Supernova Blitz

SilasKriegsende द्वारा

244 45 106

Journal Entry: SB-0001 December 18th, 2031 It has been about five months since the attack, and our meager fle... अधिक

Prologue and Chapter 1: The Nomad Arc Begins
Chapter 2: Marines Vs. Invaders
Chapter 3: The Stranger
Chapter 4: The Last Path To the Sky
Chapter 5: Parlay With The Grodrrns
Chapter 6: One Hit After Another, Despots Among the Fleet
Chapter 7: Plans A, B, and C; Battle for the Right to Escape
Chapter 8: The Alien Battleship Part 1
Chapter 9: The Alien Battleship Part 2
Chapter 10: A Moment's Rest
Chapter 11: Science and Training
Chapter 13: Salvage and Rescue
Chapter 14: Prisoner, But Still Alive
Chapter 15: Scouting The 'Iceteroid'
Chapter 16: Captain Angelica Long and Baskylla Jardzen Dzor
Chapter 17: Training and Tracking
Chapter 18: Intercepting the Hunters
Chapter 19: To Some, Crumbs, To Us, A Feast
Chapter 20: The Cave Queen
Chapter 21: The Cave Queen Part 2
Chapter 22: The Cave Queen Part 3
Chapter 23: Yukonja
Chapter 24: The Master Pilot
Chapter 25: Thing Three on Companion Duty
Chapter 26: The Rescue In the Storm
Chapter 27: The Mysterious Grodrrn
Chapter 28: Chaos on the Polonia

Chapter 12: Relentless Pursuers in the Stars

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SilasKriegsende द्वारा

Captain Long watches from the damage control and crane ops loft that overlooks the hangar. Chief Grey is still running the squad through exercises. Jessica is trying, but it's obvious that she's nowhere near the physical readiness Angelica was at her age. The younger sister brings up the rear in most exercises, and Chief Grey or Chief Tachibana spend a healthy amount of time yelling at her.

The Captain closes her eyes and focuses. She KNOWS the other recruits are getting similar treatments to her little sister. She just notices it more with Jessica because she's watching more closely.

Someone enters behind her. Kane's voice requests, "Permission to speak freely, Captain?"

Long sighs, replying, "Go ahead, Lieutenant."

Kane steps up beside her to watch the training. He asks warmly, "Buyer's remorse?"

Long sighs again. She finally steps away from the window, retorting -more displeased with herself than anything-, "No." She softens, reiterating, "No. I couldn't be more proud of her. And, I couldn't be more thankful to Chiefs Tachibana and Grey. I just... She's my little sister. She's... all I have now. And, I'm all she has. I don't NOT want to be the 'parent', for her sake, but... I have no idea how to be."

Kane nods, still watching the training. He remarks, "She's seventeen, yes? Technically, she's almost to the point that she doesn't need a 'parent', legally."

Long jokes, "Oh, I can have THAT changed, believe you me."

Kane chuckles and replies, "I believe it. But, the young woman I saw with you during our flight from Earth... I don't know your full situation, but you're doing a good job. A GREAT job, just as a big sister. I think that's enough. Both Grey and Tachibana, as well as their squad mates, are amazing soldiers. They'll make Spaceman Long an amazing soldier as well. YOU just need to let them handle that, and you help her become an amazing woman. She may not want to walk in your footsteps exactly, but she'll always know a strong, caring sister who can help her keep her footing when she stumbles."

Long smiles, and she replies warmly, "I appreciate that. And, I'm trying, of course. I can see why people become corrupt... It's easy to look after your own interests from a place of power."

Kane chuckles, "Tell that to God."

Long scoffs, replying, "I imagine he knows better than anyone." There's a pause, and she asks, "Must seem stupid now, more than ever..."

"What?" asks Kane politely.

"Religion. We're supposed to believe God created us in his image, but... who created the Grodurns then?"

Kane smiles sympathetically. He replies gently, "If I may, Captain. It seems you're overcompensating with your sister to make up for your shaken faith."

Long gently clutches the cross on her shoulder, replying softly, "Maybe I am..."

Kane continues gently as he looks out over the hangar at nothing in particular, "Forgive me, Captain, but I think it's rather arrogant to believe 'image' might not have meant 'imagination', or 'mental image'."

Long looks up, surprised. Kane adds politely, gesturing distantly, "People can believe God assembled a whole world, or the solar system -'let there be light'-, or the whole universe in a single week. Let's say he did a world at a time. He has still had an eternity." Kane looks at Long, asking, "Why would God, creator of all things, stop at any one creation?"

