A Racers Love (Rewriting)

By JaceyBarth0614

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Call me your average country girl if you want. I live in the county of North Carolina and has been in trouble... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Hospital and truck beds
Chapter 3 Reunited Friends
Chapter 4 Practice makes perfect or in this case learning
Chapter 5 "Damn shes fast"
Chapter 6 The Hiding Spot
Chapter 7 Confessions and kidnapping
Chapter 8 Hugs and Kisses
Chapter 9 Stores and foam balls
Chapter 10 Riding Angry
Chapter 11 I Cant Remember
Chapter 12 Fight Fight Fight..
Chapter 13 Mud Everywhere
Chapter 14 Swimming at night
Chapter 15 Teams and surprise camping
Chapter 16 Teasing
Chapter 17 Oil and grease
Chapter 18 Race nerves
Chapter 19 Bite my dust
Chapter 20 Race 2
Chpater 21 Dont ever touch her again
Chapter 22 Tys Party
Chapter 23 Graduation Race 3
Chapter 24 New house smell
Chapter 25 Birthdays and Race 4
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 Tys crash
Chapter 28 One very important question
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 "Why did you leave us?"
Chapter 32 Three years down the track
Chapter 33 Surprise
Chapter 34 Doctor visit
Chapter 35 The End

Chapter 31 The honeymoon

235 2 0
By JaceyBarth0614

Nine hours in the truck and I was ready to get out and be where we were headed. The sun was almost set as we pulled into a small town. I rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes and I looked around for a sign to tell us where we were at. I didn't see anything with it being dark but I managed to barley catch the sign that said Real McCoy Cabins. I tried to think if I had heard anything about them before but my mind caught a blank.

I was told to stay in the truck as Dustin jumped out grabbing something small out of a box that was hanging on the outside of the main office building before making his way back inside the truck.

"Ready?" I smiled and looked out the windshield as we drove down the road. Since it was dark I couldn't see anything except the lights outside buildings. I tried to find out where we were at but it didn't work out like I though it would. The question that still floated around my mind was why did we bring the razor and the Honda.

Around 15 minutes later we pulled into a driveway and Dustin shut the engine off. I followed what Dustin was doing and I jumped out of the truck making my way over to the drivers side. Their was still no lights so I hoped Dustin knew where to go. I stood next to Dustin as he smiled and took my hand in his. We walked up a sidewalk and a motion detector light noticed us and turned itself on illuminating the sidewalk and the beautiful flowers that surrounded the cabin. From what I can see the cabin was beautiful.  I was caught off guard when Dustin picked me up and cradled me in his arms while he carried me in the door.

The tiredness that was in my body had vanished as the felling of exploring through the cabin filled my veins. I really wanted to see what all the other rooms looked like but I didn't have a choice as Dustin carried me to the bedroom.

"What about our bags Dustin?" I said slightly laughing as Dustin almost tripped walking inside. Thankfully he didn't fall and land on me.

"Our bags can wait in the morning. I cant sit still any longer." I was laid down on the bed with Dustin hovering over top of me with one leg in between mine.

"Oh what does that mean." I grabbed Dustin's cowboy hat off his head and propped myself up on my elbows setting the hat on my head. A huge smile crossed his face as he looked at me with lust in his eyes.

"It means I don't want to lay down and cuddle right now. Its the first night of our honeymoon we don't have to sleep right away." I found myself smiling and laying back down so I could have my hands to unbutton Dustin's flannel. After that I ran my hands down his chest as it was an easy way to turn him on. He leaned down to kiss me and my hands roamed down to his belt buckle. I unbuttoned his pants and slid them down his legs until he stepped out of them leaving himself in his boxers.

My flannel didn't stay on much longer as Dustin unbuttoned it and slid it off my shoulders. His lips made a trail down my neck then my chest all the way down to the waistline of my jeans. My belt soon came off followed by my pants. I don't know how we did it but we had managed to get under the covers without braking the kiss or stopping anything else. I gripped Dustin's back as his fingers found themselves between my legs. Gladly this didn't last to long because I'm sure Dustin couldn't wait much longer with the noises he was making when I would do something to him.

I slipped Dustin's boxers all the way off and did my thing when Dustin removed his hand away from me. Deep groans escaped Dustin's mouth as I continued to do the movements.

"Damn it Danielle I cant wait any longer." Dustin barely found enough breath to say that into the air from the pleasure that I was fulfilling him with.

