To Love A Villain

By Chick_ennugget

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"Leave, you're free. Don't ever come back here again." She said, hoping he wouldn't return and she'll get to... More

VOLUME 1- The day I died
Once again
Drive him out
I have to get rid of him
Alternate route
His plan
Change of plans
Awful discovery
Stupid little thing
The Jewelry Plan
Sweet sixteen
Help me out
Happy Birthday, My Lady
Who am I?
The pathetic monster that I became
My sweet obsession
Pitiful romance
My desires
The Helper
Her brother's secret
The engagement
The haters
Just me
The informant
One peaceful day
Ruin her
Happy Seventeen
Everything is the same
Life in prison
How to let go?
Final preparation
Make love
The End of this pathetic life
More snippets
VOLUME 2- Amber's cafe
A cute little guest
Something is weird about the kid
Why would the master of the magic tower be here?
My peace is here
At Death's Door
Something impossible
My happy place
Holy Power
The king's summon
Ahin's rose of affection
The exes
You have to stay
An old friend and an 'accident'
Take care of the mess
My Dear Lovely Lady
The kids and the things they do
Under attack
A Genuine Gift
Matching scars
Odd relationship
The Elf's Plea
Mana core
The Forest Of Elves
Why want the core?
Mana core
The Night Of The Full Moon Game
Dance for me
The Next Task
This Beautiful Person
The Bane Of His Existence
Display of power
Bitter Truth
The Time That Made Him What He Is: The Beginning
The Time That Made Him What He Is : The Isolation
Tree infused palace
The Time That Made Him What He Is : A Half Bastard
The Time That Made Him What He Is : Betrayal
The Time That Made Him What He Is :Abandonment
The Time That Made Him What He Is :No Hope, No Power
The Time That Made Him What He Is:Powerless
No one else but you
Gender Bender
VOLUME 3- Start of another crisis
Mission Brief
Parting and Meeting
Ball Drama
I remember the past me
I can heal myself
Towards Hollow Woods
Hollow Woods
Make Trouble
An Attempt To Save
The Saint's power
Give me back what's mine
The Answer
What is this?
The Crown Prince
It happened because of you
Thoughts under the Moon
Of All Things, Why That?
For Life
This ill-fated Relationship
Blood Stained Flower
He's not alone
To Dust And To Ground
The Original One
How do I know?
More Training
His Smile
The Darkness Spreads
An Attempt
A Poor Soul
Finding Hael
I want to know
This Dance Is For You
How To Say These Things?
The Magic On Me
Court Matters
What's In The Rift?
The World of Royals
Those Who Rewind Time
Those Who Rewind Time pt 2
More Fanart
Who's The Performer?
Let's Save Her
Fried Chicken
The Moon Is Beautiful
Into The Darkness
Split up
The Ones Who Dwells In The Darkness
The Bringer of Death
My Mortal Enemy
The World Will Fall
VOLUME 4- Hope
Original Timeline
Loving A Villain
The True Saint
Holy Power And It's True Owner
Einar's intervention
Counter Plan Of Selfish People
Move Forward
Let Me Crawl Into A Hole
Be Obsessed
My Villain
Our Childhood
Our Time Is Short
Picture for no reason
A Plan In Motion

The king's request

6K 254 77
By Chick_ennugget


My cheeks heated up

"Y-you!" What did he just say, "You can call me by my name!" I was fretting, "What do you mean your woma-" I didn't get my chance to get an answer out of him

"Hael!" A woman's excited voice made both of us look at the person approaching us.


Princess Ophelia?

"Oh My God! Hael it is you!" She ran up to him and took his arm in hers, subtly pushing me aside.


I stumbled away from them both awkwardly.

"Hello princess," Hael greeted her.

"Are you here to meet me?" Her eyes sparkled when she talked to him. Cory was right. Anyone could tell she wanted him. She was sticking a little too close to him. Even I wasn't that attached to him when I was hiding behind him.

I stared at them with contempt. There is a thing called decency!

"No," Hael did not entertain her, "I'm here on official business," And while her expressions turned sour, I loved how he shut her down.


