Never Not You

By Backtoback1234

96.9K 2.6K 219

Leah Williamson x OC I don't claim to know anyone in this personally and therefore their character, personal... More

Who is she
New album and Random
Caught on Camera
X's Album
After Training Pick Up
Acting "Normal" + new songs
The truth comes out
Dms & Hard Conversations
Getting away
Finally Happy?
The Call and Distraction
Finished the album, wanna hear?
S(ex) with my ex
Leah's social media escapades
Reactions to the album
Little update
Confrontation and nights out
What happened
Could you be...?
One good thing
No more
Don't do tha...What was that?
Feeling low
Meet the girls
England Bound
Man City
Meet the girls pt2
Birthday Post From Leah
The Real Present...all...night...long
Birthday Drop
Leah's present
Nothing to fear?
I'm sorry
Bath time
Preparing for the Date
Date pt.1
Date pt.2
Date pt.3
Piscina - Contigo
Not catching on
I'm leaving tomorrow
A shell of herself
Please Rory
I'm begging you
This isn't goodbye
Home alone
Arriving in spain
The call
No more leaving
I missed you
Crashing the party
Wake up Call


2.1K 51 1
By Backtoback1234

Aurora sat in her parked car, her fingers hovering over her phone screen. She hesitated, debating whether to send Alex a text. There were things on her mind, things she wanted to share, but a wave of uncertainty held her back. She sighed, her gaze fixed on the screen as she wrestled with her thoughts. After a moment of contemplation, she finally typed out a message, her thumb hesitating over the send button before she pressed it, sending the text off into the digital abyss.

Fav Singer
Hey Alex, I know you are probably busy right now but I just have to ask real quick, do you know a Kayla?

Scotty A
Kayla? No I don't think I do

Fav Singer
Oh um ok thanks
Don't worry

Scotty A
Are you sure?

Fav singer
Yeh don't worry scotty
Actually, Alex.
I know you are Leah's friend before mine but you would tell me if something was happening right?

Scotty A
Of course I would Aurora
Why what's happening?
Do I need to talk to Leah?

Fav Singer
Thanks Alex
Don't worry about it I'm probably being stupid anyway
Please don't mention this to Leah

~ Alex ~

Alex sat with furrowed brows, her phone held tightly in her hand as she read Aurora's message. Confusion rippled through her, mingling with a touch of concern. She reread the text, trying to decipher its meaning, but it only left her feeling more puzzled.

"Who's Kayla?" she muttered to herself, her mind racing with questions. Why was Aurora asking about someone she didn't know? Was there something she should be worried about? Why didn't Aurora want Leah knowing? The uncertainty gnawed at her, leaving a knot of unease in the pit of her stomach.

Before she could think more on the topic, Leah entered the room. Alex glanced up, offering a warm smile. "Ready to head out?"

"Yeah, I'm leaving now," Leah replied casually.

"Need a lift?" Alex asked, gathering her things.

Leah shook her head. "No, my friend's picking me up."

Alex raised an eyebrow playfully. "Leah, you don't need to say 'friend.' We both know Aurora is more than just a friend," she teased.

Leah's smile faltered momentarily. "Actually, no. It's my friend Kayla," she replied, her tone a touch uncertain.

Alex's expression froze, her eyes widening as she remembered her recent conversation with Aurora. She quickly masked her surprise and nodded. "Got it. I'll just grab my boots and join you."

As they walked out together, Alex couldn't shake off her curiosity. "So, why isn't Aurora picking you up?" she asked casually.

Leah shrugged. "She's just busy, I guess. Got stuff to do," she replied.

"And who's Kayla?" Alex probed further.

Leah hesitated for a moment before answering. "Oh, she's just a friend. She's visiting for a bit," she explained, though her response seemed a bit rehearsed.

Alex couldn't help but feel skeptical, especially considering the recent messages with Aurora, but she decided to let it go for now. "Got it," she replied, keeping her suspicions to herself as they continued walking.

As they stepped outside, Alex's eyes scanned the parking lot and landed on a blonde she didn't recognize, standing by a blue car. The blonde's enthusiastic wave caught Leah's attention.

"Oh, that's Kayla," Leah exclaimed, pointing to the blonde. "I'll catch you later, Alex," she added, giving her a quick smile before walking over to Kayla.

Alex stood frozen as she watched Leah and Kayla share a kiss by the car. Her heart sank as she realized the implications of what she had just witnessed. Leah had been seeing someone else behind Aurora's back, granted the two weren't officially together but they weren't NOT together.

Leah turned to see Alex still standing at the exit of the facility, staring, her expression a mixture of shock and guilt. "Alex," she stammered, her cheeks flushing red.