"Com'on baby you made me wait long enough." A huge grin crossed Dustin's face as he leaned down to kiss me and to start what we both been wanting since the truck ride.

I woke up to the birds chirping outside and the sun shining inside the bedroom where we made love last night for the second night in a row. I stretched out and noticed that all of our stuff is still in the truck. I groaned and climbed out of bed careful enough not to wake Dustin up. I grabbed my underwear and pants and threw them on then I grabbed Dustin's flannel and slipped my arms through. I grabbed Dustin's truck keys and headed out the door.

I grabbed all of our bags and set them inside in the living room. I didn't wan to unpack our bags and wake Dustin up so I just left them in the living room and made my way around the cabin. It was absolutely beautiful. I felt so at home because it was just so inviting. The deer heads on the walls reminded me of hunting with Aaron and the fish mounted on the wall on the other side reminded me of fishing with Dustin for our second date when he asked me out.

I made my way to the kitchen next and looked around. Little bears held the salt and pepper shakers and a small plastic deer held the towel up on the counter. Everything in the cabin was cute and pretty. I walked around he cabin for a few minutes until my stomach growled. I made my way to the kitchen and noticed that their was no food so I had to make a run to the store.

Quietly I made my way to the bedroom and peeked in Dustin was still out and I didn't think that he would be waking up for awhile so I quickly left him a note on the bedside table that I was heading to the store and walked outside. After I got the trailer unhooked from the truck I jumped up in the cab and pulled my phone out. Since I had no idea about where we were at I used siri on my phone to tell me where the nearest store was at. Where our cabin was at it wasn't around anybody so we were alone in this part of the woods.

While I drove I kept noticing trail signs that said the name of the trail.  Piece after piece everything came together. When I would pass another cabin they had their razors and "mud toys". Everything was still hazy but I found the way back to the office and onto the main road. I followed the directions to the store and when I got their I quickly got things that we would need and got back out in about 30 minutes. People stared at me for being in suck a nice big jacked up truck but I was used to it.

I didn't have to use my phone to get back since I remembered the way to the store. I looked around at the stop lights and got to see some things about where we were at. Some were good and some were bad. I pulled into the road to the office and a guy walked out and flagged me down. I came to a stop and rolled the window down to talk to him.

"Hello are you Dustin Myers." I smiled and shook my head no.

"No I'm Danielle Myers his wife. Is their something wrong." The guy looked down at the stack of papers he was holding and fished around in them.

"Nope their is nothing wrong. I'm guessing that you guys are newlyweds because you are staying in the honeymoon cabin." I nodded my head and he smiled. "Well congratulations on the marriage. What I stopped you for is because we missed you guys coming in late last night and we didn't get to hand you papers that you needed and this tag to hang around your mirror." I took the papers out of his hand and hung the tag thing on the review mirror. I said thank you as he was walking back into the building. I guessed that he was done talking so I drove off and headed for the cabin.

While I was gone a lot more razors and four wheelers showed up and were driving around. It could have been much easier to go online and see what all the Real McCoy Cabins were all about but I'm going to leave it for Dustin to surprise me with. I pulled into the cabin and grabbed the grocery bags laying them on the table. After all the food that needed to go in the fridge was in their I walked to the bedroom to find Dustin still fast asleep. I smiled to myself and walked back into the kitchen to put all the other foods away.

It didn't take me long to finish and I went outside and sat on the porch. The sound on motors revving up to go through the trails was coming from every direction. Those sounds were the best ever in my opinion. After a couple more minutes of listening to the motors I headed back inside and grabbed our bags to unpack them. I made sure I was quite and I left the room with Dustin not moving an inch other than his light snoring I could tell he was still alive. Driving nine miles really hit him hard but it was only eight in the morning.

I walked back downstairs to plan what I was going to cook for I breakfast and I started to cook. I made pancakes and bacon. I don't how Dustin does it but the first slice of bacon I placed in the skillet I heard his footsteps coming down the hallway. After a few seconds Dustin's shirtless body came into view. A smile came across my face as his arms wrapped around my belly.

"Good morning." I replied with a happy good morning sleepy head and his arms slightly tightened around me. "I cant wait until I can do this with a baby kicking in here." My heart swelled with his words and I planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Me either baby." The rest of breakfast went by a flash and we were in the shower with me pressed up against the wall. Hey who said that morning sex wasn't good. I got picked up and as Dustin did that I wrapped my legs around his bare hips. I felt his thing between my legs as we moved from the shower to the bed. The rest can be your imagination.

