance, as if he hadn't even noticed them. One step, two steps... The Demonic Emperor Old Man was already gone, but the two Arab horsemen still couldn't move. Boom!After some time, there was an enormous boom as bolts of energy shot out from their backs. These bolts of energy were not transparent and colorless, but exactly the same shade as blood.

Thud! Thud!

The two dropped to the ground in clouds of dust and died.

The Demonic Emperor Old Man had already cultivated the Myriad Spirit Sea Art to its peak and reached a stage that normal people could not fathom. Not even when they died did these two Arab horsemen understand how the Demonic Emperor Old Man that they had never even touched had managed to kill them!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As he walked through the living hell of a battlefield, he was constantly assailed by clueless Arab cavalry, but before any of them could get close, they would be thrown more than a hundred feet into the air by mighty explosions. Some of them even flew as high as one hundred meters, and by the time they came down again, they were already dead.

In front of a terrifying expert like the Demonic Emperor Old Man, these so-called elites were far too weak. The Demonic Emperor Old Man didn't even need to touch them to snuff out their lives.

Such enormous strength even moved the Arab and Tibetan Great Generals watching from a distance.

"Just where did this man come from? Even Qutaybah is rather cautious with him," Aybak sternly said.

He still remembered how when Qutaybah first took action, sweeping aside all opposition and almost singlehandedly suppressing the Tang army, the mysterious black-robed old man had appeared, dashing the Arabs' hopes of victory.

And a powerful existence like Qutaybah had unexpectedly not immediately attacked this black-robed old man, instead staring at him for a long time. This was simply unthinkable for someone of his personality.

It had to be known that Qutaybah didn't even treat fellow Great Generals like Abu Muslim or Aybak with much respect. His style was always extremely domineering, and it was basically impossible to stop him when he was furious. There was no question that this mysterious black-robed old man had reached that same level of power.

"I don't know! In the current situation, we can only believe in Qutaybah. If not even he can defeat that man, then we won't be able to do a single thing."

Abu Muslim continued to focus his gaze on the battlefield. "Hyah!" He suddenly rode out from beneath the black war banners.

"Ziyad, Aybak, Osman, you all heard what Qutaybah said. No matter what, we must seize that banner or kill the person holding it! If we want to end the situation, we must destroy the Tang formation!"

Abu Muslim gripped the reins of his horse and vanished into the army.


Ziyad took in a deep breath, his expression turning grave as he glared at the opposing Tang army.

As long as these Tang soldiers had not reached this level of cultivation on their own power and were relying on a ritual tool, they just needed to destroy the tool and could still salvage a victory from this battle.

Nearby, Dalun Ruozan gave his own order, his blue robes flapping in the wind. "Huoshu Huicang, Dusong Mangpoje, get ready. Qutaybah and Abu Muslim have already stepped onto the battlefield. They will probably need our strength in this battle!"

Countless thoughts flitted through his profound eyes. With the appearance of those two mysterious old men on the Great Tang's side, the situation had completely changed. The Arabs alone would find it very hand to gain the upper hand in a battle of Great Generals. Since they were allies with a common enemy and objective, it was only appropriate for the Tibetans to lend a hand.


Huoshu Huicang pressed his right hand against his saber and took two steps forward. At the same time, Dusong Mangpoje also rode forward on his horse. The atmosphere on the battlefield grew even more tense!

On the other end of the battlefield, Gao Xianzhi's eyes flashed as he saw Abu Muslim ride out.

"Wang Chong, Qianli, leave Abu Muslim to me. The two of you can deal with the rest!"

The two silently nodded in agreement.

With no hesitation, Gao Xianzhi galloped out.

On the battlefield, the twenty thousand Tang elites were continuing to sweep over the battlefield, bolstered by the power of the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner. The Great Tang still had the initiative in this battle, but even the Tongluo Commander Chuluohou had noticed the enormous shift taking place on the battlefield.

In the distance, Qutaybah and the Demonic Emperor Old Man were getting closer, saturating the air with tension. One hundred feet, sixty feet, fifty feet...

At a distance of around twenty feet, both of them coincidentally stopped at the same time. One was riding upon a mighty steed, a god descended to the mortal world. The other was dressed in wide-sleeved robes, and though he was not as dazzling as Qutaybah, his imposing figure was like the loftiest mountain in the world, enough to make anyone stop and look up in wonder.

Their eyes reflected the figure of their opponent, and both of them stood still.


Powerful energies howled out from their bodies. Although neither of them had attacked yet, everyone around them could sense the dangerous aura hanging around them. At some point, all the surrounding soldiers had unwittingly receded to fight elsewhere, leaving a large open space around the pair.


After some time, there was a massive shout as Arab cavalry charged in with their scimitars.

"For the Governor!"

"Kill this Tang!"

Brash cries in Arabic rang in the air. Qutaybah had extremely high prestige within the army, and when the Arab horsemen saw that the two were in a stalemate, they sensed a chance and decided to use their advantage in numbers to swarm the Demonic Emperor Old Man and create an opportunity for Qutaybah.

At this sight, the Demonic Emperor Old Man finally moved, but all he did was raise an eyebrow. His hands remained hanging motionless at his side. Boom! Three feet around the Demonic Emperor Old Man, the air began to vibrate, condensing into tens of thousands of bolts of energy that exploded outward.

Swooshswooshswoosh! Before those elite Arab horsemen were able to reach the Demonic Emperor Old Man, they were shot through by those terrifying bolts of energy, their finely-crafted armor crumpling like paper and shattering into pieces.


At this moment, the air suddenly thrummed with dreadful killing intent. Seated upon his warhorse, Qutaybah clenched the fingers of one hand and instantly attacked.


A vast stream of golden Sword Qi immediately rose out of the earth, piercing through the heavens. For a moment, it felt like the sky itself had been cut in two, a mirror-like wound appearing on its surface. It was only at this moment that a thunderous boom could be heard.

Qutaybah struck with extreme speed as well as extreme weight. As this beam of Sword Qi descended, it was as heavy as a mountain. Even a fortress would be cut in two, much less a creature of flesh and bone.