Long stares at him for a moment, stunned. Kane adds one more thought, "People too zealously take meaning from translation after translation of the 'word of God', while so quickly losing the core message; be decent. We didn't have to hate each other, and we don't have to hate the Grodurns. But, we do have a right to survive, and we have a responsibility to be decent."

Long finally scoffs, "So you think we're all just creations of God forgetting to be decent to each other?"

Kane shrugs. "Why not? That was the course of human history for all time. And, that was WHEN the religions believed whole-heartedly that respective deities created all humans. NOW, just because another race ACTUALLY looks completely different FOR ONCE, you question your faith? That which gave you strength?"

"I... I guess... But... What if... If that's true, what if they were SENT to destroy us? What if they are God's will?"

Kane smirks, replying politely, "I'll be honest. I'm not strongly faithful myself. But, I believe faith is good. So, let me ask... What does Revelations say in summary?"

Long shrugs, "The trumpets will sound, the Rapture will take the true Christians to heaven, and Earth will be destroyed by war between Jesus and the Antichrist and the legions of the devil."

"Name one of those things that didn't happen."

Long narrows her eyes at him skeptically. But, then, her skepticism eases back. She sees what he's saying. Metaphorically, the trumpets are represented by the 'Burps'. The global destruction by the legions of the devil is represented both by human evils and the Grodurns. But, the Rapture is still left out. Or, no one on Earth was worthy.

Kane spreads his arms, gesturing generally and replying to her building counter, "Welcome to Heaven, Captain Long. What better thing for God to surround himself with than empty space in which to create? The only parts left out are us dying and being free from worry. And streets of gold, I suppose."

Long stares at him, stunned for a moment. She softens into a warm smile, joking in reply, "I dunno. After what you just said, sounds to me like we just have to find them."

Kane grins, replying sincerely, "That's the spirit."

Long steps back up to the window, staring distantly out over the hangar. She remarks softly, "I don't think I'll start calling the evacuation the Rapture any time soon, Lieutenant. But..." She looks at him with a smile. "You're right. We need to keep our strength. Now, more than ever. Thank you, Lieutenant."

Kane nods, "Of course, Ma'am. Last thing we need is our Captain giving up."

Long looks down at her sister. Tachibana is currently yelling at all of the recruits at once, while Grey strips a firearm and tosses pieces at each recruit.

Captain Long says tenderly, "I can't teach Jessica what she wants to learn. But, I can protect her my way. And I WILL do that."

Kane says warmly, "Hooah."

Surprised, Long looks at him. She asks, "What?"

"What, Ma'am?"

"The Navy is 'Hooyah'. Marines is 'Oorah'. Were... you Air force?"

Kane shakes his head, "I... don't remember, Ma'am... It just... felt like a part of me."

Long nods. "Fair enough." There's a quiet pause for a moment. Long asks, a little more distantly, "I don't fully understand your device or the power it gives you, but will... you be able to sustain it?"

"I don't know. It falters at times, and guides my hand others. I think it's protecting itself and me as much as I'm using it. I don't know how to explain it."

Long nods politely, listening. He adds, "I've gotten a feel for some basic parlor tricks, but I can tell this thing is much more powerful than I can comprehend. Which... concerns me."

"I understand. If there's any way we can help you, don't hesitate to ask. If it can be reproduced, it may not be such a bad idea to issue a few more."

Kane replies distantly, "I'd prefer to wait until we understand the drawbacks. This could have shortened my life by decades, or amnesia is a regular occurrence. Who knows? Maybe I'm the antichrist, and I forgot."

Long scoffs, adding warmly, "If that's true, then we need to keep your memories gone."

The two share a chuckle.

After another brief quiet, Long asks, "Do... you think Dr. Lopez will finish in time? That we'll survive?"

Kane softens, saying quietly, "I can't see the future, Captain. But,... I will give all of my strength to ensure the fleet survives. Even if I have to give my life."

"Why would you do that, though? You can't even remember anyone you love. What do you owe to us?"

Kane smiles softly, "That's just it. I don't have the same things to lose as everyone else. It's practical."

Long sighs. "Life isn't practical, Lieutenant. It doesn't fit into a neat and tidy box. It is chaos, and irrational."

Kane smirks. "I think you just answered your own questions, Captain."

She pauses and sighs with a smile. She says gently, "Just... do try to stay alive, Lieutenant. You're more useful that way. Practicality and all."

He chuckles, "Aye, Captain."


