Hiding the Emperor's Child

By ladyliyaaah

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101

Chapter 73

560 24 0
By ladyliyaaah

After requesting an audience countless time, Astelle finally found herself face to face with the Emperor, her patience wearing thin.

"How much longer must I remain here, Your Majesty?" Astelle asked directly, her tone tinged with frustration.

"Are you experiencing any inconveniences during your stay here?"

Astelle was momentarily taken aback by the unexpected response. Could there be any convenience in her confinement?

"I can't go out, that's the only inconvenience," she admitted reluctantly.

Indeed, within the mansion, there was no shortage of luxury and comfort. The opulent bedrooms, lavish meals akin to those served in the palace, and the attentive maids attending to her every need left little room for complaint.

"But I don't wish to remain here any longer. I need to return to the East," Astelle insisted, her determination evident in her voice.

"Please, stay a while longer," the Emperor urged, his tone gentle yet firm.

Kaizen issued his orders with an air of certainty, as if they were the most obvious course of action.

Astelle was taken aback by the sudden revelation.

"Your Majesty, but I have family waiting for me back home," she protested.

"I've dispatched knights to bring your grandfather and Theor back to the capital," Kaizen declared matter-of-factly.

Astelle was dumbfounded. "I beg your pardon?" she exclaimed inwardly. She had painstakingly arranged for Theor to leave the capital, and now Kaizen was bringing him back here?

Her frustration bubbled up inside her.

"Isn't it enough for you to keep me confined in this mansion?" she challenged Kaizen, her eyes burning with resentment.

Kaizen met her gaze with a pitiful expression. "The child should be with you. Do you think sending him away from the capital will solve your problem?"

Astelle struggled to contain her rising anger. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. What problem do you mean?"

Astelle's primary concern lay with Kaizen's insistence on keeping her confined and preventing her from returning home.

As Kaizen hesitated, biting his lip in contemplation, Astelle anticipated his unspoken words. She knew what he was about to say before he even uttered a single word.

'You, a princess, giving birth to an illegitimate child. Do you know what people are talking about right now?' she imagined him saying.

Astelle remained indifferent to the world's opinions of her. As long as there were no rumors circulating about Theor's birth, she saw no need to concern herself with idle gossip.

After a moment of silence, Kaizen spoke cautiously, his words carefully chosen, "I sent a proposal to your father."

Astelle sighed inwardly, feeling weary of the constant stream of surprises.

'Now, I'm tired of being taken aback,' she thought to herself.

"The imperial court has begun preparations for the national wedding. At the earliest, in two months, we will get married," Kaizen announced, his tone firm but tinged with a hint of expectation.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. What part of the word 'refuse' did you not understand?" Astelle responded coldly.

Kaizen's expression hardened at her blunt rejection.

Despite his outward appearance of indignation, Kaizen couldn't find it within himself to be truly angry with Astelle. Instead, he looked at her with a mixture of hurt and longing, his eyes betraying the pain he felt deep inside.

"I can't let you be insulted. This time, I will make sure you never suffer," Kaizen spoke in a calm voice, his words carrying a depth of sincerity and regret.

There was a palpable sense of remorse in his tone, as if he carried the weight of past mistakes upon his shoulders.

He lamented the foolish decision he had made to divorce Astelle, his fiancée of half her life, after just one night together. This rash action led to Astelle's expulsion from her family and her subsequent journey as a single mother.

Kaizen held himself accountable for these consequences, recognizing the pain he had caused through his selfish behavior.

Taking a step closer to Astelle, who stood silently before him, Kaizen continued, "It must be all my fault that this happened. Give me a chance to take responsibility and make things right."

"Is that why you proposed to me?" she questioned.

"It's just a formal marriage. I will not force anything on you. You just have to regain your status as Empress and become the hostess of the empire again," Kaizen explained calmly.

Astelle remained silent, grappling with the weight of his proposition. She couldn't change the past, but Kaizen was offering her the chance to reclaim her position as Empress as a form of redemption.

"If you allow me, I will make Theor my son and raise him as a prince," Kaizen offered, his words causing Astelle's heart to race with unexpected emotions.

Astelle responded in a low voice, struggling to maintain her composure. "You don't have to do that," she insisted.

"What is important to you is also important to me," he declared earnestly.

As Astelle lifted her head, she found herself captivated by Kaizen's deep red eyes, which seemed to bore into her soul.

"Give me one chance. A chance to protect you."

Astelle hesitated, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. Had she acted foolishly by concealing Theor's true parentage from his biological father?

"Your Majesty..."

Her voice trembled with uncertainty as she struggled to find the right words.

Astelle felt a surge of emotion welling up inside her, compelling her to speak the truth that had been weighing heavily on her heart.

"I have something to tell you," she began, her voice faltering as she grappled with the enormity of what she was about to reveal.

In that moment, Astelle realized that this might be her final opportunity to lay bare the secrets she had been harboring.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Astelle prepared to disclose the truth. However, as she met Kaizen's unwavering gaze, she found herself momentarily speechless once again, overcome by a flood of conflicting emotions.