Almost immediately after Qutaybah attacked, the Demonic Emperor Old Man responded to this mountain-sundering strike. The Demonic Emperor Old Man did not use any kind of weapon, instead swinging out with his palm of flesh and bone.

Suddenly, the air exploded with thousands of shockwaves. Tens of thousands of bolts of energy of differing lengths had appeared around the Demonic Emperor Old Man, enclosing him in a massive forest of energy. If one looked carefully, one would notice that every pore of the Demonic Emperor Old Man was spewing energy.


The Demonic Emperor Old Man had a serene expression as he extended a single finger. Hundreds upon thousands of these energy bolts immediately fused together into a massive sword that flew at Qutaybah and the enormous heaven-cleaving Sword Qi he had unleashed.


No one could describe the moment those two breathtaking attacks clashed. Dust exploded, rising more than a thousand feet into the air and engulfing the entire area.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1106 - The Eight Ultimate Sunderings Art!
C1106 - The Eight Ultimate Sunderings Art!
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Chapter 1106: The Eight Ultimate Sunderings Art!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


There was a terrible scream as all the Arab cavalry within several thousand feet of the clash between the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Qutaybah were dealt a destructive blow.

The explosive shockwave created by their clash immediately threw these Arab horsemen around like they were leaves in the autumn wind. Thousands of them were tossed around in a violent sandstorm, their faces filled with fear as they were swept aside. Some of the horsemen were even thrown far away to crash into the ground.


A few moments later, the stony ground cracked apart while blood flowed like a waterfall. The soldiers howled for the last time as their corpses were scattered across the field.

In the center of this battle, the churning dust not only did not settle, but intensified, sending clouds of dust soaring higher and higher into the sky. In the middle of this ever-thickening cloud of dust, a golden figure was battling with a black figure. Boomboomboom! Golden beams of Sword Qi cleaved through the heavens, stabbing through the dust and thrusting at the clouds.

At the same time, uncountable bolts of fierce energy, more frightening than if they had been real swords or sabers, were exploding in every direction. The level the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Qutaybah had reached was far beyond what ordinary people could imagine. Even the Great Generals who stood at the peak of martial artists couldn't help but be cowed and shocked by this battle, a sense of inferiority instilled in their hearts.

Fwoooom! It took only a second for a golden beam of Sword Qi, the energy bolts of the Myriad Spirit Sea Art, the dust, and the gravel to create an enormous storm, a vast tornado that spiraled into the sky.

Bangbangbang! One shockwave after another exploded outward, rendering this area the most dangerous on the battlefield.

"Retreat, retreat!"

The Arab cavalry, alarmed and panicked, pulled on the reins of their horses and began to flee outward.

"These two... how..."

At this moment, Huoshu Huicang and Dusong Mangpoje were deeply stunned, their fists tightly clenched.

If they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would have found it very difficult to imagine that the battle between these two could reach such a level. Even for Great Generals, the level that Qutaybah and the mysterious old man had reached clearly transcended beyond their ken.

As the entire battlefield was stunned by the battle between this pair, an imposing and stalwart figure was approaching.

When they were still some several dozen feet from each other, Abu Muslim pulled on the reins of his own horse and spoke in rough Tang language. "Gao Xianzhi, we meet again. Do you think that you can stop me?"

The two were old foes, and their conflict could be considered to have lasted four months now. Gao Xianzhi also had some measure of understanding of Abu Muslim.

"But you've already lost!"

Gao Xianzhi faintly smiled.

The Revelation Army had been defeated, as had the Death Army and Fearless Army. If all went as expected, if this trend continued, the Great Tang would emerge victorious.

"Haha, to borrow an expression from you people of the Central Plains, it's still not decided who will kill the deer!"

Abu Muslim grinned.

"Moreover, you are still no match for me!"

This was not their first battle, and their previous battles had already proven that Gao Xianzhi could not contend against him, which would naturally still be the case. It was simply impossible for Gao Xianzhi to stop him on his own.

Gao Xianzhi smiled and said, "Heh, since you know a few expressions of the Central Plains, I'll give you another. 'Don't laugh until it's over!'" He had heard from Wang Chong the saying 'he who laughs last, laughs best'.


Abu Muslim's eyes suddenly chilled and exploded with killing intent. Without the slightest hesitation, Abu Muslim put on the special gauntlet, the Eye of the Demon God, and punched.

"Asmodai's Fury!"

Abu Muslim immediately used the supreme technique of his Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars Art.

When Abu Muslim had unleashed this attack wearing the Eye of the Demon God, even the Consecrated had staggered backward. Abu Muslim might not have been as strong as Qutaybah, but there was no question that he was ranked amongst the best. At the very least, the people who could contend against him in the Great Tang could be counted on one's fingers.

Rumble! The sky suddenly dimmed as Abu Muslim's body vanished, replaced by a three-headed demon god covered with purple-black scales. This massive demon god stood on the earth and threw a fist as large as a mountain at Gao Xianzhi.

This fist was unstoppable, stirring up fierce gales for one thousand feet around it as it thundered through the air. Thumpthumpthump! The winds even swept up the corpses of the Arab cavalry and pushed them to the side.


Gao Xianzhi's eyes flashed while a faint smile appeared on his lips.

"Eight! Ultimate! Sunderings! Art!" Gao Xianzhi bellowed, his every word like a peal of thunder. As Abu Muslim looked on in shock, Gao Xianzhi vanished in a gust of wind.


A second later, a dazzling bolt of lightning appeared several dozen feet above where Gao Xianzhi had originally been, and Gao Xianzhi emerged. Around him, light and shadow condensed into eight massive pitch-black columns. Mysterious characters had been carved into the eight pillars, and in the center of these eight mysterious pillars, space distorted and twisted. Suddenly, a miniature model of the continent appeared.

Everyone immediately felt a weighty and prodigious aura, as if this was not simply some illusion but was linked to the earth itself.

The Eight Ultimate Sunderings Art was the technique that Wang Chong had given him previously, but also a technique that had been born out of his own Six Ultimate Majesties God Technique. The two had the same origin. When martial arts reached a certain level, they were no longer restricted to merely transforming a certain type of weapon. For instance, Wang Chong could use a sword, but he could also use a spear, or when he transformed into the Godking Yama, he could use a vajra pestle.