Jessica lays in her and Angelica's bed following her alarm. It's the next morning, and it starts like any other. Her muscles must have gotten stronger over these couple weeks, because they're less sore than the days when it all began. She's fortunate Grey isn't quite running his squad like boot camp, so he won't burst into her bunk's curtain to rip her out of bed. In fact, she knows he, Tanya, and Angelica are already awake because she can hear Tanya and Angelica whispering to each other as Grey makes a small breakfast on the hot plate frying pan he acquired. Maya, the little girl adopted by Grey and Tanya, is usually the last to wake up, and Grey usually does it in 'Marine fashion' for the little girl by easing her awake enough to not cry when he barks at her to get out of bed.

Jessica realizes she may be disadvantaged from typical Marine training where the drill instructors break down the marines through insults and yelling, but Grey does his best to balance that aspect with maintaining a shred of civilian life -a luxury now-. Unlike Earth-trained Marines who only had to survive a few months of emotional abuse and then they could visit home, Jessica is stuck with her 'drill instructor' for the foreseeable future. He can't afford to make her hate him just as much as he can't afford to baby her.

And, she doesn't hate him. Even when he's screaming in her face about her slipping up or making a mistake, he's making sense. The hardest for her, honestly, is when Grey and Tachibana gang up on her and yell conflicting things at her during stressful events, such as with Mina yesterday. Grey explained at dinner that he would have yelled no matter what she did, and the point was for her to make and commit to a decision. And, when she reflected on what happened, even she could see where her indecisiveness caused her problems.

Her ponderings take longer than usual, and Chief Grey growls out at middle volume, "Up and at 'em, Marines. Dead men sleep the day away."

The metallic toe of Grey's boot taps the bottom of Jessica's bed. She can hear the same from the other bed, and the cute yawns of Maya follow.

Maya squeaks, "Nnn... F-five more minutes, Sargen?..."

Grey growls a little sternly, "You back-talking me, Marine? And it's Chief, now. I have to tell you again, and you'll be doing 'ABC's until the sun goes down."

Maya squeaks, "Y-Yes Sa-um-Chief."

Jessica rolls out of bed, and she quickly puts her shirt and shorts on. It's hot in the ships, so Grey hung curtains all over the suite for some semblance of privacy for the women in the room. She steps out into the open and says warmly, "Good morning, Chief."

Grey looks at her and asks sharply, "Commanding Officer is in the room, and you greet a lowly enlisted first?" He smirks, adding, "I'm flattered." He then says more plainly and genuinely, "Remember, courtesy dictates you address and greet in order of rank. This is a special scenario, so I won't yell. But, be mindful of it if Captain Long is in uniform."

Jessica smiles and nods, saying, "Sir yes sir!" She looks at Angelica, who sips a coffee as she watches, wearing a tee shirt and shorts as well. Jessica says politely, "Good morning Captain. Good morning Miss Tanya."

Tanya giggles and teases, "Ooo, good morning to you too, Marine." Angelica smiles and replies, "Good morning, Spaceman Long." She then teases, "Don't call Chief 'sir'. He works for a living."

Grey scoffs. "Navy logic. You know how many times I heard that as a rookie, Captain?"

Angelica smirks, teasing, "A lot?"

"That's right. And always from Navy boys."

"You're not JUST a Navy boy, now. You're a Chief. Get used to it."

Grey scoffs again, "Yes ma'am." He then says to Jessica, "Coffee and pancakes. Help yourself."

Jessica replies politely, "Thank you, Chief. But, I'll pass for now."

Grey scowls at her. He growls softly, "The crocs could arrive any minute, Marine. Who knows when we'll have time to eat once they attack?"

Jessica wants to object. But, Angelica coos, "He's right, Jessie. Please try to eat something. You also need to accustom your body to doing physical activity after food where possible, because you never know when things will happen."

Jessica hesitates, but nods. She takes a couple pancakes and a half cup of coffee and sits down with Angelica and Tanya. Tanya and Angelica look when a small body tumbles out of Grey's and Tanya's bed. Maya is dressed in her small-sized uniform, taken in by Kenzie for the little girl's size. Maya whimpers, "Owie..."

Grey asks gruffly, "You okay, Marine?"

Maya pouts, but nods. He says, "Good. Get something to eat. And, wash those hands, first." Maya halts as she was jogging straight for the pancakes excitedly. She begrudgingly jogs to the sink, climbing up onto the counter to reach.

Grey then says more casually to Angelica, "Any word on the science teams, Cap?"