What Astelle is concerned about is losing Theor to the Imperial Palace, and Theor will be used as a scapegoat in the strife.

To prevent these two things, Astelle has been working hard for a long time by any means.

Can she get help if she confesses the truth to Kaizen?

He was a man who promised to raise an illegitimate child as a prince.

When he finds out that Theor is his son, he might do everything he can to protect him.

Kaizen would be able to stop Astelle's father, the Duke, before he commits another dangerous attempt.

But on the other hand, Astelle still couldn't trust Kaizen.

He uttered those words under the guise of love.

As time wears on and the shallow veneer of affection fades, Kaizen will revert to his indifferent nature towards Astelle once more.

When the emperor's ardor wanes, Astelle and Theor will be left forsaken.


Kaizen's gaze bore into Astelle with a questioning intensity.

"...It's nothing."

Astelle turned away, evading his gaze.

For a fleeting moment, the temptation to divulge the entire truth to Kaizen surged within her, yet Astelle opted for silence.

"Astelle... If there's anything I can do to help..."

He stepped closer to Astelle, drawing near enough that his hand could easily reach out to touch her face.

Astelle evaded him, offering no response.

Kaizen halted his advance.

"Your Majesty!"

Lyndon's voice broke the tension as he entered the room, opening the closed door.

Embarrassment flickered across Lyndon's face upon seeing Astelle cornered between Kaizen and the wall.

Astelle felt a wave of relief wash over her. The uncomfortable atmosphere dissipated with Lyndon's arrival. Lyndon greeted them both respectfully.

"Your Majesty, Lady Astelle."

"What's happening?" Kaizen asked, his expression tinged with unease.

"Your Majesty, I have something to report," Lyndon began.

Astelle seized the opportunity and made to depart.

"Then, I will take my leave."

With a slight bow, she hastily retreated into the hallway before Kaizen could intercept her.

Kaizen's regretful gaze trailed Astelle's retreating figure as she made her way down the hallway.mHer indifferent facade showed traces of agitation when he confessed his sincerity, a sign that Astelle's heart was gradually shifting.

Turning to Lyndon, Kaizen urged, "Tell me what's happening."

"Your Majesty," Lyndon responded, his gaze flickering toward the hallway where Astelle had vanished, a hint of concern evident in his expression. "Young Master Theor has disappeared."

"What?" Kaizen's reaction was one of genuine surprise. "What does that mean?"

Lyndon explained with a tone tinged with regret.

"The knights I dispatched were in pursuit of the Marquis and Theor. However, upon reaching the inn where they were lodged, Theor had already vanished. The Marquis, found alongside him, was discovered unconscious with minor wounds, while Theor remained nowhere to be found."

It was evident that someone had orchestrated an attack on the Marquis and abducted the child.

"How is the Marquis' condition?" Kaizen asked, concern evident in his voice.

"He's currently receiving treatment at the official residence. His injuries, while significant, are not life-threatening," Lyndon reported.

It was a stroke of luck. Astelle would have been devastated if anything dire had happened to the old man.

"Do we have any leads on the kidnapper?" Kaizen pressed, his brows furrowed with concern.

"Many nobles harbored dissatisfaction with the decision to elevate Astelle to empress," Lyndon speculated.

However, despite the dissatisfaction among the nobles, the Emperor's declaration of making Astelle the empress would likely deter anyone from daring to kidnap her child.

Lyndon reported cautiously, "After conducting investigations in the vicinity, it appears that the Duke of Reston's men were in close proximity."

Kaizen fell into a pensive silence.

Yet, there was one individual capable of such audacity.

Still, a sense of relief washed over Kaizen.

If the Duke indeed orchestrated the abduction, Theor might be in safer hands.

"Undoubtedly, a ploy to manipulate Astelle," Kaizen thought bitterly. The Duke would have been ecstatic upon learning of Astelle's imminent ascent to Empress once more. Yet, Astelle had rejected Kaizen's marriage proposal, likely prompting the Duke to resort to such extreme measures.

"That despicable man," Kaizen seethed internally. How could the Duke stoop so low as to use his own grandson as a pawn to coerce his daughter?

Kaizen harbored a deep-seated animosity towards him, having attempted to rid himself of the Duke whenever opportunity presented itself. The Duke's continued existence was solely due to his relation to Astelle.

"Head to the Duke's estate and retrieve the child," Kaizen commanded coldly, turning to Lyndon. "If anyone interferes, kill them."

• 🍁 •

A quaint carriage rumbled along the forested trail, jostling gently with each bump in the road.

With his small hand, Theor rolled back the stiff woolen cloth that covered the windowpane, revealing glimpses of the expansive blue sky and lush wheat fields beyond.

It had been five days since they departed from the capital.

Theor was on his way home, accompanied by his grandfather.

The journey in the cozy carriage was an adventure for him. Unlike the grand carriages and palace-like castles he experienced during his visit to the capital, this time he slept in quaint cottages as they travel from village to village.

