Prince Sebastian

By Emma386

239 10 0

Some people dream of being a prince or princess, some even dream of knowing a Prince or princess. Girls dream... More

1 - Rose
2 - Sebastian
3 - you shall go to the ball
4 - The Ball
5 - The Rescue
6 - Home and medical checks
7 - Mistaken Identity
8 - Sebastians last 19 yrs
9 - Roses Past pt1
10 - Rose's Past pt2
12 - The Cell, The Escape and Taken
13 - The Fire
14 - Recovery
15 - will you marry me?
16 - the future Mrs Stan
17 - talking things through
18 - The Trial

11 - Dates

12 1 0
By Emma386

Sebs pov

When it came time for dinner Rose was still being affected from having to relive everything that happened as she told us. I'm sat on the bed, on my laptop going through emails. My phone rings, looking at the caller ID I see its Chris. 'Hey chris' I answer 'hey seb, how's Rose?' He asks 'currently sleeping, she told mum, uncle and I what happened' I say. I look down to see Rose still fast asleep. 'I'm so sorry Rose had to go through all that' he says 'its okay Chris, thank you for helping her, especially convincing her to come to the ball. If it wasn't for you she'd still be there' I reply. 'I would do anything for you both' Chris tells me. 'Any news on the trial/court?' He asks 'not yet. I think Uncles still getting all the evidence together.' I inform him. 'If you let me know when it is I'll come over and stay with Rose for you' 'Thanks pal, it means so much. I can already tell Rose likes you' I smile. 'STOP, ILL BE GOOD' Rose begins groan as she sleeps, 'I've got to go Chris but I'll keep you updated' I say before hanging up the phone.

Carefully I place my phone and laptop on the bedside table. 'Blue, your safe' I say softly as I carefully move her close to me. 'Got to get to Char, need Char' Rose says kicking her legs out 'need Char got to get home' Rose says still kicking her legs. 'Blue, your home, Chars here' I say softly kissing the top of her head holding it there. As I do so she calms down. 'Char?' I hear Rose say quietly as her eyes open 'hey blue' I smile 'how are you feeling?' I ask 'trapped' Rose says 'they wouldn't stop. Then I ran. I wanted to get to you, I needed you' Rose cries in my arms. 'I'm here now so Blue, I'll keep you safe' I say softly holding her close.

'Blue?' I ask 'char' Rose smiles 'can I take you on some dates this week?' I ask, if she agrees I want to ask her to be my girlfriend as from childhood I knew I wanted to. 'I'd like that char' Rose smiles. 'For date 1 why don't we spend the night at the shepherd's hut' I suggest  'I would love that seb!' Rose says hugging me. 'Let's pack an overnight bag before we head to dinner.' I smile.

Once packed we leave the bag in the room before heading downstairs to the kitchen, as we walk in mum and uncle are busy cooking 'hello mum' 'hello auntie' Rose and I say 'hello Uncle' both Rose and I smile at the same time. 'Hello Sebastian, hello Rose' mum says smiling 'hello you too, how are you feeling Rose?' Uncle asks 'I'm feeling slightly better now after telling you about what happened' Rose says. 'Do you want any help?' Rose asks 'we okay Love, thanks for asking' mum smiles 'why don't you and Sebastian take a seat' mum adds. 'Come on blue' I say leading her over to the living area of Uncles kitchen.

Uncle always loved cooking, Rose's parents too. Most of our meals were cooked by our family, the Royal chefs only cooked for the events. 'Do you remember uncle teaching us to bake?' I ask 'I think so' rose smiles resting her head on my shoulder. 'I remember us baking your mum and dad a cake for their anniversary and our celebration of your dad's coronation' I say. 'There's some photos in an album' uncle calls over to us, I can give them to you later' he adds smiling.
'This looks delightful, thank you uncle and Auntie' Rose smiles 'your welcome Rose' they both smile. 'What's your plans for tonight?' Uncle asks 'Charmings taking me on a date' Rose smiles looking up at me, 'I'm looking forward to it' she smiles  'me too Blue' I smile before leaning in to kiss her 'aww' mum and uncle say 'things haven't changed, they are still in love as the were growing up' mum says 'they were made for each other' uncle smiles.