The woman relaxes as she fidgets with her coffee, "You can call me 'Angelica' out of uniform, Alex."

Grey scoffs, "No ma'am. Too easy to flub when it matters. Sorry."

She smiles, "Very well." Her face turns more plain, replying, "I'll be receiving the morning report shortly, but... I think Captain Murdock is jerking me around. Which means..." She trails off, frowning softly.

Tanya asks, "W-... What happens if...?"

Grey instantly interjects, "We fight. Giving up isn't an option. We fight until Science Team succeeds. Lopez is squirrelly, but she's as passionate as they come."

Angelica nods. "We do everything we can. I'm not about to give up either."

"Me too!" squeaks Maya. Grey chuckles and pats her head warmly. He asks, "Where do we aim, Little Bird?"

"Their backs!"

"And what do we do with their guns?"

"Use 'em!" cheers the little girl, unlikely fully understanding the context.

He coos warmly, though, "That's my girl."

Jessica starts to ask, "Angie...?"

Angelica smiles at her, "Yes, Jessie?"

"Why did you...?" A voice comes over the intercom suddenly, "Gravimetric Pulse detected. Contact imminent."

Everyone turns pale. Angelica jumps to the emergency phone, calling in, "This is the Captain! General Quarters! Make sure the other ships know!"

A moment later, the foreboding gonging of the ship's alarm sounds off, followed by, "General Quarters, General Quarters! All hands, man your battlestations! The route of travel is forward and up to starboard, down and aft to port. Set material condition 'Zebra' throughout the ship. Damage control lockers make all reports to Damage Control Central. Away teams stand by to launch."

Grey is already half way through shoving a pancake into his mouth as he storms out the door. He instantly shouts up the hall, "LET'S GO MARINES! WITCHING HOUR IS HERE! TIME TO MAKE US SOME NEW BOOTS AND BELTS!"

The marines in the hall roar, "OORAH!" as they stampede for their stations.

Grey hesitates to say, though, "Captain, no matter what; the second the switch is ready, flip it."

Angelica pauses in the middle of tying her boots. Jessica's stomach twists as everything starts to float from the ship ceasing its rotation to simulate gravity.

Angelica starts to object, but Grey growls, "Not an option, Captain. I'LL deny the enemy their goal if I have to, but you deny them the fleet. End of discussion."

Maya starts to say, "I'll help!" She jogs to the door, but Grey booms, "NO. Stay with Tanya." Tanya grabs her and hugs her as the girl whimpers. Jessica has her boots tied, but Grey asks, "And where do you think YOU'RE going, Long?"

Jessica halts. She squeaks, "I-... I'm... part of your..."

"You're not ready for this. Stay with them."

Jessica is stunned and hurt, but Grey says nothing further. He simply steps into a drifting dive forward up the hall with the other Marines storming to stations.

Jessica looks at Angelica, who is a little flustered at the coming battle. The older sister says softly, "Stay safe, Cottonpuff." She kisses Jessica's head and then jumps into the river of people racing by.

Jessica looks at Tanya, who coos, "He's just trying to protect you, Jess."

The young woman stares at the hall, listening as Maya whimpers, "B-but, we can help!"

"I know, Sweetie. But, some of us need lots more training."

Jessica would have killed for her own parents to show so much concern for her. They disowned Angelica because she joined the Navy instead of following her mother's footsteps as a politician and noblewoman. The falling-out was far less clean than it sounds. They wanted to dictate where Angelica could go to school, whom she could date, when she would marry -too quickly for Angelica's tastes- and whom she could be friends with and what she did for fun. Angelica finally back-lashed and snapped... during an important dinner party with all of their mother's influential friends and colleagues. She went on a wild temper-tantrum and absolutely embarrassed their mother before announcing to everyone she was enlisting. She commissioned quickly, and then she ascended to where she is now, ALL on her own.

Alone under their parents, Jessica was mostly ignored. She was treated almost the opposite of Angelica. After all, Jessica's role in the political marriage was just being born after their mother was over 50. But, even 12 years apart, Angelica was always Jessica's loving big sister. They even had a secret code they wrote in to each other as children, which continued well into Angelica's naval career.

Now, the closest thing Jessica's ever gotten to a father figure and her beloved sister are both going to fight. For humanity, for revenge... no. For her. Her and all of their loved ones.

Grey spent every day of the last two weeks trying to teach Jessica one thing. She listened well. But, now, she has to decide.


