Shadows of Ascension

By anonymousdark911

64 7 14

In a world full of hunters and monsters, a young hunter wants to become the strongest and uncover the hidden... More

1. A Hunter's Destiny Beckons
2. Trial by Shadow
3. The Ranks Revealed
4. Clash of Powers
5. Bonds Tested
6. The Forbidden Challenge
7. Trial of Survival
8. The Ultimate Challenge
9. Judgment of the Inquisitor
10. Beyond the Void
11. The real world
12. Aiden's courage: Mantis's defeat
13. Strength Unveiled
14. The Tavern's Secret
15. The celestial blades
16. Blades of Destiny: Aiden's Ascension
17. The Wolf Assassin's Scheme
18. Valor
19. Paths Crossed
20. The C rank awakening
21. Fully fledged C rank hunter
22. Illusion - Halfway there
23. The Hunter's Gambit
24. Prelude to Battle
26. Clash of titans
27. The Arena's Revelation
28. The Interlude
29. The Preparation
30. Anticipation & Encouragement
31. Battlegrounds of Will: 3 battles
32. The team is Victorious
33. Determination - The mysterious fighter
34. The devastating outcome
35. Clash of Revolve
36. Resonance of courage
37. Final Confrontation: Unveiling Strengths
38. The tremble of the arena
39. Memories & Lessons
40. The journey continues
41. Forge of Destiny
42. Dry terrain
43. The volcano trial
44. The roar of the volcano
45. The guardian of sorts
46. Burning Resolve
47. Shadowbane
48. One last stop
49. The well of fate
50. Revelations of fate
51. Echoes of Destiny
52. The visions of fate
53. Liars
54. Monster manipulator
55. Dilemma
56. Overwhelming rage
57. The unleashing
58. Unleashed Fury
59. Awakening of the blades
60. Overwhelming intensity
61. Unexpected Allies
62. Weakened hunters
63. Mordecai Shadowbane: The Wolf Assassin
64. The Battle Against Shadows
65. Departure

25. The Tournament Begins

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By anonymousdark911

As the competitors gathered in the designated arena, a palpable tension hung in the air, heightened by the anticipation of the battles to come. Aiden and Luca exchanged a glance, their senses keenly attuned to the powerful aura that seemed to permeate the arena, while Drake remained oblivious to its presence.

"I can feel it too," Luca murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's unlike anything I've ever encountered before."

Aiden nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the sea of competitors for any sign of the source of the mysterious aura. But before they could dwell on it further, the organizer of the tournament stepped forward to address the gathered hunters.

"Welcome, hunters, to the tournament of champions!" the organizer announced, his voice booming throughout the arena. "Before we begin, let me remind you of the rules."

As the rules were outlined, Aiden and Luca listened intently, committing each one to memory:

1) No killing.
2) In the survival stage, if one member survives, the whole team survives.
3) Only D and C rank hunters are eligible to participate.

With the rules established, the battles commenced, and the arena erupted into chaos as hunters clashed with one another in a flurry of blows and spells. The stage, designed to withstand the most intense of battles, remained unscathed amidst the carnage unfolding upon it.

Drake was the first to fall, swiftly defeated by Raelyn's lightning-fast reflexes. Aiden watched as his teammate succumbed to defeat, his heart heavy with the knowledge that the battles ahead would only grow fiercer.

As Aiden prepared for his own fight, he found himself face to face with Maya once again. Despite her status as a D rank hunter, Aiden couldn't shake the feeling of confidence that coursed through his veins. He was determined to prove himself in the heat of battle, to show Maya and all the other competitors that he was worthy of his rank.

Their battle was about to begin, and Aiden stood ready to face whatever challenges awaited him in the tournament of hunters. With Luca's encouragement ringing in his ears, he stepped forward to meet his opponent, his determination burning brighter than ever before.

Meanwhile, Luca defeated Nicolas, a D rank hunter, with a display of skill and strategy that left his opponent reeling. Across the arena, Gideon emerged victorious in his battle against Zonny and Kito, both D rank hunters, showcasing his formidable prowess in combat.

The battles raged on with fierce intensity as competitors clashed in every corner of the arena, their determination and skill on full display. Despite their efforts, the competitors fell one by one, with matches ending swiftly and decisively. Each confrontation was a testament to the hunters' tenacity and resolve, but in the end, only the strongest would prevail.

Out of the initial 75 competitors, only 56 remained standing after the first round of battles. Among them, Maya stood as the sole D rank hunter, defying the odds with her determination and skill. As the tournament progressed, the field narrowed, leaving only the most resilient and formidable hunters to continue their quest for victory.

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