'I'll wash up' Rose says standing up beginning to collect our empty plates 'let me help you Blue' I smile following her to the kitchen. Rose washes as I dry. We make light work with washing up, uncle had put the radio on while him and mum were relaxing. Both of us singing alone, laughing as well. 'All done' I smile wrapping my arms around Rose. 'You chill with mum and Uncle and I'll grab the bags' I smile 'okay' Rose replies softly looking down 'it's okay Blue' I say softly placing a hand on her cheek, gently stroking it with my thumb. I watch as Rose walks over to mum who had lifted out a photo album. Mum smiles at me before pointing out pictures to Rose telling her about it.

Rose's pov

'This was you and Seb aged 3&4' auntie says pointing to a picture 'this was in sebs room at the cottage. You always slept together. We could see how much he cared for you at an early age' she adds 'didn't you worry about us sharing a bed?' I ask 'to begin with yes.' Auntie tells me. 'When Seb stayed here his room was across from yours. I remember him running from his room to yours when you woke up crying' uncle smiles 'I went to check on you when I heard you crying and I found him in bed with you talking quietly 'its okay Blue, Chars here' he said softly hugging you' uncle says smiling 'so he cared for me from a young age?' I ask 'he did. You did too' auntie smiles  'I  did?' I ask 'seb once fell off the swing in the park, you jumped off your swing going to him 'its okay Charming, Blue kiss it better' you told him kissing his grazed knee' auntie tells me 'here look' she says showing me the photo.

'Ready Bluebird?' I look up to see Seb smiling with our bag on his back and a picnic basket in his hand 'I am' I smile 'I've got our breakfast for morning, and treats for our girls' he smiles. 'You might want this' Auntie says passing me a photo album. 'Thanks Auntie' I smile hugging her 'have a good evening, you know you can call us if needed' uncle tells us 'we will, thanks uncle' seb and I say in unison. 'Would you like me to put the photo album in our bag?' Seb asks 'yes please' I smile passing him it, seb puts it in the bag before taking my hand 'see you both sometime tomorrow' he smiles just before we leave the room.

Sebs pov

I walk into the livingroom as mum was telling Rose about the time I fell off the swing in the park, I think I was 6 and Rose was 5.

Wrapping my arm around Rose we walk down to our shepherd's hut where we were spending the night. We pass Bella and Grace in the riding pen 'hey girls' Rose smiles running over to them, smiling I walk over to join her 'why don't we go riding tomorrow?' I ask 'I'd like that Char' Rose smiles.  Saying bye to Bella and Grace we walk along the path to our shepards hut.

'Here we are Blue' I smile. We walk up the steps inside, 'you get comfy and I'll put the breakfast in the fridge' I smile. I watch as Rose sits on the bed, the curtains at the foot end are open so we can see the lake, 'hey Blue' I smile softly sitting beside her 'it's so beautiful' Rose smiles at me 'it is. So peaceful too' I smile back. 'Shall we look through the album?' I suggest 'I'd like that char' Rose smiles.

Opening the album we look through the photos, I tell her of my memories. We stop at the photo of us on Bella and Grace just after we got them from the sanctuary. 'We look so happy' Rose smile resting her head on my shoulder, 'we are. It's one of my favourite memories of us' I smile wrapping my arm around her.  'I have that photo with me when I'm filming' I smile.

After a while we both began to get tired, 'let's get ready for bed Blue' I smile. Climbing off the bed changing into our night clothes. 'Sleep well Blue' I smile kissing the top of Rose's head as she lays in my chest 'you too Char' Rose smiles lifting her head to face me 'I love you' she adds 'i love you too Blue' I smile kissing her softly on the lips. It doesn't take long for us both to fall asleep.

Rose's pov

After a peaceful nights sleep, seb and I enjoyed breakfast looking out towards the lake. We left the shepards hut walking towards the stables as we were taking Bella and Grace for a ride. 'Hey girls' we call as the come trotting over. 'Let's get them saddled up' Seb smiles as we walk over to the stables.

Once inside seb lifts down the saddles and reins for the girls helping me to put it on. When both girls were saddled I climb onto Bella as he walks to the gate of paddox, where he opens it for us to get out before closing the gate, climbing onto Grace.

We ride through the fields at points racing each other. It was  just like when we were growing up 'I wish we could do this more' I smile over to Sebastian 'we can Blue, any time we wish' Seb smiles. 'Friday I'm taking you on a date,' seb smiles to me 'ill cook and you bring yourself' he adds. 'What should I wear?' I ask 'a dress?' Seb suggests 'I'd like that' I smile.