Gao Xianzhi's Six Ultimate Majesties God Technique primarily focused on Sword Qi, but when it was improved to the Eight Ultimate Sunderings Art, it no longer needed weapons.

But though this supreme technique was powerful, it was extremely difficult to cultivate. At the very least, the Gao Xianzhi of back then had managed to comprehend its principles, but not even at the end of his life had he succeeded in training in it.

Even though Wang Chong had given him a month to cultivate this technique in seclusion, Gao Xianzhi had still not completely learned the technique. It was only when the Demonic Emperor Old Man arrived and Gao Xianzhi had the opportunity to ask him some questions late in the night, thus understanding the nature of 'Qi', that he finally comprehended the Eight Ultimate Sunderings Art.

"Hmph, do you think that you can contend against me with this!"

Abu Muslim's eyes went cold as the Asmodai's Fury that he had sent out suddenly turned and rumbled toward Gao Xianzhi in the sky. At the same time, Gao Xianzhi opened the fingers of one hand, and the eight black pillars immediately shot out and spread out around Abu Muslim.

When Abu Muslim's Asmodai's Fury was still several dozen feet from Gao Xianzhi, suddenly, without any warning, his strongest technique was frozen in the air.

"How could this be?!"

Abu Muslim was greatly startled by this sight. His fist energy was inherently formless and shapeless, was not something that could be grasped like a saber or sword. For Gao Xianzhi to be able to freeze it in the air was a feat that completely overturned Abu Muslim's understanding of the world.

As this thought flitted through Abu Muslim's mind, the eight pillars suddenly exploded with power. With a massive boom, the punch that Abu Muslim had unleashed with all his power splintered apart and exploded into nothingness.


Fierce winds swept down from the sky. Abu Muslim's face was grimacing and twisting as he stared at this sight. Never had he imagined that Gao Xianzhi would learn a new technique in the space of a single month. These eight strange pillars had somehow been able to completely shatter his most powerful attack.

"Abu Muslim, that was then and this is now. No matter what you plan to do, as long as I'm here, you will never succeed!"

A voice as loud as thunder came down from the sky. Gao Xianzhi stepped forward, and as he did, a majestic Sword Qi exploded from his feet. The Sword Qi condensed into another pillar covered with mysterious characters, floating in the air and holding him up.

The sky was a forbidden ground for martial artists, but the current Gao Xianzhi could traverse it like flat land.

With this single step, Gao Xianzhi's understanding of the Eight Ultimate Sunderings Art increased. The principles of martial arts and Sword Qi were constantly flowing through his mind and his energy began to swell with it, bursting out like a storm from his body. The already powerful Gao Xianzhi instantly broke through some sort of bottleneck and reached an even higher level.

The Gao Xianzhi of the present finally had the right to duel with Abu Muslim. All was silent as Abu Muslim looked up at Gao Xianzhi. He could sense his foe's energy soaring and his face immediately became ashen and grim.

"Huoshu Huicang, go!"

Seeing that Qutaybah and Abu Muslim had been stopped, Dalun Ruozan immediately gave his order, his eyes flashing.

In this battle, it wasn't just the fate of Arabia, but the fate of Ü-Tsang that was also at stake. No matter what, they had to defeat the Great Tang, and if they wanted to destroy the Great Tang's Nine Dragon Blood Formation, they needed to send out their Great Generals.


Huoshu Huicang nodded and immediately galloped onto the field, hurtling at the black-armored guard like an approaching storm.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1107 - Great General Melee!
C1107 - Great General Melee!
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Chapter 1107: Great General Melee!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

"Chong-er, leave Huoshu Huicang to me!"

A dignified and composed voice came from behind Wang Chong. Wang Yan had at some point walked up, and his eyes shone with a sharp light as he stared at the distant Huoshu Huicang.

Before Wang Chong could reply, Wang Yan had already walked out of the defense line. A force of disciplined infantry followed closely behind him.

"Wang Chong, I will go to help General Wang!" Su Hanshan said in his cold and aloof voice as he walked up to Wang Chong's side, staring at Wang Yan's back.

Wang Yan was Wang Chong's father, and though Su Hanshan did not doubt Wang Yan's strength, there was no harm in being cautious. The five thousand ballistae would have an intimidating effect on the Arab cavalry. This was even more so now that the situation had changed. The Nine Dragon Blood War Banner had given the Great Tang the complete initiative over the battlefield, and the war banner would only make the terrifying war machines of the Great Tang even stronger and more intimidating against the Arabs.


Wang Chong took stock of the situation and nodded. Now was the moment. The Great Tang had been in a defensive position throughout this battle, constantly waiting for attacks on its extensive line of steel walls, but now was the time for a counterattack. The Great Tang could now go on the offensive.

Creak! Creak!

There was a loud creaking as ballista bolts were loaded and Su Hanshan led his five thousand ballistae past the steel walls to follow Wang Yan's infantry.


Before the Arab cavalry could begin charging, Su Hanshan swung his hand down. A cloud of ballista bolts immediately flew over Wang Yan's army, past the twenty thousand Tang elites and the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner, and struck the Arab army.

Squelchsquelchsquelch! Blood exploded and screams filled the air as the sharp ballista bolts pierced through countless Arab cavalry.


Su Hanshan waved his sword as he ordered his men to advance over the corpse-covered ground.

Under his command, the five thousand ballistae had been arranged into a hedgehog formation. The ballista army had very little in the way of defense, and one had to remember that the soldiers Su Hanshan had trained were former bandits and brigands. If the enemy suddenly got close, the ballista army was certain to suffer terrible losses.

But under Su Hanshan's command, even the best soldiers of the Great Tang would find it a difficult task to get past the firing zone of the ballistae. The sharp and vicious attacks of the ballistae served as the best defense.

Once his ballista army had reached the vicinity of the Nine Dragon Blood Formation, Su Hanshan swung down his sword and gave another order. "Fan distribution!"