"You ready baby?" I nodded my head as I buckled the seat harness together. Dustin shifted gears and we were off. The plan for today is to hit two of the trials or how many we feel like and the rest is whatever we feel like doing. We bounced around as we hit holes and rocks that were in the dirt. Tree branches hit the windshield as we drove through the wood sections on the trials. Not doubting the beer that is in the cooler on the back of the razor is going to be shaken up. But hey beer is beer.

We stopped at a big open field to take a break and stretch and we caught up to another group of people. As we chatted about the trails and other random stuff we learned that they had just gotten married to just like us. Their names were Jessie and Scott which we learned that we had a lot in common with them. Dustin and I ended up being in a group with them as we drove through the trails. After that we meet some other people and we just ended up being one big group having a fun time.

By the end of the second trail the sun had started to set. We shared our goodbyes to our new friends and headed back to the cabin for a nice long rest. Good thing we don't have to meet Scott and Jessie till one in the afternoon for another ride. Dustin parked the razor and we hopped out heading into the cabin. I ran for the bathroom getting in their first so I could get a shower before Dustin.

One thing that I loved is that nothing changed between us. The only thing that did was that we gotten a little more serious about our relationship with being married and taking the responsibilities of being adults. Dustin still acted like a child sometimes and the joking and messing around never stopped. He still treated me like when we first started dating with being a nice gentleman giving me flowers and handing me his jacket when I was cold. I just hope that none of this changes.

My thinking stopped as I turned the water off and dried my body walking out  into the bedroom in my towel. Surprisingly Dustin wasn't in the bedroom. I just thought that he was in the kitchen or putting the razor in the garage. So I went on with my own business and started getting dressed. I just had put my bra and panties on when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to be flung over a set of muscular shoulders.  l laughed and laughed as Dustin tickled my sides.

Somehow my legs got caught in between Dustin's and we went tumbling to the ground. We laid their and laughed for a good five minutes.

"Go get a shower so we can go to bed." I laughed as Dustin sent a salute my way and walked into the bathroom. Instead of getting pj's on I just crawled into bed and pulled the covers over my body I still had my underwear on but I threw my bra across the room over by the dresser. It will be their in the morning. Dustin walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his hips and I turned around because he just drops the towel and crawls into bed. Were so used to each other now but that's a good thing.

Dustin wrapped his arms round me and pulled me into his chest. Another thing that he did and I loved it every time he did it.

"Baby?" I heard Dustin mumble so I started to ask the question I've been wanting to know ever since we got married. "When do you want to try and start a family? I know were one now but with kids. We have Whiskey but I just want to know." Dustin was wide awake now and his arms loosened around me just enough so we could look at each other.

"I cant wait to start a family Danielle but we just got married. I would love to try soon but with us just starting our lives together we should wait a couple years. I love you a lot and I hope our kids look just like you but with you just starting your racing career its not the best idea to put that all on hold. We will know when the time is right and if you don't feel it I will tell you down the road when I feel like its time to try." My eyes started to water at Dustin's words. They all made perfect sense the way he was putting it. "Baby don't cry please. I know your happy but I don't like seeing you cry at all." I nodded my head and Dustin's big hands wiped away the tears that fell from my eyes.

"What do you want them to be." Dustin thought about it for a minute.

"It doesn't matter to me just as long as their healthy I don't care." I smiled and tried not to cry. "If our first child is a boy I want to name him Carson but if its a girl I'm not sure what to name her." One more tear fell from my eye and Dustin kissed me on the forehead.

"I love the name Carson." Dustin smiled and tightened his arms around me.

"Lets go to bed baby we can talk about this in the morning." I fell asleep with a huge smile knowing a little more about the future that Dustin and I was going to have.

The week had flown by and we were saying goodbye to Jessie and Scott as we traded numbers Dustin threw our last bag into the back of the truck. I gave Jessie one last hug and we headed off back home nine hours away. This was by far the best week that I've ever had. We had spent many late nights talking about our future and what our plans were going to be. Every time I would think about them I would smile and then Dustin would catch me which made me smile even more. It happened every damn time.

Home sweet home came into view and we didn't even bother to unpack as we crashed on the couch for a long nap.

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