Not long before, Baskylla Khlychlln Gorrvv'rllk Zhrr Zhynnyz'chn, Commander of the multiple exploratory baskyllas and main combat baskylla, glares at Jardzens Khla and Dzor on screen, as well as their heavily damaged battleships. Two recon units have conquered worlds before, as well as annihilated them. However, it is extraordinarily rare that the duo fails to achieve the primary objective.

Khla and Dzor have both had their eyes forcefully opened to the underlying problem. They both realize this. But, that is part of the current problem.

Grodrrns have become so used to dominance and easy victory, they cannot comprehend the only threat that endangers their entire race; a worthy foe. They had become complacent, and in that complacency, two battleships, the likes of which have wiped out Earth equivalents before, were defeated by poorly armed, armored, and crewed ships.

Khla also acknowledges something Dzor didn't seem to witness; the powerful human -the human magician-. Khla is comfortably certain that human was not bluffing. Dzor's report indicates the same human, or a very similar one, led the assault on Dzor's ship. He's also comfortably certain Helmdraav Khla, the Jardzen's own hatchling, is the only reason the human spared any of them. He could have reversed the deceleration sequence and vaporized Dzor's ship, but he didn't. Though, Dzor's report also suggests it was a young pair of humans who seized control of his ship's control network. So, either humans are inherently compassionate, or the pair was under orders. Either way, both Dzor and Khla are lucky to still have ships and crews, let alone their own lives.

Zhynnyz growls coldly, but anger is apparent behind his calm exterior demeanor, "[Explain it to me like I'm a mammal. How did two of the most highly decorated and accomplished Baskilla Yarjens in Fievegal history fail like this was their first Nolzhyeer?]"

Both Dzor and Khla MUST remain civil. They're already in deep disgrace. Dzor made his intentions to stay spitefully silent clear. Khla can't blame him. If the full baskylla succeeds, which they will, then Khla and Dzor are looking at banishment, if not execution. Best case, they get dumped on one of the three habitable colonial worlds with an indigenous race that hates Grodrrns and is ruled by petty and spiteful Makczi. Worst case, he is fed to the parasitic unglulk. Khla would rather jettison himself into space, personally.

Dzor believes and he's probably not far off, that their best chance is to let the Fievegal go in and find out the hard way. After all, there's no way the Khlychlln will heed their warnings until after they're already well-past executed. And then, he'll just blame them posthumously.

Instead, they stick to their reports. If done well, the facts will serve as warning, which Zhynnyz will likely ignore, and he will use them for the onslaught as expendable cannon fodder. BUT, if they all survive, the Fievegal will investigate and see the warning in the facts reported by both Khla and Dzor. It's still a long shot, but it's all they have.

Khla says politely, "[Crih-huln, our reports are as extensive and clear as possible.]"

The Khlychlln snorts, retorting tauntingly, "[You don't wish to defend your incompetence? Good.]" Khla notices Dzor's jaw tighten. He prays to the spirits that Dzor says nothing detrimental. Khla's counterpart stays quiet, and Zhynnyz adds, "[What an irony. I had to bail the last failures out as well.]" He turns serious, ordering, "[Your ships will lead the vanguard flank and absorb any of the devastating shots the humans can muster while MY baskylla jumps to strategic locations to surround the mammals.]"

He then orders to all ships, "[All ships, set weapon intensity to lowest setting. We will attempt to take out any defensive hardpoints without detonating their magazines. Commence gravionic pulse.]"

Officers confirm, and the pulse bursts out, imperceptible except for the instruments.

Khlychlln Zhynnyz's communication officer reports, "[Human fleet located, Crihhuln!]"

He growls at Dzor and Khla, "[Go. Commence attack. And, do NOT get in my way.]"

"[As you wish, Crihhuln,]" reply both Dzor and Khla together. They log off. Khla orders, "[Jump to assigned coordinates.]"

"[As you wish, Yarjen!]" Khla watches the ship's bubble form. The screens all flicker out. The humans haven't gotten far with only sub-light engines, so the jump only lasts a moment. The human ships appear on his virtual display. They are in a tight formation with only one ship at the tail of the formation; one of their high population ships.

Khla glances to his right. A virtual representation of Dzor's ship is displayed in red, and his counterpart's hangar is opening. Khla states, "[Establish communication as quickly as possible and scramble fit fighters. Boarding teams away. Forward batteries, prioritize targets to weapon emplacements only and commence bombardment.]"

The first reply is from the fire control officer, who replies, "[Yarjen! Batteries reporting all detected armaments are on ONE vessel only. The rear vessel.]"