Alex clenched her fists, trying to push down the surge of anger bubbling inside her. "I can't believe this," she muttered under her breath.

Leah took a step forward, reaching out as if to explain, but Alex shook her head, cutting her off. "Save it," she said curtly, her voice tinged with disappointment.

Without another word, Alex turned on her heel and marched back to her car. She needed to talk to Aurora, to tell her what she had seen.

Alex sat in her car, her fingers hesitating over her phone screen as she debated whether to message Aurora. She typed out a message, then quickly erased it, unsure of what to say. This cycle repeated a few times until she noticed Leah leaving with Kayla in the blue car.

Suddenly, Alex remembered her conversation with Aurora, where she promised to keep her informed if something happened. Taking a deep breath, she finally decided to send a message to Aurora.

She typed out the messages to Aurora, feeling the weight of her words with each keystroke. She couldn't bring herself to fully explain what had happened over text – it was too important, too delicate a matter. Instead, she simply hinted at the truth, hoping that Aurora would understand.

Scotty A
Are you at home?

Fav singer
Yeah why?

Scotty A
I met Kayla
Well I didn't really meet her, I just saw her

Fav singer
Oh? How comes? Who is she? Is she pretty?

Scotty A
I think we should speak in person
Not over texts

Fav singer
So something happened

Scotty A
I'm sorry Aurora

Fav singer
Don't worry scotty it's fine
I'm fine

Scotty A
I'll see you in a bit

Fav singer
Yh ok

As she drove to Aurora's house, her mind raced with a million thoughts, each one more painful than the last. She couldn't believe Leah had betrayed Aurora like this, and she couldn't shake the feeling of anger and betrayal gnawing at her insides.

When she arrived at Aurora's house, she took a deep breath and rang the doorbell, steeling herself for the difficult conversation that lay ahead.

"What happened?" Aurora asked bluntly.

Alex took a deep breath, knowing she couldn't skirt around the issue. "We were leaving training, me and Leah," she began, her voice somber. "And there was this girl there to pick her up, it was Kayla. They... they kissed."

Aurora's eyes widened in shock, her hand instinctively flying to her mouth. "They kissed?" she repeated, her voice barely a whisper, struggling to process the revelation.

Alex nodded grimly. "Yeah," she confirmed, her gaze steady on Aurora. "I saw it happen. Kayla kissed Leah."

Aurora's expression flickered with a mix of emotions—disbelief, hurt, and anger swirling within her. "When you said Kayla kissed Leah, did Leah... did she kiss back or pull away?" Aurora's voice was steady, but there was a flicker of vulnerability in her eyes.

Alex hesitated, momentarily unsure of how to respond. "She... Leah kissed back," she admitted reluctantly, knowing Aurora deserved the truth.

Aurora's shoulders slumped slightly, and a soft "oh" escaped her lips, betraying a mixture of disappointment and resignation. She nodded slowly, as if coming to terms with the reality of the situation.

Alex watched her carefully, sensing the weight of Aurora's emotions. "I'm sorry," she said softly, her voice filled with genuine sympathy.

Aurora's expression softened with gratitude as she thanked Alex for her honesty. "I won't tell her you told me," she added, offering a faint smile.

Alex couldn't shake the weight of the situation and finally asked the question that lingered in the air. "What does this mean for you and Leah?" she inquired, her voice tinged with concern.

Aurora's voice held a hint of resignation as she met Alex's gaze squarely. "It means it's over between us," she stated with a heavy heart, the weight of the words echoing in the room.

Alex's concern was palpable as she leaned forward slightly, her brows furrowing. "How are you going to do it?" she asked softly.

Aurora took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding, her voice steady but tinged with sadness. "I don't know. I guess I'll act normal, like I don't know," she explained. "Then I'll see what happens. But it will be over within the week. And your name won't be brought up."

"I'm sorry for putting you in the middle of this," she murmured, her eyes reflecting the weight of the situation.

Alex shook her head gently. "There's no need to apologize," she replied softly, her sympathy evident. "Leah's being stupid."

"Thank you, Alex," Aurora said, her voice choked with emotion. "I'm sorry, but... can I just be alone now?"

Alex nodded, her expression somber. "Of course," she said, her voice gentle. "Don't be a stranger, okay?"

Aurora offered a small, sad smile. "I won't," she promised, before retreating into the solitude of her own thoughts.

As Alex turned to leave, she paused and turned back to Aurora. "Hey, don't worry about bringing my name up. I'm gonna tell Leah myself that I've spoken to you," she assured her.

Aurora looked surprised, shaking her head slightly. "You don't have to do that, Alex," she insisted.