Sebs pov

It's now Friday.  Rose and I spent the morning cuddling in bed watching films. We had lunch with mum and Uncle, Rose and mum are currently spending time together, I think mum was going to show Rose some photos from our childhood.

I'm stood in the kitchen wearing a black shirt and trousers, my shirt sleeves are rolled up as I'm cooking. I'm cooking chicken and vegetables,  for dessert I've got a cheese cake. As I'm almost finished I send mum a message to let her know I'm ready. 'Okay, she's just getting changed' mum replies.

Lifting out the flowers I had brought for Rose I stand by the table waiting for her to arrive. It wasnt long until I see Rose walks in 'you look absolutely beautiful Bluebird' I smile 'thanks Charming you look handsome' Rose smiles. 'These are for you' I smile passing her the flowers 'I love them Char' Rose smiles. 'I'll put them in water for you doll' I smile. I put the flowers in water, 'something smells good Seb' Rose says 'thanks' I smile.  'Come sit' I smile pulling back her chair, I pour her a glass of wine.

I begin to plate up the chicken and vegetables, taking Rose's plate to her first before going back for mine. Sitting down I smile 'enjoy Rose' 'Thanks Seb, this looks delicious' Rose smiles. Whilst we eat Rose tells me about the photos mum told me. After we had finished I take the plates to the sink to wash up later. I move to a draw where I had hidden my gift for Rose. I walk back to the table sitting in front of her I take her hand in mine.

'This is for you doll' I smile I pass her the gift, 'char' Rose says softly 'it's beautiful' she smiles. 'Rose' i say holding both if her hands 'I love you so much, I have done since the first day we met, I've been in love with you. You are the only girl I want to spend the rest of my life with' I say 'Rose, will you be my girlfriend?' I ask.

Rose's pov

This morning Seb and I spend cuddling watching films, then we had lunch with uncle and sebs mum before Seb had to pop out, so spent time with Auntie looking at pictures of us growing up. It soon came time for our date. I was wearing a floral print dress 'you look beautiful Rose' Auntie smiles 'thanks auntie' I smile.

Walking into the kitchen I see Seb standing by the table dressed in a black shirt which had the sleeves rolled up and black trousers. 'you look absolutely beautiful Bluebird' Seb smiles 'thanks Charming you look handsome' I smile back. 'These are for you' seb passing a beautiful bunch of flowers 'I love them Char'. 'I'll put them in water for you doll' seb says before putting the flowers in water, 'something smells good Seb' I tell seb  'thanks'.  'Come sit' Seb smiles pulling back my chair, before pouring me a glass of wine.

Seb brings over a plate of chicken and vegetables, it looks and tastes delicious, I tell seb about the photos mum showed me, one was us at the beach when I went and visited him.  After we had finished Seb takes the plates to the sink before sitting back down in front of me.

This is for you doll' he smiles passing  me a gift 'char' I say softly 'it's beautiful' I smile, the gift was a heart locket and inside is a picture of us both on my 13th birthday. 'Rose' seb says holding both of my hands 'I love you so much, I have done since the first day we met, I've been in love with you. You are the only girl I want to spend the rest of my life with' he says 'Rose, will you be my girlfriend?' Seb asks.

'Yes Seb, I will be you girlfriend' I smile. Standing up Seb moves to beside me, placing his hands on my face he leans in kissing me, it's like fireworks 'I love you so much Rose' he smiles 'I love you too Seb' I smile pulling him towards me so I can kiss him. 

For dessert we had cheesecake, I offered to help wash up but Seb declined telling me to relax. 'May I have this dance' seb smiles holding out his hand 'you may' I reply taking it. I wrap my arms around him as he does the same, we slowly move side to side to the music. 'You are my world Bluebird' Seb smiles 'and you are mine Charming, you always have been' I smile back.

'Thank you for the amazing date Charming' I smile, resting my hand on his chest as we cuddle in bed. 'That's okay Bluebird' seb says smiling before kissing my forehead 'you are my whole world and I love you so much' he adds still smiling 'you are my world Charming and I love you so much too' I smile. I reach up to his head pulling him in for a kiss, I gently suck his lower lip before it gets more passionate. 'Night Charming'  I say getting comfortable on his chest, 'night Bluebird' seb says kissing the top of my head. I fall asleep smiling after an amazing night.

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