Confused, Khla ponders a moment. His ship shakes from an incoming barrage of multiple hits. The damage control officer cries out, "[Yarjen! Multiple hits! Hull breaches detected!]"

Khla orders, "[Engage shoring procedures! Batteries! Fire on all weapon emplacements!]"

"[Yes Yarjen!]"

Khla scratches his chin. His XO, Mrff, grunts out, "[The humans are crafty, Yarjen.]"

Khla nods. He's not as surprised this time, but Dzor's report and this new development suggest the humans have rapidly converted four lightly armed ships to one moderately armed ship. They've compiled all of their weapons into one location to make one sacrificial heavy hitter, if need be.

A new voice calls out from launch control, "[Yarjen! Helmdraav Craw requests permission to launch!]"

"[Denied,]" grunts out Khla almost immediately. She's not medically cleared for duty yet. Of course, a Jardzen can supersede that clearance, but... He glances at Mrff, who looks at him only once, but says nothing. Mrff will say nothing. He understands Khla plenty. His hatchling's hands may be usable again, but they are not at the reflexes she had yet, which could cost a pilot as they are now. And... Khla has a decent idea how this battle is going to end, no matter how many ships the Fievegal sends. This craftiness in the humans is only the egg tooth to their desperation to survive. No, not desperation. Animals and cowards get desperate. Khla can truly say of the humans that this is a PASSION for life. They are highly motivated and focused on survival, using absolutely everything they can come up with.

If the humans succeed, and Khla suspects they will, anyone near their ships are going to be dragged to whichever random point in space the humans choose. The Fievegal IS starting to get desperate, though, with an animalistic hunger. The very beings that caused the biggest crisis in Fievegal -even Grodrrn- history are also the ones who can undo the damage of even what the Grodrrns intentionally inflicted upon themselves so long ago, begging for this exact scenario.

The Saurmynnyka was a goddess... right up until she died.

Now, because the humans snap-reacted to Khla's initial strike -which he wanted to recommend against, but didn't- , the Fievegal will be forced to pursue the humans to the ends of the universe.

Khla will try to fulfill his duty, of course, but he will not be...

"[Yarjen!] snaps a familiar voice as she storms into the bridge. It is Helmdraav Khla, his hatchling. She snarls, "[I am fit for duty! I beg of you! Let me redeem myself!]"

While Khla has often scolded his inferiors for outbursts like this, he rarely exercises his authority to execute insubordinates. For other Jardzens, it's not uncommon. He often finds himself secretly thankful that the Fievegal put her under his command.

Jardzen Khla growls, "[Helmdraaff!...]"

Before he can go further, she begs, "[Please! I disgraced myself and my family name! I will succeed or die trying! For the Fievegal!]" "[NO!]" roars Khla.

The bridge quiets. Khla looks around, flexing his jaw a little to relax it from clenching. This isn't a discussion to be had on the bridge. He stands up, growling, "[Yarjen Murf has command.]"

"[As you wish, Yarjen!]" reply his officers.

Mrff nods civilly, taking the Jardzen's chair as Khla drags the young female out by her arm. He shoves her into his private quarters, glancing up and down the hallway for eavesdroppers. He slams the door behind him and snarls, "[WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!? If communications had been active, they would banish us both!]"

"[Yarjen, I...]"

Khla cuts her off loudly, "[I'M NOT DENYING AS THE YARJEN!]" There's a silent pause, and he growls out almost imperceptibly, "[I denied you as your Hulm'hin.]" A volley from the humans shakes the ship.

Neezha's face softens. Khla continues, "[Do not ask me to risk your safety again so soon, my Zhi.]"

"[Hulma...]" She stares at him a while longer. She whispers, "[O-... Okay, Hulm'hin.]"

Khla sighs. "[Thank you, Zhi. Let us survive today, and worry about our name tomorrow.]"

She nods her understanding. Khla gently strokes the top of her head in appreciative affection. He then heads back to the bridge. Another volley rumbles the ship, even with the battleship firing back.

Khla asks as Mrff stands up to turn over with him, "[Status?]"

Mrff replies, "[Boarding craft have deployed as well as fighters. The forward batteries are having trouble hitting the enemy ship.]"

Khla asks surprised, "[Tracking resolution is too small to target their cannons...?]" Khla hears himself as he replays Mrff's words. He corrects, "[Did you say the ship?]"