But Alex offered a small smile. "I want to," she said firmly. "Take care, okay?"

In the quiet of her car, Alex dialed Leah's number, her heart pounding with unease. When Leah answered, Alex could hear her giggling softly with Kayla, but there was a hint of worry in her voice as she greeted Alex.

"Hey, Alex," Leah said, her tone a mix of cheerfulness and apprehension.

"Leah, go somewhere you're alone," Alex said firmly, the urgency evident in her voice.

Leah's laughter tapered off, replaced by a sense of concern. "Um, okay," she replied quickly, recognizing the seriousness in Alex's tone. Without hesitation, Leah excused herself from Kayla and found a private spot to continue the conversation.

Are you alone now?


I told Aurora

Told her what?

I told her you and Kayla kissed today

What?! Why would you do that?!

Because she deserves to know, Leah. She deserves the truth.

FUCK!!, Alex! You've just ruined everything!

No, Leah. You did that yourself. How long has it been going on?

None of your business, Alex! Just stay out of it!

Leah, you're being so fucking stupid about this. I know something more than just hookups was happening between you and Aurora.

Alex, please, just stop!

No Leah. You need to tell me everything. And you need to tell me now because I may be YOUR best friend but you've seriously fucked up.

Ok. So for the past two years while Aurora was working on her X's album and on tour, we've been sorting things out between us. We were finally going to try us for real. You know be in a proper relationship. We weren't seeing, hooking up with, or kissing anyone else.  For two years, it's just been us in a semi-relationship because it wasn't official yet.

And now you've gone and ruined all of that.

Yeah, I have.

Why? Leah, she's all you've ever talked about. Why would you fuck this up?

I-I-I don't know Alex. I don't know why I did it.

How long?

The past two months.

You've been leading her on, Leah. You've broken her heart. Aurora is the sweetest, most kind person I've ever met and she's already been through so much. So much that she's shared with you and probably so much more that she hasn't shared. She doesn't deserve this. You don't deserve her.

I know I don't deserve her, but I had her.

Yeah, emphasis on the had. You lost her now, Leah, and you can't even give a reason as to why you went and ruined it.

Do you think I can fix it?

I don't even think you want to fix it, Leah. You were giggling away and probably been all over Kayla while Aurora's at home in pieces.

I do. That's all I want, Alex. All I've ever wanted and will ever want is Aurora.

You should've thought about that before getting with Kayla.

I know Alex, I fucked up big time

Have you two hooked up? You and Kayla?


I'm so disappointed in you, Leah. Aurora deserves better.

I know.

No, you don't. And to answer your question. You can't fix it Leah. I really don't think you can. She wants to end things for good. God Leah, her face when I told her. You broke her Leah. More than anyone and anything has before.


Goodbye Leah

Alex hangs up the phone with a sharp click, feeling the weight of the conversation crush down on her shoulders. Tears well up in her eyes, blurring her vision as she struggles to contain the flood of emotions swirling inside her. She sinks back against the seat, clutching her phone tightly in her trembling hands.

A wave of sadness washes over her, accompanied by a deep sense of frustration and disappointment. Despite her grief, Alex can't help but feel guilty for shedding tears over a situation that didn't directly involve her. She brushes away the tears, scolding herself for being so emotionally affected by someone else's pain. After all, it was Aurora who had her heart shattered, not her. She knows she shouldn't be the one crying, that her tears are an unwelcome intrusion into Aurora and Leah's relationship. Or rather lack of relationship.

But try as she might, Alex can't shake the overwhelming sadness that grips her. She feels a deep sense of empathy for Aurora, knowing the pain she must be going through, and a pang of regret for her role in bringing the truth to light. She felt guilty. So guilty. That she was the one to tell Aurora. That technically it was her who broke the girls heart. Not Leah. Her. She told her and therefore she broke her heart. But she knows deep down that it was the right decision to tell Aurora about Leah and Kayla. She understands that the truth had to come out, and it was better for Aurora to hear it from her rather than discovering it in some other, potentially more painful way.

As she wipes away her tears, she tries to find solace in the fact that she acted out of concern for Aurora's well-being. She knows that keeping such a significant secret would have only prolonged the inevitable and caused more hurt in the long run.

Still, the weight of her decision hangs heavily on Alex's conscience. The thought of causing pain to someone she cares about leaves a bitter taste in her mouth.

Despite her internal turmoil, Alex knows she can't undo what's been done. All she can do now is try to support Aurora through the aftermath and hope that, in time, healing will come for all involved. With a heavy heart, she starts the engine and drives off, hoping to find some semblance of peace amidst the chaos.

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