The five thousand ballistae spread apart like flowing water, perfectly encompassing the Nine Dragon Blood Formation and Wang Yan's infantry. Together, the three forces formed a tight and powerful defensive system.

Even though Su Hanshan's strength was still lacking, in terms of strategy and tactics, Su Hanshan was already showing the traits of a future Great General who could hold his own on the battlefield.

Wang Yan cared little for what was going on behind him. The sight of that familiar figure caused him to urge his horse into an even faster gallop.

Bzzzz! Light flashed, and Wang Yan suddenly vanished, replaced by a pitch-black light that swelled rapidly.


There was a heaven-shaking roar as a gigantic golden-armored god appeared on the battlefield. His every stride covered ten-some meters as he strode toward Huoshu Huicang.

The golden-armored god exuded an extremely powerful aura and its massive body made all the Arab elites on the battlefield seem like insignificant ants.

On the other side, Huoshu Huicang's brow rose as he saw that massive Mighty Miracle God and heard the crescendoing rumbling of the earth. Immediately, he used the Vairocana Buddha Golden Body Mantra.

In the blink of an eye, a massive Buddha shining with golden light appeared on the battlefield. As he gazed at Wang Yan, Huoshu Huicang exploded with an astonishing will to fight and began to charge even faster onto the battlefield.

At almost the same time, Wang Yan's eyes flashed with cold light as he controlled the Mighty Miracle God to increase its speed. Boom! Boom! Boom! He began to stride toward Huoshu Huicang's golden Buddha.

The two mortal foes from the southwest met once more on the foreign battlefield of Talas. One regarded Huoshu Huicang as a long-time foe and invader of the Great Tang, a bringer of disaster, and a powerful Great General. The other had sworn to wash off the shame of the war of the southwest.


A moment later, the world seemed to be torn apart as the gigantic figures of Huoshu Huicang and Wang Yan collided.

Winds exploded, blowing dust and gravel in all directions, while powerful shockwaves shook the entire battlefield.

Dalun Ruozan imperceptibly creased his brow at this sight. From what he could see, Huoshu Huicang would clearly not be able to overcome Wang Yan in the short term.

"Dusong Mangpoje, go!" Dalun Ruozan abruptly ordered.

Dusong Mangpoje said nothing, but his eyes were fixed on the area where the Demonic Emperor Old Man was battling with Qutaybah. His fists were clenched and sharp light was flitting through his eyes.

"I know what you're thinking, but now is not the time! Reckless actions will make all our efforts meaningless!" Dalun Ruozan sternly said.


Dusong Mangpoje took in a deep breath, calmed his mind, and began to ride toward the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner. In a clattering of armor, he swept past Dalun Ruozan and vanished into the distance.


Mameluke Commander Aybak was also watching the battlefield.

Seeing Qutaybah, Abu Muslim, and Huoshu Huicang all being stopped by the Great Tang had made his face a sheet of ice and filled his eyes with an overwhelming desire to kill.

"Hear my order! All soldiers, move out! I don't believe that there's a formation that my Mamelukes can't break!"

Aybak snatched at a nearby warhorse and mounted it.

Clang! As Aybak's right thigh pressed against the horse, an enormous halo erupted from his body with a metallic clatter and spread to all the Mamelukes.

"Pharaoh Halo!"

This dazzling and dark red halo exhibited twice the power in Aybak's hands than in Faisal's.

Clangclangclang! Buffed by the true supreme power of the Pharaoh Halo, the speed, dexterity, and defensive capabilities of the Mamelukes began to soar.

Aybak's gaze was as sharp as a blade as he glared at the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner. With a wave of his sword, the seven-thousand-some Mamelukes charged forward.


Not long after Aybak departed, Ziyad took in a deep breath, gripped the Ocean Ring, and mounted his own warhorse.

"I'd like to see just how capable you are, just how many of us you can stop!"

The fires of rage had stirred in Ziyad's mind. The Arabs were a proud and confident people.

This battle was no longer about seizing a strategic fortress of the Silk Road. This was a clash between Arabia and the Great Tang, between West and East, a battle of wills, strength, and self-confidence.

No matter what, Arabia could not lose to these eastern countries.

Neeeigh! Ziyad swiftly vanished from beneath the black Arabian war banners, plunging into the churning battlefield.

"Ziyad has moved out. Leave him to me!"

Cheng Qianli took out his sword as he looked into the distance.

He had been paying attention to the other side this entire time, and he had immediately noticed Ziyad moving out.

This was not the first time they had exchanged blows. Cheng Qianli knew Ziyad's martial arts and fighting style like the back of his hand, so no one was better than him for holding Ziyad down.


Wang Chong nodded and quickly turned his gaze to Aybak and his seven thousand Mamelukes, followed by the Celestial Wolf Cavalry and Mutri Great Cavalry, who had also noticed the change in the situation.

In yesterday's battle, the Mutri Great Cavalry and Celestial Wolf Cavalry had suffered the most losses. Although they were all top-class cavalry, their weapons and equipment were clearly lacking compared to the Mamelukes and the Wushang Cavalry, which was the primary reason for their losses.

But even so, three forces together still numbered twelve thousand men.

"Wushang Cavalry, hear my order! Follow me!"

Wang Chong's eyes flashed with cold light as he gave the order.

Aybak had moved out, and his seven thousand Mamelukes bolstered by his halos were a powerful and intimidating force. This was the true Pharaoh Halo, and Cui Piaoqi and Banahan would not be enough to stop them.

"Let's see which is stronger, the true Pharaoh Halo or the Asura Hell Formation!"

With a fierce look in his eyes, Wang Chong galloped out from under the Tang banner.

Neeeigh! The White-hoofed Shadow's cries resounded over the battlefield as Wang Chong charged out from the steel walls. Clang! A massive halo with a radius of ten-some meters exploded from under Wang Chong's feet. Sinister and dreadful, it swept out like a storm and spread to all the Wushang Cavalry.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1108 - Duwu Sili's Goal!
C1108 - Duwu Sili's Goal!
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Chapter 1108: Duwu Sili's Goal!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


The temperature in a range of tens of thousands of feet suddenly plunged while chilly winds swept over the earth.