Mrff nods. Khla is confused. He has seen the issue he was originally asking about, where the turrets of enemy ships, stations, or surface installations are too small or have weird shapes or angles, causing the computers to be unable to target them. But, he has yet to see a ship the firing batteries have trouble hitting. Not this size, at least.

Khla runs through his head all known factors affecting their weaponized beta pulse bolts. Being a concentrated 'bolt' of high energy electrons, the shots travel extremely quickly, have excellent range in vacuum, and are relatively unaffected by planetary, solar, and shipboard artificial gravity, which the humans don't even seem to use.

But, Khla knows their biggest weakness; magnetic fields. Depending on the polarity of the field, the electrons can be attracted or repelled. Khla shouts, "[Polarity spectrum scan!]"

"[As you wish Yarjen!]" The primary screen switches to a rainbow of color, which very clearly shows a concentration of purple to blue -the highest intensity- on the human ships, specifically the back end of their ships. Could it be their engines? Could it be something intentional? With the humans, either option is possible, and Khla accepts it. In fact, he's ready for it.

More Fievegal ships begin to arrive, but they are at further range than Khla or Dzor. They will have an even harder time hitting the human ships. Dzor's ship accelerates, suggesting he realized the flaw too.

Khla orders, "[To all batteries, switch to posi-beta bolt shot.]"

There's a pause, and his fire control officer finally says, "[Yarjen! To do that, all batteries will have to be powered down, de-polarized, and then charged back up!]"

The commanding officer replies calmly, "[I'm aware. Order stands.]"

"[As you wish, Yarjen!]"

"[Temporarily divert excess power to shoring systems and take us Z-negative. The bulk of their fire is coming from the ventral surface.]"

Steering announces, "[Z-negative at three degrees, Yarjen! Standing by for updates!]"

Damage control announces, "[Shoring systems optimized, Yarjen! Hull integrity average, eighty nine percent! Climbing!]"

Another volley from the human ship slams closer this time, rattling the bridge. Some officers grunt or cry out in surprise, but they stay on task.

Launch control announces, "[Last transport away, Yarjen!]"

Khla nods, but pauses. He growls, "[What?]"

"[Last transport away, Y-]" "[WHO IS PILOTING!?]"

Startled, the launch officer replies, "[H-Helmdravv... Craw... Yarjen...]"

Khla's jaw tightens and his blood chills. The launch officer quickly explains, "[S-She had a valid authorization code, Yarjen! I-I'm...]"

Khla booms, "[Accelerate to maximum velocity now! Prepare for emergency jump!]"

Mrff steps up this time, saying quietly, "[Yarjen, emergency jump will risk destroying life support. Let our compensators recharge.]"

Khla snarls, "[WE won't be making the jump.] He nods at the human ships.

Mrff sighs. "[She disobeyed orders, Yarjen... Sometimes...]"

Khla growls, "[I know what you're going to say. So, either relieve me, or follow my orders.]"

There's a silent pause. The whole bridge silently awaits Niolayt Jardzen Mrff's decision. One being on the ship has the authority to declare the Baskylla Jardzen unfit and have him removed from command; the Niolayt Jardzen. Mrff would have to be transferred to a new ship as second in command if he did so, and Khla would be even more strictly evaluated following the other incidents. But, this scenario is one of many as to why Niolayt Jardzens have that authority.

Mrff looks around the bridge, still deliberating intensely. Khla knows he put Mrff in a terrible position, but he stands by it. Neezha's transport doesn't have a jump drive. If she gets caught in the human's jump, she'll be lost to oblivion. This is true of all the ships in proximity to the human jump ship, which they seem to understand. Their formation is tight and organized.

The electronic systems affected by Khla's ship's jump clear, and the view screens depict the battle raging ahead. Smoke trails from the human combat ship as it fires volleys at Khla's and Dzor's ships. Impacts have hit the ship, but many are grazing blows, even with the hailstorm raining inwards on them from every direction.

Explosions speckle the space around them, though. The zoom screen shows tiny rocket flares pouring off of the hull, exploding harmlessly or successfully, deterring the transport ships. Closer inspection reveals the sources to be... foot soldiers. Human foot soldiers are on their hull, defending the ship. Some vanish in the few beta blasts that hit, but many are fearlessly holding their ground with nothing but EVA equipment to protect them from the vacuum of space.

Another flash also denotes something surprising. A lone human heavy tracked vehicle is on the hull, firing its turret at any target that presents itself.

Khla's suspicion is confirmed. The humans are indeed not desperate. They are ferociously passionate about surviving, to the last if need be. Nothing is being overlooked as a defensive option. Crates are being shoved in the path behind their ships, wooden furnishings, bombs, and shrapnel. Every weapon that fires is being fired.

