Kamen Rider Villains Badan Em...

Autorstwa Strange_Advent

85 0 0

Every single Kamen Rider monster and dark rider has been revived, the how doesn't matter but for the glory of... Więcej

Plot B 01
Plot C 01
Plot D 01
Plot C 02
Plot E 01
Plot E 02
Plot F 01
Plot C 03
Plot B 02
Plot D 02
Plot A 01
Plot B 03
Plot C 05
Plot D 03
Plot E 03
Plot F 02
Plot A 02
Plot B 04
Plot B 05
Plot E 04

Plot A 03

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Autorstwa Strange_Advent

Plot A 03

Badan Jungles

Kaidou followed behind Maehara and Kusaka through thick foliage. Kusaka woke them up first thing in the morning to hunt for Oprhenochs. Kaidou valued sleep. Kusaka was too driven to care about sleep and Maehara didn't seem to sleep or even eat. It was disturbing. Even worse, Kusaka demanded they stayed transformed, another matter he was was outvoted on.

How is it painfully hot underground?? He thought.

Kaidou never cared much for science, he was more of a music guy. Well, at least until the incident with his hands and becoming an Orphenoch. He tried to remember he was grateful for being out of the Badan Prison, but Kusaka was making it difficult.

He couldn't weasel out of it either, a close eye was kept on him. Insisting he prove his worth.

At least Orphenochs are old enemies.. Kiba wouldn't want me to harm humans.

The thought of Kiba smiling down upon him gave him some comfort, he wondered why he was revived, but not Kiba or Yuka. Kiba was a better leader and man than he ever was, yet the others back at the prison remained on his shoulders.

It sucks. But I'll do what it takes, I'm not one to skirt from responsibility.

He was just concerned about his skills as a rider, could he win a tough fight? He hoped Kusaka and Maehara would do the heavy lifting.

"This isn't a hunt," Maehara said.

"Bark off inhuman," Kaixa said, "We'll find them."

Kaidou listened, not wanting to get on his worse side.

They came across a trampled area in the forest, a clear indicator of tracks. Kaixa stopped and took interest, kicking across sticks and leaves looking for any sort of tracks or evidence.

"There are a number of outcast species within these jungles," Maehara said, "Finding a specific one would be difficult given the diversity of said species. There are no moves to play."

Kaidou sat down on the nearest rock with his hands on his helmet.

"Ah ha!" Kaixa said as he picked up a chunk of grey sand, "They were here. This is the remains of an Orphenoch."

Kaidou leaned forward and felt he was right. Orphenochs turned to dust when they died, it was a cruel thing for a body.

"A single lead can go cold," Maehara said.

"Just follow these tracks," Kaixa said.

Kaidou got up ready to follow not seeing much choice as they began tracing the tracks. Maehara looked ahead.

"Illogical," He said, "These tracks go for miles and they were sprinting."

"So?" Kaidou asked.

"It is unlikely for them to run at a continued speed for such a long distance. Their bodies would give out," He said.

"You heard Zol," Kaixa said, "They're working with the Worms. That's your means of speed."

"And you want us to follow these tracks for who knows how many miles?" Kaidou asked.

"Yes," Kaixa said.

"The move is acceptable," Maehara said.

Kaidou sighed at the thought, he was already tired, and now they wanted to trek miles into the forest looking for an army.

However, he then could spot something headed toward them, he couldn't tell what but something was making the trees and other plants rustle, and it was fast. Without warning or reason, an Orphenoch appeared in front of them. He was a lion.

"Orphenoch!" Kaixa said.

The Lion nodded and met their eyes and then wagged his finger, "Good to see you guys, but making sure nobody follows us.."

He took out a belt, similar in device to Kaixa and Delta, and placed it on his waist before punching in the numbers on the phone.


"Is part of my job.. Henshin!"


In a brief flash of light, the Orphenoch was transformed into.. Kamen Rider Psyga.