Frightening howls suddenly rang out in everyone's ears, the wails and screams of countless resentful spirits. Everyone who heard this sound felt a fear that came from the very depths of their souls.

Gallop! Hooves thundered past the first defense line and toward the battlefield.

In a churning cloud of dust, Wang Chong led all the Wushang Cavalry like an unstoppable comet toward Aybak and the three supreme cavalry forces of three empires.

Dalun Ruozan had been paying close attention to this battle the entire time. When he saw Wang Chong leading the seven thousand Wushang Cavalry with a momentum that was not one bit weaker than the three other major cavalry forces, he couldn't help but show a hint of concern.

There was no going back for Ü-Tsang, and the Arabs had also invested a large number of soldiers, so this battle could not be lost. No matter what, they had to destroy the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner, the Tang's greatest support.

But the Tibetans had already sent all of their commanders, and the three empires no longer had many Great Generals. Other than Governor Osman of Cairo, who was still nervously observing the situation and ready to enter the fray at any moment, there was only...

"Hahaha, it seems like I'm the only one who has yet to enter the battlefield!"

Before Dalun Ruozan could say anything, he was interrupted by brazen laughter. Duwu Sili seemed to have predicted what was going to be said, his horse taking several paces forward.

Dalun Ruozan was so stunned that he was momentarily speechless. Duwu Sili was a shrewd fellow who would always choose to hide until he couldn't hide anymore.

Moreover, his every move and action was usually for the sake of some goal, but now, before anything had even been said, Duwu Sili had volunteered himself. This had truly caught Dalun Ruozan by surprise. For the first time, Dalun Ruozan couldn't tell what Duwu Sili was up to.

"Hyah!" Duwu Sili bellowed, his horse neighing and armor clattering as he rode his glossy-maned black steed sweeping past Dalun Ruozan and into the battlefield.

"It seems like I'm the only one left to deal with this!"

At this moment, the only person left behind the defense line was the Wushang Village Chief.

Although the Wushang Village Chief was very strong, he was still very old, even older than the Demonic Emperor Old Man. This was also why Wang Chong had left him for the very last.

Moreover, even though he was a formidable martial artist, he was no master of commanding soldiers. At the very least, the Wushang Village Chief could not lead the Wushang Cavalry in a charge. Thus, in the end, he was the only one left to deal with Duwu Sili.

The Wushang Village Chief's white cane paused for a moment, and then he emerged from the defense line.


The moment the Wushang Village Chief stepped beyond the steel walls, the winds gusted and a destructive attack shot toward the Wushang Village Chief as fast as lightning.

Boom! In the blink of an eye, it had struck the Stellar Energy around the Wushang Village Chief.

Through the immense shockwave, everyone could clearly see that what had attacked the Wushang Village Chief was an arrow as thick as a finger and more than five feet long.

This arrow had left a white scar in the air that dragged on for twenty-some meters and was still in the process of closing up. From this, one could see that the person who had loosed this arrow was absurdly powerful.

But even more astonishing was what happened to the arrow when it struck the Wushang Village Chief. They could all see that this long arrow seemed to have encountered some unseen barrier. It was frozen in the air, unable to advance a single inch.

Crickcrack! The five-foot-long arrow began to splinter starting from its tip. A moment later, the arrow forged from Deep Sea Xuan Metal had exploded into powder.

And even at the very end, the arrow hadn't been able to get within even three feet of the Wushang Village Chief.


This sight left many Arab, Tibetan, and Western Turk generals stunned.

This white-haired elder of the Great Tang had to be over seventy and was walking around on a cane, appearing ready to fall over at any moment. No one had expected him to be so powerful that simply his external Stellar Energy would be able to stop a five-foot arrow.

The Wushang Village Chief said nothing, only raised his head and looked at the distant Shamask.

Shamask also had a stunned expression on his face. He had never expected this old man to be so powerful that even an arrow fired by a Brigadier General like him wouldn't be able to injure a single hair.


The Wushang Village Chief sighed as he extended a finger from out of his sleeve and lightly flicked.

Pop! A moment later, a halberd sticking up from the corpses of a few Arab horsemen nearby suddenly flew into the air, guided by some invisible energy to rapidly shoot toward Shamask.

"Not good!"

Just a moment ago, the Wushang Village Chief had raised a hand, and over the vast distance, Shamask had barely been able to see that his sleeve had shaken a little, but he had no idea what the Wushang Village Chief had actually done.

But now, Shamask felt an extreme danger that made his skull feel like it was going to explode.

With no time to think, Shamask threw himself backward and awkwardly rolled off his horse.


Just as Shamask rolled off his horse, a broken halberd swept over the back of his horse and stabbed into the army behind him.

Booooom! The halberd's impact created a massive explosion.

In the explosive shockwave, several dozen Arab cavalry didn't even have time to scream before they were blown to bits, even their armor and scimitars pulverized into powder.

Shamask instantly broke into a cold sweat. Even he could easily kill several dozen Arab cavalry with a single move, but pulverizing their armor and weapons was simply impossible.

If he hadn't reacted so quickly and rolled off his horse, he would probably be a corpse by now.


Just as Shamask was breathing a sigh of relief, he suddenly heard the dying scream of a horse.

Shamask turned in shock and was just in time to see the warhorse that had accompanied him for ten-some years drop to the ground.

As for the saddle... it had somehow disappeared. Shamask's face became ghastly pale.

While Shamask was reeling in shock, there was a flash of light in the distance.


Duwu Sili, using the Celestial Wolf's Divine Procession, was riding through the air, a storm in human form that charged toward the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner and the Wushang Village Chief.

He exuded a heroic aura, his black cape snapping in the wind and his sharp eyes making the weak-willed quail in fear.

"Little friend, please hold!"

As Duwu Sili charged forward, a white-haired figure holding a cane suddenly appeared in front of him.

No one knew how the Wushang Village Chief had appeared there. He had seemed to encounter no obstructions on his journey, and the many Arab cavalry who were now behind him were completely baffled.

