A Villain's Past - WARRIORS

By Avian_Mrix

85 7 24

This story is about a she-cat facing the reality of the world, Avian. Avian was never intended to be a cold-b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 4

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By Avian_Mrix

"You know," I said as I continued to neatly wrap the leaf around DarkTalon's wounds, "I can't always save your fur. I can't do this again," I murmured the last part quietly, "I might just get myself killed," I warned, securing the bandage I made for him. "That's why, you should leave the job to me," He replied, scrunching up his face.

"And leave all the fun for you? I'd rather get myself exiled then see another cat die brutally," I answered, backing up so he could get up. 

"There should be no fun for you to enjoy if you don't like seeing brutal things," He rose onto his paws, shaking the dust off his fur, "Besides, I can fight by myself. I'm an experienced warrior," He trailed his tongue down his chest.

"That doesn't matter," I chirped, "The thing is, you'd be fighting against our best warriors tomorrow. Like today. You almost got your fur kicked by Amaruq. Now that's embarrassing," I added roughly.

"But I didn't," He raised his head to face me.

"But you needed my help," I came back, flicking my tail, "You cannot always be so confident. My clan isn't as merciful as I am." I began, "I may be a loyal warrior, but you should also understand that even I cannot save you everyday. What if you die, hm? You almost did with Amaruq," I asked, waiting for his answer.

"I won't die," He narrowed his eyes, flattening his ears.

"How can you be so sure? It'd be a shame to see your body lifeless when I saved your rum today," I rolled my eyes. He didn't say a word, only looked down at his paws, "What about AmberKit?" He looked up.

"I don't know," I said in an honest voice, "The leader didn't tell me what he was going to do to her, or the other kits he may capture."

"He is stealing more of our kits?" He inquired, his pupils dilating with worry, "Yes, sadly. However, in my understanding, I think he may train them to be one of us," I informed serenely. Or at least I tried to be serene. 

"Train to be one of you?... Be bloodthirsty murderers?" He bared his teeth, his mood immediately changing, "Our kits from Thunderclan are meant to be warriors! Our warriors, our next generation for the new era. Not to be some ruthless murders," He said defensively.

I had to admit, I was a bit offended by the bloodthirsty murderers part, but I held in my frustration, "Look," I started, "I understand that you're m-"

"Oh, I'm far from just mad! I should kill you all myself," He threatened, "Leave you to stop kidnapping our kits," DarkTalon's claws unsheathed and dug deep into the ground.

"Watch it!" I warned with a hiss, "They might hear you. And if they do, you're not going to like what is going to happen next," I used my tail to cover my unsheathed claws. They itched for battle, but I had to comprehend myself. I can't just attack for no reason. I had to be calm. Or at least, be as calm as I can.

"Why should I?" He inched closer, "I'm no cat to control. I'm deputy of Thunderclan!"

"And that is just that, can't you just see your mistake here, DarkTalon? You're the DEPUTY of Thunderclan, next to rule. Can you not see it? Why does my leader want to kill you?" I snarled.

"He wants to weaken your clan, and without you, your clan may fall. Even if your leader picks a new one, you are still the strongest of your clan." I sighed.

"How do you know that?" He tilted his head, his aggressive composure not fading away any time soon.

"For starters, you did brag how much of a good warrior you are, and second is because when my team and I went to steal your kits, your warriors didn't look so good."

"They looked weak." I said the last part in a low voice.

DarkTalon stood quiet for a moment, his aggressive stance softening a little. "I know. That's what scares me," he exhaled, "My kin, my clan is weak from this disease. We don't know what it is, but it is picking off our warriors one by one. It makes us look skinny, and fragile," He turned his back on me, seating himself on the ground and looking up.

"Even the elders are dying like a flash.." He explained. I stood quiet before padding over and seated myself beside him, listening attentively, "I think it's because of those mice. The mice must've eaten something from the twolegs, and once we ate it, it infected us." 

"But I'm not entirely sure," He admitted, "That's why I do my best to be strong for my clan, and so protective of it. It's everything I have. Because.. I think I might fail. Be a failure," He almost had a voice crack at the end. To be honest, I felt bad for the tom. His clan are his kin.

I think I understand why he was a bit aggressive when I answered his question.

"Well..." I pressed my fur against his, "I don't think you're a failure," I rumbled a purr. DarkTalon looked at me, "I appreciate it, Avian.." his eyes didn't leave mine, "But I think you're a fleabag!" I said out of nowhere.

"Mousebrain!" he hissed, but I could see the amusement in his eyes.

It was already evening, and I was seated near the leader's den. I shuffled my paws, tracing lines on the dirt to calm myself. Suddenly, I smelt his scent come closer, I shot my head up, staring at him in front of me, "Greetings," I bowed my head, looking away from his gaze.

"Don't greet me, Avian," He said quickly, "I don't want to hear it. Tell me, who is this tom to you?" He asked with narrowed eyes.

I didn't answer for a moment, nor did I make any eye contact. I took a breath, opening my maw to speak, "He is nothing to me but our prisoner. But killing off innocent cats like himself is just... Ruthless," I said the last part lowly, "You saved him just for that pathetic little reason? What are you?" He questioned.

"Look at me, Avian. Now." He instructed firmly, the last word was rougher than the others. I simply shook my head. In an instant, I felt a paw go under my chin and yank me closer. I tried to pull away but his claws dug deep into my skin. I held in a yelp, and I was forced to look him in the eye. His pupils sharpened as I faced him, "Don't disobey me or I'll kill you myself," He threatened.

I wanted to be brave and lionhearted. More lionhearted than him in this situation. But what could I do? I only had one choice but to comprehend, "Yes, Magpie," The words flowed out of my mouth randomly. I don't even know what has gotten into me. Submitting so easily? ... Must've got a tick stuck in my fur.

"Since you saved that idiot from his death, you're going ALONE to save Buck. No one is going to be by your side, and if you die, you die. It is none of my concern!" He tossed my chin roughly. I scrambled back, nodding slowly, "And if you come back unsuccessful, I would gladly make you a prisoner like your Thunderclan friend over there," He peered closer, "Is that clear?"

"Yes, leader. It is clear." I immediately replied, cursing at myself for being so skittish at this very moment. Why was I so skittish? Why couldn't I fight? Is it because of the adrenaline running flowing through my veins with pure fear? 

"Good." Magpie seated himself on the ground.

"Don't disappoint me," He bared his teeth, eyeing me as if I was a mere slave.

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