Occasionally, they would disembark from the carriage and transfer to another one along the route. Along the way, Theor explored vegetable gardens and meandered beside babbling streams.

As they strolled along a stream's path, Theor looked up at his grandfather and asked, "Grandpa, when is Mom coming?"

The Marquis, carrying their luggage, responded with a smile to Theor's question, "If we go home first, she will come soon."

Theor's trust in his grandfather's words was unwavering.

His mother had assured him of the same before he departed. She promised to join them once they returned home. With thoughts of their grand mansion in the capital lingering in his mind, Theor turned to his grandfather once more.

"Will Blynn and Hannah come with Mom, too?" he asked eagerly.

"Of course," came the reassuring reply.

Theor's heart swelled with anticipation at the thought of seeing Blynn, their faithful dog, and Hannah, the kind soul who always greeted him with warm cookies and a gentle smile.

Undoubtedly, the person Theor missed the most was his mother. Every night after leaving the mansion, he longed for her presence.

"Go home with your grandfather first. Mom will follow soon."

Those were the last words he heard from his mother before their departure. Despite the ache of her absence, Theor held back his tears. He found strength in the belief that if he returned home, his mother would be there waiting for him.

With his grandfather's comforting presence and attentive care, Theor found solace and resilience in enduring the days without his mother by his side.

They both arrived in a small town just as the sun began to set.

Upon reaching the village entrance, the Marquis entered a large, well-lit two-story building.

"Grandpa, where are we?" Theor asked, curiosity lighting up his eyes.

"It's an inn. We're going to sleep here tonight," his grandfather replied with a reassuring smile.

Theor nodded in understanding. He was familiar with the concept of an inn from their previous travels.

Leaving the capital behind, they continued their journey, finding rest in various inns along the way. As they stepped inside, they were greeted by a cacophony of noise and the tantalizing aroma of food.

The Marquis exchanged a few words with the man at the door before procuring the key. He then gently took hold of Theor's hand, leading him up to the room on the second floor.

The square room was furnished with a small bed, a wardrobe, and a solitary chair.

Theor and his grandfather enjoyed a modest meal consisting of white bread, boiled vegetables, meat, and soup. While it paled in comparison to the extravagant meals he had experienced in castles and mansions, Theor savored each bite with relish.

Following dinner, the Marquis gently bathed Theor and tucked him into bed. As soon as Theor settled onto the soft mattress, he felt the drowsiness wash over him.

Clutching Levin, his beloved teddy bear, tightly to his chest, he drifted off to sleep, cocooned in the warmth of the soft duvet.

Suddenly, as if remembering something important, the Marquis exclaimed, "I need to give you your medicine."

"It's time for your eye drops," he added, a sense of urgency coloring his tone.

Typically, it was his mother who administered the eye drops before bedtime.

As drowsiness began to engulf him, Theor closed his eyes instinctively.

"Theor," his grandfather's voice pierced through his sleepy haze.

Startled, Theor opened his eyes, only to find himself being lifted up by his grandfather before he could fully comprehend what was happening.

As Levin slipped from his grasp and tumbled to the floor, Theor snapped awake, reaching out frantically to retrieve his fallen companion.

"Levin..." he murmured softly, his heart sinking at the sight of his cherished teddy bear lying on the ground.

Swiftly, the Marquis scooped up Levin and placed him back into Theor's arms. But then, without explanation, he moved towards the closet, still holding onto Theor.

"Theor, stay here," he instructed abruptly, before shutting the closet door behind them.

Suddenly, Theor found himself enclosed in darkness, seated atop his layered robe within the cramped confines of the closet.

Thin beams of light filtered in through the narrow gap beneath the closet door.

Confusion clouded his mind. "What happened?" Theor wondered aloud, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Peering through the crack of the closet door, he observed the dimly lit room beyond. It was eerily quiet, with no sign of his grandfather anywhere.

Just as Theor's drowsy gaze swept across the room, a piercing scream shattered the silence, followed swiftly by a flurry of commotion.

The cacophony of chaotic sounds filled the air—the clattering of knives, the agonizing screams of someone in pain, and the unsettling sound of objects being cut.

Confusion enveloped young Theor as he struggled to make sense of the unfolding events.

'What's happening? Why are there other people in our room?' he mused, his mind racing with unanswered questions.

Frantically, he searched for his grandfather, but he was nowhere to be found.

Peering through the crack in the closet door, Theor could discern shadowy figures moving about in the darkness, their actions shrouded in mystery.

Unable to comprehend the situation, he could only speculate that a confrontation was taking place. Suddenly, something crashed to the ground right beneath the closet, causing it to tremble violently.

Theor's heart pounded with fear, and he nearly let out a scream of terror. Hastily, he clamped his hands over his mouth, suppressing the sound before it could escape.

Theor's heart raced as the cacophony of noise in the room abruptly ceased, leaving behind an eerie silence.

Just as he pondered the sudden quietness, a faint creaking sound echoed through the air.

His eyes widened in surprise as the closet door slowly swung open.

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