"It's showtime!" he shouted.

He swung his arm fins around like blades and charged at Kaidou.

"Huh?" Kaidou asked, "Me? Why me?"

He quickly tried to aim his gun barely firing two shots (which Psyga easily dodged with a swerve and a jump forward) Kaidou was slashed at his chest, he then heard a clang in front of him. Maehara was using his own claws to counter Psyga's blades.

"This should take no more than three moves to finish," Maehara said.

Psyga pushed him forward giving Kaidou some space to breathe, he readied his aim again, Psyga took notice and moved away. Their enemy spun around just as Kaixa was swinging his sword forward. Psyga countered the strike.

"I remember killing you," he taunted.

"Anyone know what he's saying?" Kaixa asked.

"No," Maehara said charging forward with a claw strike.

"I only know a touch of English," Kaidou said.

Realizing Maehara's claw strike incoming, Psya backflipped over them.

"Pathetic.." Psyga said.

"He's stalling!" Kaixa said, "All dodging, barely trading blows with us."

"Aha..smart!" Psyga said.

From the sky a small device seemed to be flying in the air, a robotic drone in the shape of a queen ant. It made a metallic screech as it landed in Psyga's hands.

"Shoot it!" Kaixa said as he fired his gun.

However, Psyga blocked the attack using his arm blades. The robot crawled on his arm to his back, Psyga spun around as if taunting them. The robot situated itself onto a spot on the center of its back, locking in place.

"Further.. Henshin," Psyga said.

Suddenly, large bulky, and ant-like armor originated from the ant spread and encased Psyga. It looked similar to insect chitin while keeping the color scheme of the Psyga system. Including his arm blades. Immediately taking the opportunity, Kaidou fired his gun, Kaixa followed as well. They both rapidly fired into the armor creating a small explosion. Maehara prepared for a strike.


Maehara jumped forward for a kick as the smoke cleared. The kick connected, but his momentum was stopped and Psyga smacked him to the side. The finisher was unable to pierce it. The gunshots didn't seem to do anything either.

"Come at me..!" Psya shouted.

Kaixa went for it like a madman, and Kaidou unsure of what actually to do followed behind. Psyga did nothing to stop their advance, with Kaixa slashing his sword into his shoulder, sparks flew. At least that seemed to have some effect, Kaidou threw a punch.


That didn't seem to have much effect. Psyga swung his arm blades down slashing them both and they fell to the ground. He walked forward.

"Cast off," he said.


The armor was dispersed and instead, Psyga seemed to grow gigantic antwings on his back. They buzzed like a bee or a dragon fly as he jumped up soaring upward and then disappeared. It was as if he blinked out of existence. Kaidou stood up as the others remained on guard.

"What..was that?!" Kaixa asked.

"Hold.." Maehara said.

"Don't tell me what to do you zombie fre-"

Suddenly a loud smash pushed Kaixa into the air. They were under attack! Kaidou could barely see it (he figured he only could because of his Orphenoch senses) but something was moving at hyper speeds. The figure rapidly zigzagged hitting all three of them in the air and then juggling them with punches for good measure. They all fell down, immediately losing their transformations. Kaidou crawled forward, as Psyga was now standing before them.

"This was fun," Psyga said, "Join up with us Orphenochs while you still can,"

And then with a burst of wind, he was gone. Leaving the three of them to lick their wounds. Kaixa was the first to get up and he immediately pointed a gun at Kaidou. Kaidou raised his hands still aching from the attack.

"W-what's the big idea?" he asked.

"You heard him. He wants you to join him," Kaixa said, "Go.. warn our superiors at Badan. I'd prefer you running in the opposite direction than toward your own kind."

Maehara stood up and began walking forward, "We'll destroy them or die trying."

Kaidou began moving backward slowly, he wasn't sure if he should walk away or run away.

"Go!" Kaixa said firing one shot into the ground near his feet.

I should run!. Run!..run! He thought. 

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