The Celestial Wolf Great General Duwu Sili was famous amongst both the Western Turks and the people of the Central Plains, but in the mouth of the Wushang Village Chief, he was just a 'little friend'. But in terms of age, Duwu Sili truly was much younger than him.


Duwu Sili's black Turkic steed stopped in the air, its mane wildly blowing in the wind. Duwu Sili's own hair was also being blown about by the gale.

At the sight of the Wushang Village Chief, an unfathomable and wicked smile passed over Duwu Sili's face.

The Wushang Village Chief squinted, but just when he thought that Duwu Sili would unleash some powerful attack...

Boom! Before the Wushang Village Chief could react, Duwu Sili and his horse suddenly drew a massive arc through the air and began to charge back into the rear at lightning speed.

In the blink of an eye, he was gone.


Despite all that the Wushang Village Chief had experienced in his long life, even though he was at an age where he was barely moved by what went on around him, he was still left dumbfounded.

Duwu Sili had come with such a heroic air and the Wushang Village Chief had already been prepared to fight a major battle, but to his surprise, at the final moment, Duwu Sili had chosen to run.

"This... What is Duwu Sili doing?"

At this moment, let alone the Wushang Village Chief, even the deputy next to Dalun Ruozan was left befuddled.

Dalun Ruozan said nothing. His brow was also covered in a gloomy cloud.

"What Duwu Sili is doing is no longer important," Dalun Ruozan suddenly declared after a few moments of thought. "Whether he runs or fights, he's succeeded at his goal!"


The deputy froze in surprise.

In the distance, the Wushang Village Chief was still trying to determine what Duwu Sili had been scheming when a panicked shout suddenly rang out over the battlefield.

"Not good! It's the Governor of Cairo, Osman!"

The Wushang Village Chief's body shivered as he turned his head.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1109 - Danger! The Nine Dragon Blood War Banner!
C1109 - Danger! The Nine Dragon Blood War Banner!
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Chapter 1109: Danger! The Nine Dragon Blood War Banner!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

In the distance, a stalwart and muscular figure had suddenly appeared in front of the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner. This figure was so large and bulky that it was somewhat like a bear's, but this person had hidden his aura so well that no one had noticed as he traveled through the crowd. Only now did he choose to fiercely unleash his energy.

"Not good!"

In shock, the Wushang Village Chief immediately understood.

Duwu Sili had never been afraid to fight. Rather, he had been luring the tiger from the mountain. His goal had never been to fight with him, but to lure him away from the target.

Bzzz! The Wushang Village Chief turned around and immediately began to journey back.

It wasn't merely the Wushang Village Chief who had noticed what had happened. Wang Chong, Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, and Wang Yan had also seen what was happening.

But it was all too late.

Osman had begun to move even earlier than Duwu Sili. Right before Duwu Sili had entered the battlefield, the Governor of Cairo had surreptitiously vanished from underneath his black Nile war banner.

Duwu Sili had succeeded in drawing the attention of the Wushang Village Chief, allowing the furtive Osman to reach the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner.

"Hahaha, nothing but ants! Once I seize this banner, let me see how all of you can still fight back!"

Governor Osman rode upon a black Arabian steed, his beard trembling and his entire body bursting with energy. No matter how many tricks or ritual tools the Great Tang used the West would emerge victorious over the East! In the end, Arabia would carry the day!

"Stop him!"

"Don't let him get close!"

The reaction of the Divine Martial Army, Divine Prison Army, Roaring Tiger Army, and all the rest of the Tang elite armies to the sight of Osman appearing out of nowhere like some ghost was one of panicked roars and pale faces.

In a flash, the soldiers raised their swords and began to converge on Osman.

"General Wang, General Du, let's work together. We can't let him threaten the war banner!"

The unfathomable air of dread around Osman had Zhao Fengchen grimacing. Purely in terms of cultivation, this Great General had undoubtedly reached an extremely high level. He was even on par with the three Grand Marshals of the Imperial Army.

Zhao Fengchen instantly felt an unprecedented sense of danger.


Without hesitation, Zhao Fengchen gripped his Earth's Scar with both hands and used his most powerful technique.

"Lightning Fury!"

"Starving Wolf Devours the Moon!"

"White Tiger Holds the Heavens!"

At almost the same time, Wang Sili, Du Wuwei, and several other commanders abandoned their own opponents and lunged at Osman. Their various powerful techniques shot toward Osman like lightning bolts.


Surrounded by a sea of elite Tang soldiers as well as Zhao Fengchen, Wang Sili, and Du Wuwei, Osman only gave them a disdainful glance.

No matter how many of these foes there were, not even if they were the strongest Brigadier Generals, unless they had broken through that threshold, they would never be able to truly contend against an Imperial Great General.

A moment later, a massive storm of destruction erupted from his body.

"Crocodilian Calamity!"

In an explosion of light, Osman used one of his most powerful techniques. Instantly, light began to twist and a vast black torrent appeared where Osman was standing.

In the middle of this black flood, two sharp and savage eyes opened, and then a massive crocodile more than one hundred feet long awoke from its slumber.

The God of the Nile!

This was one of the most revered gods in Cairo and in all of Egypt. It was said that between the third and sixth month of every year, this god of the Nile would awaken and unleash a massive and calamitous flood that would deluge tens of thousands of fields and houses.

Osman's 'Crocodilian Calamity' was derived from the essence of this legend.

Once Osman used this technique, he would be like the raging waters of the Nile, endlessly crashing against his foes in wave after wave, each blow imbued with destructive power.

With this technique, Osman had succeeded in killing countless top-class experts of the Sassanid Dynasty. The unique energy of his attacks had pulverized the armor of his foes.


This one technique immediately caused a chorus of screams.

In the face of Osman's unstoppable flood of black energy, countless soldiers of the Tang elite armies were sent flying. Even with the power of the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner, even when empowered by nine halos, these soldiers were still unable to contend against a top-class Imperial Great General like Osman. Their attempts to attack and defend were simply laughable.

As for Zhao Fengchen, Wang Sili, and Du Wuwei, they were only able to hold for a few moments before they too were blown away by the mountain-toppling momentum of Osman's attack.