Wait! No, I did not love it! What am I saying? Why would I think like that? God! No! No! NO, don't think about it.

"And," She looked at me, "Who is this?" She looked at me from top to bottom. Then she frowned, "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

"This is the new saint," The king said,

"What?" Ophelia was surprised, "Her?" She pointed at me as she looked at her father. The king nodded, "Wow," She looked back at me, then frowned again, "Why do you look so familiar?"

Neither Hael, nor the king answered her. So, she kept looking at me after asking the question.

I shrugged, "I don't know, Your Highness, I've never met you before." I replied

"Hmmm?" She was not convinced. But, then again, her suspicion was valid.

"Ophelia," The king said "Why don't you go watch the game today?" He said, "With the new saint. I'm sure it'll be a good experience for her."

"Game?" I wasn't expecting him to make such a request

"Yes," He answered, "The tournament was a bit delayed, so you'll be able to watch the matches today. It's the second last day."

I glanced at Hael

"Daddy!" The princess didn't let go of Hael's arm, "I want Hael to teach me today!" She puffed her cheeks, "You promised me, you'd get Hael to teach me privately!"

Privately? Teach her privately? Like with no one else there but the two of them!? That didn't sit well with me. The king shouldn't allow it! How can he allow his only daughter to be with a man alone!

The king wasn't very happy with how possessive the princess was being over Hael.

"I'll allow it," He said, making me feel bad, "But I have thing I want to discuss with the Master, for the time being take the new saint to the games,"

Ophelia rolled her eyes, "Do I have to?"

"Yes," The king answered, "Now go,"

I glanced at Hael, "I don't want to go to the games," I said, "Do something," I whispered.

Hael did look at me, but gave me no answer. On the other hand, he simply moved his gaze to look at the princess and she came fuming over to me.

"Fine!" She grabbed my hand, "I'll take her!" She yanked me away

I looked back at the mage in horror, but Hael simply passed me a sly smile as he waved at me, "Enjoy your time," His sly eyes looked at mine, "MY Lady,"

I felt my heart drop. He said it again. Now I'm a little too conscious of those two words. But more than that,

I turned my head around and looked at the princess.


There will be too many people at the games who know me!!!



The princess took me to the games where we took our seats. A few matches had already taken place so the people didn't notice us come in and sit down.

Ophelia sat in the lower case bench, under the king's seat which was empty at the moment and I sat on the bench stand right next to the stand for the royals

Wow,it's been ages since I last attended this.

I stopped coming here when I was sixteen. It was humiliating for me. Hubert did not have a fiance and for unmarried men who aren't even betrothed, the custom is for them to give the rose they earned to their family member. If it's a single knight who wins, they give it to their master.

I was young then so of course I never got to receive a rose. Not that my brother, Hubert, was ever going to give it to me. But the thing is, he should have.

I remember that event like a nightmare.

I was sitting in the front row then too. Excited when Hubert won, yet he didn't even turn to look at me.

He rode his horse in the other direction, presenting the rose to a random woman.

People stared at me.

I shrunk in my seat.

Humiliated and ashamed.

Why did he do that? Wasn't he supposed to at least act like a brother in public? But the thought of me disgusted him so much, he chose to give his rose to some random woman even though that could start a controversy, yet he didn't care.

I let out a sigh. Why did I recall that? There was no need for me to remember such bullshit.

"Behold, as our valiant competitors make their grand entrance onto the field of honor!"

Oh! Another match is starting! I'll focus on that for now, till the time Hael is done.

I didn't pay attention to the people sitting next to me. I didn't think there was any point in doing that. On the contrary, if I made eye contact with someone I knew, things would only get awkward.

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as the imposing gates at either end of the arena swung open, revealing the two contenders for glory.

"First, hailing from humble beginnings but rising through the ranks of the king's guard with unparalleled skill and determination, I present to you, Sir Ahin!"

My heart jumped as I heard that.

Ahin!!? Ahin is here?! He's playing?!?

My, what luck to see him on the field!

As Ahin emerged from the gate, the crowd roared with approval, their admiration evident in the thunderous applause that echoed through the air. Is he popular here or what? Wait, this is the second last day of the tournament, so if Ahin is here, it means he won all the previous matches!