Mrff finally growls at the silent stares, "[You have your orders. Make them so.]" He crosses his arms, nodding civilly at Khla. Relief washes over the Baskylla Jardzen. Steering announces, "[Accelerating, Yarjens!]"

Damage control announces, "[Relieving excess power to the engines, Yarjen!]" Steering adds, "[Correcting course for interception!]"

Just before Khla can speak further, the faces of Dzor and Zhynnyz appear, and Zhynnyz growls angrily, "[Craw! Why has your ship stopped firing!]"

Khla replies, "[Strategy adjust, Crihhuln. We...]" Dzor's image flickers a weird pattern of lines for a moment, which distracts Khla. Something crawls under his front scales. Something just went very wrong.

Zhynnyz doesn't seem to notice, snarling, "[Explain! How are the humans shielding themselves!? How do you plan to defeat it!? Prox...!?]"

Zhynnyz doesn't finish. Dzor's guns suddenly stop firing. They turn at full radial speed to target ships around them, including the transports and fighters. His ship opens up full-bore, firing in virtually every possible direction. His heavy cannons pound the Fievegal battleships, causing Zhynnyz's fleet to suddenly break formation to try to avoid Dzor's barrage.

Meanwhile, Dzor's image is screaming at the video and his officers in a panic, but he is completely silent. Zhynnyz snarls, "[TRAITOR!]"

Khla cries out, "[NO! Crihhuln! His ship systems were compromised by the humans! They must have left a way in!]"


"[Unclear!]" retorts Khla. He suspects it's because his is the only ship not firing.


Khla nods. Dzor is still a good bit ahead of him, but was running at normal full speed. Khla can catch him.

However, he suddenly realizes,... Khla yells, "[Recall all transports now! Tell them to swing wide of us. ALL friendly transports!]"

"[As you wish, Yarjen!]"

Khla's heart is pounding. This is more chaos, there are more variables, and more dangers than he's ever faced before. EVERYTHING is on the line now. He pulls status on Neezha's ship. She's still flying, avoiding human rockets and missiles, but Dzor hasn't targeted her yet. The tempo of everything has increased.

Khla should have stood up to Zhynnyz when he had the chance. He should have fought to explain the true power of the humans, the true danger they pose. The Fievegal cannot treat them like ANY other race they've ever battled. Maybe, though, it'll finally sink in. All Khla can really think about now is saving his precious Zhi.

The tempo increases further when Mrff whispers, "[Yarjen...]" He points to the screen. Khla watches carefully. A white flicker sparkles ahead of the human fleet. It's brief, but it was there. It feels like Khla's blood just drained from his body.

The humans are at the cusp. If they understand the technology and what they have to do, their jump bubble will be larger than their fleet. And, Dzor's ship is creeping into that threshold.

It's all falling apart. Khla can see it playing out already. Dzor's ship is being inadvertently devastated by the incoming fire as his ship continues to fire. Several of Zhynnyz's ships are already crippled; broadside being the deadliest a Fievegal ship can be.

Dzor's face is distraught as he barks out orders. His scales have lost much of their vibrancy. Khla booms over Zhynnyz, "[DZOR! Dzor, divert course!]" He yells, "[Get the transports out of there, NOW!]"

He tries Dzor again, waving at his counterpart, "[Dzor! They're about to jump!]"

The Jardzen notices him, watching in flustered bewilderment as Khla waves and tries to signal him to break off his attack. All Dzor can do, when he does finally respond, is shake his head solemnly. Khla slumps back into his chair as Mrff bellows, "[HARD LEFT DIVERGE! SIGNAL FLASHES IF THEIR COMMS ARE DOWN!]"


Mrff retorts, "[Yarjen!]"


"[DISREGARD THAT! Yarjen, it's...]"

"[DO IT!]" Khla jumps to his feet. "[It's their only cha-]" A powerful right hook slams Khla, crumpling him back into his chair. Mrff growls more calmly, "[It's TOO late.]" He points at the screen. Khla's own color drains from his body, undoubtedly. Dzor looks up away from the camera. A strange calm comes over his face as his bridge starts to brighten. Dzor's posture straightens. The fear and anxiety roll away. And, he raises his hand to cradle the sun. He is picturesque, -the epitome of calm-.

Khla slowly stands up, raising his hand to cradle the sun as well. Mrff does the same. It's all they can do at this point.


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