Plush! The three vomited blood in the air, their faces turning as white as paper.

With a single palm, Osman had succeeded in cracking their ribs.

"Everyone, hear my order! Charge with me!"

Osman's eyes flashed with cold light. After creating a gap in the Nine Dragon Blood Formation, he did not immediately chase after Zhao Fengchen, Du Wuwei, and Wang Sili, but instead gathered his men so that they could charge through the gap together.

The Arabs still had many elite soldiers gathered around the Nine Dragon Blood Formation, including the soldiers of the Revelation Army, Blood Beast Army, and Death Army. These armies were all available for Osman to mobilize. On this battlefield, the Arabs, Tibetans, and Western Turks still had the advantage in numbers.

Osman's mind immediately became extremely calm. The primary objective in this battle was not to kill and wound the Tang, but to destroy the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner. Only by the destruction of the war banner would the Tang formation fall apart and cease to be a threat to the Arab soldiers.


The black and red banner was reflected in Osman's eyes. Without any hesitation, Osman shot through the gap toward the center of the formation, toward the motionless black-armored guard.

"Release!" Su Hanshan roared. He had sensed the danger from the front and ordered his ballista army to fire on the Governor of Cairo.

His expression was cold and his eyes were emotionless.

The situation on the battlefield was complex and constantly changing. More importantly, Osman had relied on his formidable strength to break into the center of the Nine Dragon Blood Formation. He was surrounded by Tang warriors, and using Tang ballistae at this distance might not just fail to wound Osman, but was also likely to kill Tang soldiers.

A normal person would never dare to use Tang ballistae at a time like this.

But Su Hanshan had not only used them, he had used them without hesitation.

"Seeking death!"

The howling ballista bolts approaching him caused Osman's eyes to turn cold and cruel. Rather than avoid these ballista bolts, Osman chose to charge right in and push through with sheer strength.

A steely energy exploded out of Osman's body, and even these Tang ballista bolts which could pierce through Stellar Energy were unexpectedly knocked aside.

Even Su Hanshan slightly grimaced when he saw Osman knock away all the ballista bolts. But it was too late for Su Hanshan to do anything else. Osman had succeeded in breaking through the layers of defense and was now just a few dozen feet from the black-armored guard.

For someone of Su Hanshan's cultivation to be able to launch a round of attacks and shave away at the strength of a Great General like this was quite excellent, but a second round of attacks was simply out of the question.

"Now, hand over the war banner and die for me!"

Now that he was finally in front of the black-armored guard, Osman coldly smiled at the banner holder like he was looking at prey waiting to be killed.


A black ball of light shot out from Osman's fingers, rapidly swelling to a hundred times its original size as it flew toward the black-armored guard.


Time seemed to stop for a moment as the Arab soldiers both near and far, and even Dalun Ruozan, Huoshu Huicang, Dusong Mangpoje, and Abu Muslim, all showed a hint of relief on their faces. Although there had been many twists and turns, they had finally achieved their objective.

Anyone so close to someone of Osman's cultivation was essentially doomed.

It was over!

As long as they could seize that banner, the Great Tang would be in no state to stop the combined attack of the Arab, Tibetan, and Western Turkic forces.

A single thought remained in Dalun Ruozan's mind as he stood beneath the white yak banner, the matter of Duwu Sili having been completely cast to the back of his mind. The course of this battle was about to be reversed. The moment Osman succeeded was the moment that the Great Tang was defeated.

As one side waned, the other would wax. While the Arabs, Western Turks, and Tibetans would rally, the morale of the Tang soldiers would plunge.

"Not good!"

"The Nine Dragon Blood War Banner is going to be destroyed!"

"Hurry and save General Li!"

The black-armored guard appeared insignificant in the face of Osman's mighty attack, a drop in the ocean, and all the Tang soldiers became stricken with fear and worry.

In an instant, countless soldiers heedlessly charged at Osman.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1110 - Counterattack! The Black-Armored Guard!
C1110 - Counterattack! The Black-Armored Guard!
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Chapter 1110: Counterattack! The Black-Armored Guard!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


In the distance, Wang Chong had been preparing to engage in a fierce battle with Aybak, but at this moment, he suddenly turned around and began to charge toward the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner.

Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, and the Wushang Village Chief all did their utmost to try and stop Osman. But all their actions at this point were too late. No matter what they did, it would be of no help to the situation.

At this point, the atmosphere on the battlefield was maximally saturated with tension.

But just when it seemed like the black-armored guard was about to die to Osman's attack...

"Barbarian of the Western Regions, you overestimate your strength!"

Just when Osman believed that he had firmly grasped victory, a deep voice devoid of emotion resounded in his ear. The black-armored guard had been motionless this entire time.

But at this moment, he suddenly raised his head and stared at Osman.

Instantly, Osman felt an indescribable feeling. At Osman's level of cultivation, no one should have had enough time to raise their head when being attacked from such short range.

This is impossible! Osman mentally roared.

A moment later, he felt an intense danger.


At this moment, a palm shot forward in a flash of light.

This palm immediately shattered Osman's black torrent and thrust into his chest. This energy was so enormous that Osman felt like the entire world had lost its color. All living beings in the world appeared insignificant in front of this palm.


Time seemed to slow down to a crawl as Osman heard a crisp crack from his chest.

The 'Nile Battle Armor', which he had spent a great deal of effort and resources, as well as made countless promises, to finally obtain from a member of the imperial household, instantly splintered into pieces. This armor that even the three Great Generals of the Sassanid Dynasty had failed to break had been shattered by a single palm from this black-armored guard.


Osman's entire body trembled as he vomited blood. And then an unstoppable power as vast as the seas sent him flying outward and into the ground.

Boom! The ground seemed to be made of paper from how easily it cracked, sank, and exploded, sending large slabs of stone flying into the air from the force of Osman's impact. Before these slabs of stone could get very far, they exploded in the air once more into hundreds of thousands of tiny stones.

As the dust settled, everyone could clearly see the blood-drenched figure of Osman, surrounded by shattered pieces of his armor.