It makes sense why the girls are swooning for him!

Oh wow...

I stared at the knight as he rode his horse elegantly.

He looks so composed and cool,

"And now, on the opposite end of the field, representing the esteemed lineage of House Montague, I give you, the valiant son of the count, Sir Roland Montague!"

As the nobleman made his entrance, his armor gleaming in the sunlight, the crowd murmured in admiration, acknowledging his noble heritage with applause. There was an air of arrogance about him, but the reaction of the ladies was the same. Many people cheered for him.

I looked at Ahin as he stood on one side, his demeanor poised and determined, his lance held steady as he awaited the signal to charge. I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at the sight of him, remembering the heartfelt confession he had made to me not long ago.

He told me to consider him. I smiled. He's so sweet he didn't even pressure me into anything, and only asked me to think about having a life with him.

I pursed my lips.

Considering what a sweetheart he is, I think it would be wrong of me to keep him waiting for long. I'm twenty, and in this day and age, most girls are married at my age, many have kids!

I want that! I really want my own family!

My mind got so occupied by other things right after his confession, I didn't get the time to think about him. But I will do it now.

I placed my hands on my chest, clasping them together.

I wish for a happy life for myself after all.

The crowd murmured in anticipation, the tension palpable as the two competitors prepared to clash. Then, with a thunderous roar, they were off, the sound of hooves pounding against the earth echoing through the arena. The clash of metal rang out as their lances met with a resounding impact, each blow sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

I held my breath as Ahin surged forward, his determination evident in every fluid movement as he expertly maneuvered his steed. Despite the noble's best efforts to unseat him, Ahin remained steadfast, his focus unwavering as he pressed the attack with a fierce determination.

GO! AHIN!! You can do this!!

I've never been excited for this game! But seeing an upright and wonderful person like Ahin play got me fired up as well!!

And then, in a moment of breathtaking triumph, Ahin's lance found its mark, striking true and sending his opponent tumbling from his horse with a resounding crash.


The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, their voices ringing out in celebration of Ahin's victory.

As he rode triumphantly across the field, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in my chest,

"Yes!!" I couldn't help but smile!

Ahin was awarded a single red rose—a symbol of triumph and honor. This is the highlight of the game, where the winner gets to give this rose to any lady. Usually if the competitors give it to the lady they fancy, if not, then to their sisters, or mother. If not that, then to the master they serve.

I watched from the crowd, my heart fluttering nervously as I caught sight of him scanning the spectators. I wasn't expecting it since I was sitting in the crowd and he didn't even know I was there.

Yet, to my surprise, his eyes locked onto mine, and I felt a flutter of excitement mixed with apprehension.

OH?! He found me?! I gulped, feeling a little tense.

Why was he looking at me with such intensity? I couldn't shake the feeling of being caught off guard as he made his way through the crowd, a single rose clutched in his hand.

He's coming my way? Really? Is he going to give the rose to me?! I mean, that does make sense, but really!??!

As he approached, I watched as a furrow creased his brow, his confusion evident even from a distance. Despite his uncertainty, he continued towards me, his steps hesitant yet determined. He must be surprised to see me here.

The whispers of the crowd seemed to fade into the background as Ahin stood before me, his eyes searching mine for answers, "I had no idea you would be here." His steed came against the high bench on which I was sitting.

"Neither did I," I replied, sitting on the front most row, "But I'll explain it to you later why I'm here,"

"I already have an idea." With a shy smile, he extended the rose towards me, "But for now, please accept this,"

For a moment, we stood there in silence, the air heavy with unspoken questions and emotions. I could see the uncertainty flickering in Ahin's eyes, a vulnerability that tugged at my heartstrings.

I could feel the intense gazes on me. It was something that made me feel exposed but I couldn't simply turn Ahin down. Not only because of him but also because I liked this feeling.

I never got the chance to be acknowledged publicly by someone. I stared at the rose. This was an act of public confession and my previous experience with it was filled with bad memories.

I stared at the rose, a feeling of warmth taking over my heart.

Do I take it?

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