Plush! As Osman got off the ground, his body trembled again and he vomited more blood. His hard and determined face instantly became as white as a sheet of paper.



Everyone who saw this sight was shocked until they couldn't be shocked anymore. That black-armored guard in the center of the formation who hadn't seemed very strong had actually managed to heavily wound Osman with a single palm. Everyone felt like their world had been completely turned upside down.

"This is impossible!"

At this moment, no one was more stunned than Abu Muslim. His fingers were clenched so hard together that the bones were about to break.

As Osman's comrade-in-arms, Abu Muslim had a keen understanding of his strength. He didn't even dare to believe that Osman had been heavily injured by a single palm.

Dalun Ruozan was just as stunned. His heart was a block of ice, and it felt like he had been the one that had been sent flying, not Osman.

"An Imperial Great General! They actually sent an Imperial Great General to serve as the banner holder for the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner!"

Dalun Ruozan's lips trembled, his mind in complete disorder.

Qutaybah had fought against the mysterious old man, Abu Muslim had lured away Gao Xianzhi, Ziyad had lured away Cheng Qianli, Huoshu Huicang had lured away Wang Yan... In the end, Governor Osman went alone to slay the banner holder and break the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner. Everything had gone according to Dalun Ruozan's plan.

But he had never expected the black-armored guard holding the banner to be a variable on his own. This unremarkable banner holder had turned out to be even stronger than the Governor of Cairo.

Deathly stillness! At this moment, the entire battlefield had fallen silent!

Everyone had been left speechless by their shock. Even Wang Chong was dumbstruck, let alone anyone else.

"Hand over your life!"

A voice broke the silence.

The only one who wasn't shocked by this result was probably the black-armored guard himself.

Boom! The guard stepped forward, his eyes locked onto Osman. But before the black-armored guard could strike, boom! Osman's body swelled with bloody light. The black-armored guard squinted as he prepared to receive Osman's counterattack, but things turned out very differently from what he had expected.

"Just who are you? Go!"

The first sentence was a question for the black-armored guard, but when he said the word 'Go', Osman immediately transformed into a bloody streak of light and fled like a stray dog.

"Hmph! Blood Escape!"

A cold light flitted through the black-armored guard's eyes, but this time, he stepped back, showing no intent of pursuing Osman.

This world was host to many secret arts that could stimulate one's potential and give one a large boost in strength for a short period of time, with the Blood Escape of the martial arts world being one of them. Osman definitely hadn't used the Blood Escape Art, but there was no doubt that they achieved the same thing.

"I'll let you go for now, but in the coming battles, will you be able to step forward?"

The black-armored guard's eyes gleamed as he drew back his gaze from Osman. He resumed his position, standing motionless in the center of the Nine Dragon Blood Formation, appearing entirely unaffected by the events just now.

To the holder of the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner, the most important duty was to hold the banner, not kill the enemy.

The banner would be with the men, and it would only fall when he died!

This was the conviction and law that each generation of the black-armored guards had cleaved to.

As Osman fled, the entire battlefield seemed to awaken. All the Tang soldiers immediately exploded with cheers.


"Kill these Arabs!"

"Charge! Kill them all!"

No one had expected the banner holder to have such profound strength, or the Great Tang to be hiding another Imperial Great General, one that was even stronger than Osman.

The Tang morale immediately soared to the heavens as countless Tang soldiers joined the twenty thousand Tang elites in charging at the Arabs.




At the same time, Su Hanshan was also revitalized and began to issue a string of orders.

The five thousand ballistae joined the Nine Dragon Blood Formation in charging at the Arabs, Western Turks, and Tibetans. More and more soldiers poured out of the first defense line and entered the intense battlefield.

This time, the Great Tang was no longer just holding its defensive positions. The entire army came to life like a massive machine and began a full-out offensive against the Arabs.

Swooshswooshswoosh! Bolts filled the sky, piercing through the Arabs and drenching the earth with their blood. Shocked and panicked, the Arabs were quickly felled and their corpses began to pile up.


None was more lethal on this battlefield than the Nine Dragon Blood Formation.

Clangclangclang! The Tongluo Great Halo, Xuanwu Halo, Dragon Stallion Halo, Divine Prison Halo, Divine Martial Halo, Iron Wall Halo, Azure Martial Halo... nine top-class war halos, dazzling and brilliant, boosted the power of the twenty thousand Tang elites.

At this moment, this army was the strongest in the continent, in the world.

Not even the most powerful army on the Arab side, the Revelation Army, was any match for them.

"Go! Hurry!"

This time, the Arabs were truly in a complete rout. The damage Osman's heavy injury had done to Arab morale was simply unimaginable.

All of them had originally believed that they still had the upper hand when it came to the number of Great Generals, but now, all their advantages had been lost. The Great Tang had an equal number of Great Generals to the three empires.

Although the Arabs, Tibetans, and Western Turks still had more soldiers, their army had lost the will to fight. All the Arab soldiers were fleeing from that ancient black and red banner.

"Retreat! Retreat! Everyone, retreat!" Abu Muslim roared. His furious, unwilling, but also helpless voice rang out over the battlefield.

In the air, Abu Muslim and his Eye of the Demon God gauntlet were far from finished with their battle against Gao Xianzhi. Although Gao Xianzhi's strength had swelled, he was still not at the level where he could defeat Abu Muslim. But even though the battle between Great Generals had still not been decided, Abu Muslim was compelled to order a retreat.


A horn instantly began to blow from the rear of the Arab army, but when compared to the loud and energetic signal to attack, this one was fraught with panic.


Dust billowed into the air as the army began to retreat even faster.

The other areas of the battlefield were also affected. Ziyad, Aybak, Huoshu Huicang, and Dusong Mangpoje all began to draw back, no longer in the mood to fight.

In this battle, the Great Tang's greatest weakness was the Nine Dragon Blood Formation. If the banner that held down the formation could be destroyed, the Tang army would fall apart on its own. But when that black-armored guard attacked, this weakness immediately disappeared.

The greatest gap in the Great Tang's defense was thus filled, and it was now Arabia that was on the back foot, as with Osman severely wounded, the three empires had lost a Great General.

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